Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - SalesOrders
Descripción general
Esta vista proporciona un conjunto de datos completo para la elaboración de informes para sistemas SAP, que combina datos de múltiples tablas para ofrecer información sobre pedidos de ventas, artículos, precios y otra información relevante. Está diseñada para facilitar el análisis y la elaboración de informes sobre el rendimiento de las ventas, las interacciones con los clientes y las métricas financieras.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
vbak | Cabecera de Pedido de Venta |
vbap | Artículo de Pedido de Venta |
vbuk | Estado de Pedido de Venta |
vbpa | Socio de Pedido de Venta |
tcurx | Tipos de Cambio de Divisa |
konv | Registros de Condiciones |
Casos de uso clave
- Análisis e informes de ventas
- Gestión de relaciones con clientes
- Seguimiento del rendimiento financiero
- Gestión de inventario y logística
- Análisis de precios y rentabilidad
Lógica de consulta
La consulta combina datos de varias tablas mediante uniones y agregaciones. Primero, une las tablas VBAK y VBAP para establecer la relación entre las cabeceras y los artículos del pedido de venta. A continuación, realiza una unión externa izquierda con VBUK para incluir información sobre el estado del pedido de venta. También se utilizan uniones externas izquierdas para incorporar datos de VBPA (socios del pedido de venta) y AGGVBPAITEM (datos agregados del socio del pedido de venta). La consulta también incluye una unión externa izquierda con AGGKONV para incorporar información del registro de condiciones. Por último, aplica la conversión de divisas mediante la tabla TCURX para garantizar valores de divisa coherentes en las distintas tablas.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
VA01 | Crear Pedido de Venta |
VA02 | Modificar Pedido de Venta |
VA03 | Visualizar Pedido de Venta |
VL01N | Crear Entrega |
VL02N | Modificar Entrega |
VF01 | Crear Factura |
VF02 | Modificar Factura |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
SalesDocument_VBELN | Sales Document | |
Item_POSNR | Item | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
CreationDate_ERDAT | Creation Date | |
CreationTime_ERZET | Creation Time | |
CreatedBy_ERNAM | Created By | |
QuotationDateFrom_ANGDT | Quotation Date From | |
QuotationDateTo_BNDDT | Quotation Date To | |
DocumentDate_AUDAT | Document Date | |
DocumentCategory_VBTYP | Document Category | |
TransactionGroup_TRVOG | Transaction Group | |
SalesDocumentType_AUART | Sales Document Type | |
Reason_AUGRU | Reason | |
WarrantyDate_GWLDT | Warranty Date | |
CollectiveNumber_SUBMI | Collective Number | |
DeliveryBlock_LIFSK | Delivery Block | |
BillingBlock_FAKSK | Billing Block | |
CurrencyHdr_WAERK | Currency Hdr | |
SalesOrganization_VKORG | Sales Organization | |
DistributionChannel_VTWEG | Distribution Channel | |
DivisionHdr_SPART | Division Hdr | |
SalesGroup_VKGRP | Sales Group | |
SalesOffice_VKBUR | Sales Office | |
BusinessAreaHdr_GSBER | Business Area Hdr | |
CostCtrBusinessArea_GSKST | Cost Ctr Business Area | |
AgreementValidFrom_GUEBG | Agreement Valid From | |
AgreementValidTo_GUEEN | Agreement Valid To | |
ConditionNumber_KNUMV | Condition Number | |
RequestedDeliveryDate_VDATU | Requested Delivery Date | |
ProposedDateType_VPRGR | Proposed Date Type | |
CompleteDeliveryFlag_AUTLF | Complete Delivery Flag | |
OriginalSystem_VBKLA | Original System | |
DocumentIndicator_VBKLT | Document Indicator | |
