Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - ValuationAreasMD
This reporting view provides information about valuation areas in SAP systems. It includes data on valuation area settings, such as negative stock allowance, material ledger activation, and price valuation.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
T001K | Valuation Area Data |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing valuation area settings for reporting and compliance purposes.
- Identifying areas for optimization in inventory management and valuation processes.
- Supporting decision-making related to material ledger activation and price valuation strategies.
Query Logic
The view selects specific fields from the T001K table, which contains valuation area data in SAP systems. The selected fields provide insights into various aspects of valuation area configuration, including negative stock allowance, material ledger activation, price valuation, and other settings.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
OX18 | Maintain Valuation Areas |
OX19 | Display Valuation Areas |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
ValuationArea_BWKEY | Valuation Area | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
ValuationGroupingCode_BWMOD | Valuation Grouping Code | |
NegativeStocksInValuationAreaAllowed_XBKNG | Negative Stocks In Valuation Area Allowed | |
MaterialLedgerActivatedInValuationArea_MLBWA | Material Ledger Activated In Valuation Area | |
MaterialLedgerActivatedInValuationArea__compulsory___MLBWV | Material Ledger Activated In Valuation Area (compulsory) | |
SalesPriceValuationActive_XVKBW | Sales Price Valuation Active | |
ExplanationFacilityForMaterialLedgerActiveinactive_ERKLAERKOM | Explanation Facility For Material Ledger Active/inactive | |
RetailRevalutionProfile_UPROF | Retail Revalution Profile | |
ProfileForValueBasedInventoryManagement_WBPRO | Profile For Value Based Inventory Management | |
MaterialPriceDetermination_Control_MLAST | Material Price Determination Control | |
PriceDeterminationIsBindingInValuationArea_MLASV | Price Determination Is Binding In Valuation Area | |
StockCorrectionTolerance_BDIFP | Stock Correction Tolerance | |
PriceDifferencePostingInGrForSubcontractOder_XLBPD | Price Difference Posting In Gr For Subcontract Oder | |
PostPurchaseAccountWithReceiptValue_XEWRX | Post Purchase Account With Receipt Value | |
TwoFiDocumentsWithPurchaseAccount_X2FDO | Two Fi Documents With Purchase Account | |
PriceRelease_PRSFR | Price Release | |
ActiveActualCostComponentSplit_MLCCS | Active Actual Cost Component Split | |
DelCostsToPriceDiffAcctWhenPurchAcctActive_XEFRE | Del Costs To Price Diff Acct When Purch Acct Active | |
StartOfValidityPeriodFDelCostsInPriceDiffAcct_EFREJ | Start Of Validity Period F Del Costs In Price Diff Acct | |
PriceReleaseFlexibleMaterialPrices_FMP_PRSFR | Price Release Flexible Material Prices | |
PriceReleaseGroup_FMP_PRFRGR | Price Release Group |