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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - POVendorConfirmation


This reporting view provides detailed information about vendor confirmations for purchasing documents in SAP systems. It combines data from the EKES table with additional data from the PurchaseDocuments and VendorsMD views.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
EKES Vendor confirmation data, including confirmation category, delivery date, quantity, and creation date.
PurchaseDocuments Purchase document header data, including document number, vendor account number, and terms of payment.
VendorsMD Vendor master data, including vendor name and account number.

Key Use Cases

  • Analyze vendor confirmation data for specific purchasing documents.
  • Monitor the status of vendor confirmations and identify any delays or issues.
  • Reconcile vendor confirmation data with other purchasing and inventory data.
  • Generate reports on vendor confirmation activity and performance.

Query Logic

The view joins the EKES table with the PurchaseDocuments and VendorsMD views using the Client_MANDT, EBELN, and EBELP fields to ensure data consistency and accuracy.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME21N Create Purchase Order
VL31N Create Delivery
VL02N Change Delivery
VL03N Display Delivery

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client number
PurchasingDocumentNumber_EBELN Purchasing document number
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument_EBELP Item number of purchasing document
SequentialNumberOfVendorConfirmation_ETENS Sequential number of vendor confirmation
ConfirmationCategory_EBTYP Confirmation category
DeliveryDateOfVendorConfirmation_EINDT Delivery date of vendor confirmation
DateCategoryOfDeliveryDateInVendorConfirmation_LPEIN Date category of delivery date in vendor confirmation
DeliveryDateTimeSpotInVendorConfirmation_UZEIT Delivery date/time spot in vendor confirmation
CreationDateOfConfirmation_ERDAT Creation date of confirmation
TimeAtWhichVendorConfirmationWasCreated_EZEIT Time at which vendor confirmation was created
QuantityAsPerVendorConfirmation_MENGE Quantity as per vendor confirmation
QuantityReduced__mrp___DABMG Quantity reduced (MRP)
CreationIndicator_VendorConfirmation_ESTKZ Creation indicator (vendor confirmation)
VendorConfirmationDeletionIndicator_LOEKZ Vendor confirmation deletion indicator
Indicator_ConfirmationIsRelevantToMaterialsPlanning_KZDIS Indicator: confirmation is relevant to materials planning
ReferenceDocumentNumber__forDependenciesSeeLongText___XBLNR Reference document number (for dependencies, see long text)
Delivery_VBELN Delivery
DeliveryItem_VBELP Delivery item
MfrPartProfile_MPROF Manufacturer part profile
MaterialNumberCorrespondingToManufacturerPartNumber_EMATN Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number
NumberOfRemindersexpediters_MAHNZ Number of reminders (expediters)
BatchNumber_CHARG Batch number
HigherLevelItemOfBatchSplitItem_UECHA Higher-level item of batch split item
SequentialNumberOfVendorConfirmation_REF_ETENS Sequential number of vendor confirmation (reference)
DeliveryHasStatusinPlant_IMWRK Delivery has status in plant
Delivery_VBELN_ST Delivery
DeliveryItem_VBELP_ST Delivery item
HandoverDateAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERDATE Handover date at the handover location
HandoverTimeAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERTIME Handover time at the handover location
StockSegment_SGT_SCAT Stock segment
AllocatedStockQuantity_FSH_SALLOC_QTY Allocated stock quantity
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR Account number of vendor or creditor
NAME1 Name 1
NAME2 Name 2
TermsPaymentKey_ZTERM Terms of payment key
DiscountDays1_ZBD1T Discount days 1
