Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - InvoiceDocuments_Flow
This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of accounting documents for SAP systems. It combines data from the AccountingDocuments, CustomersMD, and CompaniesMD tables to provide insights into customer transactions, company information, and fiscal periods.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
AccountingDocuments | Contains detailed information about accounting documents, including document numbers, line items, currencies, and posting dates. |
CustomersMD | Provides customer master data, such as customer numbers, names, addresses, and country keys. |
CompaniesMD | Contains company-specific information, including company codes, company names, fiscal year variants, and country and city details. |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing customer receivables and aging reports.
- Monitoring open and overdue invoices.
- Identifying trends in customer payment behavior.
- Performing financial analysis and reporting.
Query Logic
The query retrieves accounting document data and joins it with customer and company master data. It calculates fiscal periods and current periods using custom SQL functions and applies filters to include only documents with a specific account type.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
FBL5N | Display Line Items: Display line items for a specific accounting document. |
FBL1N | Display Documents: Display accounting documents based on various selection criteria. |
FD03 | Display Customer Master Data: View and edit customer master data. |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
FiscalYear_GJAHR | Fiscal Year | |
InvoiceDocNum_BELNR | Invoice Document Number | |
InvoiceDocLineNum_BUZEI | Invoice Document Line Number | |
InvoiceDocAssignmentNum_COBL_NR | Invoice Document Assignment Number | |
Documenttype_BLART | Document Type | |
DocumentDate_BLDAT | Document Date | |
PostingDate_BUDAT | Posting Date | |
UserName_USNAM | User Name | |
TransactionCode_TCODE | Transaction Code | |
EnteredOn_CPUDT | Entered On | |
Enteredat_CPUTM | Entered at | |
TransactnType_VGART | Transaction Type | |
Reference_XBLNR | Reference | |
InvoicingParty_LIFNR | Invoicing Party | |
Currency_WAERS | Currency | |
Exchangerate_KURSF | Exchange Rate | |
GrossInvAmnt_RMWWR | Gross Invoice Amount | |
UnplDelCsts_BEZNK | Unplanned Delivery Costs | |
ValueAddedTax_WMWST1 | Value Added Tax | |
TaxCode_MWSKZ1 | Tax Code | |
notinuse_WMWST2 | Not in use | |
notinuse_MWSKZ2 | Not in use | |
Paytterms_ZTERM | Payment Terms | |
Days1_ZBD1T | Days 1 | |
Discpercent1_ZBD1P | Discount Percent 1 | |
Days2_ZBD2T | Days 2 | |
Discpercent2_ZBD2P | Discount Percent 2 | |
DaysNet_ZBD3T | Days Net | |
CDAmount_WSKTO | CD Amount | |
Invoice_XRECH | Invoice | |
DocHeaderText_BKTXT | Document Header Text | |
SAPRelease_SAPRL | SAP Release | |
Logicalsystem_LOGSYS | Logical System | |
CalculateTax_XMWST | Calculate Tax | |
Reversedby_STBLG | Reversed by | |
Year_STJAH | Year | |
TaxCode_MWSKZ_BNK | Tax Code | |
TaxJur_TXJCD_BNK | Tax Jurisdiction | |
IVcategory_IVTYP | IV Category | |
Sevtaxcodes_XRBTX | Seven Tax Codes | |
InvVerType_REPART | Invoice Version Type | |
Invstatus_RBSTAT | Invoice Status | |
DocCondition_KNUMVE | Document Condition | |
SupplierCond_KNUMVL | Supplier Condition | |
