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Source SQL File - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - fiscal_period


This reporting view provides a classification of records based on the presence of values in the Xkale and Xjabh fields of the t009 table.

Data Sources

Source Table/View Description
t009 Table containing data from the SAP system, including the Mandt (client), Periv (period), Xkale, and Xjabh fields.

Key Use Cases

  • Identifying records that meet specific criteria for further analysis or reporting.

Query Logic

The view uses a nested IF statement to classify records into three cases:

  1. CASE1: Records with a non-null Xkale field.
  2. CASE2: Records with a non-null Xjabh field and a null Xkale field.
  3. CASE3: Records with both Xkale and Xjabh fields null.

Possible relation with SAP Transactions

Transaction Code Transaction Description

Data Lineage

Under Development

Table/View Fields

Field Field Description Description in SAP Dictionary (Comming soon)
Client_MANDT Client
ValuationArea_BWKEY Valuation Area
CompanyCode_BUKRS Company Code
ValuationGroupingCode_BWMOD Valuation Grouping Code
NegativeStocksInValuationAreaAllowed_XBKNG Negative Stocks In Valuation Area Allowed
MaterialLedgerActivatedInValuationArea_MLBWA Material Ledger Activated In Valuation Area
MaterialLedgerActivatedInValuationArea__compulsory___MLBWV Material Ledger Activated In Valuation Area (compulsory)
SalesPriceValuationActive_XVKBW Sales Price Valuation Active
ExplanationFacilityForMaterialLedgerActiveinactive_ERKLAERKOM Explanation Facility For Material Ledger Active/inactive
RetailRevalutionProfile_UPROF Retail Revalution Profile
ProfileForValueBasedInventoryManagement_WBPRO Profile For Value Based Inventory Management
MaterialPriceDetermination_Control_MLAST Material Price Determination Control
PriceDeterminationIsBindingInValuationArea_MLASV Price Determination Is Binding In Valuation Area
StockCorrectionTolerance_BDIFP Stock Correction Tolerance
PriceDifferencePostingInGrForSubcontractOder_XLBPD Price Difference Posting In Gr For Subcontract Oder
PostPurchaseAccountWithReceiptValue_XEWRX Post Purchase Account With Receipt Value
TwoFiDocumentsWithPurchaseAccount_X2FDO Two Fi Documents With Purchase Account
PriceRelease_PRSFR Price Release
ActiveActualCostComponentSplit_MLCCS Active Actual Cost Component Split
DelCostsToPriceDiffAcctWhenPurchAcctActive_XEFRE Del Costs To Price Diff Acct When Purch Acct Active
StartOfValidityPeriodFDelCostsInPriceDiffAcct_EFREJ Start Of Validity Period F Del Costs In Price Diff Acct
PriceReleaseFlexibleMaterialPrices_FMP_PRSFR Price Release Flexible Material Prices
PriceReleaseGroup_FMP_PRFRGR Price Release Group