PricingProcedure_KALSM | Pricing Procedure | |
ShippingConditions_VSBED | Shipping Conditions | |
ProposedBillingType_FKARA | Proposed Billing Type | |
SalesProbability_AWAHR | Sales Probability | |
SearchTermForProductProposal_KTEXT | Search Term For Product Proposal | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber_BSTNK | Customer Purchase Order Number | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderType_BSARK | Customer Purchase Order Type | |
CustomerPurchaseOrderDate_BSTDK | Customer Purchase Order Date | |
PurchaseOrderNumberSupplement_BSTZD | Purchase Order Number Supplement | |
YourReference_IHREZ | Your Reference | |
NameOfOrderer_BNAME | Name Of Orderer | |
TelephoneNumber_TELF1 | Telephone Number | |
NumberOfContactsFromTheCustomer_MAHZA | Number Of Contacts From The Customer | |
LastCustomerContactDate_MAHDT | Last Customer Contact Date | |
SoldToParty_KUNNR | Sold To Party | |
CostCenterHdr_KOSTL | Cost Center Hdr | |
UpdateGroupForStatistics_STAFO | Update Group For Statistics | |
StatisticScurrency_STWAE | Statistic Scurrency | |
ChangedOn_AEDAT | Changed On | |
CustomerGroup1_KVGR1 | Customer Group 1 | |
CustomerGroup2_KVGR2 | Customer Group 2 | |
CustomerGroup3_KVGR3 | Customer Group 3 | |
CustomerGroup4_KVGR4 | Customer Group 4 | |
CustomerGroup5_KVGR5 | Customer Group 5 | |
Agreement_KNUMA | Agreement | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
WBSElementHdr_PS_PSP_PNR | WBSElement Hdr | |
ExchangeRateType_KURST | Exchange Rate Type | |
CreditControlArea_KKBER | Credit Control Area | |
CustomerCreditLimitRef_KNKLI | Customer Credit Limit Ref | |
CustomerCreditGroup_GRUPP | Customer Credit Group | |
CreditRepresentativeGroupForCreditManagement_SBGRP | Credit Representative Group For Credit Management | |
RiskCategory_CTLPC | Risk Category | |
CurrencyKeyOfCreditControlArea_CMWAE | Currency Key Of Credit Control Area | |
ReleASeDateOfTheDocumentDeterminedByCreditManagement_CMFRE | Rele AS E Date Of The Document Determined By Credit Management | |
DateOfNextCreditCheckOfDocument_CMNUP | Date Of Next Credit Check Of Document | |
NextDate_CMNGV | Next Date | |
ReleasedCreditValueOfTheDocument_AMTBL | Released Credit Value Of The Document | |
HierarchyTypeForPricing_HITYP_PR | Hierarchy Type For Pricing | |
UsageIndicator_ABRVW | Usage Indicator | |
MRPForDeliveryScheduleTypes_ABDIS | MRP For Delivery Schedule Types | |
DocumentNumberOfTheReferenceDocument_VGBEL | Document Number Of The Reference Document | |
ObjectNumberAtHeaderLevel_OBJNR | Object Number At Header Level | |
CompanyCodeToBeBilled_BUKRS_VF | Company Code To Be Billed | |
AlternativeTaxClassification_TAXK1 | Alternative Tax Classification | |
TaxClassification2_TAXK2 | Tax Classification 2 | |
TaxClassification3_TAXK3 | Tax Classification 3 | |
TaxClassification4_TAXK4 | Tax Classification 4 | |
TaxClassification5_TAXK5 | Tax Classification 5 | |
TaxClassification6_TAXK6 | Tax Classification 6 | |
TaxClassification7_TAXK7 | Tax Classification 7 | |
TaxClassification8_TAXK8 | Tax Classification 8 | |
TaxClassification9_TAXK9 | Tax Classification 9 | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
AssignmentNumber_ZUONR | Assignment Number | |
PreDocCategory_VGTYP | Pre Doc Category | |
OrderNumberHdr_AUFNR | Order Number Hdr | |
NotificationNo_QMNUM | Notification No | |
MasterContractNumber_VBELN_GRP | Master Contract Number | |
TaxDestinationCountry_STCEG_L | Tax Destination Country | |
