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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - SDStatus_Items


This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of the status of sales document items in SAP systems. It combines data from various tables to present a consolidated view of the item's progress through the sales order process, including information on confirmation, delivery, billing, and other relevant statuses.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
VBUP Sales Document Item Table

Key Use Cases

  • Monitoring the progress of sales orders and identifying any potential delays or issues.
  • Analyzing the status of individual sales document items to understand their current stage in the sales process.
  • Reporting on the overall status of sales orders and their items for management and decision-making purposes.

Query Logic

The view joins the VBUP table to retrieve data on sales document items. It includes various fields that provide information on the item's status, such as confirmation status, delivery status, billing status, and other relevant statuses. The view also includes calculated fields that provide additional insights, such as the overall status of the item and the billing status for the order.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VL01N Create Delivery
VF01 Create Invoice

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client number
SDDocumentNumber_VBELN Sales document number
ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument_POSNR Item number of the sales document
ReferenceStatus_RFSTA Reference status
OverallStatusOfReference_RFGSA Overall status of reference
ConfirmationStatusOfDocumentItem_BESTA Confirmation status of document item
DeliveryStatus_LFSTA Delivery status
OverallDeliveryStatusOfTheItem_LFGSA Overall delivery status of the item
GoodsMovementStatus_WBSTA Goods movement status
BillingStatusOfDelivery_FKSTA Billing status of delivery
BillingStatusForOrder_FKSAA Billing status for order
RejectionStatusForSdItem_ABSTA Rejection status for sales document item
OverallProcessingStatusOfTheSdDocumentItem_GBSTA Overall processing status of the sales document item
PickingStatusputawayStatus_KOSTA Picking status/putaway status
StatusOfWarehouseManagementActivities_LVSTA Status of warehouse management activities
GeneralIncompletionStatusOfItem_UVALL General incompletion status of item
IncompletionStatusOfTheItemWithRegardToDelivery_UVVLK Incompletion status of the item with regard to delivery
ItemIncompletionStatusWithRespectToBilling_UVFAK Item incompletion status with respect to billing
PricingForItemIsIncomplete_UVPRS Pricing for item is incomplete
IntercompanyBillingStatus_FKIVP Intercompany billing status
CustomerReserves1_ItemStatus_UVP01 Customer reserves 1 (item status)
CustomerReserves2_ItemStatus_UVP02 Customer reserves 2 (item status)
ItemReserves3_ItemStatus_UVP03 Item reserves 3 (item status)
ItemReserves4_ItemStatus_UVP04 Item reserves 4 (item status)
CustomerReserves5_ItemStatus_UVP05 Customer reserves 5 (item status)
PackingStatusOfItem_PKSTA Packing status of item
ConfirmationStatusOfPickingputaway_KOQUA Confirmation status of picking/putaway
StatusOfCreditCheckAgainstFinancialDocument_CMPPI Status of credit check against financial document
StatusOfCreditCheckAgainstExportCreditInsurance_CMPPJ Status of credit check against export credit insurance
IncompleteStatusOfItemForPickingputaway_UVPIK Incomplete status of item for picking/putaway
IncompleteStatusOfItemForPackaging_UVPAK Incomplete status of item for packaging
IncompleteStatusOfItemRegardingGoodsIssue_UVWAK Incomplete status of item regarding goods issue
DelayStatus_DCSTA Delay status
RevenueDeterminationStatus_RRSTA Revenue determination status
DecentralizedWhseProcessing_VLSTP Decentralized warehouse processing
BillingBlockStatusForItems_FSSTA Billing block status for items
DeliveryBlockStatusForItem_LSSTA Delivery block status for item
PodStatusOnItemLevel_PDSTA Proof of delivery status on item level
ManualCompletionOfContract_MANEK Manual completion of contract
InboundDeliveryItemNotYetComplete__onHold___HDALL Inbound delivery item not yet complete (on hold)
Indicator_StockableTypeSwitchedIntoStandardProduct_LTSPS Indicator: stockable type switched into standard product
AllocationStatusOfASalesDocumentItem_FSH_AR_STAT_ITM Allocation status of a sales document item
StatusOfSalesOrderItem_MILL_VS_VSSTA Status of sales order item
Billing_Status Billing status
Delivery_Status Delivery status
