Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - PurchaseDocuments
Descripción general
Esta vista es una vista de informes para sistemas SAP que combina datos de las tablas EKPO y EKKO. Proporciona una vista integral de los datos de órdenes de compra, incluidos detalles a nivel de artículo, detalles a nivel de encabezado y cifras clave.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
ekpo | Datos a nivel de artículo para órdenes de compra |
ekko | Datos a nivel de encabezado para órdenes de compra |
currency_decimal | Decimales de moneda |
Casos de uso clave
- Se puede utilizar para analizar datos de órdenes de compra a nivel de artículo y encabezado.
- Se puede utilizar para rastrear el estado de las órdenes de compra y sus artículos.
- Se puede utilizar para identificar tendencias y patrones en el comportamiento de compra.
Lógica de consulta
La vista se crea utilizando una unión izquierda entre las tablas EKPO y EKKO. La unión se realiza en los campos MANDT y EBELN, que son el cliente y el número de orden de compra, respectivamente. La vista también incluye una unión izquierda con la tabla currency_decimal para obtener los decimales de moneda para la moneda de la orden de compra.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
ME21N | Crear orden de compra |
ME22N | Cambiar orden de compra |
ME23N | Mostrar orden de compra |
ME28 | Cambiar artículo de orden de compra |
ME29N | Mostrar artículo de orden de compra |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
DocumentNumber_EBELN | Document Number | |
Item_EBELP | Item | |
DeletionFlag_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag | |
Company_BUKRS | Company | |
DocumentCategory_BSTYP | Document Category | |
DocumentType_BSART | Document Type | |
ControlFlag_BSAKZ | Control Flag | |
DeletionFlagHdr_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag Header | |
Status_STATU | Status | |
CreatedOn_AEDAT | Created On | |
CreatedBy_ERNAM | Created By | |
ItemNumberInterval_PINCR | Item Number Interval | |
LastItemNumber_LPONR | Last Item Number | |
VendorAccountNumber_LIFNR | Vendor Account Number | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
TermsPaymentKey_ZTERM | Terms Payment Key | |
DiscountDays1_ZBD1T | Discount Days 1 | |
DiscountDays2_ZBD2T | Discount Days 2 | |
DiscountDays3_ZBD3T | Discount Days 3 | |
CashDiscountPercentage1_ZBD1P | Cash Discount Percentage 1 | |
CashDiscountPercentage2_ZBD2P | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
ExchangeRate_WKURS | Exchange Rate | |
FlagFixingExchangeRate_KUFIX | Flag Fixing Exchange Rate | |
PurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Purchasing Document Date | |
StartValidityPeriod_KDATB | Start Validity Period | |
EndValidityPeriod_KDATE | End Validity Period | |
ClosingDateforApplications_BWBDT | Closing Date for Applications | |
Deadline_ANGDT | Deadline | |
BindingPeriodforQuotation_BNDDT | Binding Period for Quotation | |
WarrantyDate_GWLDT | Warranty Date | |
Bidinvitationnumber_AUSNR | Bid invitation number | |
QuotationNumber_ANGNR | Quotation Number | |
QuotationSubmissionDate_IHRAN | Quotation Submission Date | |
YourReference_IHREZ | Your Reference | |
VendorSalesperson_VERKF | Vendor Salesperson | |
VendorTelephone_TELF1 | Vendor Telephone | |
SupplyingVendor_LLIEF | Supplying Vendor | |
Customer_KUNNR | Customer | |
PrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KONNR | Principal Purchase Agreement | |
CompleteDeliveryStipulated_AUTLF | Complete Delivery Stipulated | |
GoodsReceiptMsgFlag_WEAKT | Goods Receipt Msg Flag | |
SupplyTransportOrders_RESWK | Supply Transport Orders | |
