Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - AddressesMD
This view provides a comprehensive reporting view of SAP address data. It combines data from multiple SAP tables to provide a single source of truth for address information.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
ADRC | Main table for address data |
ADRCT | Table for address notes |
ADR6 | Table for communication data |
ADRT | Table for communication links |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to retrieve address information for a given client and address number.
- Can be used to find all addresses for a given person.
- Can be used to find all communication data for a given address.
Query Logic
The view is created using a left outer join between the ADRC, ADRCT, ADR6, and ADRT tables. The join condition is on the client, addrnumber, and date_from fields. The view only includes rows from the ADRC table where the date_to field is equal to '9999-12-31'.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
XD01 | Create Address |
XD02 | Change Address |
XD03 | Display Address |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client | Client number | |
AddressNumber_ADDRNUMBER | Address number | |
ValidFromDATE_FROM | Valid from date | |
VersionIdForInternationalAddresses_NATION | Version ID for international addresses | |
ValidToDate_DATE_TO | Valid to date | |
FormOfAddressKey_TITLE | Form of address key | |
Name1_NAME1 | Name 1 | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name 3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name 4 | |
ConvertedNameField__withFormOfAddress___NAME_TEXT | Converted name field with form of address | |
CoName_NAME_CO | Company name | |
City_CITY1 | City | |
District_CITY2 | District | |
CityCodeForCitystreetFile_CITY_CODE | City code for city street file | |
DistrictCodeForCityAndStreetFile_CITYP_CODE | District code for city and street file | |
City__differentFromPostalCity___HOME_CITY | City different from postal city | |
DifferentCityForCitystreetFile_CITYH_CODE | Different city for city street file | |
CityFileTestStatus_CHCKSTATUS | City file test status | |
RegionalStructureGrouping_REGIOGROUP | Regional structure grouping | |
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 | City postal code | |
PoBoxPostalCode_POST_CODE2 | PO box postal code | |
CompanyPostalCode__forLargeCustomers___POST_CODE3 | Company postal code for large customers | |
cityPostalCodeExtension_PCODE1_EXT | City postal code extension | |
PoBoxPostalCodeExtension_PCODE2_EXT | PO box postal code extension | |
PoBox_PO_BOX | PO box | |
PoBoxAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_P | PO box address undeliverable flag | |
Flag_PoBoxWithoutNumber_PO_BOX_NUM | Flag: PO box without number | |
PoBoxCity_PO_BOX_LOC | PO box city | |
CityPoBoxCode__cityFile___CITY_CODE2 | City PO box code (city file) | |
RegionForPoBox_PO_BOX_REG | Region for PO box | |
PoBoxCountry_PO_BOX_CTY | PO box country | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_TRANSPZONE | Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered | |
Street_STREET | Street | |
StreetAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_S | Street address undeliverable flag | |
StreetNumberForCitystreetFile_STREETCODE | Street number for city street file | |
HouseNumber_HOUSE_NUM1 | House number | |
HouseNumberSupplement_HOUSE_NUM2 | House number supplement | |
Street2_STR_SUPPL1 | Street 2 | |
Street3_STR_SUPPL2 | Street 3 | |
Street4_STR_SUPPL3 | Street 4 | |
Street5_LOCATION | Street 5 | |
Building__numberOrCode___BUILDING | Building (number or code) | |
FloorInBuilding_FLOOR | Floor in building | |
RoomOrAppartmentNumber_ROOMNUMBER | Room or appartment number | |
CountryKey_COUNTRY | Country key | |
Language_LANGU | Language | |
Region_REGION | Region | |
AddressGroup__key_businessAddressServicesADDR_GROUP | Address group (key) (business address services) | |
Flag_ThereAreMoreAddressGroupAssignments_FLAGGROUPS | Flag: There are more address group assignments | |
Flag_ThisIsAPersonalAddress_PERS_ADDR | Flag: This is a personal address | |
SearchTerm1_SORT1 | Search term 1 | |
SearchTerm2_SORT2 | Search term 2 | |
