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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - SalesOrderPartnerFunction


This reporting view provides information about partners involved in sales documents in SAP systems. It includes details such as partner function, customer and vendor numbers, contact person information, and various other attributes.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
vbpa Sales Document Partner Data

Key Use Cases

  • Analyzing partner relationships in sales documents
  • Identifying customers, vendors, and other parties involved in sales transactions
  • Extracting data for reporting and analysis purposes

Query Logic

The view selects specific columns from the vbpa table, which contains partner data for sales documents. It filters the data based on the Client_MANDT parameter, which represents the client or company code in the SAP system.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
VD01 Create Vendor Master Record
VD02 Change Vendor Master Record
VD03 Display Vendor Master Record
XK01 Create Customer Master Record
XK02 Change Customer Master Record
XK03 Display Customer Master Record

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client number
SalesDocument_VBELN Sales document number
Item_POSNR Item number
PartnerFunction_PARVW Partner function
Customer_KUNNR Customer number
Vendor_LIFNR Vendor number
PersonnelNumber_PERNR Personnel number
NumberOfContactPerson_PARNR Number of contact person
Address_ADRNR Address number
UnloadingPoint_ABLAD Unloading point
Country_LAND1 Country
AddressIndicator_ADRDA Address indicator
IndicatorOneTimeAccount_XCPDK Indicator: One-time account
CustomerHierarchyType_HITYP Customer hierarchy type
RelevantForPriceDeterminationID_PRFRE Relevant for price determination ID
IndicatorCustomerToReceiveRebates_BOKRE Indicator: Customer to receive rebates
LevelNumberWithinHierarchy_HISTUNR Level number within hierarchy
CustomerDescriptionOfPartner_KNREF Customer description of partner
TransportationZone_LZONE Transportation zone
AssignmentToHierarchy_HZUOR Assignment to hierarchy
VATRegistrationNumber_STCEG VAT registration number
IndicatorFurtherPartners_PARVW_FF Indicator: Further partners
PersonNumber_ADRNP Person number
MaintainAppointmentsInCalendar_KALE Maintain appointments in calendar
DataFilterValueForDataAging_DATAAGING Data filter value for data aging
DummyFunctionInLength1_DUMMY_SDDOCPARTNER_INCL_EEW_PS Dummy function in length 1