Invreduction_ARKUEN | Invoice Reduction | |
TaxInvRed_ARKUEMW | Tax Invoice Reduction | |
ManAccpdNetAmnt_MAKZN | Manual Accepted Net Amount | |
Taxaccptdman_MAKZMW | Tax Accepted Manual | |
SuppErrornet_LIEFFN | Supplier Error Net | |
TaxSuppError_LIEFFMW | Tax Supplier Error | |
Autoaccepted_XAUTAKZ | Auto Accepted | |
ISRnumber_ESRNR | ISR Number | |
Checkdigit_ESRPZ | Check Digit | |
ISRQRRef_ESRRE | ISR QR Reference | |
WTaxBase_QSSHB | W Tax Base | |
WTaxExempt_QSFBT | W Tax Exempt | |
WTaxCode_QSSKZ | W Tax Code | |
ServiceInd_DIEKZ | Service Indicator | |
SupplCntry_LANDL | Supplier Country | |
SCBInd_LZBKZ | SCB Indicator | |
RateforTaxes_TXKRS | Rate for Taxes | |
TaxRateLC_CTXKRS | Tax Rate LC | |
Payer_EMPFB | Payer | |
Partbanktype_BVTYP | Partner Bank Type | |
Housebank_HBKID | House Bank | |
Assignment_ZUONR | Assignment | |
Pmntblock_ZLSPR | Payment Block | |
PymtMeth_ZLSCH | Payment Method | |
BaselineDate_ZFBDT | Baseline Date | |
PaymentRef_KIDNO | Payment Reference | |
InRRefno_REBZG | In R Reference Number | |
FiscalYear_REBZJ | Fiscal Year | |
InvestID_XINVE | Investment ID | |
ReportingCntry_EGMLD | Reporting Country | |
EUTriangDeal_XEGDR | EU Triangulation Deal | |
TaxReportingDate_VATDATE | Tax Reporting Date | |
GLAcct_HKONT | GL Account | |
NFtype_J_1BNFTYPE | NF Type | |
Branchnumber_BRNCH | Branch Number | |
EntryProfile_ERFPR | Entry Profile | |
SectionCode_SECCO | Section Code | |
Name_NAME1 | Name | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name 3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name 4 | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
Country_LAND1 | Country | |
Street_STRAS | Street | |
POBox_PFACH | PO Box | |
POBoxPCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
Postbankno_PSKTO | Post Bank Number | |
BankAccount_BANKN | Bank Account | |
Banknumber_BANKL | Bank Number | |
BankCountry_BANKS | Bank Country | |
TaxNumber1_STCD1 | Tax Number 1 | |
TaxNumber2_STCD2 | Tax Number 2 | |
LiableforVAT_STKZU | Liable for VAT | |
Equalizatntax_STKZA | Equalization Tax | |
Region_REGIO | Region | |
Controlkey_BKONT | Control Key | |
Instructionkey_DTAWS | Instruction Key | |
DMEindicator_DTAMS | DME Indicator | |
Onetimeacct_XCPDK | One Time Account | |
Pmntrecipient_EMPFG | Payment Recipient | |
Taxtype_FITYP | Tax Type | |
Taxnumbertype_STCDT | Tax Number Type | |
Naturalperson_STKZN | Natural Person | |
TaxNumber3_STCD3 | Tax Number 3 | |
TaxNumber4_STCD4 | Tax Number 4 | |
Reference_BKREF | Reference | |
RepsName_J_1KFREPRE | Representative's Name | |
TypeofBusiness_J_1KFTBUS | Type of Business | |
TypeofIndustry_J_1KFTIND | Type of Industry | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
VATRegNo_STCEG | VAT Registration Number | |
Createdby_ERNAME | Created By | |
Invrecptdate_REINDAT | Invoice Receipt Date | |
Pmtmethsupl_UZAWE | Payment Method Supplier | |
PlanningLevel_FDLEV | Planning Level | |
PlanningDate_FDTAG | Planning Date | |
Fixed_ZBFIX | Fixed | |
ReleaseInd_FRGKZ | Release Indicator | |
EnteredBy_ERFNAM | Entered By | |
Businessplace_BUPLA | Business Place | |
Branch_FILKD | Branch | |
LotNo_LOTKZ | Lot Number | |
Text_SGTXT | Text | |
Transaction_INV_TRAN | Transaction | |
PrepaymentStatus_PREPAY_STATUS | Prepayment Status | |
InvoiceNumber_PREPAY_AWKEY | Invoice Number | |
AssignmTest_ASSIGN_STATUS | Assignment Test | |