TaxDepartureCountry_LANDTX | Tax Departure Country | |
InternationalUniqueKey_HANDLE | International Unique Key | |
DangerousGoodsManagementProfile_PROLI | Dangerous Goods Management Profile | |
DangerousGoodsFlag_CONT_DG | Dangerous Goods Flag | |
UTCTimeStampL_UPD_TMSTMP | UTCTimeStampL | |
RejectionsStatus_ABSTK | Rejections Status | |
ConfirmationStatus_BESTK | Confirmation Status | |
OverallStatusOfCreditChecks_CMGST | Overall Status Of Credit Checks | |
DelayStatus_DCSTK | Delay Status | |
BillingBlockStatus_FSSTK | Billing Block Status | |
OverallProcessingStatus_GBSTK | Overall Processing Status | |
OverallDeliveryStatus_LFGSK | Overall Delivery Status | |
MaterialEntered_MATWA | Material Entered | |
PricingReferenceMaterial_PMATN | Pricing Reference Material | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
ShortText_ARKTX | Short Text | |
ItemCategory_PSTYV | Item Category | |
ItemType_POSAR | Item Type | |
RelevantForDelivery_LFREL | Relevant For Delivery | |
RelevantForBilling_FKREL | Relevant For Billing | |
BOMItemLevel_UEPOS | BOM Item Level | |
AlternativeForItem_GRPOS | Alternative For Item | |
RejectionReason_ABGRU | Rejection Reason | |
ProductHierarchy_PRODH | Product Hierarchy | |
TargetValue_ZWERT | Target Value | |
TargetQuantityUoM_ZMENG | Target Quantity UoM | |
TargetQuantityUoM_ZIEME | Target Quantity UoM | |
BaseTargetConversionFactor_UMZIZ | Base Target Conversion Factor | |
ConversionFactor_UMZIN | Conversion Factor | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit Of Measure | |
ScaleQuantity_SMENG | Scale Quantity | |
RoundingQuantityForDelivery_ABLFZ | Rounding Quantity For Delivery | |
ReconciliationDate_ABDAT | Reconciliation Date | |
AllowedDeviation_ABSFZ | Allowed Deviation | |
ItemNumberOfTheUnderlyingPurchaseOrder_POSEX | Item Number Of The Underlying Purchase Order | |
CustomerMaterialNumber_KDMAT | Customer Material Number | |
AllowedDeviationPercent_KBVER | Allowed Deviation Percent | |
DaysByWhichTheQuantityCanBeShifted_KEVER | Days By Which The Quantity Can Be Shifted | |
RepairProcessing_VKGRU | Repair Processing | |
UsageIndicator_VKAUS | Usage Indicator | |
DeliveryGroup_GRKOR | Delivery Group | |
QuantityIsFixed_FMENG | Quantity Is Fixed | |
UnlimitedOverDeliveryAllowed_UEBTK | Unlimited Over Delivery Allowed | |
OverDeliveryToleranceLimit_UEBTO | Over Delivery Tolerance Limit | |
UnderDeliveryToleranceLimit_UNTTO | Under Delivery Tolerance Limit | |
BillingBlockForItem_FAKSP | Billing Block For Item | |
ReplacementPart_ATPKZ | Replacement Part | |
FormOfBillingForCO_RKFKF | Form Of Billing For CO | |
Division_SPART | Division | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
NetPrice_NETWR | Net Price | |
Currency_WAERK | Currency | |
MaximumPartialDeliveries_ANTLF | Maximum Partial Deliveries | |
PartialDeliveryAtItemLevel_KZTLF | Partial Delivery At Item Level | |
BatchSplitAllowed_CHSPL | Batch Split Allowed | |
CumulativeOrderQuantity_KWMENG | Cumulative Order Quantity | |
CumulativeTargetDeliveryQty_LSMENG | Cumulative Target Delivery Qty | |
CumulativeConfirmedQuantity_KBMENG | Cumulative Confirmed Quantity | |
CumulativeConfirmedQuantityInBASeUoM_KLMENG | Cumulative Confirmed Quantity In BASe UoM | |
SalesUnit_VRKME | Sales Unit | |
NumeratorQty_UMVKZ | Numerator Qty | |
DenominatorQty_UMVKN | Denominator Qty | |
GrossWeightOfItem_BRGEW | Gross Weight Of Item | |
NetWeightOfItem_NTGEW | Net Weight Of Item | |
