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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - POFulfillment


This reporting view provides a consolidated view of purchase order and delivery data from SAP systems. It combines information from the PurchaseDocuments and POSchedule tables to provide insights into the status of purchase orders, including scheduled and received quantities, delivery dates, and other relevant details.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
PurchaseDocuments Contains header-level information about purchase orders, such as document number, vendor, currency, and order value.
POSchedule Contains schedule line-level information about purchase orders, including scheduled delivery dates, quantities, and goods received.

Key Use Cases

  • Monitoring the progress of purchase orders and deliveries.
  • Identifying purchase orders with pending deliveries or discrepancies in quantities.
  • Analyzing purchase order trends and patterns.
  • Supporting decision-making related to inventory management and supplier performance.

Query Logic

The view uses a common table expression (CTE) named eket to aggregate schedule line data by purchase order document number, item number, and delivery date. It then joins this CTE with the PurchaseDocuments table on the document number and item number to combine header-level and schedule line-level information. The query also calculates total scheduled and received quantities, taking into account returns items.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
ME23N Display Purchase Order
VL03N Display Delivery

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client ID
DocumentNumber_EBELN Purchasing Document Number
Item_EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
DocumentCategory_BSTYP Document Category
DocumentType_BSART Document Type
VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR Vendor Account Number
Language_SPRAS Language
TermsPaymentKey_ZTERM Terms of Payment Key
CashDiscountPercentage1_ZBD1P Cash Discount Percentage 1
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG Purchasing Organization
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP Purchasing Group
CurrencyKey_WAERS Currency Key
MaterialNumber_MATNR Material Number
ShortText_TXZ01 Short Text
MaterialGroup_MATKL Material Group
StorageLocation_LGORT Storage Location
POQuantity_MENGE PO Quantity
UoM_MEINS Unit of Measure
OrderPriceUnit_BPRME Order Price Unit
NetPrice_NETPR Net Price
NetOrderValueinPOCurrency_NETWR Net Order Value in PO Currency
GrossordervalueinPOcurrency_BRTWR Gross Order Value in PO Currency
DeliveryCompletedFlag_ELIKZ Delivery Completed Flag
NetWeight_NTGEW Net Weight
ReturnsItem_RETPO Returns Item
ItemDeliveryDate_EINDT Item Delivery Date
TotalScheduledQty Total Scheduled Quantity
TotalReceivedQty Total Received Quantity
PendingQty Pending Quantity