AreaPerDistributionValue_KTWRT | Area Per Distribution Value | |
CollectiveNumber_SUBMI | Collective Number | |
Numberthedocumentcondition_KNUMV | Number the document condition | |
Procedure_KALSM | Procedure | |
UpdateGroupStatistics_STAFO | Update Group Statistics | |
DifferentInvoicingParty_LIFRE | Different Invoicing Party | |
ForeignTradeDocument_EXNUM | Foreign Trade Document | |
OurReference_UNSEZ | Our Reference | |
LogicalSystem_LOGSY | Logical System | |
ItemNumberInterval_UPINC | Item Number Interval | |
TimeDependentConditions_STAKO | Time Dependent Conditions | |
Releasegroup_FRGGR | Release group | |
ReleaseStrategy_FRGSX | Release Strategy | |
PurchasingDocumentRelease_FRGKE | Purchasing Document Release | |
ReleaseStatus_FRGZU | Release Status | |
ReleaseIncomplete_FRGRL | Release Incomplete | |
CountryforTaxReturn_LANDS | Country for Tax Return | |
SchedulingAgreement_LPHIS | Scheduling Agreement | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
CountrySalesTaxIDNumber_STCEG_L | Country Sales Tax ID Number | |
VATRegistrationNumber_STCEG | VAT Registration Number | |
ReasonforCancellation_ABSGR | Reason for Cancellation | |
AdditionalDocument_ADDNR | Additional Document | |
CorrectionMiscProvisions_KORNR | Correction Misc Provisions | |
IncompleteFlag_MEMORY | Incomplete Flag | |
ProcessingState_PROCSTAT | Processing State | |
ValueAtRelease_RLWRT | Value At Release | |
VersionnumberinPurchasing_REVNO | Version number in Purchasing | |
SCMProcess_SCMPROC | SCM Process | |
GoodsReceiptReason_REASON_CODE | Goods Receipt Reason | |
CategoryIncompleteness_MEMORYTYPE | Category Incompleteness | |
RetentionFlag_RETTP | Retention Flag | |
ProcessIdentificationNumber_MSR_ID | Process Identification Number | |
PartaContractHierarchy_HIERARCHY_EXISTS | Part a Contract Hierarchy | |
ExchangeThresholdValue_THRESHOLD_EXISTS | Exchange Threshold Value | |
LegalContractNumber_LEGAL_CONTRACT | Legal Contract Number | |
ContractName_DESCRIPTION | Contract Name | |
ReleaseDateContract_RELEASE_DATE | Release Date Contract | |
Physicalhandover_HANDOVERLOC | Physical handover | |
InternalKeyforForceElement_FORCE_ID | Internal Key for Force Element | |
InternalCounter_FORCE_CNT | Internal Counter | |
RelocationID_RELOC_ID | Relocation ID | |
RelocationStepID_RELOC_SEQ_ID | Relocation Step ID | |
Logicalsystem_SOURCE_LOGSYS | Logical system | |
InterestcalculationFlag_VZSKZ | Interest calculation Flag | |
SeasonalProcesingDocument_POHF_TYPE | Seasonal Procesing Document | |
SameDeliveryDate_EQ_EINDT | Same Delivery Date | |
SameReceivingPlant_EQ_WERKS | Same Receiving Plant | |
FirmDealFlag_FIXPO | Firm Deal Flag | |
TakeAccountPurchGroup_EKGRP_ALLOW | Take Account Purch Group | |
TakeAccountPlants_WERKS_ALLOW | Take Account Plants | |
TakeAccountContracts_CONTRACT_ALLOW | Take Account Contracts | |
TakeAccountItemCategories_PSTYP_ALLOW | Take Account Item Categories | |
TakeAccountFixedDate_FIXPO_ALLOW | Take Account Fixed Date | |
ConsiderBudget_KEY_ID_ALLOW | Consider Budget | |
TakeAccountAllocTableRelevance_AUREL_ALLOW | Take Account Alloc Table Relevance | |
TakeAccountDlvyPeriod_DELPER_ALLOW | Take Account Dlvy Period | |
TakeAccountDeliveryDate_EINDT_ALLOW | Take Account Delivery Date | |
IncludeVendorSubrange_LTSNR_ALLOW | Include Vendor Subrange | |
OTBCheckLevel_OTB_LEVEL | OTB Check Level | |
OTBConditionType_OTB_COND_TYPE | OTB Condition Type | |
UniqueNumberBudget_KEY_ID | Unique Number Budget | |
RequiredBudget_OTB_VALUE | Required Budget | |
OTBCurrency_OTB_CURR | OTB Currency | |
ReservedBudgetforOTB_OTB_RES_VALUE | Reserved Budget for OTB | |
