Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - PurchaseDocuments_Flow
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that combines data from multiple tables to provide a comprehensive view of purchase orders, goods receipts, and invoice receipts. It includes detailed information on each purchase order item, including pricing, account assignments, and delivery information. The view also includes data on goods receipts and invoice receipts, allowing for analysis of the entire procurement process.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
EKKO | Purchase Order Header |
EKPO | Purchase Order Item |
EKKN | Account Assignment for Purchase Order Item |
TCURX | Currency Exchange Rates |
CONV | Currency Conversion Rates |
GoodsReceiptStaging | Staging table for goods receipt data |
GoodsReceiptStagingBELNR | Staging table for goods receipt document numbers |
GoodsReceipt | Goods Receipt |
InvoiceReceiptStaging | Staging table for invoice receipt data |
InvoiceReceiptStagingBELNR | Staging table for invoice receipt document numbers |
InvoiceReceipt | Invoice Receipt |
Key Use Cases
- This view can be used to analyze the entire procurement process, from purchase order creation to goods receipt and invoice receipt.
- It can be used to track the status of purchase orders, identify any delays or issues, and ensure that goods and services are being received and invoiced correctly.
- The view can also be used to analyze pricing and account assignments, and to identify any potential cost savings or inefficiencies.
Query Logic
The view is created using a series of joins between the source tables. The primary join is between the EKKO and EKPO tables, which links purchase order header data to purchase order item data. The EKKN table is then joined to the EKPO table to add account assignment information for each item. The TCURX and CONV tables are used to convert currency values to a common currency for reporting purposes. The GoodsReceipt and InvoiceReceipt tables are joined to the EKKO and EKPO tables to add information about goods receipts and invoice receipts.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22N | Change Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
MIGO | Goods Receipt |
MIRO | Invoice Receipt |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
DocumentNumber_EBELN | Document Number | |
Item_EBELP | Item | |
DeletionFlag_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag | |
Company_BUKRS | Company Code | |
DocumentCategory_BSTYP | Document Category | |
DocumentType_BSART | Document Type | |
ControlFlag_BSAKZ | Control Flag | |
DeletionFlagHdr_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag Header | |
Status_STATU | Status | |
CreatedOn_AEDAT | Created On | |
CreatedBy_ERNAM | Created By | |
ItemNumberInterval_PINCR | Item Number Interval | |
LastItemNumber_LPONR | Last Item Number | |
VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR | Vendor Account Number | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
TermsPaymentKey_ZTERM | Terms of Payment Key | |
VendorName_LIFNR | Vendor Name | |
DiscountDays1_ZBD1T | Discount Days 1 | |
DiscountDays2_ZBD2T | Discount Days 2 | |
DiscountDays3_ZBD3T | Discount Days 3 | |
CashDiscountPercentage1_ZBD1P | Cash Discount Percentage 1 | |
CashDiscountPercentage2_ZBD2P | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
ExchangeRate_WKURS | Exchange Rate | |
FlagFixingExchangeRate_KUFIX | Flag Fixing Exchange Rate | |
PurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Purchasing Document Date | |
StartValidityPeriod_KDATB | Start Validity Period | |
EndValidityPeriod_KDATE | End Validity Period | |
ClosingDateforApplications_BWBDT | Closing Date for Applications | |
Deadline_ANGDT | Deadline | |
BindingPeriodforQuotation_BNDDT | Binding Period for Quotation | |
WarrantyDate_GWLDT | Warranty Date | |
Bidinvitationnumber_AUSNR | Bid Invitation Number | |
QuotationNumber_ANGNR | Quotation Number | |
QuotationSubmissionDate_IHRAN | Quotation Submission Date | |
YourReference_IHREZ | Your Reference | |
VendorSalesperson_VERKF | Vendor Salesperson | |
VendorTelephone_TELF1 | Vendor Telephone | |
SupplyingVendor_LLIEF | Supplying Vendor | |
Customer_KUNNR | Customer | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KONNR | Principal Purchase Agreement | |
CompleteDeliveryStipulated_AUTLF | Complete Delivery Stipulated | |
GoodsReceiptMsgFlag_WEAKT | Goods Receipt Message Flag | |
SupplyTransportOrders_RESWK | Supply Transport Orders | |
AreaPerDistributionValue_KTWRT | Area Per Distribution Value | |
CollectiveNumber_SUBMI | Collective Number | |
Numberthedocumentcondition_KNUMV | Number the Document Condition | |
Procedure_KALSM | Procedure | |
UpdateGroupStatistics_STAFO | Update Group Statistics | |
DifferentInvoicingParty_LIFRE | Different Invoicing Party | |
ForeignTradeDocument_EXNUM | Foreign Trade Document | |
OurReference_UNSEZ | Our Reference | |
LogicalSystem_LOGSY | Logical System | |
ItemNumberInterval_UPINC | Item Number Interval | |
TimeDependentConditions_STAKO | Time Dependent Conditions | |
Releasegroup_FRGGR | Release Group | |
ReleaseStrategy_FRGSX | Release Strategy | |
PurchasingDocumentRelease_FRGKE | Purchasing Document Release | |
ReleaseStatus_FRGZU | Release Status | |
ReleaseIncomplete_FRGRL | Release Incomplete | |
CountryforTaxReturn_LANDS | Country for Tax Return | |
SchedulingAgreement_LPHIS | Scheduling Agreement | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
CountrySalesTaxIDNumber_STCEG_L | Country Sales Tax ID Number | |
VATRegistrationNumber_STCEG | VAT Registration Number | |
ReasonforCancellation_ABSGR | Reason for Cancellation | |
AdditionalDocument_ADDNR | Additional Document | |
CorrectionMiscProvisions_KORNR | Correction Misc Provisions | |
IncompleteFlag_MEMORY | Incomplete Flag | |
ProcessingState_PROCSTAT | Processing State | |
ValueAtRelease_RLWRT | Value At Release | |
VersionnumberinPurchasing_REVNO | Version Number in Purchasing | |
SCMProcess_SCMPROC | SCM Process | |
GoodsReceiptReason_REASON_CODE | Goods Receipt Reason | |
CategoryIncompleteness_MEMORYTYPE | Category Incompleteness | |
RetentionFlag_RETTP | Retention Flag | |
ProcessIdentificationNumber_MSR_ID | Process Identification Number | |
PartaContractHierarchy_HIERARCHY_EXISTS | Part of a Contract Hierarchy | |
ExchangeThresholdValue_THRESHOLD_EXISTS | Exchange Threshold Value | |
LegalContractNumber_LEGAL_CONTRACT | Legal Contract Number | |
ContractName_DESCRIPTION | Contract Name | |
ReleaseDateContract_RELEASE_DATE | Release Date Contract | |
Physicalhandover_HANDOVERLOC | Physical Handover | |
InternalKeyforForceElement_FORCE_ID | Internal Key for Force Element | |
InternalCounter_FORCE_CNT | Internal Counter | |
RelocationID_RELOC_ID | Relocation ID | |
RelocationStepID_RELOC_SEQ_ID | Relocation Step ID | |
Logicalsystem_SOURCE_LOGSYS | Logical System | |
InterestcalculationFlag_VZSKZ | Interest Calculation Flag | |
