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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - fiscal_case3


This reporting view provides a consolidated view of data from the SAP table t009b, which contains information about posting periods and fiscal years. It calculates the minimum value of a concatenated string that includes the posting period, fiscal year, and document number for each combination of client, controlling area, and fiscal year.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
t009b SAP table that stores posting periods and fiscal years

Key Use Cases

  • Reporting on posting periods and fiscal years
  • Identifying the minimum posting period and fiscal year for a given combination of client, controlling area, and fiscal year

Query Logic

The query first filters the t009b table to include only rows that match the specified client, controlling area, and fiscal year. It then calculates the minimum value of a concatenated string that includes the posting period, fiscal year, and document number for each combination of client, controlling area, and fiscal year.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client
MaterialGroup_MATKL Material Group
Division_SPART Division
ReferenceGroupRefMaterial_WWGDA Reference Group Ref Material
GroupMaterial_WWGPA Group Material
DepartmentNumber_ABTNR Department Number
AuthorizationGroup_BEGRU Authorization Group
DefaultUnitofWeight_GEWEI Default Unit of Weight
ValuationClass_BKLAS Valuation Class
PurchasingValueKey_EKWSL Purchasing Value Key
AssetClass_ANLKL Asset Class
PriceLevelGroup_PRICE_GROUP Price Level Group
MaterialGroupName_WGBEZ Material Group Name
Language_SPRAS Language
