Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - SalesOrders_V2
This view is a reporting view for SAP systems that provides detailed information about sales orders and their items. It combines data from the VBAP and VBAK tables to provide a comprehensive view of sales order data.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
VBAP | Item-level data for sales orders, including material numbers, quantities, prices, and taxes. |
VBAK | Header-level data for sales orders, including customer information, order dates, and totals. |
Key Use Cases
- Analyzing sales performance by product, customer, or region.
- Identifying trends and patterns in sales data.
- Creating reports and dashboards for sales management.
- Providing data for data warehousing and business intelligence applications.
Query Logic
The view uses a LEFT JOIN to combine data from the VBAP and VBAK tables on the VBELN and MANDT fields. The query also includes several calculated fields, such as NetPrice_NETPR, NetValueOfTheSalesOrderInDocumentCurrency_NETWR, CostInDocumentCurrency_WAVWR, TaxAmountInDocumentCurrency_MWSBP, and SalesOrderValueLineItemSourceCurrency, which are calculated using COALESCE and tcurx_vbak/tcurx_vbap tables.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
VA02 | Change Sales Order |
VA03 | Display Sales Order |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
SalesDocument_VBELN | Sales Document | |
Item_POSNR | Item | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
CreationDate_ERDAT | Creation Date | |
CreationTime_ERZET | Creation Time | |
CreatedBy_ERNAM | Created By | |
QuotationDateFrom_ANGDT | Quotation Date From | |
QuotationDateTo_BNDDT | Quotation Date To | |
DocumentDate_AUDAT | Document Date | |
DocumentCategory_VBTYP | Document Category | |
TransactionGroup_TRVOG | Transaction Group | |
SalesDocumentType_AUART | Sales Document Type | |
Reason_AUGRU | Reason | |
WarrantyDate_GWLDT | Warranty Date | |
CollectiveNumber_SUBMI | Collective Number | |
DeliveryBlock_LIFSK | Delivery Block | |
BillingBlock_FAKSK | Billing Block | |
CurrencyHdr_WAERK | Currency Hdr | |
SalesOrganization_VKORG | Sales Organization | |
DistributionChannel_VTWEG | Distribution Channel | |
DivisionHdr_SPART | Division Hdr | |
SalesGroup_VKGRP | Sales Group | |
SalesOffice_VKBUR | Sales Office | |
BusinessAreaHdr_GSBER | Business Area Hdr | |
CostCtrBusinessArea_GSKST | Cost Ctr Business Area | |
AgreementValidFrom_GUEBG | Agreement Valid From | |
AgreementValidTo_GUEEN | Agreement Valid To | |
ConditionNumber_KNUMV | Condition Number | |
RequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Requested Delivery Date | |
ProposedDateType_VPRGR | Proposed Date Type | |
CompleteDeliveryFlag_AUTLF | Complete Delivery Flag | |
OriginalSystem_VBKLA | Original System | |
DocumentIndicator_VBKLT | Document Indicator | |
PricingProcedure_KALSM | Pricing Procedure | |
ShippingConditions_VSBED | Shipping Conditions | |
ProposedBillingType_FKARA | Proposed Billing Type | |
SalesProbability_AWAHR | Sales Probability | |
SearchTermForProductProposal_KTEXT | Search Term For Product Proposal | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber_BSTNK | Customer Purchase Order Number | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderType_BSARK | Customer Purchase Order Type | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderDate_BSTDK | Customer Purchase Order Date | |
PurchaseOrderNumberSupplement_BSTZD | Purchase Order Number Supplement | |
YourReference_IHREZ | Your Reference | |
NameOfOrderer_BNAME | Name Of Orderer | |
TelephoneNumber_TELF1 | Telephone Number | |
NumberOfContactsFromTheCustomer_MAHZA | Number Of Contacts From The Customer | |
LastCustomerContactDate_MAHDT | Last Customer Contact Date | |
SoldToParty_KUNNR | Sold To Party | |
CostCenterHdr_KOSTL | Cost Center Hdr | |
UpdateGroupForStatistics_STAFO | Update Group For Statistics | |