SpecialReleaseBudget_OTB_SPEC_VALUE | Special Release Budget | |
BudgetType_BUDG_TYPE | Budget Type | |
OTBCheckStatus_OTB_STATUS | OTB Check Status | |
ReasonFlagforOTBCheckStatus_OTB_REASON | Reason Flag for OTB Check Status | |
TypeOTBCheck_CHECK_TYPE | Type OTB Check | |
OTBRelevantContract_CON_OTB_REQ | OTB Relevant Contract | |
OTBFlagLevelforContracts_CON_PREBOOK_LEV | OTB Flag Level for Contracts | |
DistributionUsingTargetValueorItemData_CON_DISTR_LEV | Distribution Using Target Value or Item Data | |
RFQtatus_STATU | RFQ tatus | |
ChangeDate_AEDAT | Change Date | |
ShortText_TXZ01 | Short Text | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
MaterialNumber_EMATN | Material Number | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
RequirementTrackingNumber_BEDNR | Requirement Tracking Number | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
NumberofPurchasingInfoRecord_INFNR | Number of Purchasing Info Record | |
MaterialNumberVendor_IDNLF | Material Number Vendor | |
TargetQuantity_KTMNG | Target Quantity | |
POQuantity_MENGE | PO Quantity | |
UoM_MEINS | UoM | |
OrderPriceUnit_BPRME | Order Price Unit | |
OrderUnitNumerator_BPUMZ | Order Unit Numerator | |
OrderUnitDenominator_BPUMN | Order Unit Denominator | |
NumeratorforConversionofOrderUnittoBaseUnit_UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit | |
DenominatorforConversionofOrderUnittoBaseUnit_UMREN | Denominator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit | |
PriceUnit_PEINH | Price Unit | |
DeadlineforSubmissionofBid_AGDAT | Deadline for Submission of Bid | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeinDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days | |
Taxcode_MWSKZ | Tax code | |
SettlementGroup1_BONUS | Settlement Group 1 | |
StockType_INSMK | Stock Type | |
UpdateInfoRecordFlag_SPINF | Update Info Record Flag | |
PricePrintout_PRSDR | Price Printout | |
EstimatedPriceFlag_SCHPR | Estimated Price Flag | |
NumberofReminders_MAHNZ | Number of Reminders | |
NumberofDaysforFirstReminder_MAHN1 | Number of Days for First Reminder | |
NumberofDaysforSecondReminder_MAHN2 | Number of Days for Second Reminder | |
NumberofDaysforThirdReminder_MAHN3 | Number of Days for Third Reminder | |
OverdeliveryToleranceLimit_UEBTO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
UnlimitedOverdeliveryAllowed_UEBTK | Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed | |
UnderdeliveryToleranceLimit_UNTTO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
ValuationCategory_BWTTY | Valuation Category | |
RejectionFlag_ABSKZ | Rejection Flag | |
InternalCommentonQuotation_AGMEM | Internal Comment on Quotation | |
DeliveryCompletedFlag_ELIKZ | Delivery Completed Flag | |
FinalInvoiceFlag_EREKZ | Final Invoice Flag | |
ItemCategoryinPurchasingDocument_PSTYP | Item Category in Purchasing Document | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ConsumptionPosting_KZVBR | Consumption Posting | |
DistributionFlagformultipleaccountassignment_VRTKZ | Distribution Flag for multiple account assignment | |
PartialInvoiceFlag_TWRKZ | Partial Invoice Flag | |
GoodsReceiptFlag_WEPOS | Goods Receipt Flag | |
GoodsReceiptNonValuated_WEUNB | Goods Receipt Non Valuated | |
InvoiceReceiptFlag_REPOS | Invoice Receipt Flag | |
FlagGRBasedInvoiceVerification_WEBRE | Flag GR Based Invoice Verification | |
OrderAcknowledgmentRequirement_KZABS | Order Acknowledgment Requirement | |
OrderAcknowledgmentNumber_LABNR | Order Acknowledgment Number | |
NumberofPrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KONNR | Number of Principal Purchase Agreement | |
