Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - AccountsPayableOverview
The 'AccountsPayableOverview' view is a reporting view that provides a detailed overview of accounts payable data for SAP systems. It includes information on individual invoices, vendor details, payment status, and aging analysis. This view is designed to support various reporting and analysis needs, such as monitoring accounts payable performance, identifying overdue invoices, and analyzing cash discount utilization.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountsPayable |
This table contains the main accounts payable data, including invoice details, vendor information, and payment status. |
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.AccountsPayableTurnover |
This table contains turnover data for accounts payable, including monthly and quarterly totals. |
CashDiscountUtilization | This table contains information on cash discounts received for invoices. |
Key Use Cases
- Monitoring accounts payable performance, including overdue invoices and payment trends.
- Identifying opportunities for early payment discounts and optimizing cash flow.
- Analyzing vendor performance and payment terms.
- Supporting financial reporting and compliance requirements.
Query Logic
The query logic combines data from the 'AccountsPayable', 'AccountsPayableTurnover', and 'CashDiscountUtilization' tables to provide a comprehensive view of accounts payable. It calculates various metrics, such as total due amounts, overdue amounts, and cash discount utilization, based on the invoice data and payment information. The query also includes filters and grouping to organize the data by client, company code, vendor, and other relevant dimensions.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FB03 | Display Document |
FBL1N | Display Line Items |
FBL5N | Vendor Line Items |
FBL3N | Vendor Account Balances |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client ID | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
CompanyText_BUTXT | Company Text | |
Name1 | Vendor Name | |
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR | Accounting Document Number | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Vendor Account Number | |
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Posting Date | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Source Currency | |
TargetCurrency_TCURR | Target Currency | |
DocFiscPeriod | Document Fiscal Period | |
MonthOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Month of Posting Date | |
YearOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Year of Posting Date | |
QuarterOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Quarter of Posting Date | |
WeekOfPostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Week of Posting Date | |
ClearingDate_AUGDT | Clearing Date | |
TotalDueAmountInSourceCurrency | Total Due Amount in Source Currency | |
TotalDueAmountInTargetCurrency | Total Due Amount in Target Currency | |
OverdueAmountInSourceCurrency | Overdue Amount in Source Currency | |
OverdueAmountInTargetCurrency | Overdue Amount in Target Currency | |
PastDueAmountInSourceCurrency | Past Due Amount in Source Currency | |
PastDueAmountInTargetCurrency | Past Due Amount in Target Currency | |
LatePaymentsInSourceCurrency | Late Payments in Source Currency | |
LatePaymentsInTargetCurrency | Late Payments in Target Currency | |
UpcomingPaymentsInSourceCurrency | Upcoming Payments in Source Currency | |
UpcomingPaymentsInTargetCurrency | Upcoming Payments in Target Currency | |
PotentialPenaltyInSourceCurrency | Potential Penalty in Source Currency | |
PotentialPenaltyInTargetCurrency | Potential Penalty in Target Currency | |
AccountsPayableTurnoverInSourceCurrency | Accounts Payable Turnover in Source Currency | |
AccountsPayableTurnoverInTargetCurrency | Accounts Payable Turnover in Target Currency | |
CountParkedInvoice | Count of Parked Invoices | |
ParkedInvoiceAmountInSourceCurrency | Parked Invoice Amount in Source Currency | |
ParkedInvoiceAmountInTargetCurrency | Parked Invoice Amount in Target Currency | |
CountBlockedInvoice | Count of Blocked Invoices | |
BlockedInvoiceAmountInSourceCurrency | Blocked Invoice Amount in Source Currency | |
BlockedInvoiceAmountInTargetCurrency | Blocked Invoice Amount in Target Currency | |
TargetCashDiscountInSourceCurrency | Target Cash Discount in Source Currency | |
TargetCashDiscountInTargetCurrency | Target Cash Discount in Target Currency | |
CashDiscountReceivedInSourceCurrency | Cash Discount Received in Source Currency | |
CashDiscountReceivedInTargetCurrency | Cash Discount Received in Target Currency | |
CashDiscountUtilizationInSourceCurrency | Cash Discount Utilization in Source Currency | |
CashDiscountUtilizationInTargetCurrency | Cash Discount Utilization in Target Currency |