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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - DeliveriesStatus_PerSalesOrg


This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of delivery-related data from SAP systems. It combines information from multiple tables to offer a consolidated view of delivery details, including delivery status, item-level information, and organizational data.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.Deliveries Contains general delivery header information.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.SDStatus_Items Provides delivery status information for each delivery item.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.SalesOrganizationsMD Supplies organizational data related to sales organizations.

Key Use Cases

  • Analyzing delivery performance and identifying bottlenecks.
  • Monitoring delivery status and tracking progress.
  • Performing data analysis and reporting on delivery-related metrics.
  • Supporting customer inquiries and resolving delivery issues.

Query Logic

The query combines data from the Deliveries, SDStatus_Items, and SalesOrganizationsMD tables using LEFT OUTER JOINs. It retrieves delivery header information, item-level status, and organizational details, and includes a CASE statement to provide a human-readable representation of the delivery status.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
VL03N Display Delivery
VL02N Change Delivery
VL01N Create Delivery

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
del.Client_MANDT Client number
del.Delivery_VBELN Delivery number
del.SalesDistrict_BZIRK Sales district
del.ShippingPointreceivingPoint_VSTEL Shipping point/receiving point
del.SalesOrganization_VKORG Sales organization
del.DeliveryType_LFART Delivery type
del.CompleteDeliveryDefinedForEachSalesOrder_AUTLF Complete delivery defined for each sales order
del.ActualQuantityDeliveredInStockkeepingUnits_LGMNG Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units
del.BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS Base unit of measure
del.LoadingDate_LDDAT Loading date
del.TransportationPlanningDate_TDDAT Transportation planning date
del.DeliveryDate_LFDAT Delivery date
del.UnloadingPoint_ABLAD Unloading point
del.Incoterms__part1___INCO1 Incoterms (part 1)
del.Incoterms__part2___INCO2 Incoterms (part 2)
del.ExportIndicator_EXPKZ Export indicator
del.Route_ROUTE Route
del.BillingBlockInSdDocument_FAKSK Billing block in SD document
del.DeliveryBlock_documentHeader_LIFSK Delivery block (document header)
del.SdDocumentCategory_VBTYP SD document category
del.CustomerFactoryCalendar_KNFAK Customer factory calendar
del.ShippingConditions_VSBED Shipping conditions
del.ShipToParty_KUNNR Ship-to party
del.SoldToParty_KUNAG Sold-to party
del.CustomerGroup_KDGRP Customer group
del.TotalWeight_BTGEW Total weight
del.NetWeight_NTGEW Net weight
del.WeightUnit_GEWEI Weight unit
del.VolumeUnit_VOLEH Volume unit
del.TotalNumberOfPackagesInDelivery_ANZPK Total number of packages in delivery
del.PickedItemsLocation_BEROT Picked items location
del.TimeOfDelivery_LFUHR Time of delivery
del.LoadingPoint_LSTEL Loading point
del.SdDocumentCurrency_WAERK SD document currency
del.ShippingProcessingTimeForTheEntireDocument_VBEAK Shipping processing time for the entire document
del.DateOfLastChange_AEDAT Date of last change
del.DocumentDateInDocument_BLDAT Document date in document
del.ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR Reference document number
del.Date__proofOfDelivery___PODAT Date (proof of delivery)
del.DeliveryItem_POSNR Delivery item
del.MaterialNumber_MATNR Material number
del.MaterialGroup_MATKL Material group
del.Plant_WERKS Plant
del.StorageLocation_LGORT Storage location
org.SalesOrgCurrency_WAERS Sales organization currency
org.SalesOrgName_VTEXT Sales organization name
org.Country_LAND1 Country
SD.Delivery_Status Delivery status
org.Language_SPRAS Language
del.is_return Is return
SD.DeliveryStatus_LFSTA Delivery status (item)
Delivery_StatusItm Delivery status (item description)
