Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - InvoiceDocuments_Flow
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that combines data from the RSEG and RBCO tables. It provides a comprehensive view of invoice-related data, including invoice header information, line item details, and additional fields for reporting purposes.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
RSEG | SAP table containing line item data for invoices |
RBCO | SAP table containing header data for invoices |
PRPS | SAP table containing project system data |
currency_decimal | Dimension table containing currency-specific decimal place information |
calendar_date_dim | Dimension table containing calendar date information |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to analyze invoice data for a specific period or range of periods.
- Can be used to drill down into invoice details, such as line items and accounting information.
- Can be used to generate reports on invoice-related metrics, such as total invoice amount, average invoice amount, and invoice volume.
Query Logic
The view is created using a series of subqueries and joins to combine data from the RSEG and RBCO tables. The subqueries are used to flip the debit/credit indicator and amount fields in the RSEG and RBCO tables to positive/negative values. The joins are used to combine the data from the two tables on the belnr and gjahr fields.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FB03 | Display Invoice Document |
FB60 | Enter Invoice |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
MRKO | Maintain Outline Agreement |
XK03 | Display Vendor Master Record |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
FiscalYear_GJAHR | Fiscal Year | |
InvoiceDocNum_BELNR | Invoice Document Number | |
InvoiceDocLineNum_BUZEI | Invoice Document Line Number | |
InvoiceDocAssignmentNum_COBL_NR | Invoice Document Assignment Number | |
Documenttype_BLART | Document Type | |
DocumentDate_BLDAT | Document Date | |
PostingDate_BUDAT | Posting Date | |
UserName_USNAM | User Name | |
TransactionCode_TCODE | Transaction Code | |
EnteredOn_CPUDT | Entered On | |
Enteredat_CPUTM | Entered at | |
TransactnType_VGART | Transaction Type | |
Reference_XBLNR | Reference | |
InvoicingParty_LIFNR | Invoicing Party | |
Currency_WAERS | Currency | |
Exchangerate_KURSF | Exchange Rate | |
GrossInvAmnt_RMWWR | Gross Invoice Amount | |
UnplDelCsts_BEZNK | Unplanned Delivery Costs | |
ValueAddedTax_WMWST1 | Value Added Tax | |
TaxCode_MWSKZ1 | Tax Code | |
notinuse_WMWST2 | Not in use | |
notinuse_MWSKZ2 | Not in use | |
Paytterms_ZTERM | Payment Terms | |
Days1_ZBD1T | Days 1 | |
Discpercent1_ZBD1P | Discount Percent 1 | |
Days2_ZBD2T | Days 2 | |
Discpercent2_ZBD2P | Discount Percent 2 | |
DaysNet_ZBD3T | Days Net | |
CDAmount_WSKTO | CD Amount | |
Invoice_XRECH | Invoice | |
DocHeaderText_BKTXT | Document Header Text | |
SAPRelease_SAPRL | SAP Release | |
Logicalsystem_LOGSYS | Logical System | |
CalculateTax_XMWST | Calculate Tax | |
Reversedby_STBLG | Reversed by | |
Year_STJAH | Year | |
TaxCode_MWSKZ_BNK | Tax Code | |
TaxJur_TXJCD_BNK | Tax Jurisdiction | |
IVcategory_IVTYP | IV Category | |
Sevtaxcodes_XRBTX | Seven Tax Codes | |
InvVerType_REPART | Invoice Version Type | |
Invstatus_RBSTAT | Invoice Status | |
DocCondition_KNUMVE | Document Condition | |
SupplierCond_KNUMVL | Supplier Condition | |
