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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - SalesOrderDetails_SAMPLE


This reporting view provides a comprehensive overview of sales orders and related information from SAP systems. It combines data from multiple tables to offer a consolidated view of sales activities, including order status, customer details, product information, and financial metrics.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
SalesOrders_V2 Main table containing sales order header data
Deliveries Table with delivery-related information
Billing Table with billing-related information
CustomersMD Master data table for customers
MaterialsMD Master data table for materials
SalesOrganizationsMD Master data table for sales organizations
DistributionChannelsMD Master data table for distribution channels
DivisionsMD Master data table for divisions
CountriesMD Master data table for countries
CurrencyConversion Table with currency conversion rates

Key Use Cases

  • Sales analysis and reporting
  • Customer relationship management
  • Product performance monitoring
  • Financial performance analysis
  • Order status tracking

Query Logic

The query joins multiple tables using various join conditions to retrieve relevant data for the reporting view. It applies filters based on client and language to ensure data accuracy and relevance. The query also calculates derived metrics such as sales order net value in target currency and order status based on specific conditions.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VL01N Create Delivery
VL02N Change Delivery
VF01 Create Invoice
VF02 Change Invoice

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Country Name of the country where the customer is located.
CreationDate Date when the sales order was created.
DistributionChannel Distribution channel through which the sales order was processed.
SalesOrganization Sales organization responsible for the sales order.
Division Division responsible for the sales order.
Product Product ordered.
TargetCurrency Target currency for the sales order.
Customer Name of the customer who placed the sales order.
SalesOrder Sales order number.
SalesOrderLineItem Item number of the sales order line item.
ReqDeliveryDate Requested delivery date for the sales order.
ActualDeliveryDate Actual delivery date for the sales order.
BaseUom Base unit of measure for the sales order.
LocalCurrency Local currency for the sales order.
SalesOrderNetValueLocalCurrency Net value of the sales order in local currency.
SalesOrderQty Cumulative order quantity for the sales order.
SalesOrderValueLocalCurrency Sales order value in local currency.
SalesOrderNetValueTargetCurrency Net value of the sales order in target currency.
SalesOrderValueTargetCurrency Sales order value in target currency.
OrderStatus Status of the sales order.
IsOrderBlocked Indicates whether the sales order is blocked.
IsIncomingOrder Indicates whether the sales order is an incoming order.
ExchangeRate Exchange rate between the local currency and the target currency.
