Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - Billing
This view provides a comprehensive reporting dataset for SAP systems, combining data from the VBRK and VBRP tables along with additional calculations and dimensions. It offers insights into billing documents, customer information, product details, and financial metrics, enabling detailed analysis and reporting.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
vbrk | Billing Document Header Table |
vbrp | Billing Document Item Table |
aggkonv | Custom view for rebate calculation |
currency_decimal | Currency Decimal Table |
currency_conversion | Currency Conversion Table |
calendar_date_dim | Calendar Date Dimension Table |
Key Use Cases
- Sales analysis by customer, product, and region
- Financial reporting on billing documents and revenue
- Tracking of billing and payment status
- Customer segmentation and targeted marketing campaigns
- Performance monitoring of sales teams and products
Query Logic
The query combines data from the VBRK and VBRP tables using an inner join on the VBELN field. It then performs calculations for rebate, net value, and tax amounts, and joins with the AGGKONV view for rebate information. The query also includes currency conversion logic and joins with the calendar_date_dim table to add temporal dimensions. Finally, it calculates additional metrics such as order counts for different time periods.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
VF01 | Create Billing Document |
VF02 | Change Billing Document |
VF03 | Display Billing Document |
FBL1N | Display Line Items: Document Overview |
FBL3N | Display Line Items: G/L Account |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
BillingType_FKART | Billing Type | |
BillingCategory_FKTYP | Billing Category | |
SalesOrganization_VKORG | Sales Organization | |
DistributionChannel_VTWEG | Distribution Channel | |
Division_SPART | Division | |
SDDocumentCategory_VBTYP | SD Document Category | |
SalesDistrict_BZIRK | Sales District | |
PriceListType_PLTYP | Price List Type | |
BillingDocumentIsCancelled_FKSTO | Billing Document Is Cancelled | |
Payer_KUNRG | Payer | |
IncotermsPart1_INCO1 | Incoterms Part 1 | |
IncotermsPart2_INCO2 | Incoterms Part 2 | |
DestinationCountry_LAND1 | Destination Country | |
Region_REGIO | Region | |
CountryCode_COUNC | Country Code | |
CityCode_CITYC | City Code | |
TaxClassification1ForCustomer_TAXK1 | Tax Classification 1 For Customer | |
TaxClassification2ForCustomer_TAXK2 | Tax Classification 2 For Customer | |
TaxClassification3ForCustomer_TAXK3 | Tax Classification 3 For Customer | |
TaxClassification4ForCustomer_TAXK4 | Tax Classification 4 For Customer | |
TaxClassification5ForCustomer_TAXK5 | Tax Classification 5 For Customer | |
TaxDepartureCountry_LANDTX | Tax Departure Country | |
OriginOfSalesTaxIDNumber_STCEG_H | Origin Of Sales Tax ID Number | |
CountryOfSalesTaxIDNumber_STCEG_L | Country Of Sales Tax ID Number | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
CustomerPriceGroup_KONDA | Customer Price Group | |
StatusForTransferToAccounting_RFBSK | Status For Transfer To Accounting | |
BillingDate_FKDAT | Billing Date | |
FiscalYear_GJAHR | Fiscal Year | |
PostingPeriod_POPER | Posting Period | |
RecordCreationDate_ERDAT | Record Creation Date | |
LastChangeDate_AEDAT | Last Change Date | |
CustomerGroup_KDGRP | Customer Group | |
PaymentMethod_ZLSCH | Payment Method | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
DunningKey_MSCHL | Dunning Key | |
DunningBlock_MANSP | Dunning Block | |
SoldToParty_KUNAG | Sold To Party | |
AccrualBillingType_FKART_AB | Accrual Billing Type | |
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR | Accounting Document Number | |
ShippingConditions_VSBED | Shipping Conditions | |
SdDocumentCurrency_WAERK | Sd Document Currency | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
BillingDocument_VBELN | Billing Document | |
BillingItem_POSNR | Billing Item | |
SalesDocumentItemCategory_PSTYV | Sales Document Item Category | |
ItemType_POSAR | Item Type | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
SalesGroup_VKGRP | Sales Group | |
SalesOffice_VKBUR | Sales Office | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
DocumentCategoryOfPrecedingSDDocument_VGTYP | Document Category Of Preceding SD Document | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
PricingReferenceMaterial_PMATN | Pricing Reference Material | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
ProductHierarchy_PRODH | Product Hierarchy | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
MaterialPriceGroup_KONDM | Material Price Group | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
InternationalArticleNumber_EAN11 | International Article Number | |
MaterialGroup1_MVGR1 | Material Group 1 | |
MaterialGroup2_MVGR2 | Material Group 2 | |
MaterialGroup3_MVGR3 | Material Group 3 | |
MaterialGroup4_MVGR4 | Material Group 4 | |
MaterialGroup5_MVGR5 | Material Group 5 | |
BOMExplosionNumber_SERNR | BOM Explosion Number | |
CustomerGroup1_KVGR1 | Customer Group 1 | |
CustomerGroup2_KVGR2 | Customer Group 2 | |
CustomerGroup3_KVGR3 | Customer Group 3 | |
CustomerGroup4_KVGR4 | Customer Group 4 | |
CustomerGroup5_KVGR5 | Customer Group 5 | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
ShippingPointReceivingPoint_VSTEL | Shipping Point Receiving Point | |
DocumentNumberOfTheReferenceDocument_VGBEL | Document Number Of The Reference Document | |
ItemNumberOfTheReferenceItem_VGPOS | Item Number Of The Reference Item | |
SalesDocument_AUBEL | Sales Document | |
SalesDocumentItem_AUPOS | Sales Document Item | |
ActualBilledQuantity_FKIMG | Actual Billed Quantity | |
Volume_VOLUM | Volume | |
GrossWeight_BRGEW | Gross Weight | |
NetWeight_NTGEW | Net Weight | |
NumberOfTheDocumentCondition_KNUMV | Number Of The Document Condition | |
ConditionItemNumber_KPOSN | Condition Item Number | |
YearOfBillingDate_FKDAT | Year Of Billing Date | |
MonthOfBillingDate_FKDAT | Month Of Billing Date | |
WeekOfBillingDate_FKDAT | Week Of Billing Date | |
DayOfBillingDate_FKDAT | Day Of Billing Date | |
NetValue_NETWR | Net Value | |
TaxAmount_MWSBK | Tax Amount | |
TaxAmountPos_MWSBP | Tax Amount Pos | |
Rebate | Rebate | |
YearOrderCount | Year Order Count | |
MonthOrderCount | Month Order Count | |
WeekOrderCount | Week Order Count |