Invreduction_ARKUEN | Invoice Reduction | |
TaxInvRed_ARKUEMW | Tax Invoice Reduction | |
ManAccpdNetAmnt_MAKZN | Manually Accepted Net Amount | |
Taxaccptdman_MAKZMW | Tax Accepted Manually | |
SuppErrornet_LIEFFN | Supplier Error Net | |
TaxSuppError_LIEFFMW | Tax Supplier Error | |
Autoaccepted_XAUTAKZ | Auto Accepted | |
ISRnumber_ESRNR | ISR Number | |
Checkdigit_ESRPZ | Check Digit | |
ISRQRRef_ESRRE | ISR QR Reference | |
WTaxBase_QSSHB | W Tax Base | |
WTaxExempt_QSFBT | W Tax Exempt | |
WTaxCode_QSSKZ | W Tax Code | |
ServiceInd_DIEKZ | Service Indicator | |
SupplCntry_LANDL | Supplier Country | |
SCBInd_LZBKZ | SCB Indicator | |
RateforTaxes_TXKRS | Rate for Taxes | |
TaxRateLC_CTXKRS | Tax Rate Local Currency | |
Payer_EMPFB | Payer | |
Partbanktype_BVTYP | Partner Bank Type | |
Housebank_HBKID | House Bank | |
Assignment_ZUONR | Assignment | |
Pmntblock_ZLSPR | Payment Block | |
PymtMeth_ZLSCH | Payment Method | |
BaselineDate_ZFBDT | Baseline Date | |
PaymentRef_KIDNO | Payment Reference | |
InRRefno_REBZG | Invoice Reference Number | |
FiscalYear_REBZJ | Fiscal Year | |
InvestID_XINVE | Investment ID | |
ReportingCntry_EGMLD | Reporting Country | |
EUTriangDeal_XEGDR | EU Triangulation Deal | |
TaxReportingDate_VATDATE | Tax Reporting Date | |
GLAcct_HKONT | GL Account | |
NFtype_J_1BNFTYPE | NF Type | |
Branchnumber_BRNCH | Branch Number | |
EntryProfile_ERFPR | Entry Profile | |
SectionCode_SECCO | Section Code | |
Name_NAME1 | Name | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name 3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name 4 | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
Country_LAND1 | Country | |
Street_STRAS | Street | |
POBox_PFACH | PO Box | |
POBoxPCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
Postbankno_PSKTO | Post Bank Number | |
BankAccount_BANKN | Bank Account | |
Banknumber_BANKL | Bank Number | |
BankCountry_BANKS | Bank Country | |
TaxNumber1_STCD1 | Tax Number 1 | |
TaxNumber2_STCD2 | Tax Number 2 | |
LiableforVAT_STKZU | Liable for VAT | |
Equalizatntax_STKZA | Equalization Tax | |
Region_REGIO | Region | |
Controlkey_BKONT | Control Key | |
Instructionkey_DTAWS | Instruction Key | |
DMEindicator_DTAMS | DME Indicator | |
Onetimeacct_XCPDK | One Time Account | |
Pmntrecipient_EMPFG | Payment Recipient | |
Taxtype_FITYP | Tax Type | |
Taxnumbertype_STCDT | Tax Number Type | |
Naturalperson_STKZN | Natural Person | |
TaxNumber3_STCD3 | Tax Number 3 | |
TaxNumber4_STCD4 | Tax Number 4 | |
Reference_BKREF | Reference | |
RepsName_J_1KFREPRE | Representative's Name | |
TypeofBusiness_J_1KFTBUS | Type of Business | |
TypeofIndustry_J_1KFTIND | Type of Industry | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
VATRegNo_STCEG | VAT Registration Number | |
Createdby_ERNAME | Created By | |
Invrecptdate_REINDAT | Invoice Receipt Date | |
Pmtmethsupl_UZAWE | Payment Method Supplier | |
PlanningLevel_FDLEV | Planning Level | |
PlanningDate_FDTAG | Planning Date | |
Fixed_ZBFIX | Fixed | |
ReleaseInd_FRGKZ | Release Indicator | |
EnteredBy_ERFNAM | Entered By | |
Businessplace_BUPLA | Business Place | |
Branch_FILKD | Branch | |
LotNo_LOTKZ | Lot Number | |
Text_SGTXT | Text | |
Transaction_INV_TRAN | Transaction | |
PrepaymentStatus_PREPAY_STATUS | Prepayment Status | |
InvoiceNumber_PREPAY_AWKEY | Invoice Number | |
AssignmTest_ASSIGN_STATUS | Assignment Test | |
