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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - VendorPerformance


This view provides a comprehensive analysis of purchase order data from SAP systems, including vendor performance metrics, invoice information, and detailed item-level data. It combines data from multiple tables to provide a holistic view of purchase orders, enabling users to analyze trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.Languages_T002 Table containing language keys used for text translations.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.CurrencyConversion Table containing currency conversion rates.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.PurchaseDocuments Table containing header-level purchase order data.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.POSchedule Table containing schedule line data for purchase orders.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.PurchaseDocumentsHistory Table containing historical purchase order data, including goods receipt and invoice information.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.PurchasingOrganizationsMD Table containing master data for purchasing organizations.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.PurchasingGroupsMD Table containing master data for purchasing groups.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.VendorsMD Table containing master data for vendors.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.CompaniesMD Table containing master data for companies.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.MaterialsMD Table containing master data for materials.
{{ project_id_tgt }}.{{ dataset_reporting_tgt }}.MaterialTypesMD Table containing master data for material types.

Key Use Cases

  • Analyze vendor performance metrics such as cycle time, rejection rates, on-time delivery, and invoice accuracy.
  • Identify trends in purchase order patterns, such as changes in order volume, pricing, and lead times.
  • Monitor the status of purchase orders, including delivery status, goods receipt information, and invoice details.
  • Drill down into item-level data to analyze specific purchase orders and identify areas for cost savings or process improvements.

Query Logic

The view combines data from multiple tables using a series of joins and aggregations. It first retrieves language-specific text descriptions for various fields, such as material names and vendor names. Then, it joins the purchase order header data with the schedule line data to obtain item-level details. Historical data from the purchase order history table is also joined to provide information on goods receipts and invoices. Finally, currency conversion rates are applied to convert all amounts to a consistent target currency.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME28 Change Purchase Order Schedule Lines
MIGO Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
MIRO Invoice Receipt for Purchase Order

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client ID
DocumentNumber_EBELN Purchase Order Number
Item_EBELP Purchase Order Item Number
PurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT Purchase Order Date
NetOrderValueinPOCurrency_NETWR Net Order Value in Purchase Order Currency
CurrencyKey_WAERS Purchase Order Currency Key
ItemDeliveryDate_EINDT Item Delivery Date
OrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT Order Date of Schedule Line
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
AmountInLocalCurrency_DMBTR Amount in Local Currency
POOrderHistoryCurrencyKey_WAERS Purchase Order History Currency Key
POQuantity_MENGE Purchase Order Quantity
UoM_MEINS Unit of Measure
NetPrice_NETPR Net Price
CreatedOn_AEDAT Created On
Status_STATU Status
MaterialNumber_MATNR Material Number
MaterialType_MTART Material Type
MaterialGroup_MATKL Material Group
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG Purchasing Organization
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP Purchasing Group
VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR Vendor Account Number
Company_BUKRS Company
Plant_WERKS Plant
YearOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT Year of Purchasing Document Date
MonthOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT Month of Purchasing Document Date
WeekOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT Week of Purchasing Document Date
FiscalYear Fiscal Year
FiscalPeriod Fiscal Period
InvoiceQuantity Invoice Quantity
InvoiceAmountInSourceCurrency Invoice Amount in Source Currency
InvoiceDate Invoice Date
YearOfInvoiceDate Year of Invoice Date
MonthOfInvoiceDate Month of Invoice Date
WeekOfInvoiceDate Week of Invoice Date
InvoiceCount Invoice Count
PurchasingOrganizationText_EKOTX Purchasing Organization Text
PurchasingGroupText_EKNAM Purchasing Group Text
CountryKey_LAND1 Vendor Country Key
NAME1 Vendor Name
CompanyText_BUTXT Company Text
FiscalyearVariant_PERIV Fiscal Year Variant
LanguageKey_SPRAS Language Key
MaterialText_MAKTX Material Text
DescriptionOfMaterialType_MTBEZ Description of Material Type
VendorCycleTimeInDays Vendor Cycle Time in Days
RejectedQuantity Rejected Quantity
GoodsReceiptQuantity Goods Receipt Quantity
GoodsReceiptAmountInSourceCurrency Goods Receipt Amount in Source Currency
ExchangeRate_UKURS Exchange Rate
TargetCurrency_TCURR Target Currency
AmountInTargetCurrency_DMBTR Amount in Target Currency
NetPriceInTargetCurrency_NETPR Net Price in Target Currency
NetOrderValueinTargetCurrency_NETWR Net Order Value in Target Currency
GoodsReceiptAmountInTargetCurrency Goods Receipt Amount in Target Currency
InvoiceAmountInTargetCurrency Invoice Amount in Target Currency
IsDelivered Delivery Status
IsRejected Vendor Quality (Rejection)
VendorOnTimeDelivery Vendor On Time Delivery
VendorInFullDelivery Vendor InFull Delivery
VendorOnTimeInFullDelivery Vendor On Time In Full Delivery
VendorInvoiceAccuracy Vendor Invoice Accuracy
PastDueOrOpenItems Past Due and Open