ItemNumberofPrincipalPurchaseAgreement_KTPNR | Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreement | |
ReconciliationDateforAgreedCumulativeQuantity_ABDAT | Reconciliation Date for Agreed Cumulative Quantity | |
AgreedCumulativeQuantity_ABFTZ | Agreed Cumulative Quantity | |
FirmZone_ETFZ1 | Firm Zone | |
TradeOffZone_ETFZ2 | Trade Off Zone | |
FirmTradeOffZones_KZSTU | Firm Trade Off Zones | |
ExclusioninOutlineAgreementItemwithMaterialClass_NOTKZ | Exclusion in Outline Agreement Item with Material Class | |
BaseUnitofMeasure_LMEIN | Base Unit of Measure | |
ShippingInstructions_EVERS | Shipping Instructions | |
Nondeductibleinputtax_NAVNW | Nondeductible input tax | |
Standardreleaseorderquantity_ABMNG | Standard release order quantity | |
DateofPriceDetermination_PRDAT | Date of Price Determination | |
PurchasingDocumentCategory_BSTYP | Purchasing Document Category | |
Itemaffectscommitments_XOBLR | Item affects commitments | |
Manualaddressnumberinpurchasingdocumentitem_ADRNR | Manual address number in purchasing document item | |
ConditionGroupwithVendor_EKKOL | Condition Group with Vendor | |
ItemDoesNotQualifyforCashDiscount_SKTOF | Item Does Not Qualify for Cash Discount | |
Updategroupforstatisticsupdate_STAFO | Update group for statistics update | |
PlannedDeliveryTimeinDays_PLIFZ | Planned Delivery Time in Days | |
NetWeight_NTGEW | Net Weight | |
UnitofWeight_GEWEI | Unit of Weight | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
FlagPrintrelevantSchedulelinesexist_ETDRK | Flag Print relevant Schedule lines exist | |
SpecialStockFlag_SOBKZ | Special Stock Flag | |
Settlementreservationnumber_ARSNR | Settlement reservation number | |
Itemnumberofthesettlementreservation_ARSPS | Item number of the settlement reservation | |
QualityinspectionFlagcannotbechanged_INSNC | Quality inspection Flag cannot be changed | |
ControlKeyforQualityManagementinProcurement_SSQSS | Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement | |
CertificateType_ZGTYP | Certificate Type | |
InternationalArticleNumber_EAN11 | International Article Number | |
ConfirmationControlKey_BSTAE | Confirmation Control Key | |
RevisionLevel_REVLV | Revision Level | |
Fund_GEBER | Fund | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
CommitmentItem_FIPOS | Commitment Item | |
Businessareareportedtothepartner_KO_GSBER | Business area reported to the partner | |
assumedbusinessareaofthebusinesspartner_KO_PARGB | assumed business area of the business partner | |
ProfitCenter_KO_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
PartnerProfitCenter_KO_PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | |
PricingDateControl_MEPRF | Pricing Date Control | |
GrossWeight_BRGEW | Gross Weight | |
Volume_VOLUM | Volume | |
Volumeunit_VOLEH | Volume unit | |
Incoterms1_INCO1 | Incoterms 1 | |
Incoterms2_INCO2 | Incoterms 2 | |
Advanceprocurement_VORAB | Advance procurement | |
PriorVendor_KOLIF | Prior Vendor | |
VendorSubrange_LTSNR | Vendor Subrange | |
Packagenumber_PACKNO | Package number | |
Invoicingplannumber_FPLNR | Invoicing plan number | |
Itemisstatistical_STAPO | Item is statistical | |
HigherLevelIteminPurchasingDocuments_UEBPO | Higher Level Item in Purchasing Documents | |
LatestPossibleGoodsReceipt_LEWED | Latest Possible Goods Receipt | |
Vendortobesupplied_EMLIF | Vendor to be supplied | |
Subcontractingvendor_LBLKZ | Subcontracting vendor | |
CrossPlantConfigurableMaterial_SATNR | Cross Plant Configurable Material | |
MaterialCategory_ATTYP | Material Category | |
Shippingtype_VSART | Shipping type | |