NextAssignment_ASSIGN_NEXT_DATE | Next Assignment | |
AssignmentEnd_ASSIGN_END_DATE | Assignment End | |
OriginalInvoice_COPY_BY_BELNR | Original Invoice | |
FiscalYear_COPY_BY_YEAR | Fiscal Year | |
CopiedInvoice_COPY_TO_BELNR | Copied Invoice | |
FYearInvCopy_COPY_TO_YEAR | Fiscal Year Invoice Copy | |
CreatorofCopy_COPY_USER | Creator of Copy | |
ExchangeRate_KURSX | Exchange Rate | |
Translationdte_WWERT | Translation Date | |
Referencekey3_XREF3 | Reference Key 3 | |
BranchCode_J_1TPBUPL | Branch Code | |
PoNum_EBELN | Purchase Order Number | |
PoLineNum_EBELP | Purchase Order Line Number | |
PoAssignmentNum_ZEKKN | Purchase Order Assignment Number | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
ValuationArea_BWKEY | Valuation Area | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
PoUOM_BSTME | Purchase Order Unit of Measure | |
OrderPriceUnit_BPRME | Order Price Unit | |
TotalValuatedStock_LBKUM | Total Valuated Stock | |
TotalValuatedStockPreviousPeriod_VRKUM | Total Valuated Stock Previous Period | |
PoItemCategory_PSTYP | Purchase Order Item Category | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ValuationClass_BKLAS | Valuation Class | |
IndicatorFinalInvoice_EREKZ | Indicator Final Invoice | |
IndicatorUpdateEKBE_EXKBE | Indicator Update EKBE | |
IndicatorUpdatePurchaseOrderDeliveryCosts_XEKBZ | Indicator Update Purchase Order Delivery Costs | |
IndicatorSubsequentDebitCredit_TBTKZ | Indicator Subsequent Debit/Credit | |
BlockingReasonPrice_SPGRP | Blocking Reason Price | |
BlockingReasonQuantity_SPGRM | Blocking Reason Quantity | |
BlockingReasonDate_SPGRT | Blocking Reason Date | |
BlockingReasonOrderPriceQuantity_SPGRG | Blocking Reason Order Price Quantity | |
BlockingReasonProjectBudget_SPGRV | Blocking Reason Project Budget | |
ManualBlockingReason_SPGRQ | Manual Blocking Reason | |
BlockingReasonQuality_SPGRC | Blocking Reason Quality | |
BlockingReasonEnhancementFields_SPGREXT | Blocking Reason Enhancement Fields | |
PostingStringforValues_BUSTW | Posting String for Values | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
IndicatorDocumentIsPostedPreviousPeriod_XRUEB | Indicator Document Is Posted Previous Period | |
DeliveryCostsItemSplit_BNKAN | Delivery Costs Item Split | |
Conditiontype_KSCHL | Condition Type | |
TotalValuatedStockValue_SALK3 | Total Valuated Stock Value | |
TotalValuatedStockPreviousPeriodValue_VMSAL | Total Valuated Stock Previous Period Value | |
ReferenceDoc_LFBNR | Reference Document | |
FiscalYearofCurrentPeriod_LFGJA | Fiscal Year of Current Period | |
ReferenceDocLineNum_LFPOS | Reference Document Line Number | |
MaterialinRespectofWhichStockisManaged_MATBF | Material in Respect of Which Stock is Managed | |
QuantityInvoicedinSupplierInvoiceinPOOrderUnits_RBMNG | Quantity Invoiced in Supplier Invoice in Purchase Order Order Units | |
QuantityInvoicedinSupplierInvoiceinPOPriceUnits_BPRBM | Quantity Invoiced in Supplier Invoice in Purchase Order Price Units | |
TypeofSupplierError_LFEHL | Type of Supplier Error | |
GrossIncomeTaxActivityCode_GRICD | Gross Income Tax Activity Code | |
Region_GRIRG | Region | |
DistributionTypeforEmploymentTax_GITYP | Distribution Type for Employment Tax | |
PackageNumberofService_PACKNO | Package Number of Service | |
LineNumberofService_INTROW | Line Number of Service | |
Correctionindicator_KZMEK | Correction Indicator | |
