Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - SDStatus_Items
This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of the status of sales document items in SAP systems. It combines data from the VBAP and LIPS tables to provide insights into various aspects of the sales order processing lifecycle, including reference, delivery, goods movement, billing, and rejection statuses.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
VBAP | VBAP table contains header data for sales documents. It provides information about the sales order, item, and overall status of the document. |
LIPS | LIPS table contains item data for deliveries. It provides information about the delivery, item, and status of the delivery item. |
Key Use Cases
- Monitor the progress of sales orders and identify any potential delays or issues.
- Analyze the status of deliveries and identify any items that have not yet been delivered or have been partially delivered.
- Track the billing status of sales orders and identify any items that have not yet been billed or have been partially billed.
- Identify items that have been rejected or have encountered errors during processing.
- Provide insights into the overall processing status of sales document items, including completion status, incompletion status, and blocking status.
Query Logic
The query joins the VBAP and LIPS tables on the VBELN (sales document number), POSNR (item number), and MANDT (client) fields. It then selects a wide range of status fields from both tables, providing a comprehensive view of the status of sales document items.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
VA02 | Change Sales Order |
VL01N | Create Delivery |
VL02N | Change Delivery |
VF01 | Create Invoice |
VF02 | Change Invoice |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client number | |
SDDocumentNumber_VBELN | Sales document number | |
ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument_POSNR | Item number of the sales document | |
ReferenceStatus_RFSTA | Reference status | |
OverallStatusOfReference_RFGSA | Overall status of reference | |
ConfirmationStatusOfDocumentItem_BESTA | Confirmation status of document item | |
DeliveryStatus_LFSTA | Delivery status | |
OverallDeliveryStatusOfTheItem_LFGSA | Overall delivery status of the item | |
GoodsMovementStatus_WBSTA | Goods movement status | |
BillingStatusOfDelivery_FKSTA | Billing status of delivery | |
BillingStatusForOrder_FKSAA | Billing status for order | |
RejectionStatusForSdItem_ABSTA | Rejection status for sales document item | |
OverallProcessingStatusOfTheSdDocumentItem_GBSTA | Overall processing status of the sales document item | |
PickingStatusputawayStatus_KOSTA | Picking status/putaway status | |
StatusOfWarehouseManagementActivities_LVSTA | Status of warehouse management activities | |
GeneralIncompletionStatusOfItem_UVALL | General incompletion status of item | |
IncompletionStatusOfTheItemWithRegardToDelivery_UVVLK | Incompletion status of the item with regard to delivery | |
ItemIncompletionStatusWithRespectToBilling_UVFAK | Item incompletion status with respect to billing | |
PricingForItemIsIncomplete_UVPRS | Pricing for item is incomplete | |
IntercompanyBillingStatus_FKIVP | Intercompany billing status | |
CustomerReserves1_ItemStatus_UVP01 | Customer reserves 1 (item status) | |
CustomerReserves2_ItemStatus_UVP02 | Customer reserves 2 (item status) | |
ItemReserves3_ItemStatus_UVP03 | Item reserves 3 (item status) | |
ItemReserves4_ItemStatus_UVP04 | Item reserves 4 (item status) | |
CustomerReserves5_ItemStatus_UVP05 | Customer reserves 5 (item status) | |
PackingStatusOfItem_PKSTA | Packing status of item | |
ConfirmationStatusOfPickingputaway_KOQUA | Confirmation status of picking/putaway | |
StatusOfCreditCheckAgainstFinancialDocument_CMPPI | Status of credit check against financial document | |
StatusOfCreditCheckAgainstExportCreditInsurance_CMPPJ | Status of credit check against export credit insurance | |
IncompleteStatusOfItemForPickingputaway_UVPIK | Incomplete status of item for picking/putaway | |
IncompleteStatusOfItemForPackaging_UVPAK | Incomplete status of item for packaging | |
IncompleteStatusOfItemRegardingGoodsIssue_UVWAK | Incomplete status of item regarding goods issue | |
DelayStatus_DCSTA | Delay status | |
RevenueDeterminationStatus_RRSTA | Revenue determination status | |
DecentralizedWhseProcessing_VLSTP | Decentralized warehouse processing | |
BillingBlockStatusForItems_FSSTA | Billing block status for items | |
DeliveryBlockStatusForItem_LSSTA | Delivery block status for item | |
PodStatusOnItemLevel_PDSTA | Proof of delivery status on item level | |
ManualCompletionOfContract_MANEK | Manual completion of contract | |
InboundDeliveryItemNotYetComplete__onHold___HDALL | Inbound delivery item not yet complete (on hold) | |
Indicator_StockableTypeSwitchedIntoStandardProduct_LTSPS | Indicator: Stockable type switched into standard product | |
AllocationStatusOfASalesDocumentItem_FSH_AR_STAT_ITM | Allocation status of a sales document item | |
StatusOfSalesOrderItem_MILL_VS_VSSTA | Status of sales order item | |
Billing_Status | Billing status | |
Delivery_Status | Delivery status |