SeasonalProcesingDocument_POHF_TYPE | Seasonal Processing Document | |
SameDeliveryDate_EQ_EINDT | Same Delivery Date | |
SameReceivingPlant_EQ_WERKS | Same Receiving Plant | |
FirmDealFlag_FIXPO | Firm Deal Flag | |
TakeAccountPurchGroup_EKGRP_ALLOW | Take Account Purchasing Group | |
TakeAccountPlants_WERKS_ALLOW | Take Account Plants | |
TakeAccountContracts_CONTRACT_ALLOW | Take Account Contracts | |
TakeAccountItemCategories_PSTYP_ALLOW | Take Account Item Categories | |
TakeAccountFixedDate_FIXPO_ALLOW | Take Account Fixed Date | |
ConsiderBudget_KEY_ID_ALLOW | Consider Budget | |
TakeAccountAllocTableRelevance_AUREL_ALLOW | Take Account Allocation Table Relevance | |
TakeAccountDlvyPeriod_DELPER_ALLOW | Take Account Delivery Period | |
TakeAccountDeliveryDate_EINDT_ALLOW | Take Account Delivery Date | |
IncludeVendorSubrange_LTSNR_ALLOW | Include Vendor Subrange | |
OTBCheckLevel_OTB_LEVEL | OTB Check Level | |
OTBConditionType_OTB_COND_TYPE | OTB Condition Type | |
UniqueNumberBudget_KEY_ID | Unique Number Budget | |
RequiredBudget_OTB_VALUE | Required Budget | |
OTBCurrency_OTB_CURR | OTB Currency | |
ReservedBudgetforOTB_OTB_RES_VALUE | Reserved Budget for OTB | |
SpecialReleaseBudget_OTB_SPEC_VALUE | Special Release Budget | |
BudgetType_BUDG_TYPE | Budget Type | |
OTBCheckStatus_OTB_STATUS | OTB Check Status | |
ReasonFlagforOTBCheckStatus_OTB_REASON | Reason Flag for OTB Check Status | |
TypeOTBCheck_CHECK_TYPE | Type OTB Check | |
OTBRelevantContract_CON_OTB_REQ | OTB Relevant Contract | |
OTBFlagLevelforContracts_CON_PREBOOK_LEV | OTB Flag Level for Contracts | |
DistributionUsingTargetValueorItemData_CON_DISTR_LEV | Distribution Using Target Value or Item Data | |
RFQtatus_STATU | RFQ Status | |
ChangeDate_AEDAT | Change Date | |
ShortText_TXZ01 | Short Text | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
MaterialNumber_EMATN | Material Number | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
RequirementTrackingNumber_BEDNR | Requirement Tracking Number | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
NumberofPurchasingInfoRecord_INFNR | Number of Purchasing Info Record | |
MaterialNumberVendor_IDNLF | Material Number Vendor | |
TargetQuantity_KTMNG | Target Quantity | |
POQuantity_MENGE | PO Quantity | |
UoM_MEINS | Unit of Measure | |
OrderPriceUnit_BPRME | Order Price Unit | |
OrderUnitNumerator_BPUMZ | Order Unit Numerator | |
OrderUnitDenominator_BPUMN | Order Unit Denominator | |
NumeratorforConversionofOrderUnittoBaseUnit_UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit | |
DenominatorforConversionofOrderUnittoBaseUnit_UMREN | Denominator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit | |
PriceUnit_PEINH | Price Unit | |
DeadlineforSubmissionofBid_AGDAT | Deadline for Submission of Bid | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeinDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days | |
NetPrice_NETPR | Net Price | |
Taxcode_MWSKZ | Tax Code | |
SettlementGroup1_BONUS | Settlement Group 1 | |
StockType_INSMK | Stock Type | |
NetOrderValueinPOCurrency_NETWR | Net Order Value in PO Currency | |
UpdateInfoRecordFlag_SPINF | Update Info Record Flag | |
PricePrintout_PRSDR | Price Printout | |
GrossordervalueinPOcurrency_BRTWR | Gross Order Value in PO Currency | |
EstimatedPriceFlag_SCHPR | Estimated Price Flag | |
NumberofReminders_MAHNZ | Number of Reminders | |
NumberofDaysforFirstReminder_MAHN1 | Number of Days for First Reminder | |
