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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - POOrderHistory


This reporting view provides detailed information about purchase documents, including goods receipt and invoice receipt data, from SAP systems. It combines data from the PurchaseDocuments table in the target dataset with the ekbe table from the source dataset, and includes additional data from currency_decimal, calendar_date_dim, and currency_conversion tables.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
PurchaseDocuments A table in the target dataset that contains information about purchase documents, including vendor account numbers, document numbers, and item numbers.
ekbe A table from the source SAP system that contains detailed data about purchase documents, including transaction event types, material document numbers, and quantity information.
currency_decimal A table in the target dataset that contains currency decimal information.
calendar_date_dim A table in the source SAP system that contains calendar date dimension information.
currency_conversion A table in the target dataset that contains currency conversion information.

Key Use Cases

  • This view can be used to analyze purchase document data, including goods receipt and invoice receipt data, for reporting and analysis purposes.
  • It can be used to track the status of purchase orders, monitor inventory levels, and analyze purchasing trends.

Query Logic

The query logic joins the PurchaseDocuments table with the ekbe table on the Client_MANDT, DocumentNumber_EBELN, and Item_EBELP fields. It then left joins the currency_decimal table on the CurrencyKey_WAERS field to get currency decimal information. It also left joins the calendar_date_dim table on the BUDAT and BLDAT fields to get calendar date dimension information. Finally, it left joins the currency_conversion table on the Client_MANDT, CurrencyKey_WAERS, ChangeDate_AEDAT, and TCURR fields to get currency conversion information.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
MIGO Goods Receipt
MIRO Invoice Receipt

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
PO.VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR Vendor account number
ekbe.MANDT Client
ekbe.EBELN Purchasing document number
ekbe.EBELP Item number of purchasing document
ekbe.ZEKKN Sequential number of account assignment
ekbe.VGABE Transaction event type
ekbe.GJAHR Material document year
ekbe.BELNR Number of material document
ekbe.BUZEI Item in material document
ekbe.BEWTP Purchase order history category
ekbe.BWART Movement type (inventory management)
ekbe.BUDAT Posting date in the document
ekbe.MENGE Quantity
ekbe.BPMNG Quantity in purchase order price unit
ekbe.WAERS Currency key
ekbe.WESBS Goods receipt blocked stock in order unit
ekbe.BPWES Quantity in GR blocked stock in order price unit
ekbe.SHKZG Debit/credit indicator
ekbe.BWTAR Valuation type
ekbe.ELIKZ Delivery completed
ekbe.XBLNR Reference document number
ekbe.LFGJA Fiscal year of a reference document
ekbe.LFBNR Document number of a reference document
ekbe.LFPOS Item of a reference document
ekbe.GRUND Reason for movement
ekbe.CPUDT Day on which accounting document was entered
ekbe.CPUTM Time of entry
ekbe.EVERE Compliance with shipping instructions
ekbe.REFWR Invoice value in foreign currency
ekbe.MATNR Material number
ekbe.WERKS Plant
ekbe.XWSBR Reversal of GR allowed for GR-based IV despite invoice
ekbe.ETENS Sequential number of vendor confirmation
ekbe.KNUMV Number of the document condition
ekbe.MWSKZ Tax on sales/purchases code
ekbe.LSMNG Quantity in unit of measure from delivery note
ekbe.LSMEH Unit of measure from delivery note
ekbe.EMATN Material number
ekbe.HSWAE Local currency key
ekbe.BAMNG Quantity
ekbe.CHARG Batch number
ekbe.BLDAT Document date in document
ekbe.XWOFF Calculation of ValOpen
ekbe.XUNPL Unplanned account assignment from invoice verification
ekbe.ERNAM Name of person who created the object
ekbe.SRVPOS Service number
ekbe.PACKNO Package number of service
ekbe.INTROW Line number of service
ekbe.BEKKN Number of PO account assignment
ekbe.LEMIN Returns indicator
ekbe.AREWB Clearing value on GR/IR account in PO currency
ekbe.REWRB Invoice amount in PO currency
ekbe.SAPRL SAP release
ekbe.MENGE_POP Quantity
ekbe.BPMNG_POP Quantity in purchase order price unit
ekbe.DMBTR_POP Amount in local currency
ekbe.WRBTR_POP Amount in document currency
ekbe.WESBB Valuated goods receipt blocked stock in order unit
ekbe.BPWEB Quantity in valuated GR blocked stock in order price unit
ekbe.WEORA Acceptance at origin
ekbe.AREWR_POP GR/IR account clearing value in local currency
ekbe.KUDIF Exchange rate difference amount
ekbe.RETAMT_FC Retention amount in document currency
ekbe.RETAMT_LC Retention amount in company code currency
ekbe.RETAMTP_FC Posted retention amount in document currency
ekbe.RETAMTP_LC Posted security retention amount in company code currency
ekbe.XMACC Multiple account assignment
ekbe.WKURS Exchange rate
ekbe.INV_ITEM_ORIGIN Origin of an invoice item
ekbe.VBELN_ST Delivery
ekbe.VBELP_ST Delivery item
ekbe.SGT_SCAT Stock segment
ekbe.ET_UPD Procedure for updating the schedule line quantity
ekbe.J_SC_DIE_COMP_F Depreciation completion flag
ekbe.WRF_CHARSTC1 Characteristic value 1
ekbe.WRF_CHARSTC2 Characteristic value 2
ekbe.WRF_CHARSTC3 Characteristic value 3
CalendarDateDimension_BUDAT.CalYear Year of posting date in the document
CalendarDateDimension_BUDAT.CalMonth Month of posting date in the document
CalendarDateDimension_BUDAT.CalWeek Week of posting date in the document
CalendarDateDimension_BUDAT.CalQuarter Quarter of posting date in the document
CalendarDateDimension_BLDAT.CalYear Year of document date in document
CalendarDateDimension_BLDAT.CalMonth Month of document date in document
CalendarDateDimension_BLDAT.CalWeek Week of document date in document
CalendarDateDimension_BLDAT.CalQuarter Quarter of document date in document
currency_decimal.CURRFIX Currency decimal
ekbe.DMBTR * currency_decimal.CURRFIX Amount in local currency
ekbe.WRBTR * currency_decimal.CURRFIX Amount in document currency
ekbe.AREWR * currency_decimal.CURRFIX GR/IR account clearing value in local currency
ekbe.REEWR * currency_decimal.CURRFIX Invoice value entered in local currency
ekbe.AREWW * currency_decimal.CURRFIX Clearing value on GR/IR clearing account in transac currency
