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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - AccountsPayable


This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that provides insights into accounting invoices and related data. It combines data from various SAP tables to provide a comprehensive view of vendor invoices, parked invoices, purchase orders, and other relevant information. The view is designed to support analysis and reporting on vendor payments, cash discounts, overdue invoices, and other key metrics.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountingDocuments Accounting documents table containing details of accounting documents, such as invoices, payments, and credit memos.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.InvoiceDocuments_Flow Invoice documents table containing details of invoice documents, such as invoice numbers, invoice dates, and invoice amounts.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.CompaniesMD Companies master data table containing details of companies, such as company codes, company names, and fiscal year variants.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.VendorsMD Vendors master data table containing details of vendors, such as vendor names, vendor addresses, and vendor payment terms.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.VendorConfig Vendor configuration table containing vendor-specific configuration settings, such as low field values for potential penalty calculations.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.PurchaseDocumentsHistory Purchase documents history table containing details of purchase orders and related documents, such as purchase order numbers, item numbers, and quantities.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.CurrencyConversion Currency conversion table containing exchange rates for different currencies and conversion dates.

Key Use Cases

  • Analyze vendor payment patterns and identify potential savings opportunities through early payment discounts.
  • Monitor overdue invoices and take necessary actions to prevent late payment penalties.
  • Identify and track parked invoices that need to be processed.
  • Gain insights into purchase order history and match it with invoice data for better reconciliation.
  • Calculate potential penalty amounts based on vendor-specific configurations.

Query Logic

The view combines data from the source tables using a series of joins and unions. It applies filters and calculations to derive the desired metrics and attributes. The view also leverages custom SQL functions and subqueries to enhance the data and provide additional insights.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
FB03 Display Document
FB60 Enter Incoming Invoice
FBL1N Display Line Items: Document Overview
FBL3N Display Line Items: Due Date List
FBL5N Display Line Items: Clearing Cockpit
ME23N Display Purchase Order
XK03 Display Vendor Master Record

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client ID
CompanyCode_BUKRS Company Code
CompanyText_BUTXT Company Name
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR Vendor/Creditor Account Number
NAME1 Vendor/Creditor Name
AmountInLocalCurrency_DMBTR Amount in Local Currency
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR Accounting Document Number
NumberOfLineItemWithinAccountingDocument_BUZEI Line Item Number within Accounting Document
DocumentNumberOfTheClearingDocument_AUGBL Document Number of the Clearing Document
TermsOfPaymentKey_ZTERM Terms of Payment Key
AccountType_KOART Account Type
ReasonCodeForPayments_RSTGR Reason Code for Payments
PaymentBlockKey_ZLSPR Payment Block Key
ClearingDate_AUGDT Clearing Date
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
FiscalYear_GJAHR Fiscal Year
FiscalPeriod_MONAT Fiscal Period
DocFiscPeriod Document Fiscal Period
KeyFiscPeriod Key Fiscal Period
NetDueDate Net Due Date
InvStatus_RBSTAT Invoice Status
PostingDate_BUDAT Posting Date
PurchasingDocumentNumber_EBELN Purchasing Document Number
CurrencyKey_WAERS Currency Key
SupplyingCountry_LANDL Supplying Country
AccountingDocumenttype_BLART Accounting Document Type
InvoiceDocumenttype_BLART Invoice Document Type
MovementType__inventoryManagement___BWART Movement Type
POOrderHistory_AmountInLocalCurrency_DMBTR Purchase Order History Amount in Local Currency
POOrderHistory_AmountInTargetCurrency_DMBTR Purchase Order History Amount in Target Currency
YearOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Year of Posting Date in the Document
MonthOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Month of Posting Date in the Document
WeekOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Week of Posting Date in the Document
QuarterOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Quarter of Posting Date in the Document
AmountInTargetCurrency_DMBTR Amount in Target Currency
ExchangeRate_UKURS Exchange Rate
TargetCurrency_TCURR Target Currency
OverdueAmountInSourceCurrency Overdue Amount in Source Currency
OverdueAmountInTargetCurrency Overdue Amount in Target Currency
OutstandingButNotOverdueInSourceCurrency Outstanding But Not Overdue in Source Currency
OutstandingButNotOverdueInTargetCurrency Outstanding But Not Overdue in Target Currency
OverdueOnPastDateInSourceCurrency Overdue On Past Date in Source Currency
OverdueOnPastDateInTargetCurrency Overdue On Past Date in Target Currency
PartialPaymentsInSourceCurrency Partial Payments in Source Currency
PartialPaymentsInTargetCurrency Partial Payments in Target Currency
LatePaymentsInSourceCurrency Late Payments in Source Currency
LatePaymentsInTargetCurrency Late Payments in Target Currency
UpcomingPaymentsInSourceCurrency Upcoming Payments in Source Currency
UpcomingPaymentsInTargetCurrency Upcoming Payments in Target Currency
PotentialPenaltyInSourceCurrency Potential Penalty in Source Currency
PotentialPenaltyInTargetCurrency Potential Penalty in Target Currency
PurchaseInSourceCurrency Purchase in Source Currency
PurchaseInTargetCurrency Purchase in Target Currency
IsParkedInvoice Is Parked Invoice
IsBlockedInvoice Is Blocked Invoice
CashDiscountReceivedInSourceCurrency Cash Discount Received in Source Currency
CashDiscountReceivedInTargetCurrency Cash Discount Received in Target Currency
TargetCashDiscountInSourceCurrency Target Cash Discount in Source Currency
TargetCashDiscountInTargetCurrency Target Cash Discount in Target Currency
AmountOfOpenDebitItemsInSourceCurrency Amount Of Open Debit Items in Source Currency
AmountOfOpenDebitItemsInTargetCurrency Amount Of Open Debit Items in Target Currency
AmountOfReturnInSourceCurrency Amount Of Return in Source Currency
AmountOfReturnInTargetCurrency Amount Of Return in Target Currency
