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Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - CustomersMD

Descripción general

Esta vista proporciona un conjunto de datos de informes completo para sistemas SAP, diseñado específicamente para información relacionada con el cliente. Combina datos de las tablas KNA1 y ADRC para ofrecer una vista holística de los detalles del cliente, incluyendo direcciones, información de contacto, datos financieros y más.

Fuentes de datos

Tabla/vista de origen Descripción
KNA1 Tabla Maestra de Clientes
ADRC Tabla de Direcciones

Casos de uso clave

  • Gestión de Relaciones con los Clientes (CRM)
  • Ventas y Distribución (SD)
  • Contabilidad Financiera (FI)
  • Controlling (CO)
  • Gestión de Materiales (MM)

Lógica de consulta

La vista combina datos de las tablas KNA1 y ADRC utilizando un LEFT OUTER JOIN en el campo ADRNR. La condición de unión garantiza que los datos del cliente de KNA1 coincidan con la información de dirección más actualizada de ADRC, donde el campo date_to se establece en '9999-12-31'. El conjunto de datos resultante proporciona una vista completa de la información del cliente, incluidos los datos maestros y los detalles de la dirección.

Posible relación con SAP Transactions

Codigo de transacción Descripción de la transacción
XD01 Crear Cliente
XD02 Cambiar Cliente
XD03 Mostrar Cliente
FBL5N Partidas de Cliente