NextAssignment_ASSIGN_NEXT_DATE | Next Assignment | |
AssignmentEnd_ASSIGN_END_DATE | Assignment End | |
OriginalInvoice_COPY_BY_BELNR | Original Invoice | |
FiscalYear_COPY_BY_YEAR | Fiscal Year | |
CopiedInvoice_COPY_TO_BELNR | Copied Invoice | |
FYearInvCopy_COPY_TO_YEAR | Fiscal Year Invoice Copy | |
CreatorofCopy_COPY_USER | Creator of Copy | |
ExchangeRate_KURSX | Exchange Rate | |
Translationdte_WWERT | Translation Date | |
Referencekey3_XREF3 | Reference Key 3 | |
BranchCode_J_1TPBUPL | Branch Code | |
PoNum_EBELN | Purchase Order Number | |
PoLineNum_EBELP | Purchase Order Line Number | |
PoAssignmentNum_ZEKKN | Purchase Order Assignment Number | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
ValuationArea_BWKEY | Valuation Area | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
PoUOM_BSTME | Purchase Order Unit of Measure | |
OrderPriceUnit_BPRME | Order Price Unit | |
TotalValuatedStock_LBKUM | Total Valuated Stock | |
TotalValuatedStockPreviousPeriod_VRKUM | Total Valuated Stock Previous Period | |
PoItemCategory_PSTYP | Purchase Order Item Category | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ValuationClass_BKLAS | Valuation Class | |
IndicatorFinalInvoice_EREKZ | Indicator Final Invoice | |
IndicatorUpdateEKBE_EXKBE | Indicator Update EKBE | |
IndicatorUpdatePurchaseOrderDeliveryCosts_XEKBZ | Indicator Update Purchase Order Delivery Costs | |
IndicatorSubsequentDebitCredit_TBTKZ | Indicator Subsequent Debit/Credit | |
BlockingReasonPrice_SPGRP | Blocking Reason Price | |
BlockingReasonQuantity_SPGRM | Blocking Reason Quantity | |
BlockingReasonDate_SPGRT | Blocking Reason Date | |
BlockingReasonOrderPriceQuantity_SPGRG | Blocking Reason Order Price Quantity | |
BlockingReasonProjectBudget_SPGRV | Blocking Reason Project Budget | |
ManualBlockingReason_SPGRQ | Manual Blocking Reason | |
BlockingReasonQuality_SPGRC | Blocking Reason Quality | |
BlockingReasonEnhancementFields_SPGREXT | Blocking Reason Enhancement Fields | |
PostingStringforValues_BUSTW | Posting String for Values | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
IndicatorDocumentIsPostedPreviousPeriod_XRUEB | Indicator Document Is Posted Previous Period | |
DeliveryCostsItemSplit_BNKAN | Delivery Costs Item Split | |
Conditiontype_KSCHL | Condition Type | |
TotalValuatedStockValue_SALK3 | Total Valuated Stock Value | |
TotalValuatedStockPreviousPeriodValue_VMSAL | Total Valuated Stock Previous Period Value | |
ReferenceDoc_LFBNR | Reference Document | |
FiscalYearofCurrentPeriod_LFGJA | Fiscal Year of Current Period | |
ReferenceDocLineNum_LFPOS | Reference Document Line Number | |
MaterialinRespectofWhichStockisManaged_MATBF | Material in Respect of Which Stock is Managed | |
QuantityInvoicedinSupplierInvoiceinPOOrderUnits_RBMNG | Quantity Invoiced in Supplier Invoice in PO Order Units | |
QuantityInvoicedinSupplierInvoiceinPOPriceUnits_BPRBM | Quantity Invoiced in Supplier Invoice in PO Price Units | |
TypeofSupplierError_LFEHL | Type of Supplier Error | |
GrossIncomeTaxActivityCode_GRICD | Gross Income Tax Activity Code | |
Region_GRIRG | Region | |
DistributionTypeforEmploymentTax_GITYP | Distribution Type for Employment Tax | |
PackageNumberofService_PACKNO | Package Number of Service | |
LineNumberofService_INTROW | Line Number of Service | |
Correctionindicator_KZMEK | Correction Indicator | |