Locationforaphysicalhandoverofgoods_HANDOVERLOC | Location for a physical handover of goods | |
KanbanFlag_KANBA | Kanban Flag | |
Numberofdeliveryaddress_ADRN2 | Number of delivery address | |
internalObjectNumber_CUOBJ | internal Object Number | |
EvaluatedReceiptSettlement_XERSY | Evaluated Receipt Settlement | |
StartDateforGRBasedSettlement_EILDT | Start Date for GR Based Settlement | |
LastTransmission_DRDAT | Last Transmission | |
Time_DRUHR | Time | |
SequentialNumber_DRUNR | Sequential Number | |
Promotion_AKTNR | Promotion | |
AllocationTableNumber_ABELN | Allocation Table Number | |
Itemnumberofallocationtable_ABELP | Item number of allocation table | |
NumberofPoints_ANZPU | Number of Points | |
Pointsunit_PUNEI | Points unit | |
SeasonCategory_SAISO | Season Category | |
SeasonYear_SAISJ | Season Year | |
SettlementGroup2_EBON2 | Settlement Group 2 | |
SettlementGroup3_EBON3 | Settlement Group 3 | |
ItemRelevanttoSubsequentSettlement_EBONF | Item Relevant to Subsequent Settlement | |
Materialledgeractivatedatmateriallevel_MLMAA | Material ledger activated at material level | |
MinimumRemainingShelfLife_MHDRZ | Minimum Remaining Shelf Life | |
RFQNumber_ANFNR | RFQ Number | |
ItemNumberofRFQ_ANFPS | Item Number of RFQ | |
OriginofConfiguration_KZKFG | Origin of Configuration | |
Quotaarrangementusage_USEQU | Quota arrangement usage | |
SpecialStockFlagforPhysicalStockTransfer_UMSOK | Special Stock Flag for Physical Stock Transfer | |
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN | Purchase Requisition Number | |
ItemNumberofPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO | Item Number of Purchase Requisition | |
MaterialType_MTART | Material Type | |
SubitemCategory_UPTYP | Subitem Category | |
SubitemsExist_UPVOR | Subitems Exist | |
Subtotal1frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI1 | Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Subtotal2frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI2 | Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Subtotal3frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI3 | Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Subtotal4frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI4 | Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Subtotal5frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI5 | Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Subtotal6frompricingprocedureforcondition_KZWI6 | Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition | |
Processingkeyforsubitems_SIKGR | Processing key for subitems | |
MaximumCumulativeMaterialGoAheadQuantity_MFZHI | Maximum Cumulative Material Go Ahead Quantity | |
MaximumCumulativeProductionGoAheadQuantity_FFZHI | Maximum Cumulative Production Go Ahead Quantity | |
ReturnsItem_RETPO | Returns Item | |
RelevanttoAllocationTable_AUREL | Relevant to Allocation Table | |
ReasonforOrdering_BSGRU | Reason for Ordering | |
DeliveryTypeforReturnstoVendors_LFRET | Delivery Type for Returns to Vendors | |
Materialfreightgroup_MFRGR | Material freight group | |
Materialqualifiesfordiscountinkind_NRFHG | Material qualifies for discount in kind | |
ReleaseCreationProfile_ABUEB | Release Creation Profile | |
NextForecastDeliveryScheduleTransmission_NLABD | Next Forecast Delivery Schedule Transmission | |
NextJITDeliveryScheduleTransmission_NFABD | Next JIT Delivery Schedule Transmission | |
ValuationofSpecialStock_KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | |
FlagItemRelevanttoJITDeliverySchedules_FABKZ | Flag Item Relevant to JIT Delivery Schedules | |
InflationIndex_J_1AINDXP | Inflation Index | |
InflationIndexDate_J_1AIDATEP | Inflation Index Date | |
