Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - SalesOrderScheduleLine
This view provides a comprehensive reporting dataset for SAP systems, consolidating data from the vbep table and enriching it with additional dimensions from the calendar_date_dim table.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
vbep | Sales Document Item table containing detailed information about each item in a sales document, including schedule lines, quantities, dates, and other relevant data. |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing sales performance and trends by item, schedule line, and other dimensions.
- Monitoring delivery schedules and identifying potential delays or issues.
- Tracking inventory levels and availability for effective materials management.
- Providing insights into the efficiency of the order fulfillment process.
Query Logic
The query retrieves all relevant fields from the vbep table and joins it with the calendar_date_dim table on the EDATU field to enrich the data with additional date-related dimensions.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
VA02 | Change Sales Order |
VL01N | Create Delivery |
VL02N | Change Delivery |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
SalesDocument_VBELN | Sales Document | |
SalesDocumentItem_POSNR | Sales Document Item | |
ScheduleLineNumber_ETENR | Schedule Line Number | |
ScheduleLineCategory_ETTYP | Schedule Line Category | |
ItemRelevantforDelivery_LFREL | Item Relevant for Delivery | |
ScheduleLineDate_EDATU | Schedule Line Date | |
ArrivalTime_EZEIT | Arrival Time | |
OrderQuantityInSalesUnits_WMENG | Order Quantity In Sales Units | |
ConfirmedQuantity_BMENG | Confirmed Quantity | |
SalesUnit_VRKME | Sales Unit | |
RequiredQuantityForMatManagementInStockkeepingUnits_LMENG | Required Quantity For Mat Management In Stockkeeping Units | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit Of Measure | |
RequirementDate_BDDAT | Requirement Date | |
RequirementType_BDART | Requirement Type | |
PlanningType_PLART | Planning Type | |
BusinessDocumentNumber_VBELE | Business Document Number | |
BusinessItemNumber_POSNE | Business Item Number | |
ScheduleLine_ETENE | Schedule Line | |
EarliestPossibleReservationDate_RSDAT | Earliest Possible Reservation Date | |
MaintenanceRequest_IDNNR | Maintenance Request | |
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN | Purchase Requisition Number | |
OrderType_BSART | Order Type | |
PurchasingDocumentCategory_BSTYP | Purchasing Document Category | |
ConfirmationStatusOfScheduleLine_WEPOS | Confirmation Status Of Schedule Line | |
InvoiceReceiptIndicator_REPOS | Invoice Receipt Indicator | |
ReturnDateForReturnablePackaging_LRGDT | Return Date For Returnable Packaging | |
DateType_PRGRS | Date Type | |
TransportationPlanningDate_TDDAT | Transportation Planning Date | |
MaterialAvailabilityDate_MBDAT | Material Availability Date | |
LoadingDate_LDDAT | Loading Date | |
GoodsIssueDate_WADAT | Goods Issue Date | |
CorrectedQuantityInSalesUnit_CMENG | Corrected Quantity In Sales Unit | |
ScheduleLineBlockedForDelivery_LIFSP | Schedule Line Blocked For Delivery | |
GroupDefinitionOfStructureData_GRSTR | Group Definition Of Structure Data | |
RelType_ABART | Rel Type | |
ForecastDeliveryScheduleNumber_ABRUF | Forecast Delivery Schedule Number | |
CommittedQuantity_ROMS1 | Committed Quantity | |
Size2_ROMS2 | Size2 | |
Size3_ROMS3 | Size3 | |
UnitOfMeasureForSizes1to3_ROMEI | Unit Of Measure For Sizes1to3 | |
FormulaKey_RFORM | Formula Key | |
NumeratorForConversionOfSalesQuantityIntoSKU_UMVKZ | Numerator For Conversion Of Sales Quantity Into SKU | |
DenominatorForConversionOfSalesQtyIntoSKU_UMVKN | Denominator For Conversion Of Sales Qty Into SKU | |
AvailabilityConfirmedAutomatically_VERFP | Availability Confirmed Automatically | |
MovementType_BWART | Movement Type | |
ItemNumberOfPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO | Item Number Of Purchase Requisition | |
ScheduleLineTypeEDI_ETART | Schedule Line Type EDI | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
PlannedOrderNumber_PLNUM | Planned Order Number | |
BOMExplosionNumber_SERNR | BOM Explosion Number | |
CustomerEngineeringChangeStatus_AESKD | Customer Engineering Change Status | |
Guaranteed_ABGES | Guaranteed | |
MaterialStagingTime_MBUHR | Material Staging Time | |
TranspPlanningTime_TDUHR | Transp Planning Time | |
LoadingTime_LDUHR | Loading Time | |
TimeOfGoodsIssue_WAUHR | Time Of Goods Issue | |
RouteSchedule_AULWE | Route Schedule | |
HandoverDateAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERDATE | Handover Date At The Handover Location | |
HandoverTimeAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERTIME | Handover Time At The Handover Location | |
DeliveryDateRule_DELIVERY_DATE_TYPE_RULE | Delivery Date Rule | |
DeliveredQuantity_DLVQTY_BU | Delivered Quantity | |
DeliveredQuantity_DLVQTY_SU | Delivered Quantity | |
OpenConfirmedDeliveryQuantity_OCDQTY_BU | Open Confirmed Delivery Quantity | |
OpenConfirmedDeliveryQuantity_OCDQTY_SU | Open Confirmed Delivery Quantity | |
OpenRequestedDeliveryQuantity_ORDQTY_BU | Open Requested Delivery Quantity | |
OpenRequestedDeliveryQuantity_ORDQTY_SU | Open Requested Delivery Quantity | |
DeliveryCreationDate_CREA_DLVDATE | Delivery Creation Date | |
ScheduleLineDate_REQ_DLVDATE | Schedule Line Date | |
RequirementsClass_BEDAR | Requirements Class | |
DataFilterValueForDataAging_DATAAGING | Data Filter Value For Data Aging | |
SDDocumentCurrency_WAERK | SD Document Currency | |
OpenDeliveryNetAmount_ODN_AMOUNT | Open Delivery Net Amount | |
LegalControlCheckStatus_LCCST | Legal Control Check Status | |
RequestedRequirementQuantityInBaseUnit_RRQQTY_BU | Requested Requirement Quantity In Base Unit | |
ConfirmedRequirementQuantityInBaseUnit_CRQQTY_BU | Confirmed Requirement Quantity In Base Unit | |
DummyFunctionInLength1_DUMMY_SLSDOCSCHEDL_INCL_EEW_PS | Dummy Function In Length1 | |
ARunRequirementAllocatedQuantity_FSH_RALLOC_QTY | A Run Requirement Allocated Quantity | |
OrderSchedulingGroupID_FSH_OS_ID | Order Scheduling Group ID | |
RejectionCodeForPartialQuantityRejection_FSH_PQR_RC | Rejection Code For Partial Quantity Rejection | |
MaterialAvailabilityDateThirdPartyOrderPlanning_MBDAT_DRS | Material Availability Date Third Party Order Planning | |
YearOfChangeDate_EDATU | Year Of Change Date | |
MonthOfChangeDate_EDATU | Month Of Change Date | |
WeekOfChangeDate_EDATU | Week Of Change Date | |
QuarterOfChangeDate_EDATU | Quarter Of Change Date |