Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - CountriesMD
Descripción general
Esta vista proporciona una lista completa de configuraciones y ajustes específicos de país utilizados en los sistemas SAP. Combina datos de las tablas T005 y T005T para proporcionar una única fuente de información relacionada con el país.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
T005 | Ajustes y configuraciones específicos de país |
T005T | Textos y traducciones específicos de país |
Casos de uso clave
- Recuperar ajustes específicos de país para varios procesos de negocio, como formato de dirección, validación de código postal y cálculos de impuestos.
- Obtener textos y traducciones específicos de país para interfaces de usuario, informes y otros documentos.
- Analizar datos específicos de país para identificar tendencias, patrones y posibles áreas de mejora.
Lógica de consulta
La vista combina datos de las tablas T005 y T005T utilizando un INNER JOIN en los campos MANDT y LAND1. Esto asegura que solo se incluyan en la vista los ajustes y textos específicos de país que coincidan.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
OB01 | Mantener ajustes específicos de país |
OB02 | Mantener textos específicos de país |
OB03 | Mantener monedas específicas de país |
OB04 | Mantener unidades de medida específicas de país |
OB05 | Mantener rangos de números específicos de país |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
CountryName_LANDX | Country Name | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
Nationality_NATIO | Nationality | |
CountryName__max50Characters___LANDX50 | Country Name (max 50 characters) | |
Nationality__max50Characters___NATIO50 | Nationality (max 50 characters) | |
SuperRegionPerCountryText_PRQ_SPREGT | Super Region Per Country Text | |
VehicleCountryKey_LANDK | Vehicle Country Key | |
PostalCodeLength_LNPLZ | Postal Code Length | |
RuleForThePostalCodeFieldCheck_PRPLZ | Rule For The Postal Code Field Check | |
FormattingRoutineKeyForPrintingAddresses_ADDRS | Formatting Routine Key For Printing Addresses | |
Flag_StreetAddressPostalCodeRequiredEntry_XPLZS | Flag Street Address Postal Code Required Entry | |
Flag_PoBoxPostalCodeRequired_XPLPF | Flag Po Box Postal Code Required | |
CountryLanguage_SPRAS | Country Language | |
CountryVersionFlag_XLAND | Country Version Flag | |
Flag_PrintCountryNameInForeignAddresses_XADDR | Flag Print Country Name In Foreign Addresses | |
StandardNameFormat_NMFMT | Standard Name Format | |
Flag_CityFileAddressCheck_XREGS | Flag City File Address Check | |
FlagStreetSpecificPostalCode__cityFile___XPLST | Flag Street Specific Postal Code (city File) | |
CountryIsoCode_INTCA | Country Iso Code | |
IsoCountryCode3Char_INTCA3 | Iso Country Code 3 Char | |
IsoCountryCodeNumeric3Characters_INTCN3 | Iso Country Code Numeric 3 Characters | |
Indicator_EuropeanUnionMember_XEGLD | Indicator European Union Member | |
Indicator_DiscountBaseAmountIsTheNetValue_XSKFN | Indicator Discount Base Amount Is The Net Value | |
Indicator_BaseAmountForTaxIsNetOfDiscount_XMWSN | Indicator Base Amount For Tax Is Net Of Discount | |
BankAccountNumberLength_LNBKN | Bank Account Number Length | |
RuleForCheckingBankAccountNumberField_PRBKN | Rule For Checking Bank Account Number Field | |
BankNumberLength_LNBLZ | Bank Number Length | |
RuleForCheckingBankNumberField_PRBLZ | Rule For Checking Bank Number Field | |
PostOfficeBankCurrentAccountNumberLength_LNPSK | Post Office Bank Current Account Number Length | |
RuleForCheckingPostalCheckAccountNumberField_PRPSK | Rule For Checking Postal Check Account Number Field | |
Indicator_UseCheckModuleForBankFields_XPRBK | Indicator Use Check Module For Bank Fields | |
NameOfTheBankKey_BNKEY | Name Of The Bank Key | |
LengthOfBankKey_LNBKS | Length Of Bank Key | |
RuleForCheckingBankKeyField_PRBKS | Rule For Checking Bank Key Field | |
Indicator_UseCheckModuleForTaxFieldsEtc_XPRSO | Indicator Use Check Module For Tax Fields Etc | |
RuleForCheckingVatRegistrationNumberField_PRUIN | Rule For Checking Vat Registration Number Field | |
VatRegistrationNumberLength_UINLN | Vat Registration Number Length | |
PermittedInputLengthForTaxNumbre1_LNST1 | Permitted Input Length For Tax Numbre1 | |
RuleForCheckingTaxCode1Field_PRST1 | Rule For Checking Tax Code1 Field | |
PermittedInputLengthForTaxNumber2_LNST2 | Permitted Input Length For Tax Number2 | |
RuleForCheckingTaxCode2Field_PRST2 | Rule For Checking Tax Code2 Field | |
PermittedInputLengthForTaxNumber3_LNST3 | Permitted Input Length For Tax Number3 | |
RuleForCheckingTaxCode3Field_PRST3 | Rule For Checking Tax Code3 Field | |
PermittedInputLengthForTaxNumber4_LNST4 | Permitted Input Length For Tax Number4 | |
RuleForCheckingTaxCode4Field_PRST4 | Rule For Checking Tax Code4 Field | |
PermittedInputLengthForTaxNumber5_LNST5 | Permitted Input Length For Tax Number5 | |
RuleForCheckingTaxCode5Field_PRST5 | Rule For Checking Tax Code5 Field | |
Duevo_Nationality_LANDD | Duevo Nationality | |
Procedure__pricing_KALSM | Procedure (pricing) | |
AlternativeCountryKey_LANDA | Alternative Country Key | |
PaymentPeriodForBillOfExchange_WECHF | Payment Period For Bill Of Exchange | |
ShortNameForForeignTradeStatistics_LKVRZ | Short Name For Foreign Trade Statistics | |
IntrastatCode_INTCN | Intrastat Code | |
DecimalPointFormat_XDEZP | Decimal Point Format | |
DateFormat_DATFM | Date Format | |
CurrencyKeyOfTheIndexBasedCurrency_CURIN | Currency Key Of The Index Based Currency | |
CurrencyKeyOfTheHardCurrency_CURHA | Currency Key Of The Hard Currency | |
CountryCurrency_WAERS | Country Currency | |
ExchangeRateTypeForTranslationIntoCountryCurrency_KURST | Exchange Rate Type For Translation Into Country Currency | |
ChartOfDepreciatonForAssetValuation_AFAPL | Chart Of Depreciaton For Asset Valuation | |
MaximumLowValueAssetAmount_GWGWRT | Maximum Low Value Asset Amount | |
NetBookValueForChangeoverOfDepreciationMethod_UMRWRT | Net Book Value For Changeover Of Depreciation Method | |
IndicatorPostNetBookValueForRetirement_KZRBWB | Indicator Post Net Book Value For Retirement | |
IndicatorTransferDownPaymentsFromPreviousYears_XANZUM | Indicator Transfer Down Payments From Previous Years | |
WithholdingTaxCertificateNumbering_Concepts_CTNCONCEPT | Withholding Tax Certificate Numbering (Concepts) | |
TaxesAtIndividualServiceLevel_KZSRV | Taxes At Individual Service Level | |
Indicator_DisplayCapitalGoodsIndicator_XXINVE | Indicator Display Capital Goods Indicator | |
SuperRegionPerCountry_SUREG | Super Region Per Country |