IndicatorInvoiceItemProcessed_MRMOK | Indicator Invoice Item Processed | |
StepNumber_STUNR | Step Number | |
ConditionCounter_ZAEHK | Condition Counter | |
StockPostingofLinefromanIncomingInvoice_STOCK_POSTING | Stock Posting of Line from an Incoming Invoice | |
StockPostingPrevPeriod_STOCK_POSTING_PP | Stock Posting Previous Period | |
StockPostingPrevYear_STOCK_POSTING_PY | Stock Posting Previous Year | |
ClearingIndicatorGRIRPosting_WEREC | Clearing Indicator GRIR Posting | |
AccountNumber_LIFNR | Account Number | |
BillOfLading_FRBNR | Bill Of Lading | |
UpdateMultipleAccountAssignment_XHISTMA | Update Multiple Account Assignment | |
ComplaintsReason_COMPLAINT_REASON | Complaints Reason | |
RetentionPercent_RETPC | Retention Percent | |
RetentionDueDate_RETDUEDT | Retention Due Date | |
RetentionTaxReduction_XRETTAXNET | Retention Tax Reduction | |
CashLedgerAccount_RE_ACCOUNT | Cash Ledger Account | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreementNum_ERP_CONTRACT_ID | Principal Purchase Agreement Number | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreementItemNum_ERP_CONTRACT_ITM | Principal Purchase Agreement Item Number | |
CentralContractNum_SRM_CONTRACT_ID | Central Contract Number | |
CentralContractItemNumber_SRM_CONTRACT_ITM | Central Contract Item Number | |
PoItemCategory2_CONT_PSTYP | Purchase Order Item Category 2 | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
InvoiceItemOrigin_INV_ITM_ORIGIN | Invoice Item Origin | |
GroupingCharacteristic_INVREL | Grouping Characteristic | |
IndicatorInvoicingDifferential_XDINV | Indicator Invoicing Differential | |
IndicatorCommodityRepricing_XCPRF | Indicator Commodity Repricing | |
SeasonYear_FSH_SEASON_YEAR | Season Year | |
Season_FSH_SEASON | Season | |
FashionCollection_FSH_COLLECTION | Fashion Collection | |
FashionTheme_FSH_THEME | Fashion Theme | |
InternalLicenseNumber_LICNO | Internal License Number | |
ItemNumber_ZEILE | Item Number | |
StockSegment_SGT_SCAT | Stock Segment | |
CharacteristicValue1_WRF_CHARSTC1 | Characteristic Value 1 | |
CharacteristicValue2_WRF_CHARSTC2 | Characteristic Value 2 | |
CharacteristicValue3_WRF_CHARSTC3 | Characteristic Value 3 | |
MainAssetNumber_ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | |
AssetSubnumber_ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | |
RoutingNumber_APLZL | Routing Number | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
SettlementReferenceDate_DABRZ | Settlement Reference Date | |
CommitmentItem_FIPOS | Commitment Item | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
Fund_GEBER | Fund | |
Grant_GRANT_NBR | Grant | |
RealEstateObjectKey_IMKEY | Real Estate Object Key | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
CostObject_KSTRG | Cost Object | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
WbsElement_PS_PSP_PNR | WBS Element | |
RulesforIssuinganInvoice_RECID | Rules for Issuing an Invoice | |
GlAccount_SAKNR | GL Account | |
SalesDocNum_VBELN | Sales Document Number | |
SalesDocLineNum_VBELP | Sales Document Line Number | |
PartnerAccountNum_VPTNR | Partner Account Number | |
UnplannedAccountAssignment_XUNPL | Unplanned Account Assignment | |
ActivityType_LSTAR | Activity Type | |
BusinessProcess_PRZNR | Business Process | |
Routingnumberofoperationsintheorder_AUFPL | Routing Number of Operations in the Order | |
