Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - CostCentersMD
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that provides information about cost centers.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
CSKS | Cost Center Master Data |
CSKT | Cost Center Texts |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to retrieve cost center information for a specific date range.
- Can be used to retrieve cost center information for a specific language.
- Can be used to retrieve cost center information for a specific controlling area.
Query Logic
The query first joins the CSKS and CSKT tables on the MANDT, KOKRS, and KOSTL fields. It then filters the results to only include cost centers that are valid for the current date range. Finally, it sorts the results by the Controlling Area (KOKRS) field.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
KS01 | Create Cost Center |
KS02 | Change Cost Center |
KS03 | Display Cost Center |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
ValidTo_DATBI | Valid To | |
ValidFromDate_DATAB | Valid From Date | |
LockIndicatorForActualPrimaryPostings_BKZKP | Lock Indicator For Actual Primary Postings | |
LockIndicatorForPlanPrimaryCosts_PKZKP | Lock Indicator For Plan Primary Costs | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
CostCenterCategory_KOSAR | Cost Center Category | |
PersonResponsible_VERAK | Person Responsible | |
UserResponsible_VERAK_USER | User Responsible | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
CostingSheet_KALSM | Costing Sheet | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
LogicalSystem_LOGSYSTEM | Logical System | |
CreatedOn_ERSDA | Created On | |
EnteredBy_USNAM | Entered By | |
LockIndicatorForActualSecondaryCosts_BKZKS | Lock Indicator For Actual Secondary Costs | |
LockIndicatorForActualRevenuePostings_BKZER | Lock Indicator For Actual Revenue Postings | |
LockIndicatorForCommitmentUpdate_BKZOB | Lock Indicator For Commitment Update | |
LockIndicatorForPlanSecondaryCosts_PKZKS | Lock Indicator For Plan Secondary Costs | |
LockIndicatorForPlanningRevenues_PKZER | Lock Indicator For Planning Revenues | |
IndicatorForAllowedAllocationMethods_VMETH | Indicator For Allowed Allocation Methods | |
IndicatorForRecordingConsumptionQuantities_MGEFL | Indicator For Recording Consumption Quantities | |
Department_ABTEI | Department | |
SubsequentCostCenter_NKOST | Subsequent Cost Center | |
UsageOfTheConditionTable_KVEWE | Usage Of The Condition Table | |
Application_KAPPL | Application | |
CoCcaOverheadKey_KOSZSCHL | CoCca Overhead Key | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
Name1_NAME1 | Name1 | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name2 | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name4 | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
District_ORT02 | District | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street And House Number | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
Region_REGIO | Region | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language Key | |
TeleboxNumber_TELBX | Telebox Number | |
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 | First Telephone Number | |
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 | Second Telephone Number | |
FaxNumber_TELFX | Fax Number | |
TeletexNumber_TELTX | Teletex Number | |
TelexNumber_TELX1 | Telex Number | |
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT | Data Communication Line No | |
PrinterDestinationForCctrReport_DRNAM | Printer Destination For Cctr Report | |
StandardHierarchyArea_KHINR | Standard Hierarchy Area | |
CostCollectorKey_CCKEY | Cost Collector Key | |
CompletionFlagForTheCostCenterMasterRecord_KOMPL | Completion Flag For The Cost Center Master Record | |
IndicatorObjectIsStatistical_STAKZ | Indicator Object Is Statistical | |
ObjectNumber_OBJNR | Object Number | |
FunctionOfCostCenter_FUNKT | Function Of Cost Center | |
AlternativeFunctionOfCostCenter_AFUNK | Alternative Function Of Cost Center | |
TemplateForActivityIndependentFormulaPlanning_CPI_TEMPL | Template For Activity Independent Formula Planning | |
TemplateForActivityDependentFormulaPlanning_CPD_TEMPL | Template For Activity Dependent Formula Planning | |
FunctionalArea_FUNC_AREA | Functional Area | |
Template_ActivityIndependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCI_TEMPL | Template Activity Independent Allocation To Cost Center | |
Template_ActivityDependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCD_TEMPL | Template Activity Dependent Allocation To Cost Center | |
Template_ActualStatisticalKeyFigureOnCostCenter_SKI_TEMPL | Template Actual Statistical Key Figure On Cost Center | |
Template_ActStatKeyFigureCostCenteractivityType_SKD_TEMPL | Template Act Stat Key Figure Cost Centeractivity Type | |
JointVenture_VNAME | Joint Venture | |
RecoveryIndicator_RECID | Recovery Indicator | |
EquityType_ETYPE | Equity Type | |
JointVentureObjectType_JV_OTYPE | Joint Venture Object Type | |
JibjibeClass_JV_JIBCL | Jibjibe Class | |
JibjibeSubclassA_JV_JIBSA | Jibjibe Subclass A | |
RegulatoryIndicator_FERC_IND | Regulatory Indicator | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
GeneralName_KTEXT | General Name | |
Description_LTEXT | Description | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeUse_MCTXT | Search Term For Matchcode Use |