NumberofDaysforSecondReminder_MAHN2 | Number of Days for Second Reminder | |
NumberofDaysforThirdReminder_MAHN3 | Number of Days for Third Reminder | |
OverdeliveryToleranceLimit_UEBTO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
UnlimitedOverdeliveryAllowed_UEBTK | Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed | |
UnderdeliveryToleranceLimit_UNTTO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
ValuationCategory_BWTTY | Valuation Category | |
RejectionFlag_ABSKZ | Rejection Flag | |
InternalCommentonQuotation_AGMEM | Internal Comment on Quotation | |
DeliveryCompletedFlag_ELIKZ | Delivery Completed Flag | |
FinalInvoiceFlag_EREKZ | Final Invoice Flag | |
ItemCategoryinPurchasingDocument_PSTYP | Item Category in Purchasing Document | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ConsumptionPosting_KZVBR | Consumption Posting | |
DistributionFlagformultipleaccountassignment_VRTKZ | Distribution Flag for Multiple Account Assignment | |
PartialInvoiceFlag_TWRKZ | Partial Invoice Flag | |
GoodsReceiptFlag_WEPOS | Goods Receipt Flag | |
GoodsReceiptNonValuated_WEUNB | Goods Receipt Non-Valuated | |
InvoiceReceiptFlag_REPOS | Invoice Receipt Flag | |
FlagGRBasedInvoiceVerification_WEBRE | Flag GR-Based Invoice Verification | |
OrderAcknowledgmentRequirement_KZABS | Order Acknowledgment Requirement | |
OrderAcknowledgmentNumber_LABNR | Order Acknowledgment Number | |
NumberofPrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KONNR | Number of Principal Purchase Agreement | |
ItemNumberofPrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KTPNR | Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreement | |
ReconciliationDateforAgreedCumulativeQuantity_ABDAT | Reconciliation Date for Agreed Cumulative Quantity | |
AgreedCumulativeQuantity_ABFTZ | Agreed Cumulative Quantity | |
FirmZone_ETFZ1 | Firm Zone | |
TradeOffZone_ETFZ2 | Trade-Off Zone | |
FirmTradeOffZones_KZSTU | Firm Trade-Off Zones | |
ExclusioninOutlineAgreementItemwithMaterialClass_NOTKZ | Exclusion in Outline Agreement Item with Material Class | |
BaseUnitofMeasure_LMEIN | Base Unit of Measure | |
ShippingInstructions_EVERS | Shipping Instructions | |
TargetValueforOutlineAgreementinDocumentCurrency_ZWERT | Target Value for Outline Agreement in Document Currency | |
Nondeductibleinputtax_NAVNW | Non-deductible Input Tax | |
Standardreleaseorderquantity_ABMNG | Standard Release Order Quantity | |
DateofPriceDetermination_PRDAT | Date of Price Determination | |
PurchasingDocumentCategory_BSTYP | Purchasing Document Category | |
Itemaffectscommitments_XOBLR | Item Affects Commitments | |
Manualaddressnumberinpurchasingdocumentitem_ADRNR | Manual Address Number in Purchasing Document Item | |
ConditionGroupwithVendor_EKKOL | Condition Group with Vendor | |
ItemDoesNotQualifyforCashDiscount_SKTOF | Item Does Not Qualify for Cash Discount | |
Updategroupforstatisticsupdate_STAFO | Update Group for Statistics Update | |
PlannedDeliveryTimeinDays_PLIFZ | Planned Delivery Time in Days | |
NetWeight_NTGEW | Net Weight | |
UnitofWeight_GEWEI | Unit of Weight | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
FlagPrintrelevantSchedulelinesexist_ETDRK | Flag Print-Relevant Schedule Lines Exist | |
SpecialStockFlag_SOBKZ | Special Stock Flag | |
Effectivevalueofitem_EFFWR | Effective Value of Item | |
Settlementreservationnumber_ARSNR | Settlement Reservation Number | |
Itemnumberofthesettlementreservation_ARSPS | Item Number of the Settlement Reservation | |