Linaje de datos

Em desarollo

Campos de tabla/vista

Campo Descripción del campo Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve)
Client_MANDT Client number
CustomerNumber_KUNNR Customer number
CountryKey_LAND1 Country key
Name1_NAME1 Name 1
Name2_NAME2 Name 2
City_ORT01 City
PostalCode_PSTLZ Postal code
CustomerRegion_REGIO Customer region
SortField_SORTL Sort field
StreetAndNumber_STRAS Street and number
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 First telephone number
FaxNumber_TELFX Fax number
OneTimeAccount_XCPDK One-time account
Address_ADRNR Address number
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD1 Matchcode search 1
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD2 Matchcode search 2
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD3 Matchcode search 3
Title_ANRED Title
CentralOrderBlockForCustomer_AUFSD Central order block for customer
ExpressTrainStation_BAHNE Express train station
TrainStation_BAHNS Train station
InternationalLocationNumber_BBBNR International location number
InternationalLocationNumber_BBSNR International location number
AuthorizationGroup_BEGRU Authorization group
IndustryKey_BRSCH Industry key
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_BUBKZ Check digit for the international location number
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT Data communication line no
DateCreated_ERDAT Date created
CreatedBy_ERNAM Created by
UnloadingPointsExist_EXABL Unloading points exist
CentralBillingBlock_FAKSD Central billing block
AccountNumberFiscalAddress_FISKN Account number fiscal address
WorkingTimeCalendar_KNAZK Working time calendar
AlternativePayer_KNRZA Alternative payer
GroupKey_KONZS Group key
CustomerAccountGroup_KTOKD Customer account group
CustomerClassification_KUKLA Customer classification
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR Account number of vendor or creditor
CentralDeliveryBlockForTheCustomer_LIFSD Central delivery block for the customer
CityCoordinates_LOCCO City coordinates
CentralDeletionFlagForMasterRecord_LOEVM Central deletion flag for master record
Name3_NAME3 Name 3
Name4_NAME4 Name 4
NielsenId_NIELS Nielsen ID
District_ORT02 District
PoBox_PFACH PO box
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 PO box postal code
CountyCode_COUNC County code
CityCode_CITYC City code
RegionalMarket_RPMKR Regional market
CentralPostingBlock_SPERR Central posting block
LanguageKey_SPRAS Language key
TaxNumber1_STCD1 Tax number 1
TaxNumber2_STCD2 Tax number 2
SubjectToEqualizationTax_STKZA Subject to equalization tax
LiableForVat_STKZU Liable for VAT
TeleboxNumber_TELBX Telebox number
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 Second telephone number
TeletexNumber_TELTX Teletex number
TelexNumber_TELX1 Telex number
TransportationZone_LZONE Transportation zone
AlternativePayerAllowed_XZEMP Alternative payer allowed
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner_VBUND Company ID of trading partner
VatRegistrationNumber_STCEG VAT registration number
Competitor_DEAR1 Competitor
SalesPartner_DEAR2 Sales partner
SalesProspect_DEAR3 Sales prospect
CustomerType4_DEAR4 Customer type 4
IdForDefaultSoldToParty_DEAR5 ID for default sold-to party
LegalStatus_GFORM Legal status
IndustryCode1_BRAN1 Industry code 1
IndustryCode2_BRAN2 Industry code 2
IndustryCode3_BRAN3 Industry code 3
IndustryCode4_BRAN4 Industry code 4
IndustryCode5_BRAN5 Industry code 5
InitialContact_EKONT Initial contact
AnnualSales_UMSAT Annual sales
YearForWhichSalesAreGiven_UMJAH Year for which sales are given
CurrencyOfSalesFigure_UWAER Currency of sales figure
YearlyNumberOfEmployees_JMZAH Yearly number of employees
YearForWhichTheNumberOfEmployeesIsGiven_JMJAH Year for which the number of employees is given
Attribute1_KATR1 Attribute 1
Attribute2_KATR2 Attribute 2
Attribute3_KATR3 Attribute 3
Attribute4_KATR4 Attribute 4
Attribute5_KATR5 Attribute 5
Attribute6_KATR6 Attribute 6
Attribute7_KATR7 Attribute 7
Attribute8_KATR8 Attribute 8
Attribute9_KATR9 Attribute 9
Attribute10_KATR10 Attribute 10
NaturalPerson_STKZN Natural person
AnnualSales_UMSA1 Annual sales
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD Tax jurisdiction
FiscalYearVariant_PERIV Fiscal year variant
UsageIndicator_ABRVW Usage indicator
InspectionCarriedOutByCustomer_INSPBYDEBI Inspection carried out by customer
InspectionForADeliveryNote_INSPATDEBI Inspection for a delivery note
ReferenceAccountGroup_KTOCD Reference account group
PoBoxCity_PFORT PO box city
Plant_WERKS Plant
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAMS Report key for data medium exchange
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAWS Instruction key for data medium exchange
StatusOfDataTransferIntoSubsequentRelease_DUEFL Status of data transfer into subsequent release
AssignmentToHierarchy_HZUOR Assignment to hierarchy
PaymentBlock_SPERZ Payment block
RLabeling_CustomerplantGroup_ETIKG R labeling - customer plant group
IdNonMilitaryUse_CIVVE ID non-military use
IdForMilitaryUse_MILVE ID for military use
ConditionGroup1_KDKG1 Condition group 1
ConditionGroup2_KDKG2 Condition group 2
ConditionGroup3_KDKG3 Condition group 3
ConditionGroup4_KDKG4 Condition group 4
ConditionGroup5_KDKG5 Condition group 5
AlternativePayerUsingAccountNumber_XKNZA Alternative payer using account number
TaxType_FITYP Tax type
TaxNumberType_STCDT Tax number type
