Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - BatchesMD
This reporting view provides information about batches in SAP systems. It includes data such as batch number, creation date, name of the person who created the object, name of the person who changed the object, date of last change, availability date, shelf life expiration, date of manufacture, batch status key, batch in restricted use stock, and date of last status change.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
mcha | Batch Master Data |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to track the history of batches in SAP systems.
- Can be used to identify batches that are in restricted use stock.
- Can be used to find out when a batch was last changed.
Query Logic
The view is created using a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the mcha table.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
MB51 | Display Batch |
MB52 | Change Batch |
MB53 | Display Stock Overview for Batch |
MB54 | Display Batch Where-Used List |
MB55 | Display Batch Inspection History |
MB56 | Display Batch Classification |
MB57 | Display Batch Serial Numbers |
MB58 | Display Batch Single Units |
MB59 | Display Batch Production Orders |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client ID | |
SalesOrder_VBELV | Sales Order Number | |
SalesItem_POSNV | Sales Order Item Number | |
Delivery_Status | Delivery Status | |
DeliveryNumber_VBELV | Delivery Number | |
DeliveryItem_POSNV | Delivery Item Number | |
InvoiceNumber_VBELN | Invoice Number | |
InvoiceItem_POSNN | Invoice Item Number | |
SalesQty | Sales Quantity | |
SalesUnit_VRKME | Sales Unit of Measure | |
NetPrice_NETWR | Net Price | |
Currency_WAERK | Currency | |
DeliveredQty_RFMNG | Delivered Quantity | |
DeliveredUoM_MEINS | Delivered Unit of Measure | |
InvoiceQty_RFMNG | Invoice Quantity | |
InvoiceUoM_MEINS | Invoice Unit of Measure | |
InvoiceValue_RFWRT | Invoice Value | |
InvoiceCurrency_WAERS | Invoice Currency | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
MaterialText_MAKTX | Material Description | |
ProductHierarchy_PRODH | Product Hierarchy | |
Language_SPRAS | Language |