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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - ProductHierarchy_Flatten


This reporting view provides a hierarchical view of product hierarchies in SAP systems. It combines data from the T179 table to create a three-level hierarchy of products.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
t179 SAP table containing product hierarchy data

Key Use Cases

  • Analyzing product hierarchies for reporting and analysis
  • Identifying parent-child relationships between products
  • Understanding the structure of product catalogs

Query Logic

The query uses a series of LEFT OUTER JOINs to combine data from the T179 table and create a hierarchical structure. It starts by selecting products at level 1 (stufe = '1') and then joins to products at level 2 (stufe = '2') that start with the same PRODH value. Finally, it joins to products at level 3 (stufe = '3') that start with the same PRODH value as the level 2 products.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
prodh1 Product hierarchy level 1
prodh2 Product hierarchy level 2
prodh3 Product hierarchy level 3