StatisticScurrency_STWAE | Statistic Scurrency | |
ChangedOn_AEDAT | Changed On | |
CustomerGroup1_KVGR1 | Customer Group 1 | |
CustomerGroup2_KVGR2 | Customer Group 2 | |
CustomerGroup3_KVGR3 | Customer Group 3 | |
CustomerGroup4_KVGR4 | Customer Group 4 | |
CustomerGroup5_KVGR5 | Customer Group 5 | |
Agreement_KNUMA | Agreement | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
WBSElementHdr_PS_PSP_PNR | WBSElement Hdr | |
ExchangeRateType_KURST | Exchange Rate Type | |
CreditControlArea_KKBER | Credit Control Area | |
CustomerCreditLimitRef_KNKLI | Customer Credit Limit Ref | |
CustomerCreditGroup_GRUPP | Customer Credit Group | |
CreditRepresentativeGroupForCreditManagement_SBGRP | Credit Representative Group For Credit Management | |
RiskCategory_CTLPC | Risk Category | |
CurrencyKeyOfCreditControlArea_CMWAE | Currency Key Of Credit Control Area | |
ReleASeDateOfTheDocumentDeterminedByCreditManagement_CMFRE | Rele AS e Date Of The Document Determined By Credit Management | |
DateOfNextCreditCheckOfDocument_CMNUP | Date Of Next Credit Check Of Document | |
NextDate_CMNGV | Next Date | |
ReleasedCreditValueOfTheDocument_AMTBL | Released Credit Value Of The Document | |
HierarchyTypeForPricing_HITYP_PR | Hierarchy Type For Pricing | |
UsageIndicator_ABRVW | Usage Indicator | |
MRPForDeliveryScheduleTypes_ABDIS | MRP For Delivery Schedule Types | |
DocumentNumberOfTheReferenceDocument_VGBEL | Document Number Of The Reference Document | |
ObjectNumberAtHeaderLevel_OBJNR | Object Number At Header Level | |
CompanyCodeToBeBilled_BUKRS_VF | Company Code To Be Billed | |
AlternativeTaxClassification_TAXK1 | Alternative Tax Classification | |
TaxClassification2_TAXK2 | Tax Classification 2 | |
TaxClassification3_TAXK3 | Tax Classification 3 | |
TaxClassification4_TAXK4 | Tax Classification 4 | |
TaxClassification5_TAXK5 | Tax Classification 5 | |
TaxClassification6_TAXK6 | Tax Classification 6 | |
TaxClassification7_TAXK7 | Tax Classification 7 | |
TaxClassification8_TAXK8 | Tax Classification 8 | |
TaxClassification9_TAXK9 | Tax Classification 9 | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
AssignmentNumber_ZUONR | Assignment Number | |
PreDocCategory_VGTYP | Pre Doc Category | |
OrderNumberHdr_AUFNR | Order Number Hdr | |
NotificationNo_QMNUM | Notification No | |
MasterContractNumber_VBELN_GRP | Master Contract Number | |
TaxDestinationCountry_STCEG_L | Tax Destination Country | |
TaxDepartureCountry_LANDTX | Tax Departure Country | |
InternationalUniqueKey_HANDLE | International Unique Key | |
DangerousGoodsManagementProfile_PROLI | Dangerous Goods Management Profile | |
DangerousGoodsFlag_CONT_DG | Dangerous Goods Flag | |
UTCTimeStampL_UPD_TMSTMP | UTC Time Stamp L | |
MaterialEntered_MATWA | Material Entered | |
PricingReferenceMaterial_PMATN | Pricing Reference Material | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
ShortText_ARKTX | Short Text | |
ItemCategory_PSTYV | Item Category | |
ItemType_POSAR | Item Type | |
RelevantForDelivery_LFREL | Relevant For Delivery | |
RelevantForBilling_FKREL | Relevant For Billing | |
BOMItemLevel_UEPOS | BOM Item Level | |
AlternativeForItem_GRPOS | Alternative For Item | |
RejectionReason_ABGRU | Rejection Reason | |
ProductHierarchy_PRODH | Product Hierarchy | |
TargetValue_ZWERT | Target Value | |
TargetQuantityUoM_ZMENG | Target Quantity UoM | |
TargetQuantityUoM_ZIEME | Target Quantity UoM | |
BaseTargetConversionFactor_UMZIZ | Base Target Conversion Factor | |
ConversionFactor_UMZIN | Conversion Factor | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit Of Measure | |
ScaleQuantity_SMENG | Scale Quantity | |
RoundingQuantityForDelivery_ABLFZ | Rounding Quantity For Delivery | |
ReconciliationDate_ABDAT | Reconciliation Date | |
AllowedDeviation_ABSFZ | Allowed Deviation | |
ItemNumberOfTheUnderlyingPurchaseOrder_POSEX | Item Number Of The Underlying Purchase Order | |
