Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - CustomerClearedItems_BSAD
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that provides detailed information about accounting documents and line items. It combines data from the BKPF and BSEG tables to provide a comprehensive view of accounting transactions.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
BKPF | Header data for accounting documents |
BSEG | Line item data for accounting documents |
Key Use Cases
- Can be used to analyze accounting data for a specific period or range of periods.
- Can be used to drill down into the details of individual accounting documents and line items.
- Can be used to generate reports on accounting data, such as balance sheets and income statements.
Query Logic
The view is created using a left outer join between the BKPF and BSEG tables. The join is performed on the following fields: MANDT, BUKRS, GJAHR, and BELNR. This ensures that all accounting documents and line items are included in the view, even if there is no line item data for a particular document.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FB03 | Display Document |
FB05 | Display Line Item |
FBL3N | Document List |
FBL5N | Line Item List |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client ID | |
PurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Purchasing Document Date | |
YearOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Year of Purchasing Document Date | |
MonthOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Month of Purchasing Document Date | |
WeekOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Week of Purchasing Document Date | |
Company_BUKRS | Company Code | |
Company | Company Name | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing Organization Name | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
PurchasingGroup | Purchasing Group Name | |
VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR | Vendor Account Number | |
VendorName | Vendor Name | |
VendorCountry | Vendor Country | |
FiscalyearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
MaterialType_MTART | Material Type | |
POQuantity_MENGE | PO Quantity | |
FiscalYear | Fiscal Year | |
FiscalPeriod | Fiscal Period | |
InvoiceDate | Invoice Date | |
TotalSpend | Total Spend | |
ClearedInvoices | Cleared Invoices | |
YearOfInvoiceDate | Year of Invoice Date | |
MonthOfInvoiceDate | Month of Invoice Date | |
WeekOfInvoiceDate | Week of Invoice Date | |
AverageNetPrice | Average Net Price | |
TargetCurrency_TCURR | Target Currency | |
AverageNetPriceInTargetCurrency | Average Net Price in Target Currency | |
TotalSpendInTargetCurrency | Total Spend in Target Currency | |
CountRejectedOrders | Count of Rejected Orders | |
CountNotRejectedOrders | Count of Not Rejected Orders | |
CountNotDelayedOrders | Count of Not Delayed Orders | |
CountDelayedOrders | Count of Delayed Orders | |
CountInFullOrders | Count of In Full Orders | |
CountNotInFullOrders | Count of Not In Full Orders | |
CountAccurateInvoices | Count of Accurate Invoices | |
CountInaccurateInvoices | Count of Inaccurate Invoices | |
CountPastDueOrders | Count of Past Due Orders | |
CountOpenOrders | Count of Open Orders | |
Material | Material Description | |
MaterialType | Material Type Description | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language Key | |
ValuationPrice | Valuation Price | |
ValuationPriceInTargetCurrency | Valuation Price in Target Currency | |
PurchasePriceVariance | Purchase Price Variance | |
PurchasePriceVarianceInTargetCurrency | Purchase Price Variance in Target Currency |