CommunicationMethod__key_businessAddressServicesDEFLT_COMM | Communication method (key) (business address services) | |
FirstTelephone_TEL_NUMBER | First telephone | |
FirstExtension_TEL_EXTENS | First extension | |
FirstFaxNor_FAX_NUMBER | First fax nor | |
FirstFax_FAX_EXTENS | First fax | |
Flag_TelephoneNumber__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM2 | Flag: Telephone number(s) defined | |
Flag_FaxNumber__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM3 | Flag: Fax number(s) defined | |
Flag_TeletexNumber__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM4 | Flag: Teletex number(s) defined | |
Flag_TelexNumber__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM5 | Flag: Telex number(s) defined | |
EMailAddressX_FLAGCOMM6 | EMail address X | |
Flag_Rml__remoteMail__Addresse__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM7 | Flag: Rml (remote mail) addresse(s) defined | |
Flag_X400FLAGCOMM8 | Flag: X400FLAGCOMM8 | |
Flag_RfcDestination__s__Defined_FLAGCOMM9 | Flag: Rfc destination(s) defined | |
Flag_PrinterDefined_FLAGCOMM10 | Flag: Printer defined | |
Flag_SsfDefined_FLAGCOMM11 | Flag: Ssf defined | |
Flag_UriftpAddressDefined_FLAGCOMM12 | Flag: Uriftp address defined | |
Flag_PagerAddressDefined_FLAGCOMM13 | Flag: Pager address defined | |
Name__fieldName1__InUppercaseForSearchHelp_MC_NAME1 | Name (field name 1) in uppercase for search help | |
CityNameInUppercaseForSearchHelp_MC_CITY1 | City name in uppercase for search help | |
StreetNameInUppercaseForSearchHelp_MC_STREET | Street name in uppercase for search help | |
AddressTimeZone_TIME_ZONE | Address time zone | |
TaxJurisdiction_TAXJURCODE | Tax jurisdiction | |
AddressRecordCreationOriginalLanguage_LANGU_CREA | Address record creation original language | |
UuidUsedInTheAddress_ADRC_UUID | Uuid used in the address | |
Indicator_UuidCreatedLater_UUID_BELATED | Indicator: Uuid created later | |
CategoryOfAnAddressId_ID_CATEGORY | Category of an address ID | |
ErrorStatusOfAddress_ADRC_ERR_STATUS | Error status of address | |
PoBoxLobby_PO_BOX_LOBBY | PO box lobby | |
TypeOfDeliveryService_DELI_SERV_TYPE | Type of delivery service | |
NumberOfDeliveryService_DELI_SERV_NUMBER | Number of delivery service | |
CountyCodeForCounty_COUNTY_CODE | County code for county | |
County_COUNTY | County | |
TownshipCodeForTownship_TOWNSHIP_CODE | Township code for township | |
Township_TOWNSHIP | Township | |
CountyNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_COUNTY | County name in upper case for search help | |
TownshipNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_TOWNSHIP | Township name in upper case for search help | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_XPCPT | Business purpose completed flag | |
ValidFrom_DATE_FROM | Valid from | |
VersionInternationalAddresses_NATION | Version international addresses | |
AddressNotes_REMARK | Address notes | |
PersonNumber_PERSNUMBER | Person number | |
CommunicationMethod__key_businessAddressServicesCOMM_TYPE | Communication method (key) (business address services) | |
ValidFromDate_DATE_FROM | Valid from date | |
SequenceNumber_CONSNUMBER | Sequence number | |
CommunicationLinkNotes_REMARK | Communication link notes | |
Flag_ThisAddressIsTheDefaultAddress_FLGDEFAULT | Flag: This address is the default address | |
Flag_ThisCommunicationNumberIsNotUsed_FLG_NOUSE | Flag: This communication number is not used | |
RecipientAddressInThisCommunicationType__mailSys_HOME_FLAG | Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys) | |
EMailAddress_SMTP_ADDR | EMail address | |
EMailAddressSearchField_SMTP_SRCH | EMail address search field | |
Flag_RecipientIsStandardRecipientForThisAddress_DFT_RECEIV | Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this address | |
Flag_ConnectedToAnSapSystem_R3_USER | Flag: Connected to an SAP system | |
RequiredDataEncoding__eMail___ENCODE | Required data encoding (eMail) | |
Flag_ReceiverCanReceiveTnefEncodingBySmtp_TNEF | Flag: Receiver can receive Tnef encoding by Smtp | |
CommunicationData_ValidFrom__yyyymmddhhmmss___VALID_FROM | Communication data valid from (yyyymmddhhmmss) | |
CommunicationData_ValidTo__yyyymmddhhmmss___VALID_TO | Communication data valid to (yyyymmddhhmmss) |