CustomerMaterialNumber_KDMAT | Customer Material Number | |
AllowedDeviationPercent_KBVER | Allowed Deviation Percent | |
DaysByWhichTheQuantityCanBeShifted_KEVER | Days By Which The Quantity Can Be Shifted | |
RepairProcessing_VKGRU | Repair Processing | |
UsageIndicator_VKAUS | Usage Indicator | |
DeliveryGroup_GRKOR | Delivery Group | |
QuantityIsFixed_FMENG | Quantity Is Fixed | |
UnlimitedOverDeliveryAllowed_UEBTK | Unlimited Over Delivery Allowed | |
OverDeliveryToleranceLimit_UEBTO | Over Delivery Tolerance Limit | |
UnderDeliveryToleranceLimit_UNTTO | Under Delivery Tolerance Limit | |
BillingBlockForItem_FAKSP | Billing Block For Item | |
ReplacementPart_ATPKZ | Replacement Part | |
FormOfBillingForCO_RKFKF | Form Of Billing For CO | |
Division_SPART | Division | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
NetPrice_NETWR | Net Price | |
Currency_WAERK | Currency | |
MaximumPartialDeliveries_ANTLF | Maximum Partial Deliveries | |
PartialDeliveryAtItemLevel_KZTLF | Partial Delivery At Item Level | |
BatchSplitAllowed_CHSPL | Batch Split Allowed | |
CumulativeOrderQuantity_KWMENG | Cumulative Order Quantity | |
CumulativeTargetDeliveryQty_LSMENG | Cumulative Target Delivery Qty | |
CumulativeConfirmedQuantity_KBMENG | Cumulative Confirmed Quantity | |
CumulativeConfirmedQuantityInBASeUoM_KLMENG | Cumulative Confirmed Quantity In BAS e UoM | |
SalesUnit_VRKME | Sales Unit | |
NumeratorQty_UMVKZ | Numerator Qty | |
DenominatorQty_UMVKN | Denominator Qty | |
GrossWeightOfItem_BRGEW | Gross Weight Of Item | |
NetWeightOfItem_NTGEW | Net Weight Of Item | |
WeightUnit_GEWEI | Weight Unit | |
VolumeOfTheItem_VOLUM | Volume Of The Item | |
VolumeUnit_VOLEH | Volume Unit | |
OriginatingDocument_VBELV | Originating Document | |
OriginatingItem_POSNV | Originating Item | |
ReferenceDocument_VGBEL | Reference Document | |
ReferenceItem_VGPOS | Reference Item | |
ReferenceIndicator_VOREF | Reference Indicator | |
UpdateIndicator_UPFLU | Update Indicator | |
CompletionRuleForQuotation_ERLRE | Completion Rule For Quotation | |
DeliveryPriority_LPRIO | Delivery Priority | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
ShippingReceivingPoint_VSTEL | Shipping Receiving Point | |
Route_ROUTE | Route | |
BOMOrigin_STKEY | BOM Origin | |
BOMDate_STDAT | BOM Date | |
OrderProbabilityOfTheItem_AWAHR | Order Probability Of The Item | |
TaxClassification1_TAXM1 | Tax Classification 1 | |
TaxClassification2_TAXM2 | Tax Classification 2 | |
TaxClassification3_TAXM3 | Tax Classification 3 | |
TaxClassification4_TAXM4 | Tax Classification 4 | |
TaxClassification5_TAXM5 | Tax Classification 5 | |
TaxClassification6_TAXM6 | Tax Classification 6 | |
TaxClassification7_TAXM7 | Tax Classification 7 | |
TaxClassification8_TAXM8 | Tax Classification 8 | |
TaxClassification9_TAXM9 | Tax Classification 9 | |
FixedShippingProcessingTimeInDays_VBEAF | Fixed Shipping Processing Time In Days | |
VariableShippingProcessingTimeInDays_VBEAV | Variable Shipping Processing Time In Days | |
PrecedingDocumentHasResultedFromReference_VGREF | Preceding Document Has Resulted From Reference | |
ConditionPricingUnit_KPEIN | Condition Pricing Unit | |
ConditionUnit_KMEIN | Condition Unit | |
ReturnsItem_SHKZG | Returns Item | |
CashDiscountIndicator_SKTOF | Cash Discount Indicator | |
CheckingGroupForAvailabilityCheck_MTVFP | Checking Group For Availability Check | |
SummingUpOfRequirements_SUMBD | Summing Up Of Requirements | |
MaterialPricingGroup_KONDM | Material Pricing Group | |
AccountAssignmentGroupForThisMaterial_KTGRM | Account Assignment Group For This Material | |
VolumeRebateGroup_BONUS | Volume Rebate Group | |
CommissionGroup_PROVG | Commission Group | |
PricingIsOK_PRSOK | Pricing Is OK | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
SeparateValuation_BWTEX | Separate Valuation | |