IndicatorInvoiceItemProcessed_MRMOK | Indicator Invoice Item Processed | |
StepNumber_STUNR | Step Number | |
ConditionCounter_ZAEHK | Condition Counter | |
StockPostingofLinefromanIncomingInvoice_STOCK_POSTING | Stock Posting of Line from an Incoming Invoice | |
StockPostingPrevPeriod_STOCK_POSTING_PP | Stock Posting Previous Period | |
StockPostingPrevYear_STOCK_POSTING_PY | Stock Posting Previous Year | |
ClearingIndicatorGRIRPosting_WEREC | Clearing Indicator GRIR Posting | |
AccountNumber_LIFNR | Account Number | |
BillOfLading_FRBNR | Bill of Lading | |
UpdateMultipleAccountAssignment_XHISTMA | Update Multiple Account Assignment | |
ComplaintsReason_COMPLAINT_REASON | Complaints Reason | |
RetentionPercent_RETPC | Retention Percent | |
RetentionDueDate_RETDUEDT | Retention Due Date | |
RetentionTaxReduction_XRETTAXNET | Retention Tax Reduction | |
CashLedgerAccount_RE_ACCOUNT | Cash Ledger Account | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreementNum_ERP_CONTRACT_ID | Principal Purchase Agreement Number | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreementItemNum_ERP_CONTRACT_ITM | Principal Purchase Agreement Item Number | |
CentralContractNum_SRM_CONTRACT_ID | Central Contract Number | |
CentralContractItemNumber_SRM_CONTRACT_ITM | Central Contract Item Number | |
PoItemCategory2_CONT_PSTYP | Purchase Order Item Category 2 | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
InvoiceItemOrigin_INV_ITM_ORIGIN | Invoice Item Origin | |
GroupingCharacteristic_INVREL | Grouping Characteristic | |
IndicatorInvoicingDifferential_XDINV | Indicator Invoicing Differential | |
IndicatorCommodityRepricing_XCPRF | Indicator Commodity Repricing | |
SeasonYear_FSH_SEASON_YEAR | Season Year | |
Season_FSH_SEASON | Season | |
FashionCollection_FSH_COLLECTION | Fashion Collection | |
FashionTheme_FSH_THEME | Fashion Theme | |
InternalLicenseNumber_LICNO | Internal License Number | |
ItemNumber_ZEILE | Item Number | |
StockSegment_SGT_SCAT | Stock Segment | |
CharacteristicValue1_WRF_CHARSTC1 | Characteristic Value 1 | |
CharacteristicValue2_WRF_CHARSTC2 | Characteristic Value 2 | |
CharacteristicValue3_WRF_CHARSTC3 | Characteristic Value 3 | |
MainAssetNumber_ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | |
AssetSubnumber_ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | |
RoutingNumber_APLZL | Routing Number | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
SettlementReferenceDate_DABRZ | Settlement Reference Date | |
CommitmentItem_FIPOS | Commitment Item | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
Fund_GEBER | Fund | |
Grant_GRANT_NBR | Grant | |
RealEstateObjectKey_IMKEY | Real Estate Object Key | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
CostObject_KSTRG | Cost Object | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
WbsElement_PS_PSP_PNR | WBS Element | |
RulesforIssuinganInvoice_RECID | Rules for Issuing an Invoice | |
GlAccount_SAKNR | GL Account | |
SalesDocNum_VBELN | Sales Document Number | |
SalesDocLineNum_VBELP | Sales Document Line Number | |
PartnerAccountNum_VPTNR | Partner Account Number | |
UnplannedAccountAssignment_XUNPL | Unplanned Account Assignment | |
ActivityType_LSTAR | Activity Type | |
BusinessProcess_PRZNR | Business Process | |
Routingnumberofoperationsintheorder_AUFPL | Routing Number of Operations in the Order | |
AssetValueDate_BZDAT | Asset Value Date | |