WeightUnit_GEWEI | Weight Unit | |
VolumeOfTheItem_VOLUM | Volume Of The Item | |
VolumeUnit_VOLEH | Volume Unit | |
OriginatingDocument_VBELV | Originating Document | |
OriginatingItem_POSNV | Originating Item | |
ReferenceDocument_VGBEL | Reference Document | |
ReferenceItem_VGPOS | Reference Item | |
ReferenceIndicator_VOREF | Reference Indicator | |
UpdateIndicator_UPFLU | Update Indicator | |
CompletionRuleForQuotation_ERLRE | Completion Rule For Quotation | |
DeliveryPriority_LPRIO | Delivery Priority | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
ShippingReceivingPoint_VSTEL | Shipping Receiving Point | |
Route_ROUTE | Route | |
BOMOrigin_STKEY | BOM Origin | |
BOMDate_STDAT | BOM Date | |
OrderProbabilityOfTheItem_AWAHR | Order Probability Of The Item | |
TaxClassification1_TAXM1 | Tax Classification 1 | |
TaxClassification2_TAXM2 | Tax Classification 2 | |
TaxClassification3_TAXM3 | Tax Classification 3 | |
TaxClassification4_TAXM4 | Tax Classification 4 | |
TaxClassification5_TAXM5 | Tax Classification 5 | |
TaxClassification6_TAXM6 | Tax Classification 6 | |
TaxClassification7_TAXM7 | Tax Classification 7 | |
TaxClassification8_TAXM8 | Tax Classification 8 | |
TaxClassification9_TAXM9 | Tax Classification 9 | |
FixedShippingProcessingTimeInDays_VBEAF | Fixed Shipping Processing Time In Days | |
VariableShippingProcessingTimeInDays_VBEAV | Variable Shipping Processing Time In Days | |
PrecedingDocumentHasResultedFromReference_VGREF | Preceding Document Has Resulted From Reference | |
NetPrice_NETPR | Net Price | |
ConditionPricingUnit_KPEIN | Condition Pricing Unit | |
ConditionUnit_KMEIN | Condition Unit | |
ReturnsItem_SHKZG | Returns Item | |
CashDiscountIndicator_SKTOF | Cash Discount Indicator | |
CheckingGroupForAvailabilityCheck_MTVFP | Checking Group For Availability Check | |
SummingUpOfRequirements_SUMBD | Summing Up Of Requirements | |
MaterialPricingGroup_KONDM | Material Pricing Group | |
AccountAssignmentGroupForThisMaterial_KTGRM | Account Assignment Group For This Material | |
VolumeRebateGroup_BONUS | Volume Rebate Group | |
CommissionGroup_PROVG | Commission Group | |
PricingIsOK_PRSOK | Pricing Is OK | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
SeparateValuation_BWTEX | Separate Valuation | |
BatchManagementRequirementIndicator_XCHPF | Batch Management Requirement Indicator | |
BatchManagementIndicator_XCHAR | Batch Management Indicator | |
MinimumDeliveryQuantityInDeliveryNoteProcessing_LFMNG | Minimum Delivery Quantity In Delivery Note Processing | |
UpdateGroupForStatisticsUpdate_STAFO | Update Group For Statistics Update | |
SubTotal1FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI1 | Sub Total 1 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal2FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI2 | Sub Total 2 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal3FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI3 | Sub Total 3 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal4FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI4 | Sub Total 4 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal5FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI5 | Sub Total 5 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
SubTotal6FromPricingProcedureForCondition_KZWI6 | Sub Total 6 From Pricing Procedure For Condition | |
ExchangeRateForStatistics_STCUR | Exchange Rate For Statistics | |
LastChangedOn_AEDAT | Last Changed On | |