AssetValueDate_BZDAT | Asset Value Date | |
IndicatorNegativePosting_XNEGP | Indicator Negative Posting | |
UsedEarmarkedFunds_ERLKZ | Used Earmarked Funds | |
FinancialManagementArea_FIKRS | Financial Management Area | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentNum_KBLNR | Earmarked Funds Document Number | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItemNum_KBLPOS | EarmarkedFunds Document Item Number | |
Tradingpartner_PARGB | Trading Partner | |
PersonnelNumber_PERNR | Personnel Number | |
NetworkNumberAccountAssignment_NPLNR | Network Number Account Assignment | |
OperationActivityNumber_VORNR | Operation Activity Number | |
Assignmentnumber_ZUONR | Assignment Number | |
TaxType_MWART | Tax Type | |
TaxBaseLocalCurrencyAmount_HWBAS | Tax Base Local Currency Amount | |
SettlementPeriod_ABPER | Settlement Period | |
DeliveryCreationDate_LEDAT | Delivery Creation Date | |
Quantity_MENGE_F | Quantity | |
QuantityPOPriceUnit_BPMNG_F | Quantity PO Price Unit | |
BudgetPeriod_BUDGET_PD | Budget Period | |
FundedProgram_MEASURE | Funded Program | |
UnitedStatesFederalGovernmentFields_FMFGUS_KEY | United States Federal Government Fields | |
Accounttype_KOART | Account Type | |
FinalAccountAssignmentIndicator_AA_FINAL_IND | Final Account Assignment Indicator | |
FinalAccountAssignmentQuantity_AA_FINAL_QTY | Final Account Assignment Quantity | |
FinalAccountAssignmentQuantityFloat_AA_FINAL_QTY_F | Final Account Assignment Quantity Float | |
ParkedInvoiceQuantity_PARKED_QTY | Parked Invoice Quantity | |
ParkedInvoiceQuantityFloat_PARKED_QTY_F | Parked Invoice Quantity Float | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
DebitCreditIndicator_SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | |
Taxonsalespurchasescode_MWSKZ | Tax on Sales/Purchases Code | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
Quantity_MENGE | Quantity | |
QuantityinPurchaseOrderPriceUnit_BPMNG | Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit | |
BaseUnitofMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
BlockingReasonItemAmount_SPGRS | Blocking Reason Item Amount | |
ItemText_SGTXT | Item Text | |
IndicatorLineItemCashDiscountNotLiable_XSKRL | Indicator Line Item Cash Discount Not Liable | |
YearOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Year Of Posting Date | |
MonthOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Month Of Posting Date | |
WeekOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Week Of Posting Date | |
QuarterOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Quarter Of Posting Date | |
YearOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Year Of Document Date | |
MonthOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Month Of Document Date | |
WeekOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Week Of Document Date | |
QuarterOfDocumentDate_BLDAT | Quarter Of Document Date | |
WbsElement_POSID | WBS Element | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
InvoiceAmountinDocumentCurrencyofSupplierInvoice_RBWWR | Invoice Amount in Document Currency of Supplier Invoice | |
RetentionAmount_RETAMT_FC | Retention Amount | |
DifferenceAmount_DIFF_AMOUNT | Difference Amount | |
DeliveryCostsDistributionAmount_BNKAN_FW | Delivery Costs Distribution Amount | |
TaxBaseAmount_FWBAS | Tax Base Amount | |
AmountinDocumentCurrency_WRBTR | Amount in Document Currency |