ManufacturerPartProfile_MPROF | Manufacturer Part Profile | |
OutwardDeliveryCompletedFlag_EGLKZ | Outward Delivery Completed Flag | |
StockTransfer_KZTLF | Stock Transfer | |
Unitsofmeasureusage_KZFME | Units of measure usage | |
RoundingProfile_RDPRF | Rounding Profile | |
StandardVariant_TECHS | Standard Variant | |
Configurationchanged_CHG_SRV | Configuration changed | |
Noinvoiceforthisitemalthoughnotfreeofcharge_CHG_FPLNR | No invoice for this item although not free of charge | |
ManufacturerPartNumber_MFRPN | Manufacturer Part Number | |
NumberofaManufacturer_MFRNR | Number of a Manufacturer | |
Externalmanufacturercodenameornumber_EMNFR | External manufacturer code name or number | |
ItemblockedforSDdelivery_NOVET | Item blocked for SD delivery | |
NameofRequester_AFNAM | Name of Requester | |
Timezoneofrecipientlocation_TZONRC | Timezone of recipient location | |
PeriodFlagforShelfLifeExpirationDate_IPRKZ | Period Flag for Shelf Life Expiration Date | |
FlagforServiceBasedInvoiceVerification_LEBRE | Flag for Service Based Invoice Verification | |
MRPArea_BERID | MRP Area | |
Conditionsforitemalthoughnoinvoice_XCONDITIONS | Conditions for item although no invoice | |
APOasPlanningSystem_APOMS | APO as Planning System | |
PostingLogicintheCaseofStockTransfers_CCOMP | Posting Logic in the Case of Stock Transfers | |
Grant_GRANT_NBR | Grant | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
StatusofPurchasingDocumentItem_STATUS | Status of Purchasing Document Item | |
IssuingStorageLocationforStockTransportOrder_RESLO | Issuing Storage Location for Stock Transport Order | |
DocumentNumberforEarmarkedFunds_KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem_KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds Document Item | |
AcceptanceAtOrigin_WEORA | Acceptance At Origin | |
ServiceBasedCommitment_SRV_BAS_COM | Service Based Commitment | |
RequirementUrgency_PRIO_URG | Requirement Urgency | |
RequirementPriority_PRIO_REQ | Requirement Priority | |
Receivingpoint_EMPST | Receiving point | |
DifferentialInvoicing_DIFF_INVOICE | Differential Invoicing | |
RiskRelevancyinPurchasing_TRMRISK_RELEVANT | Risk Relevancy in Purchasing | |
Reasonforrejectionofquotationsandsalesorders_SPE_ABGRU | Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders | |
CRMSalesOrderNumberforTPOP_SPE_CRM_SO | CRM Sales Order Number for TPOP | |
CRMSalesOrderItemNumberinTPOP_SPE_CRM_SO_ITEM | CRM Sales Order Item Number in TPOP | |
CRMReferenceOrderNumberforTPOP_SPE_CRM_REF_SO | CRM Reference Order Number for TPOP | |
CRMReferenceSalesOrderItemNumberinTPOP_SPE_CRM_REF_ITEM | CRM Reference Sales Order Item Number in TPOP | |
BillingRelevanceCRM_SPE_CRM_FKREL | Billing Relevance CRM | |
LastChangerSystemType_SPE_CHNG_SYS | Last Changer System Type | |
StockTypeofSourceStorageLocationinSTO_SPE_INSMK_SRC | Stock Type of Source Storage Location in STO | |
CQControlType_SPE_CQ_CTRLTYPE | CQ Control Type | |
NoTransmissionofCumulativeQuantitiesinSARelease_SPE_CQ_NOCQ | No Transmission of Cumulative Quantities in SA Release | |
GoodsReceiptReasonCode_REASON_CODE | Goods Receipt Reason Code | |
CumulativeGoodsReceipts_CQU_SAR | Cumulative Goods Receipts | |
Numberofserialnumbers_ANZSN | Number of serial numbers | |
EWMDeliveryBasedToleranceCheck_SPE_EWM_DTC | EWM Delivery Based Tolerance Check | |
ItemNumberLength_EXLIN | Item Number Length | |
ExternalSorting_EXSNR | External Sorting | |
ExternalHierarchyCategory_EHTYP | External Hierarchy Category | |
RetentioninPercent_RETPC | Retention in Percent | |
DownPaymentFlag_DPTYP | Down Payment Flag | |