IndicatorNegativePosting_XNEGP | Indicator Negative Posting | |
UsedEarmarkedFunds_ERLKZ | Used Earmarked Funds | |
FinancialManagementArea_FIKRS | Financial Management Area | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentNum_KBLNR | Earmarked Funds Document Number | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItemNum_KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds Document Item Number | |
Tradingpartner_PARGB | Trading Partner | |
PersonnelNumber_PERNR | Personnel Number | |
NetworkNumberAccountAssignment_NPLNR | Network Number Account Assignment | |
OperationActivityNumber_VORNR | Operation Activity Number | |
Assignmentnumber_ZUONR | Assignment Number | |
TaxType_MWART | Tax Type | |
TaxBaseLocalCurrencyAmount_HWBAS | Tax Base Local Currency Amount | |
SettlementPeriod_ABPER | Settlement Period | |
DeliveryCreationDate_LEDAT | Delivery Creation Date | |
Quantity_MENGE_F | Quantity | |
QuantityPOPriceUnit_BPMNG_F | Quantity Purchase Order Price Unit | |
BudgetPeriod_BUDGET_PD | Budget Period | |
FundedProgram_MEASURE | Funded Program | |
UnitedStatesFederalGovernmentFields_FMFGUS_KEY | United States Federal Government Fields | |
Accounttype_KOART | Account Type | |
FinalAccountAssignmentIndicator_AA_FINAL_IND | Final Account Assignment Indicator | |
FinalAccountAssignmentQuantity_AA_FINAL_QTY | Final Account Assignment Quantity | |
FinalAccountAssignmentQuantityFloat_AA_FINAL_QTY_F | Final Account Assignment Quantity Float | |
ParkedInvoiceQuantity_PARKED_QTY | Parked Invoice Quantity | |
ParkedInvoiceQuantityFloat_PARKED_QTY_F | Parked Invoice Quantity Float | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
DebitCreditIndicator_SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | |
Taxonsalespurchasescode_MWSKZ | Tax on Sales/Purchases Code | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
Quantity_MENGE | Quantity | |
QuantityinPurchaseOrderPriceUnit_BPMNG | Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit | |
BaseUnitofMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
BlockingReasonItemAmount_SPGRS | Blocking Reason Item Amount | |
ItemText_SGTXT | Item Text | |
IndicatorLineItemCashDiscountNotLiable_XSKRL | Indicator Line Item Cash Discount Not Liable | |
YearOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Year Of Posting Date | |
MonthOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Month Of Posting Date | |
WeekOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Week Of Posting Date | |
QuarterOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Quarter Of Posting Date | |
YearOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Year Of Document Date | |
MonthOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Month Of Document Date | |
WeekOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Week Of Document Date | |
QuarterOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Quarter Of Document Date | |
WbsElement_POSID | Wbs Element | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
InvoiceAmountinDocumentCurrencyofSupplierInvoice_RBWWR | Invoice Amount in Document Currency of Supplier Invoice | |
RetentionAmount_RETAMT_FC | Retention Amount | |
DifferenceAmount_DIFF_AMOUNT | Difference Amount | |
DeliveryCostsDistributionAmount_BNKAN_FW | Delivery Costs Distribution Amount | |
TaxBaseAmount_FWBAS | Tax Base Amount | |
AmountinDocumentCurrency_WRBTR | Amount in Document Currency |