QualityinspectionFlagcannotbechanged_INSNC | Quality Inspection Flag Cannot Be Changed | |
ControlKeyforQualityManagementinProcurement_SSQSS | Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement | |
CertificateType_ZGTYP | Certificate Type | |
InternationalArticleNumber_EAN11 | International Article Number | |
ConfirmationControlKey_BSTAE | Confirmation Control Key | |
RevisionLevel_REVLV | Revision Level | |
Fund_GEBER | Fund | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
CommitmentItem_FIPOS | Commitment Item | |
Businessareareportedtothepartner_KO_GSBER | Business Area Reported to the Partner | |
assumedbusinessareaofthebusinesspartner_KO_PARGB | Assumed Business Area of the Business Partner | |
ProfitCenter_KO_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
PartnerProfitCenter_KO_PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | |
PricingDateControl_MEPRF | Pricing Date Control | |
GrossWeight_BRGEW | Gross Weight | |
Volume_VOLUM | Volume | |
Volumeunit_VOLEH | Volume Unit | |
Incoterms1_INCO1 | Incoterms 1 | |
Incoterms2_INCO2 | Incoterms 2 | |
Advanceprocurement_VORAB | Advance Procurement | |
PriorVendor_KOLIF | Prior Vendor | |
VendorSubrange_LTSNR | Vendor Subrange | |
Packagenumber_PACKNO | Package Number | |
Invoicingplannumber_FPLNR | Invoicing Plan Number | |
Currentlynotused_GNETWR | Currently Not Used | |
Itemisstatistical_STAPO | Item is Statistical | |
HigherLevelIteminPurchasingDocuments_UEBPO | Higher-Level Item in Purchasing Documents | |
LatestPossibleGoodsReceipt_LEWED | Latest Possible Goods Receipt | |
Vendortobesupplied_EMLIF | Vendor to Be Supplied | |
Subcontractingvendor_LBLKZ | Subcontracting Vendor | |
CrossPlantConfigurableMaterial_SATNR | Cross-Plant Configurable Material | |
MaterialCategory_ATTYP | Material Category | |
Shippingtype_VSART | Shipping Type | |
Locationforaphysicalhandoverofgoods_HANDOVERLOC | Location for a Physical Handover of Goods | |
KanbanFlag_KANBA | Kanban Flag | |
Numberofdeliveryaddress_ADRN2 | Number of Delivery Address | |
internalObjectNumber_CUOBJ | Internal Object Number | |
EvaluatedReceiptSettlement_XERSY | Evaluated Receipt Settlement | |
StartDateforGRBasedSettlement_EILDT | Start Date for GR-Based Settlement | |
LastTransmission_DRDAT | Last Transmission | |
Time_DRUHR | Time | |
SequentialNumber_DRUNR | Sequential Number | |
Promotion_AKTNR | Promotion | |
AllocationTableNumber_ABELN | Allocation Table Number | |
Itemnumberofallocationtable_ABELP | Item Number of Allocation Table | |
NumberofPoints_ANZPU | Number of Points | |
Pointsunit_PUNEI | Points Unit | |
SeasonCategory_SAISO | Season Category | |
SeasonYear_SAISJ | Season Year | |
SettlementGroup2_EBON2 | Settlement Group 2 | |
SettlementGroup3_EBON3 | Settlement Group 3 | |
ItemRelevanttoSubsequentSettlement_EBONF | Item Relevant to Subsequent Settlement | |
Materialledgeractivatedatmateriallevel_MLMAA | Material Ledger Activated at Material Level | |
MinimumRemainingShelfLife_MHDRZ | Minimum Remaining Shelf Life | |
RFQNumber_ANFNR | RFQ Number | |
ItemNumberofRFQ_ANFPS | Item Number of RFQ | |
OriginofConfiguration_KZKFG | Origin of Configuration | |
Quotaarrangementusage_USEQU | Quota Arrangement Usage | |
SpecialStockFlagforPhysicalStockTransfer_UMSOK | Special Stock Flag for Physical Stock Transfer | |
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN | Purchase Requisition Number | |
ItemNumberofPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO | Item Number of Purchase Requisition | |
