Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - MaterialsMovement
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that provides detailed information about material documents. It includes data from the MSEG table and additional dimensions from the calendar_date_dim table. The view can be used for various reporting and analysis purposes, such as tracking inventory movements, analyzing material costs, and monitoring stock levels.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
mseg | Material Document Segment table |
currency_decimal | Currency Decimal table |
currency_conversion | Currency Conversion table |
calendar_date_dim | Calendar Date Dimension table |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to track inventory movements and stock levels.
- Can be used to analyze material costs and profitability.
- Can be used to identify trends and patterns in material usage.
- Can be used to support decision-making processes related to inventory management and procurement.
Query Logic
The view is created using a left join between the MSEG table and the calendar_date_dim table. The join is performed on the BUDAT_MKPF field, which represents the posting date of the material document. The view also includes a left join to the currency_decimal table to fix the decimal place of amounts for non-decimal-based currencies. Additionally, a left join to the currency_conversion table can be used to convert the amounts to a different currency.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
MB51 | Material Document List |
MB52 | Material Stock Overview |
MM03 | Display Material Master |
MMBE | Material Stock/Requirements List |
MM02 | Change Material Master |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
NumberOfMaterialDocument_MBLNR | Number of Material Document | |
MaterialDocumentYear_MJAHR | Material Document Year | |
ItemInMaterialDocument_ZEILE | Item in Material Document | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
MovementType_BWART | Movement Type | |
StockType_INSMK | Stock Type | |
Debit_CreditIndicator_SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | |
Quantity_MENGE | Quantity | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
PurchaseOrderNumber_EBELN | Purchase Order Number | |
VendorsAccountNumber_LIFNR | Vendor's Account Number | |
SalesOrderNumber_KDAUF | Sales Order Number | |
AccountNumberOfCustomer_KUNNR | Account Number of Customer | |
Receiving_IssuingMaterial_UMMAT | Receiving/Issuing Material | |
Receiving_Issuing_Batch_UMCHA | Receiving/Issuing Batch | |
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument_EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | |
DocumentNumberOfAReferenceDocument_LFBNR | Document Number of a Reference Document | |
ItemOfAReferenceDocument_LFPOS | Item of a Reference Document | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
ReceivingPlant_UMWRK | Receiving Plant | |
Receiving_IssuingStorageLocation_UMLGO | Receiving/Issuing Storage Location | |
WarehouseNumber_LGNUM | Warehouse Number | |
MovementTypeForWarehouseManagement_BWLVS | Movement Type for Warehouse Management | |
Indicator_PostingInWarehouseManagementSystem_XBLVS | Indicator: Posting in Warehouse Management System | |
StockCategoryInTheWarehouseManagementSystem_BESTQ | Stock Category in the Warehouse Management System | |
SpecialStockIndicator_SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | |
MovementIndicator_KZBEW | Movement Indicator | |
ReasonForMovement_GRUND | Reason for Movement | |
GoodsReceipt_Non_Valuated_WEUNB | Goods Receipt (Non-Valuated) | |
StorageType_LGTYP | Storage Type | |
EquipmentNumber_EQUNR | Equipment Number | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
WorkBreakdownStructureElement_PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element | |
GLAccountNumber_SAKTO | GL Account Number | |
Debit_CreditIndicatorInRevaluation_SHKUM | Debit/Credit Indicator in Revaluation | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
ReceiptIndicator_KZZUG | Receipt Indicator | |
PostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Posting Date | |
YearOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Year of Posting Date | |
MonthOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Month of Posting Date | |
WeekOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Week of Posting Date | |
QuarterOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Quarter of Posting Date | |
WeekEndDateOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Week End Date of Posting Date | |
AmountInLocalCurrency_DMBTR | Amount in Local Currency |