Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - CashDiscountUtilization
The AccountingDocumentsKPI
view provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for accounting documents in SAP systems. It includes information such as the client, company code, company text, vendor account number, vendor name, accounting document number, amount in local currency, clearing date, document number of the clearing document, cash discount received in source currency, cash discount received in target currency, target currency, currency key, posting date in the document, target cash discount in source currency, and target cash discount in target currency.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountsPayable |
Source table for Accounts Payable data |
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountingDocuments |
Source table for Accounting Documents data |
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.VendorsMD |
Source table for Vendors Master Data |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing cash discount performance
- Identifying vendors with high cash discount potential
- Monitoring vendor payment trends
- Improving cash flow management
Query Logic
The view is created using a Common Table Expression (CTE) called AccountingDocumentsKPI
. This CTE joins the AccountsPayable
and AccountingDocuments
tables on the client, company code, and accounting document number. It then calculates the target cash discount in source currency and target cash discount in target currency based on the posting key and clearing date. The main query then selects the necessary columns from the AccountingDocumentsKPI
CTE and groups the results by client, company code, company text, vendor account number, vendor name, accounting document number, and target currency.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FB03 | Display Document |
FBL1N | Line Item Display: G/L Account |
FBL3N | Line Item Display: Document |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client ID | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
CompanyText_BUTXT | Company Text | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | |
NAME1 | Vendor Name | |
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR | Accounting Document Number | |
TargetCurrency_TCURR | Target Currency | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
AmountInLocalCurrency_DMBTR | Amount in Local Currency | |
ClearingDate_AUGDT | Clearing Date | |
DocumentNumberOfTheClearingDocument_AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | |
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Posting Date in the Document | |
CashDiscountReceivedInSourceCurrency | Cash Discount Received in Source Currency | |
CashDiscountReceivedInTargetCurrency | Cash Discount Received in Target Currency | |
TargetCashDiscountInSourceCurrency | Target Cash Discount in Source Currency | |
TargetCashDiscountInTargetCurrency | Target Cash Discount in Target Currency |