MaterialType_MTART | Material Type | |
SubitemCategory_UPTYP | Subitem Category | |
SubitemsExist_UPVOR | Subitems Exist | |
Subtotal1frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI1 | Subtotal 1 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Subtotal2frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI2 | Subtotal 2 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Subtotal3frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI3 | Subtotal 3 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Subtotal4frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI4 | Subtotal 4 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Subtotal5frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI5 | Subtotal 5 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Subtotal6frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI6 | Subtotal 6 from Pricing Procedure for Condition | |
Processingkeyforsubitems_SIKGR | Processing Key for Subitems | |
MaximumCumulativeMaterialGoAheadQuantity_MFZHI | Maximum Cumulative Material Go-Ahead Quantity | |
MaximumCumulativeProductionGoAheadQuantity_FFZHI | Maximum Cumulative Production Go-Ahead Quantity | |
ReturnsItem_RETPO | Returns Item | |
RelevanttoAllocationTable_AUREL | Relevant to Allocation Table | |
ReasonforOrdering_BSGRU | Reason for Ordering | |
DeliveryTypeforReturnstoVendors_LFRET | Delivery Type for Returns to Vendors | |
Materialfreightgroup_MFRGR | Material Freight Group | |
Materialqualifiesfordiscountinkind_NRFHG | Material Qualifies for Discount in Kind | |
ReleaseCreationProfile_ABUEB | Release Creation Profile | |
NextForecastDeliveryScheduleTransmission_NLABD | Next Forecast Delivery Schedule Transmission | |
NextJITDeliveryScheduleTransmission_NFABD | Next JIT Delivery Schedule Transmission | |
ValuationofSpecialStock_KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | |
FlagItemRelevanttoJITDeliverySchedules_FABKZ | Flag Item Relevant to JIT Delivery Schedules | |
InflationIndex_J_1AINDXP | Inflation Index | |
InflationIndexDate_J_1AIDATEP | Inflation Index Date | |
ManufacturerPartProfile_MPROF | Manufacturer Part Profile | |
OutwardDeliveryCompletedFlag_EGLKZ | Outward Delivery Completed Flag | |
StockTransfer_KZTLF | Stock Transfer | |
Unitsofmeasureusage_KZFME | Units of Measure Usage | |
RoundingProfile_RDPRF | Rounding Profile | |
StandardVariant_TECHS | Standard Variant | |
Configurationchanged_CHG_SRV | Configuration Changed | |
Noinvoiceforthisitemalthoughnotfreeofcharge_CHG_FPLNR | No Invoice for This Item Although Not Free of Charge | |
ManufacturerPartNumber_MFRPN | Manufacturer Part Number | |
NumberofaManufacturer_MFRNR | Number of a Manufacturer | |
Rebatebasis1_BONBA | Rebate Basis 1 | |
Externalmanufacturercodenameornumber_EMNFR | External Manufacturer Code Name or Number | |
ItemblockedforSDdelivery_NOVET | Item Blocked for SD Delivery | |
NameofRequester_AFNAM | Name of Requester | |
Timezoneofrecipientlocation_TZONRC | Timezone of Recipient Location | |
PeriodFlagforShelfLifeExpirationDate_IPRKZ | Period Flag for Shelf Life Expiration Date | |
FlagforServiceBasedInvoiceVerification_LEBRE | Flag for Service-Based Invoice Verification | |
MRPArea_BERID | MRP Area | |
Conditionsforitemalthoughnoinvoice_XCONDITIONS | Conditions for Item Although No Invoice | |
APOasPlanningSystem_APOMS | APO as Planning System | |
PostingLogicintheCaseofStockTransfers_CCOMP | Posting Logic in the Case of Stock Transfers | |