BatchManagementRequirementIndicator_XCHPF | Batch Management Requirement Indicator | |
BatchManagementIndicator_XCHAR | Batch Management Indicator | |
MinimumDeliveryQuantityInDeliveryNoteProcessing_LFMNG | Minimum Delivery Quantity In Delivery Note Processing | |
UpdateGroupForStatisticsUpdate_STAFO | Update Group For Statistics Update | |
SubTotal1FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI1 | Sub Total 1 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal2FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI2 | Sub Total 2 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal3FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI3 | Sub Total 3 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal4FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI4 | Sub Total 4 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal5FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI5 | Sub Total 5 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal6FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI6 | Sub Total 6 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
ExchangeRateForStatistics_STCUR | Exchange Rate For Statistics | |
LastChangedOn_AEDAT | Last Changed On | |
InternationalArticleNumber_EAN11 | International Article Number | |
DeliveryDateAndQuantityFixed_FIXMG | Delivery Date And Quantity Fixed | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
MaterialGroup1_MVGR1 | Material Group 1 | |
MaterialGroup2_MVGR2 | Material Group 2 | |
MaterialGroup3_MVGR3 | Material Group 3 | |
MaterialGroup4_MVGR4 | Material Group 4 | |
MaterialGroup5_MVGR5 | Material Group 5 | |
ComponentQuantity_KMPMG | Component Quantity | |
ReasonForMaterialSubstitution_SUGRD | Reason For Material Substitution | |
SpecialStockIndicator_SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | |
AllocationIndicator_VPZUO | Allocation Indicator | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
WBSElement_PS_PSP_PNR | WBSElement | |
PlanningMaterial_VPMAT | Planning Material | |
PlanningPlant_VPWRK | Planning Plant | |
BaseUnitOfMeasureForProductGroup_PRBME | Base Unit Of Measure For Product Group | |
ConversionFactorQuantities_UMREF | Conversion Factor Quantities | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ConsumptionPosting_KZVBR | Consumption Posting | |
BOMExplosionNumber_SERNR | BOM Explosion Number | |
ObjectNumberAtItemLevel_OBJNR | Object Number At Item Level | |
ResultsAnalysisKey_ABGRS | Results Analysis Key | |
RequirementsType_BEDAE | Requirements Type | |
ItemCreditPrice_CMPRE | Item Credit Price | |
CreditBlock_CMTFG | Credit Block | |
RelevantForCredit_CMPNT | Relevant For Credit | |
Configuration_CUOBJ | Configuration | |
InternalObjectNumberOfTheBatchClassification_CUOBJ_CH | Internal Object Number Of The Batch Classification | |
StatusExpectedPrice_CEPOK | Status Expected Price | |
ConditionUpdate_KOUPD | Condition Update | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERAIL | Serial Number Profile | |
NumberOfSerialNumbers_ANZSN | Number Of Serial Numbers | |
CustomerHasNotPostedGoodsReceipt_NACHL | Customer Has Not Posted Goods Receipt | |
PackagingMaterials_MAGRV | Packaging Materials | |
StatusManualPriceChange_MPROK | Status Manual Price Change | |
PrecedingDocCategory_VGTYP | Preceding Doc Category | |
CostEstimateNumber_KALNR | Cost Estimate Number | |
CostingVariant_KLVAR | Costing Variant | |
BOMItemNumber_SPOSN | BOM Item Number | |
StatisticalValues_KOWRR | Statistical Values | |
StatisticsDate_STADAT | Statistics Date | |
BusinessTransactionTypeForForeignTrade_EXART | Business Transaction Type For Foreign Trade | |
ImportExportFlag_PREFE | Import Export Flag | |
NumberOfConditionRecord_KNUMH | Number Of Condition Record | |
InternalClassNumber_CLINT | Internal Class Number | |
BOMCategory_STLTY | BOM Category | |
BOMItemNodeNumber_STLKN | BOM Item Node Number | |
InternalCounter_STPOZ | Internal Counter | |