InternationalArticleNumber_EAN11 | International Article Number | |
DeliveryDateAndQuantityFixed_FIXMG | Delivery Date And Quantity Fixed | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
MaterialGroup1_MVGR1 | Material Group 1 | |
MaterialGroup2_MVGR2 | Material Group 2 | |
MaterialGroup3_MVGR3 | Material Group 3 | |
MaterialGroup4_MVGR4 | Material Group 4 | |
MaterialGroup5_MVGR5 | Material Group 5 | |
ComponentQuantity_KMPMG | Component Quantity | |
ReasonForMaterialSubstitution_SUGRD | Reason For Material Substitution | |
SpecialStockIndicator_SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | |
AllocationIndicator_VPZUO | Allocation Indicator | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
WBSElement_PS_PSP_PNR | WBSElement | |
PlanningMaterial_VPMAT | Planning Material | |
PlanningPlant_VPWRK | Planning Plant | |
BaseUnitOfMeasureForProductGroup_PRBME | Base Unit Of Measure For Product Group | |
ConversionFactorQuantities_UMREF | Conversion Factor Quantities | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | |
ConsumptionPosting_KZVBR | Consumption Posting | |
BOMExplosionNumber_SERNR | BOM Explosion Number | |
ObjectNumberAtItemLevel_OBJNR | Object Number At Item Level | |
ResultsAnalysisKey_ABGRS | Results Analysis Key | |
RequirementsType_BEDAE | Requirements Type | |
ItemCreditPrice_CMPRE | Item Credit Price | |
CreditBlock_CMTFG | Credit Block | |
RelevantForCredit_CMPNT | Relevant For Credit | |
Configuration_CUOBJ | Configuration | |
InternalObjectNumberOfTheBatchClassification_CUOBJ_CH | Internal Object Number Of The Batch Classification | |
StatusExpectedPrice_CEPOK | Status Expected Price | |
ConditionUpdate_KOUPD | Condition Update | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERAIL | Serial Number Profile | |
NumberOfSerialNumbers_ANZSN | Number Of Serial Numbers | |
CustomerHasNotPostedGoodsReceipt_NACHL | Customer Has Not Posted Goods Receipt | |
PackagingMaterials_MAGRV | Packaging Materials | |
StatusManualPriceChange_MPROK | Status Manual Price Change | |
PrecedingDocCategory_VGTYP | Preceding Doc Category | |
CostEstimateNumber_KALNR | Cost Estimate Number | |
CostingVariant_KLVAR | Costing Variant | |
BOMItemNumber_SPOSN | BOM Item Number | |
StatisticalValues_KOWRR | Statistical Values | |
StatisticsDate_STADAT | Statistics Date | |
BusinessTransactionTypeForForeignTrade_EXART | Business Transaction Type For Foreign Trade | |
ImportExportFlag_PREFE | Import Export Flag | |
NumberOfConditionRecord_KNUMH | Number Of Condition Record | |
InternalClassNumber_CLINT | Internal Class Number | |
BOMCategory_STLTY | BOM Category | |
BOMItemNodeNumber_STLKN | BOM Item Node Number | |
InternalCounter_STPOZ | Internal Counter | |
InconsistentConfiguration_STMAN | Inconsistent Configuration | |
OverHeadKey_ZSCHL_K | Over Head Key | |
CostingSheet_KALSM_K | Costing Sheet | |
CostingVariant_KALVAR | Costing Variant | |
ProductAllocation_KOSCH | Product Allocation | |
PricingReferenceMaterial_UPMAT | Pricing Reference Material | |
MaterialPricingGroup_UKONM | Material Pricing Group | |
MaterialFreightGroup_MFRGR | Material Freight Group | |
PlanningReleaseRegulation_PLAVO | Planning Release Regulation | |
ItemCreditPrice_CMPRE_FLT | Item Credit Price | |
FormOfPaymentGuarantee_ABFOR | Form Of Payment Guarantee | |
GuaranteedFactor_ABGES | Guaranteed Factor | |
ValueContractNo_WKTNR | Value Contract No | |
ValueContractItem_WKTPS | Value Contract Item | |