Grant_GRANT_NBR | Grant | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
StatusofPurchasingDocumentItem_STATUS | Status of Purchasing Document Item | |
IssuingStorageLocationforStockTransportOrder_RESLO | Issuing Storage Location for Stock Transport Order | |
DocumentNumberforEarmarkedFunds_KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem_KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds Document Item | |
AcceptanceAtOrigin_WEORA | Acceptance at Origin | |
ServiceBasedCommitment_SRV_BAS_COM | Service-Based Commitment | |
RequirementUrgency_PRIO_URG | Requirement Urgency | |
RequirementPriority_PRIO_REQ | Requirement Priority | |
Receivingpoint_EMPST | Receiving Point | |
DifferentialInvoicing_DIFF_INVOICE | Differential Invoicing | |
RiskRelevancyinPurchasing_TRMRISK_RELEVANT | Risk Relevancy in Purchasing | |
Reasonforrejectionofquotationsandsalesorders_SPE_ABGRU | Reason for Rejection of Quotations and Sales Orders | |
CRMSalesOrderNumberforTPOP_SPE_CRM_SO | CRM Sales Order Number for TPOP | |
CRMSalesOrderItemNumberinTPOP_SPE_CRM_SO_ITEM | CRM Sales Order Item Number in TPOP | |
CRMReferenceOrderNumberforTPOP_SPE_CRM_REF_SO | CRM Reference Order Number for TPOP | |
CRMReferenceSalesOrderItemNumberinTPOP_SPE_CRM_REF_ITEM | CRM Reference Sales Order Item Number in TPOP | |
BillingRelevanceCRM_SPE_CRM_FKREL | Billing Relevance CRM | |
LastChangerSystemType_SPE_CHNG_SYS | Last Changer System Type | |
StockTypeofSourceStorageLocationinSTO_SPE_INSMK_SRC | Stock Type of Source Storage Location in STO | |
CQControlType_SPE_CQ_CTRLTYPE | CQ Control Type | |
NoTransmissionofCumulativeQuantitiesinSARelease_SPE_CQ_NOCQ | No Transmission of Cumulative Quantities in SA Release | |
GoodsReceiptReasonCode_REASON_CODE | Goods Receipt Reason Code | |
CumulativeGoodsReceipts_CQU_SAR | Cumulative Goods Receipts | |
Numberofserialnumbers_ANZSN | Number of Serial Numbers | |
EWMDeliveryBasedToleranceCheck_SPE_EWM_DTC | EWM Delivery-Based Tolerance Check | |
ItemNumberLength_EXLIN | Item Number Length | |
ExternalSorting_EXSNR | External Sorting | |
ExternalHierarchyCategory_EHTYP | External Hierarchy Category | |
RetentioninPercent_RETPC | Retention in Percent | |
DownPaymentFlag_DPTYP | Down Payment Flag | |
DownPaymentPercentage_DPPCT | Down Payment Percentage | |
DownPaymentinDocumentCurrency_DPAMT | Down Payment in Document Currency | |
DueDateforDownPayment_DPDAT | Due Date for Down Payment | |
StoreReturnwithInboundandOutboundDelivery_FLS_RSTO | Store Return with Inbound and Outbound Delivery | |
DocumentNumberofExternalDocument_EXT_RFX_NUMBER | Document Number of External Document | |
ItemNumberofExternalDocument_EXT_RFX_ITEM | Item Number of External Document | |
LogicalSystem_EXT_RFX_SYSTEM | Logical System | |
CentralContract_SRM_CONTRACT_ID | Central Contract | |
CentralContractItemNumber_SRM_CONTRACT_ITM | Central Contract Item Number | |
BlockingReasonID_BLK_REASON_ID | Blocking Reason ID | |
BlockingReasonText_BLK_REASON_TXT | Blocking Reason Text | |
RealTimeConsumptionPostingofSubcontractingComponents_ITCONS | Real-Time Consumption Posting of Subcontracting Components | |
DeliveryDateandQuantityFixed_FIXMG | Delivery Date and Quantity Fixed | |
FlagforGIbasedgoodsreceipt_WABWE | Flag for GI-Based Goods Receipt | |
TaxCodeAutomaticallyDetermined_TC_AUT_DET | Tax Code Automatically Determined | |
ManualTaxCodeReason_MANUAL_TC_REASON | Manual Tax Code Reason | |
TaxIncentiveType_FISCAL_INCENTIVE | Tax Incentive Type | |
