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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - AccountsPayableOverview


The 'AccountsPayableOverview' view is a reporting view that provides a comprehensive overview of accounts payable data for SAP systems. It combines data from multiple source tables to provide key metrics and insights into accounts payable performance.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountsPayable This table contains the core accounts payable data, including invoice details, payment information, and vendor information.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountsPayableTurnover This table provides turnover data for accounts payable, including monthly and quarterly turnover figures.
CashDiscountUtilization This table contains data on cash discounts received for accounts payable invoices.

Key Use Cases

  • Monitoring accounts payable performance and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Analyzing vendor payment patterns and identifying opportunities for early payment discounts.
  • Tracking overdue invoices and late payments to avoid penalties and maintain good vendor relationships.
  • Providing insights into accounts payable turnover and cash flow management.

Query Logic

The query logic combines data from the AccountsPayable, AccountsPayableTurnover, and CashDiscountUtilization tables using LEFT JOINs. It groups the results by key fields such as Client_MANDT, CompanyCode_BUKRS, and AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR to provide a consolidated view of accounts payable data for each invoice.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
FB03 Display Document
FBL1N Display Line Items
FBL3N Vendor Line Items
FBL5N Vendor Line Items: Due Date List

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client ID
CompanyCode_BUKRS Company Code
CompanyText_BUTXT Company Name
Name1 Vendor Name
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR Accounting Document Number
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR Vendor Account Number
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Posting Date
CurrencyKey_WAERS Document Currency
TargetCurrency_TCURR Target Currency
DocFiscPeriod Document Fiscal Period
MonthOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Month of Posting Date
YearOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Year of Posting Date
QuarterOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Quarter of Posting Date
WeekOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Week of Posting Date
ClearingDate_AUGDT Clearing Date
TotalDueAmountInSourceCurrency Total Due Amount in Source Currency
TotalDueAmountInTargetCurrency Total Due Amount in Target Currency
OverdueAmountInSourceCurrency Overdue Amount in Source Currency
OverdueAmountInTargetCurrency Overdue Amount in Target Currency
PastDueAmountInSourceCurrency Past Due Amount in Source Currency
PastDueAmountInTargetCurrency Past Due Amount in Target Currency
LatePaymentsInSourceCurrency Late Payments in Source Currency
LatePaymentsInTargetCurrency Late Payments in Target Currency
UpcomingPaymentsInSourceCurrency Upcoming Payments in Source Currency
UpcomingPaymentsInTargetCurrency Upcoming Payments in Target Currency
PotentialPenaltyInSourceCurrency Potential Penalty in Source Currency
PotentialPenaltyInTargetCurrency Potential Penalty in Target Currency
AccountsPayableTurnoverInSourceCurrency Accounts Payable Turnover in Source Currency
AccountsPayableTurnoverInTargetCurrency Accounts Payable Turnover in Target Currency
CountParkedInvoice Count of Parked Invoices
ParkedInvoiceAmountInSourceCurrency Parked Invoice Amount in Source Currency
ParkedInvoiceAmountInTargetCurrency Parked Invoice Amount in Target Currency
CountBlockedInvoice Count of Blocked Invoices
BlockedInvoiceAmountInSourceCurrency Blocked Invoice Amount in Source Currency
BlockedInvoiceAmountInTargetCurrency Blocked Invoice Amount in Target Currency
TargetCashDiscountInSourceCurrency Target Cash Discount in Source Currency
TargetCashDiscountInTargetCurrency Target Cash Discount in Target Currency
CashDiscountReceivedInSourceCurrency Cash Discount Received in Source Currency
CashDiscountReceivedInTargetCurrency Cash Discount Received in Target Currency
CashDiscountUtilizationInSourceCurrency Cash Discount Utilization in Source Currency
CashDiscountUtilizationInTargetCurrency Cash Discount Utilization in Target Currency