AssortmentModule_SKOPF | Assortment Module | |
ValuationofSpecialStock_KZBWS | Valuationof Special Stock | |
MaterialGroupHierarchy1_WGRU1 | Material Group Hierarchy 1 | |
MaterialGroupHierarchy2_WGRU2 | Material Group Hierarchy 2 | |
Promotion_KNUMA_PI | Promotion | |
SalesDeal_KNUMA_AG | Sales Deal | |
LeadingUoM_KZFME | Leading UoM | |
FreeGoodsDeliveryControl_LSTANR | Free Goods Delivery Control | |
ParameterVariant_TECHS | Parameter Variant | |
MRPArea_BERID | MRP Area | |
ProfitCenterForBilling_PCTRF | Profit Center For Billing | |
ManagingLocation_STOCKLOC | Managing Location | |
TypeOfFirstInventory_SLOCTYPE | Type Of First Inventory | |
ReturnReason_MSR_RET_REASON | Return Reason | |
ReturnsRefundCode_MSR_REFUND_CODE | Returns Refund Code | |
ApprovalBlock_MSR_APPROV_BLOCK | Approval Block | |
ConditionRecordNumber_NRAB_KNUMH | Condition Record Number | |
RiskRelevancyInSales_TRMRISK_RELEVANT | Risk Relevancy In Sales | |
LocationForAPhysicalHandOverOfGoods_HANDOVERLOC | Location For A Physical Hand Over Of Goods | |
HandOverDateAtTheHandOverLocation_HANDOVERDATE | Hand Over Date At The Hand Over Location | |
HandOverTimeAtTheHandOverLocation_HANDOVERTIME | Hand Over Time At The Hand Over Location | |
TaxCodeAutomaticallyDetermined_TC_AUT_DET | Tax Code Automatically Determined | |
ManualTaxCodeReASon_MANUAL_TC_REASON | Manual Tax Code Re AS on | |
TaxIncentiveType_FISCAL_INCENTIVE | Tax Incentive Type | |
IncentiveID_FISCAL_INCENTIVE_ID | Incentive ID | |
NotAFiscalSpecialCaseForCFOPDetermination_SPCSTO | Not A Fiscal Special Case For CFOP Determination | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
Fund_FONDS | Fund | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
SoldToPartyItem_KUNNR | Sold To Party Item | |
SoldToPartyItemName_KUNNR | Sold To Party Item Name | |
ShipToPartyItem_KUNNR | Ship To Party Item | |
ShipToPartyItemName_KUNNR | Ship To Party Item Name | |
BillToPartyItem_KUNNR | Bill To Party Item | |
BillToPartyItemName_KUNNR | Bill To Party Item Name | |
PayerItem_KUNNR | Payer Item | |
PayerItemName_KUNNR | Payer Item Name | |
SoldToPartyHeader_KUNNR | Sold To Party Header | |
SoldToPartyHeaderName_KUNNR | Sold To Party Header Name | |
ShipToPartyHeader_KUNNR | Ship To Party Header | |
ShipToPartyHeaderName_KUNNR | Ship To Party Header Name | |
BillToPartyHeader_KUNNR | Bill To Party Header | |
BillToPartyHeaderName_KUNNR | Bill To Party Header Name | |
PayerHeader_KUNNR | Payer Header | |
PayerHeaderName_KUNNR | Payer Header Name | |
KNUMV | Condition Number | |
KPOSN | Condition Item | |
ListPrice | List Price | |
AdjustedPrice | Adjusted Price | |
InterCompanyPrice | Inter Company Price | |
Discount | Discount | |
ConfirmedOrderQuantity_BMENG | Confirmed Order Quantity | |
NetValueOfTheSalesOrderInDocumentCurrency_NETWR | Net Value Of The Sales Order In Document Currency | |
CostInDocumentCurrency_WAVWR | Cost In Document Currency | |
TaxAmountInDocumentCurrency_MWSBP | Tax Amount In Document Currency | |
YearOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Year Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
MonthOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Month Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
WeekOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Week Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
DayOfSalesOrderCreationDate_ERDAT | Day Of Sales Order Creation Date | |
SalesOrderValueLineItem | Sales Order Value Line Item |