TaxSubject_TAX_SUBJECT_ST | Tax Subject | |
IncentiveID_FISCAL_INCENTIVE_ID | Incentive ID | |
AdviceCode_ADVCODE | Advice Code | |
FMBudgetPeriod_BUDGET_PD | FM Budget Period | |
AcceptancePeriod_EXCPE | Acceptance Period | |
IUIDRelevant_IUID_RELEVANT | IUID Relevant | |
RetailPriceRelevant_MRPIND | Retail Price Relevant | |
ReferenceSiteForPurchasing_REFSITE | Reference Site for Purchasing | |
Typeofsubcontracting_SERRU | Type of Subcontracting | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERNP | Serial Number Profile | |
SpecialstockFlagSubcontracting_DISUB_SOBKZ | Special Stock Flag Subcontracting | |
WBSElement_DISUB_PSPNR | WBS Element | |
CustomerNumber_DISUB_KUNNR | Customer Number | |
SalesandDistributionDocumentNumber_DISUB_VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | |
ItemnumberoftheSDdocument_DISUB_POSNR | Item Number of the SD Document | |
Ownerofstock_DISUB_OWNER | Owner of Stock | |
ReferenceItemforRemainingQtyCancellation_REF_ITEM | Reference Item for Remaining Qty Cancellation | |
OriginProfile_SOURCE_ID | Origin Profile | |
KeyinSourceSystem_SOURCE_KEY | Key in Source System | |
FlagforPuttingBackfromGroupedPODocument_PUT_BACK | Flag for Putting Back from Grouped PO Document | |
OrderListItemNumber_POL_ID | Order List Item Number | |
PurchaseOrderforConsignment_CONS_ORDER | Purchase Order for Consignment | |
GlAccount_SAKTO | GL Account | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
SalesDocumentNumber_VBELN_VBELN | Sales Document Number | |
SalesDocumentItem_VBELP_VBELP | Sales Document Item | |
MainAssetNumber_ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | |
AssetSubnumber_ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
Goodsrecipient_WEMPF | Goods Recipient | |
UnloadingPoint_ABLAD | Unloading Point | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
CostObject_KSTRG | Cost Object | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
GlAccountDesc_TXT50 | GL Account Description | |
NetworkNumber_NPLNR | Network Number | |
Routingnumber_AUFPL | Routing Number | |
InternalKey_IMKEY | Internal Key | |
Internalcounter_APLZL | Internal Counter | |
Partneraccount_VPTNR | Partner Account | |
LatestGrDocument_BELNR | Latest GR Document | |
LatestGrDocumentDate_BUDAT | Latest GR Document Date | |
GrQuantity_MENGE | GR Quantity | |
LatestIrDocument_BELNR | Latest IR Document | |
LatestIrDocumentDate_BUDAT | Latest IR Document Date | |
IrQuantity_MENGE | IR Quantity | |
AccountAssignment_ZEKKN | Account Assignment | |
StatusDesc_STATU | Status Description | |
ReleaseStatusDesc_FRGZU | Release Status Description | |
NetPriceUSD_NETPR | Net Price USD | |
NetOrderValueinPOCurrencyUSD_NETWR | Net Order Value in PO Currency USD | |
GrossordervalueinPOcurrencyUSD_BRTWR | Gross Order Value in PO Currency USD | |
ItemCategoryinPurchasingDocumentDesc_PSTYP | Item Category in Purchasing Document Description | |
PurchasingDocumentCategoryDesc_BSTYP | Purchasing Document Category Description | |
EffectivevalueofitemUSD_EFFWR | Effective Value of Item USD | |
GrBalanceQuantity_MENGE | GR Balance Quantity | |
GrAmount_WRBTR | GR Amount | |
GrAmountUSD_WRBTR | GR Amount USD | |
GrBalanceAmount_NETWR_WRBTR | GR Balance Amount | |
GrBalanceAmountUSD_NETWR_WRBTR | GR Balance Amount USD | |
IrBalanceQuantity_MENGE | IR Balance Quantity | |
IrAmount_REFWR | IR Amount | |
IrAmountUSD_REFWR | IR Amount USD | |
IrBalanceAmount_NETWR_REFWR | IR Balance Amount | |
IrBalanceAmountUSD_NETWR_REFWR | IR Balance Amount USD |