Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - AccountingDocumentsReceivable
This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of accounting documents for SAP systems. It includes key information such as exchange rates, company details, customer data, accounting document numbers, line item details, currency information, fiscal periods, and aging information.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
AccountingDocuments | Accounting document details |
CustomersMD | Customer master data |
CompaniesMD | Company master data |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing accounting data for specific clients, companies, or customers
- Monitoring open and overdue receivables
- Identifying trends and patterns in accounting transactions
- Supporting financial reporting and analysis
Query Logic
The query retrieves accounting document data and joins it with customer and company master data. It also calculates fiscal periods and aging information using custom SQL functions. The query filters the results to include only accounting documents with a specific account type.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FBL5N | Display Line Items: Document Overview |
FBL1N | Display Line Items: G/L Account |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
AccountingDocuments.Client_MANDT | Client ID | |
AccountingDocuments.ExchangeRateType_KURST | Exchange rate type | |
AccountingDocuments.CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company code | |
CompaniesMD.CompanyText_BUTXT | Company name | |
AccountingDocuments.CustomerNumber_KUNNR | Customer number | |
AccountingDocuments.FiscalYear_GJAHR | Fiscal year | |
CustomersMD.NAME1_NAME1 | Customer name | |
CompaniesMD.Country_LAND1 | Company country | |
CompaniesMD.CityName_ORT01 | Company city | |
CustomersMD.CountryKey_LAND1 | Customer country key | |
CustomersMD.City_ORT01 | Customer city | |
AccountingDocuments.AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR | Accounting document number | |
AccountingDocuments.NumberOfLineItemWithinAccountingDocument_BUZEI | Number of line item within accounting document | |
AccountingDocuments.CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency key | |
AccountingDocuments.LocalCurrency_HWAER | Local currency | |
CompaniesMD.FiscalyearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal year variant | |
Period | Fiscal period | |
Current_Period | Current fiscal period | |
AccountingDocuments.AccountType_KOART | Account type | |
AccountingDocuments.PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Posting date in the document | |
AccountingDocuments.DocumentDateInDocument_BLDAT | Document date in document | |
AccountingDocuments.InvoiceToWhichTheTransactionBelongs_REBZG | Invoice to which the transaction belongs | |
AccountingDocuments.BillingDocument_VBELN | Billing document | |
AccountingDocuments.WrittenOffAmount_DMBTR | Written off amount | |
AccountingDocuments.BadDebt_DMBTR | Bad debt | |
AccountingDocuments.netDueDateCalc | Net due date | |
AccountingDocuments.sk2dtCalc | Cash discount date 1 | |
AccountingDocuments.sk1dtCalc | Cash discount date 2 | |
AccountingDocuments.OpenAndNotDue | Open and not due | |
AccountingDocuments.ClearedAfterDueDate | Cleared after due date | |
AccountingDocuments.ClearedOnOrBeforeDueDate | Cleared on or before due date | |
AccountingDocuments.OpenAndOverDue | Open and overdue | |
AccountingDocuments.DoubtfulReceivables | Doubtful receivables | |
AccountingDocuments.DaysInArrear | Days in arrear | |
AccountingDocuments.AccountsReceivable | Accounts receivable | |
AccountingDocuments.Sales | Sales |