Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - currency_conversion
This reporting view provides currency conversion rates for SAP systems. It calculates the conversion rate based on the input parameters and the historical currency rates stored in the source table.
Data Sources
Source Table/View | Description |
tcurr | A table that stores historical currency rates. |
Key Use Cases
- Currency conversion for reporting purposes
- Analysis of historical currency fluctuations
Query Logic
The query first selects the historical currency rate based on the input parameters and the date range. It then applies the conversion rate to the input amount to calculate the converted amount.
Possible relation with SAP Transactions
Transaction Code | Transaction Description |
Data Lineage
Under Development
Table/View Fields
Field | Field Description | Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
Name_NAME1 | Name | |
ValuationArea_BWKEY | Valuation Area | |
CustomerNumberOfPlant_KUNNR | Customer Number Of Plant | |
VendorNumberOfPlant_LIFNR | Vendor Number Of Plant | |
FactoryCalendarKey_FABKL | Factory Calendar Key | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name2 | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street And House Number | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
SalesOrganizationForIntercompanyBilling_VKORG | Sales Organization For Intercompany Billing | |
Indicator_BatchStatusManagementActive_CHAZV | Indicator Batch Status Management Active | |
Indicator_ConditionsAtPlantLevel_KKOWK | Indicator Conditions At Plant Level | |
Indicator_SourceListRequirement_KORDB | Indicator Source List Requirement | |
ActivatingRequirementsPlanning_BEDPL | Activating Requirements Planning | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
Region_County__REGIO | Region County | |
CountyCode_COUNC | County Code | |
CityCode_CITYC | City Code | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
MaintenancePlanningPlant_IWERK | Maintenance Planning Plant | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
DistributionChannelForIntercompanyBilling_VTWEG | Distribution Channel For Intercompany Billing | |
DivisionForIntercompanyBilling_SPART | Division For Intercompany Billing | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
SopPlant_WKSOP | Sop Plant | |
VarianceKey_AWSLS | Variance Key | |
Indicator_BatchStatusManagementActive_CHAZV_OLD | Indicator Batch Status Management Active Old | |
PlantCategory_VLFKZ | Plant Category | |
SalesDistrict_BZIRK | Sales District | |
SupplyRegion__regionSupplied___ZONE1 | Supply Region | |
TaxIndicator_Plant__purchasing___TAXIW | Tax Indicator Plant Purchasing | |
TakeRegularVendorIntoAccount_BZQHL | Take Regular Vendor Into Account | |
NumberOfDaysForFirstReminderexpediter_LET01 | Number Of Days For First Reminderexpediter | |
NumberOfDaysForSecondReminderexpediter_LET02 | Number Of Days For Second Reminderexpediter | |
NumberOfDaysForThirdReminderexpediter_LET03 | Number Of Days For Third Reminderexpediter | |
TextNameOf1stDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA1 | Text Name Of 1st Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
TextNameOfThe2ndDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA2 | Text Name Of The 2nd Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
TextNameOf3rdDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA3 | Text Name Of 3rd Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
NumberOfDaysForPoToleranceCompressInfoRecordsSu_BETOL | Number Of Days For Po Tolerance Compress Info Records Su | |
BusinessPlace_J_1BBRANCH | Business Place | |
RuleForDeterminingTheSalesAreaForStockTransfers_VTBFI | Rule For Determining The Sales Area For Stock Transfers | |
DistributionProfileAtPlantLevel_FPRFW | Distribution Profile At Plant Level | |
CentralArchivingMarkerForMasterRecord_ACHVM | Central Archiving Marker For Master Record | |
BatchRecord_TypeOfDmsUsed_DVSART | Batch Record Type Of Dms Used | |
NodeType_SupplyChainNetwork_NODETYPE | Node Type Supply Chain Network | |
StructureForNameFormation_NSCHEMA | Structure For Name Formation | |
CostObjectControllingLinkingActive_PKOSA | Cost Object Controlling Linking Active | |
UpdatingIsActiveForMixedCosting_MISCH | Updating Is Active For Mixed Costing | |
UpdatingIsActiveInActualCosting_MGVUPD | Updating Is Active In Actual Costing | |
ShippingPointreceivingPoint_VSTEL | Shipping Pointreceiving Point | |
UpdateOfActivityConsumptionInTheQuantityStructure_MGVLAUPD | Update Of Activity Consumption In The Quantity Structure | |
ControlOfCreditOfCostCenters_MGVLAREVAL | Control Of Credit Of Cost Centers | |
InvokeAddedFunctionSourceDeterminationViaAtp_SOURCING | Invoke Added Function Source Determination Via Atp | |
StoreCategoryToDifferentiateStoreShop_STORETYPE | Store Category To Differentiate Store Shop | |
SuperiorDepartmentStore_DEP_STORE | Superior Department Store |