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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - SalesOrderScheduleLine


This reporting view provides detailed information about schedule lines in SAP systems. It combines data from the VBEP table with additional dimensions from the calendar_date_dim table.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
vbep SAP table containing schedule line data

Key Use Cases

  • Analyzing schedule line data for sales documents
  • Monitoring delivery schedules and quantities
  • Tracking material availability and requirements
  • Reporting on schedule line statuses and exceptions

Query Logic

The query selects all relevant fields from the VBEP table and joins it with the calendar_date_dim table on the EDATU field to add additional date-related dimensions.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VL01N Create Delivery
VL02N Change Delivery

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client number
SalesDocument_VBELN Sales document number
SalesDocumentItem_POSNR Sales document item number
ScheduleLineNumber_ETENR Schedule line number
ScheduleLineCategory_ETTYP Schedule line category
ItemRelevantforDelivery_LFREL Item relevant for delivery
ScheduleLineDate_EDATU Schedule line date
ArrivalTime_EZEIT Arrival time
OrderQuantityInSalesUnits_WMENG Order quantity in sales units
ConfirmedQuantity_BMENG Confirmed quantity
SalesUnit_VRKME Sales unit
RequiredQuantityForMatManagementInStockkeepingUnits_LMENG Required quantity for material management in stockkeeping units
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS Base unit of measure
RequirementDate_BDDAT Requirement date
RequirementType_BDART Requirement type
PlanningType_PLART Planning type
BusinessDocumentNumber_VBELE Business document number
BusinessItemNumber_POSNE Business item number
ScheduleLine_ETENE Schedule line
EarliestPossibleReservationDate_RSDAT Earliest possible reservation date
MaintenanceRequest_IDNNR Maintenance request
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN Purchase requisition number
OrderType_BSART Order type
PurchasingDocumentCategory_BSTYP Purchasing document category
ConfirmationStatusOfScheduleLine_WEPOS Confirmation status of schedule line
InvoiceReceiptIndicator_REPOS Invoice receipt indicator
ReturnDateForReturnablePackaging_LRGDT Return date for returnable packaging
DateType_PRGRS Date type
TransportationPlanningDate_TDDAT Transportation planning date
MaterialAvailabilityDate_MBDAT Material availability date
LoadingDate_LDDAT Loading date
GoodsIssueDate_WADAT Goods issue date
CorrectedQuantityInSalesUnit_CMENG Corrected quantity in sales unit
ScheduleLineBlockedForDelivery_LIFSP Schedule line blocked for delivery
GroupDefinitionOfStructureData_GRSTR Group definition of structure data
RelType_ABART Relationship type
ForecastDeliveryScheduleNumber_ABRUF Forecast delivery schedule number
CommittedQuantity_ROMS1 Committed quantity
Size2_ROMS2 Size 2
Size3_ROMS3 Size 3
UnitOfMeasureForSizes1to3_ROMEI Unit of measure for sizes 1 to 3
FormulaKey_RFORM Formula key
NumeratorForConversionOfSalesQuantityIntoSKU_UMVKZ Numerator for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
DenominatorForConversionOfSalesQtyIntoSKU_UMVKN Denominator for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
AvailabilityConfirmedAutomatically_VERFP Availability confirmed automatically
MovementType_BWART Movement type
ItemNumberOfPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO Item number of purchase requisition
ScheduleLineTypeEDI_ETART Schedule line type EDI
OrderNumber_AUFNR Order number
PlannedOrderNumber_PLNUM Planned order number
BOMExplosionNumber_SERNR BOM explosion number
CustomerEngineeringChangeStatus_AESKD Customer engineering change status
Guaranteed_ABGES Guaranteed
MaterialStagingTime_MBUHR Material staging time
TranspPlanningTime_TDUHR Transportation planning time
LoadingTime_LDUHR Loading time
TimeOfGoodsIssue_WAUHR Time of goods issue
RouteSchedule_AULWE Route schedule
HandoverDateAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERDATE Handover date at the handover location
HandoverTimeAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERTIME Handover time at the handover location
DataFilterValueForDataAging_DATAAGING Data filter value for data aging
ARunRequirementAllocatedQuantity_FSH_RALLOC_QTY A-Run requirement allocated quantity
OrderSchedulingGroupID_FSH_OS_ID Order scheduling group ID
RejectionCodeForPartialQuantityRejection_FSH_PQR_RC Rejection code for partial quantity rejection
MaterialAvailabilityDateThirdPartyOrderPlanning_MBDAT_DRS Material availability date third party order planning
YearOfChangeDate_EDATU Year of change date
MonthOfChangeDate_EDATU Month of change date
WeekOfChangeDate_EDATU Week of change date
QuarterOfChangeDate_EDATU Quarter of change date
