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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - PurchaseDocuments_Flow


This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that combines data from multiple tables to provide a comprehensive view of purchase orders, goods receipts, and invoice receipts. It includes detailed information on each purchase order item, such as the net price, gross order value, and effective value, as well as information on goods receipts and invoice receipts, such as the quantity and amount received or invoiced. The view also includes various status and control flags, such as the release status, deletion flag, and goods receipt reason code.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
EKKO Purchase Order Header
EKPO Purchase Order Item
EKKN Account Assignment for Purchase Order Item
TCURX Currency Exchange Rates
CONV Currency Conversion Rates
GoodsReceiptStaging Staging table for goods receipt data
GoodsReceiptStagingBELNR Staging table for goods receipt document numbers
GoodsReceipt Goods Receipt
InvoiceReceiptStaging Staging table for invoice receipt data
InvoiceReceiptStagingBELNR Staging table for invoice receipt document numbers
InvoiceReceipt Invoice Receipt

Key Use Cases

  • This view can be used to analyze purchase order data, including the status of purchase orders, the items ordered, and the goods and invoice receipts associated with those orders.
  • It can also be used to track the flow of goods and invoices through the procurement process, and to identify any discrepancies between the purchase order, goods receipt, and invoice receipt data.

Query Logic

The view is created using a series of joins and subqueries to combine data from the EKKO, EKPO, EKKN, TCURX, CONV, GoodsReceipt, and InvoiceReceipt tables. The query logic is designed to ensure that only the most recent and relevant data is included in the view.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
MIGO Goods Receipt
MIRO Invoice Receipt

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client
ChartOfAccounts_KTOPL Chart of Accounts
GlAccountNumber_SAKNR GL Account Number
Indicator_AccountIsABalanceSheetAccount_XBILK Indicator: Account is a Balance Sheet Account
GlAccountNumber_SignificantLength_SAKAN GL Account Number Significant Length
GroupAccountNumber_BILKT Group Account Number
DateOnWhichTheRecordWasCreated_ERDAT Date on which the record was created
NameOfPersonWhoCreatedTheObject_ERNAM Name of person who created the object
PlStatementAccountType_GVTYP P&L Statement Account Type
GlAccountGroup_KTOKS GL Account Group
NumberOfTheSampleAccount_MUSTR Number of the Sample Account
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner_VBUND Company ID of Trading Partner
Indicator_AccountMarkedForDeletion_XLOEV Indicator: Account Marked for Deletion
Indicator_AccountIsBlockedForCreation_XSPEA Indicator: Account is Blocked for Creation
Indicator_IsAccountBlockedForPosting_XSPEB Indicator: Is Account Blocked for Posting
Indicator_AccountBlockedForPlanning_XSPEP Indicator: Account Blocked for Planning
SearchTermForUsingMatchcode_MCOD1 Search Term for Using Matchcode
FunctionalArea_FUNC_AREA Functional Area
Language_SPRAS Language
GlAccountShortText_TXT20 GL Account Short Text
GlAccountLongText_TXT50 GL Account Long Text
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD1 Search Term for Matchcode Search