InconsistentConfiguration_STMAN | Inconsistent Configuration | |
OverHeadKey_ZSCHL_K | Over Head Key | |
CostingSheet_KALSM_K | Costing Sheet | |
CostingVariant_KALVAR | Costing Variant | |
ProductAllocation_KOSCH | Product Allocation | |
PricingReferenceMaterial_UPMAT | Pricing Reference Material | |
MaterialPricingGroup_UKONM | Material Pricing Group | |
MaterialFreightGroup_MFRGR | Material Freight Group | |
PlanningReleaseRegulation_PLAVO | Planning Release Regulation | |
ItemCreditPrice_CMPRE_FLT | Item Credit Price | |
FormOfPaymentGuarantee_ABFOR | Form Of Payment Guarantee | |
GuaranteedFactor_ABGES | Guaranteed Factor | |
ValueContractNo_WKTNR | Value Contract No | |
ValueContractItem_WKTPS | Value Contract Item | |
AssortmentModule_SKOPF | Assortment Module | |
ValuationofSpecialStock_KZBWS | ValuationofSpecialStock | |
MaterialGroupHierarchy1_WGRU1 | Material Group Hierarchy 1 | |
MaterialGroupHierarchy2_WGRU2 | Material Group Hierarchy 2 | |
Promotion_KNUMA_PI | Promotion | |
SalesDeal_KNUMA_AG | Sales Deal | |
LeadingUoM_KZFME | Leading UoM | |
FreeGoodsDeliveryControl_LSTANR | Free Goods Delivery Control | |
ParameterVariant_TECHS | Parameter Variant | |
MRPArea_BERID | MRPArea | |
ProfitCenterForBilling_PCTRF | Profit Center For Billing | |
ManagingLocation_STOCKLOC | Managing Location | |
TypeOfFirstInventory_SLOCTYPE | Type Of First Inventory | |
ReturnReason_MSR_RET_REASON | Return Reason | |
ReturnsRefundCode_MSR_REFUND_CODE | Returns Refund Code | |
ApprovalBlock_MSR_APPROV_BLOCK | Approval Block | |
ConditionRecordNumber_NRAB_KNUMH | Condition Record Number | |
RiskRelevancyInSales_TRMRISK_RELEVANT | Risk Relevancy In Sales | |
LocationForAPhysicalHandOverOfGoods_HANDOVERLOC | Location For A Physical Hand Over Of Goods | |
HandOverDateAtTheHandOverLocation_HANDOVERDATE | Hand Over Date At The Hand Over Location | |
HandOverTimeAtTheHandOverLocation_HANDOVERTIME | Hand Over Time At The Hand Over Location | |
TaxCodeAutomaticallyDetermined_TC_AUT_DET | Tax Code Automatically Determined | |
ManualTaxCodeReASon_MANUAL_TC_REASON | Manual Tax Code Re AS on | |
TaxIncentiveType_FISCAL_INCENTIVE | Tax Incentive Type | |
IncentiveID_FISCAL_INCENTIVE_ID | Incentive ID | |
NotAFiscalSpecialCaseForCFOPDetermination_SPCSTO | Not A Fiscal Special Case For CFOP Determination | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
Fund_FONDS | Fund | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
YearOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Year Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
MonthOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Month Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
WeekOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Week Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
DayOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Day Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
QuarterOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Quarter Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
YearOfRequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Year Of Requested Delivery Date | |
MonthOfRequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Month Of Requested Delivery Date | |
WeekOfRequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Week Of Requested Delivery Date | |
DayOfRequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Day Of Requested Delivery Date | |
QuarterOfRequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Quarter Of Requested Delivery Date | |
NetPrice_NETPR | Net Price | |
NetValueOfTheSalesOrderInDocumentCurrency_NETWR | Net Value Of The Sales Order In Document Currency | |
CostInDocumentCurrency_WAVWR | Cost In Document Currency | |
TaxAmountInDocumentCurrency_MWSBP | Tax Amount In Document Currency | |
SalesOrderValueLineItemSourceCurrency | Sales Order Value at item level in Source Currency |