Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - PricingConditions
This reporting view provides detailed information about condition records in SAP systems. It combines data from the KONV table with additional dimensions from the calendar_date_dim table and currency conversion tables (optional). The view is designed to support various reporting and analysis scenarios related to pricing and condition management.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
KONV | SAP table containing condition records |
currency_decimal | Table with decimal place information for currencies |
currency_conversion | Table with currency conversion rates (optional) |
calendar_date_dim | Dimension table with calendar-related attributes |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing condition records and their impact on pricing
- Identifying and managing pricing discrepancies
- Reporting on condition-related data for financial and operational purposes
- Supporting data-driven decision-making in pricing and sales strategies
Query Logic
The query retrieves condition records from the KONV table and joins them with additional data from the calendar_date_dim table. It also includes optional joins to currency conversion tables to enable currency conversion. The query filters and aggregates the data based on the specified criteria to provide a comprehensive view of condition records.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
VK11 | Create Condition Records |
VK12 | Change Condition Records |
VK13 | Display Condition Records |
VK14 | Delete Condition Records |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
NumberOfTheDocumentCondition_KNUMV | Number of the document condition | |
ConditionItemNumber_KPOSN | Condition item number | |
StepNumber_STUNR | Step number | |
ConditionCounter_ZAEHK | Condition counter | |
Application_KAPPL | Application | |
ConditionType_KSCHL | Condition type | |
CalculationTypeForCondition_KRECH | Calculation type for condition | |
Checkbox_KAWRT | Checkbox | |
ConditionAmountOrPercentage_KBETR | Condition amount or percentage | |
ConditionExchangeRateForConversionToLocalCurrency_KKURS | Condition exchange rate for conversion to local currency | |
ConditionPricingUnit_KPEIN | Condition pricing unit | |
ConditionUnitInTheDocument_KMEIN | Condition unit in the document | |
NumeratorForConvertingConditionUnitsToBaseUnits_KUMZA | Numerator for converting condition units to base units | |
DenominatorForConvertingConditionUnitsToBaseUnits_KUMNE | Denominator for converting condition units to base units | |
ConditionCategory_KNTYP | Condition category | |
ConditionIsUsedForStatistics_KSTAT | Condition is used for statistics | |
ScaleType_KNPRS | Scale type | |
ConditionIsRelevantForAccrual_KRUEK | Condition is relevant for accrual | |
ConditionForInvoiceList_KRELI | Condition for invoice list | |
OriginOfTheCondition_KHERK | Origin of the condition | |
GroupCondition_KGRPE | Group condition | |
ConditionUpdate_KOUPD | Condition update | |
AccessSequenceAccessNumber_KOLNR | Access sequence access number | |
NumberOfConditionRecordFromBatchDetermination_KNUMH | Number of condition record from batch determination | |
SequentialNumberOfTheCondition_KOPOS | Sequential number of the condition | |
AccountKey_KVSL1 | Account key | |
GLAccountNumber_SAKN1 | GL account number | |
TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode_MWSK1 | Tax on sales/purchases code | |
AccountKeyAccrualsProvisions_KVSL2 | Account key accruals/provisions | |
GLAccountNumber_SAKN2 | GL account number | |
WithholdingTaxCode_MWSK2 | Withholding tax code | |
AccountNumberOfVendorORCreditor_LIFNR | Account number of vendor or creditor | |
CustomerNumber_KUNNR | Customer number | |
RoundingOffDifferenceOfTheCondition_KDIFF | Rounding off difference of the condition | |
ConditionControl_KSTEU | Condition control | |
ConditionIsInactive_KINAK | Condition is inactive | |
ConditionClass_KOAID | Condition class | |
ConditionCounter_ZAEKO | Condition counter | |
IndicatorForMaximumConditionBaseValue_KMXAW | Indicator for maximum condition base value | |
IndicatorForMaximumConditionAmount_KMXWR | Indicator for maximum condition amount | |
FactorForConditionBaseValue_KFAKTOR | Factor for condition base value | |
StructureCondition_KDUPL | Structure condition | |
FactorForConditionBasis_KFAKTOR1 | Factor for condition basis | |
ScaleBasisIndicator_KZBZG | Scale basis indicator | |
ScaleBaseValueOfTheCondition_KSTBS | Scale base value of the condition | |
ConditionScaleUnitOfMeasure_KONMS | Condition scale unit of measure | |
ScaleCurrency_KONWS | Scale currency | |
UpdatedInformationInRelatedUserDataField_KAWRT_K | Updated information in related user data field | |
ConditionCurrency_KWAEH | Condition currency | |
ConditionValue_KWERT_K | Condition value | |
ConditionForInterCompanyBilling_KFKIV | Condition for intercompany billing | |
VariantCond_KVARC | Variant condition | |
ConditionChangedManually_KMPRS | Condition changed manually | |
PriceSource_PRSQU | Price source | |
VariantCondition_VARCOND | Variant condition | |
RelevanceForAccountAssignment_KTREL | Relevance for account assignment | |
IndicatorMatrixMaintenance_MDFLG | Indicator matrix maintenance | |
TaxJurisdictionCodeLevel_TXJLV | Tax jurisdiction code level | |
BitEncryptedFlagsInPricing_KBFLAG | Bit encrypted flags in pricing | |
IdentifierOfCPFFormulaInDocument_CPF_GUID | Identifier of CPF formula in document | |
AdjustedQuantity_KAQTY | Adjusted quantity | |
YearOfChangeDate_KDATU | Year of change date | |
MonthOfChangeDate_KDATU | Month of change date | |
WeekOfChangeDate_KDATU | Week of change date | |
QuarterOfChangeDate_KDATU | Quarter of change date | |
Checkbox_KDATU | Checkbox | |
Level_STUFE | Level | |
Path_WEGXX | Path | |
AccessSequenceAccessNumber_KOLNR3 | Access sequence access number | |
ExchangeRate_UKURS | Exchange rate | |
Conversion_date | Conversion date | |
TargetCurrency_TCURR | Target currency | |
ConditionValueInTargetCurrency_KWERT | Condition value in target currency | |
ProcessConditionsWithValueEqualToZero_VAL_ZERO | Process conditions with value equal to zero | |
StatisticalAndRelevantForAccountDetermination_IS_ACCT_DETN_RELEVANT | Statistical and relevant for account determination | |
TaxReportingCountry_TAX_COUNTRY | Tax reporting country | |
SDDocumentCurrency_WAERK | SD document currency | |
DataFilterValueForDataAging_DATAAGING | Data filter value for data aging | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency key | |
ConditionValue_KWERT | Condition value |