TaxNumber3_STCD3 Tax number 3
TaxNumber4_STCD4 Tax number 4
TaxNumber5_STCD5 Tax number 5
CustomerIsIcmsExempt_XICMS Customer is ICMS exempt
CustomerIsIpiExempt_XXIPI Customer is IPI exempt
CustomerGroupForSubstituicaoTributariaCalculation_XSUBT Customer group for substituicao tributaria calculation
CustomerCfopCategory_CFOPC Customer CFOP category
TaxLaw_Icms_TXLW1 Tax law - ICMS
TaxLaw_Ipi_TXLW2 Tax law - IPI
IndicatorForBiochemicalWarfare_CCC01 Indicator for biochemical warfare
IndicatorForNuclearNonproliferation_CCC02 Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation
IndicatorForNationalSecurity_CCC03 Indicator for national security
IndicatorForMissileTechnology_CCC04 Indicator for missile technology
CentralSalesBlock_CASSD Central sales block
UniformResourceLocator_KNURL Uniform resource locator
NameOfRepresentative_J_1KFREPRE Name of representative
TypeOfBusiness_J_1KFTBUS Type of business
TypeOfIndustry_J_1KFTIND Type of industry
StatusOfChangeAuthorization_CONFS Status of change authorization
DateOnWhichTheChangesWereConfirmed_UPDAT Date on which the changes were confirmed
TimeOfLastChangeConfirmation_UPTIM Time of last change confirmation
CentralDeletionBlockForMasterRecord_NODEL Central deletion block for master record
Indicator_Consumer_DEAR6 Indicator - consumer
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_CVP_XBLCK Business purpose completed flag
SuframaCode_SUFRAMA Suframa code
RgNumber_RG RG number
IssuedBy_EXP Issued by
State_UF State
RgIssuingDate_RGDATE RG issuing date
RicNumber_RIC RIC number
ForeignNationalRegistration_RNE Foreign national registration
RneIssuingDate_RNEDATE RNE issuing date
LegalNature_LEGALNAT Legal nature
CrtNumber_CRTN CRT number
IcmsTaxpayer_ICMSTAXPAY ICMS taxpayer
IndustryMainType_INDTYP Industry main type
TaxDeclarationType_TDT Tax declaration type
CompanySize_COMSIZE Company size
DeclarationRegimenForPiscofins_DECREGPC Declaration regimen for piscofins
AgencyLocationCode_ALC Agency location code
PaymentOffice_PMT_OFFICE Payment office
FeeSchedule_FEE_SCHEDULE Fee schedule
DunsNumber_DUNS DUNS number
ProcessorGroup_PSOFG Processor group
SubledgerAcctPreprocessingProcedure_PSOIS Subledger acct preprocessing procedure
Name1_PSON1 Name 1
Name2_PSON2 Name 2
Name3_PSON3 Name 3
FirstName_PSOVN First name
Title_PSOTL Title
Description_PSOO1 Description 1
Description_PSOO2 Description 2
Description_PSOO3 Description 3
Description_PSOO4 Description 4
Description_PSOO5 Description 5
ValidFromDate_DATE_FROM Valid from date
VersionIdForInternationalAddresses_NATION Version ID for international addresses
ValidToDate_DATE_TO Valid to date
FormOfAddressKey_TITLE Form of address key
Addr_NAME1 Address name 1
Addr_NAME2 Address name 2
Addr_NAME3 Address name 3
Addr_NAME4 Address name 4
City_CITY1 City 1
District_CITY2 District 2
CityCodeForCitystreetFile_CITY_CODE City code for citystreet file
DistrictCodeForCityAndStreetFile_CITYP_CODE District code for city and street file
City_HOME_CITY City home city
DifferentCityForCitystreetFile_CITYH_CODE Different city for citystreet file
RegionalStructureGrouping_REGIOGROUP Regional structure grouping
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 City postal code 1
PoBoxPostalCode_POST_CODE2 PO box postal code 2
CompanyPostalCode_POST_CODE3 Company postal code 3
PoBox_PO_BOX PO box
PoBoxAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_P PO box address undeliverable flag
Flag_PoBoxWithoutNumber_PO_BOX_NUM Flag - PO box without number
PoBoxCity_PO_BOX_LOC PO box city
CityPoBoxCode_CityFile_CITY_CODE2 City PO box code - city file
RegionForPoBox_PO_BOX_REG Region for PO box
PoBoxCountry_PO_BOX_CTY PO box country
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_TRANSPZONE Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered
Street_STREET Street
StreetAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_S Street address undeliverable flag
StreetNumberForCitystreetFile_STREETCODE Street number for citystreet file
HouseNumber_HOUSE_NUM1 House number 1
HouseNumberSupplement_HOUSE_NUM2 House number supplement
Street2_STR_SUPPL1 Street 2
Street3_STR_SUPPL2 Street 3
Street4_STR_SUPPL3 Street 4
Street5_LOCATION Street 5
Building_NumberOrCode_BUILDING Building - number or code
FloorInBuilding_FLOOR Floor in building
RoomOrAppartmentNumber_ROOMNUMBER Room or appartment number
CountryKey_COUNTRY Country key
Language_LANGU Language
Region__REGION Region
AddressGroup_Key_BusinessAddressServices_ADDR_GROUP Address group - key - business address services
Flag_ThereAreMoreAddressGroupAssignments_FLAGGROUPS Flag - there are more address group assignments
Flag_ThisIsAPersonalAddress_PERS_ADDR Flag - this is a personal address
SearchTerm1_SORT1 Search term 1
SearchTerm2_SORT2 Search term 2
FirstTelephoneNo_DiallingCodenumber_TEL_NUMBER First telephone no - dialling codenumber
FirstTelephoneNo_Extension_TEL_EXTENS First telephone no - extension
CountyCodeForCounty_COUNTY_CODE County code for county
County_COUNTY County
TownshipCodeForTownship_TOWNSHIP_CODE Township code for township
Township_TOWNSHIP Township
CountyNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_COUNTY County name in upper case for search help
TownshipNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_TOWNSHIP Township name in upper case for search help
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_XPCPT Business purpose completed flag