DownPaymentPercentage_DPPCT | Down Payment Percentage | |
DownPaymentinDocumentCurrency_DPAMT | Down Payment in Document Currency | |
DueDateforDownPayment_DPDAT | Due Date for Down Payment | |
StoreReturnwithInboundandOutboundDelivery_FLS_RSTO | Store Return with Inbound and Outbound Delivery | |
DocumentNumberofExternalDocument_EXT_RFX_NUMBER | Document Number of External Document | |
ItemNumberofExternalDocument_EXT_RFX_ITEM | Item Number of External Document | |
LogicalSystem_EXT_RFX_SYSTEM | Logical System | |
CentralContract_SRM_CONTRACT_ID | Central Contract | |
CentralContractItemNumber_SRM_CONTRACT_ITM | Central Contract Item Number | |
BlockingReasonID_BLK_REASON_ID | Blocking Reason ID | |
BlockingReasonText_BLK_REASON_TXT | Blocking Reason Text | |
RealTimeConsumptionPostingofSubcontractingComponents_ITCONS | Real Time Consumption Posting of Subcontracting Components | |
DeliveryDateandQuantityFixed_FIXMG | Delivery Date and Quantity Fixed | |
FlagforGIbasedgoodsreceipt_WABWE | Flag for GI based goods receipt | |
TaxCodeAutomaticallyDetermined_TC_AUT_DET | Tax Code Automatically Determined | |
ManualTaxCodeReason_MANUAL_TC_REASON | Manual Tax Code Reason | |
TaxIncentiveType_FISCAL_INCENTIVE | Tax Incentive Type | |
TaxSubject_TAX_SUBJECT_ST | Tax Subject | |
IncentiveID_FISCAL_INCENTIVE_ID | Incentive ID | |
AdviceCode_ADVCODE | Advice Code | |
FMBudgetPeriod_BUDGET_PD | FM Budget Period | |
AcceptancePeriod_EXCPE | Acceptance Period | |
IUIDRelevant_IUID_RELEVANT | IUID Relevant | |
RetailPriceRelevant_MRPIND | Retail Price Relevant | |
ReferenceSiteForPurchasing_REFSITE | Reference Site For Purchasing | |
Typeofsubcontracting_SERRU | Type of subcontracting | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERNP | Serial Number Profile | |
SpecialstockFlagSubcontracting_DISUB_SOBKZ | Special stock Flag Subcontracting | |
WBSElement_DISUB_PSPNR | WBS Element | |
CustomerNumber_DISUB_KUNNR | Customer Number | |
SalesandDistributionDocumentNumber_DISUB_VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | |
ItemnumberoftheSDdocument_DISUB_POSNR | Item number of the SD document | |
Ownerofstock_DISUB_OWNER | Owner of stock | |
ReferenceItemforRemainingQtyCancellation_REF_ITEM | Reference Item for Remaining Qty Cancellation | |
OriginProfile_SOURCE_ID | Origin Profile | |
KeyinSourceSystem_SOURCE_KEY | Key in Source System | |
FlagforPuttingBackfromGroupedPODocument_PUT_BACK | Flag for Putting Back from Grouped PO Document | |
OrderListItemNumber_POL_ID | Order List Item Number | |
PurchaseOrderforConsignment_CONS_ORDER | Purchase Order for Consignment | |
YearOfChangeDate_AEDAT | Year Of Change Date | |
MonthOfChangeDate_AEDAT | Month Of Change Date | |
WeekOfChangeDate_AEDAT | Week Of Change Date | |
QuarterOfChangeDate_AEDAT | Quarter Of Change Date | |
YearOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Year Of Purchasing Document Date | |
MonthOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Month Of Purchasing Document Date | |
WeekOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Week Of Purchasing Document Date | |
QuarterOfPurchasingDocumentDate_BEDAT | Quarter Of Purchasing Document Date | |
NetPrice_NETPR | Net Price | |
NetOrderValueinPOCurrency_NETWR | Net Order Value in PO Currency | |
GrossOrderValueinPOcurrency_BRTWR | Gross Order Value in PO currency | |
TargetValueforOutlineAgreementinDocumentCurrency_ZWERT | Target Value for Outline Agreement in Document Currency | |
Effectivevalueofitem_EFFWR | Effective value of item | |
Currentlynotused_GNETWR | Currently not used | |
Rebatebasis1_BONBA | Rebate basis 1 |