Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - Stock_PerPlant
Descripción general
Esta vista proporciona una descripción general completa de los datos maestros de materiales de los sistemas SAP. Combina datos de las tablas MARC y MARA, junto con información adicional de la tabla T001W, para proporcionar una única fuente de información veraz para la información relacionada con los materiales.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
MARC | Maestro de materiales: Datos de planta |
MARA | Maestro de materiales: Datos generales |
T001W | Planta: Datos generales |
Casos de uso clave
- Planificación y previsión de materiales
- Gestión de inventario
- Compras y adquisiciones
- Producción y fabricación
- Control e inspección de calidad
- Ventas y distribución
- Contabilidad financiera y de costes
Lógica de consulta
La vista utiliza un INNER JOIN para combinar datos de las tablas MARC y MARA, y un segundo INNER JOIN para incorporar información específica de la planta de la tabla T001W. La consulta selecciona una amplia gama de campos de estas tablas, que abarcan todos los aspectos de los datos maestros de materiales.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
MM01 | Crear maestro de materiales |
MM02 | Cambiar maestro de materiales |
MM03 | Mostrar maestro de materiales |
MB1C | Movimiento de mercancías: registrar entrada de mercancías |
MB1B | Movimiento de mercancías: registrar salida de mercancías |
MMBE | Maestro de materiales: Mostrar visión general de stock |
MD04 | Planificación de necesidades de materiales: Mostrar lista de necesidades de materiales |
CO02 | Orden de producción: Crear |
CO03 | Orden de producción: Mostrar |
QA01 | Notificación de calidad: Crear |
QA02 | Notificación de calidad: Cambiar |
SD01 | Orden de venta: Crear |
SD02 | Orden de venta: Cambiar |
FBL1N | Mostrar partidas de línea de cuenta de mayor |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
MaterialText_MAKTX | Material Text | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
ProductHierarchy_PRDHA | Product Hierarchy | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
MaterialType_MTART | Material Type | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
Plant_Name | Plant Name | |
Plant_Region | Plant Region | |
Plant_Country | Plant Country | |
MaintenanceStatus_PSTAT | Maintenance Status | |
FlagMaterialForDeletionAtPlantLevel_LVORM | Flag Material For Deletion At Plant Level | |
ValuationCategory_BWTTY | Valuation Category | |
BatchManagementIndicator__internal___XCHAR | Batch Management Indicator (internal) | |
PlantSpecificMaterialStatus_MMSTA | Plant Specific Material Status | |
DateFromWhichThePlantSpecificMaterialStatusIsValid_MMSTD | Date From Which The Plant Specific Material Status Is Valid | |
AbcIndicator_MAABC | Abc Indicator | |
Indicator_CriticalPart_KZKRI | Indicator Critical Part | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
UnitOfIssue_AUSME | Unit Of Issue | |
Material_MrpProfile_DISPR | Material Mrp Profile | |
MrpType_DISMM | Mrp Type | |
MrpController_DISPO | Mrp Controller | |
Indicator_MrpControllerIsBuyer__deactivated___KZDIE | Indicator Mrp Controller Is Buyer (deactivated) | |
PlannedDeliveryTimeInDays_PLIFZ | Planned Delivery Time In Days | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeInDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time In Days | |
PeriodIndicator_PERKZ | Period Indicator | |
AssemblyScrapInPercent_AUSSS | Assembly Scrap In Percent | |
LotSize__materialsPlanning___DISLS | Lot Size (materials Planning) | |
ProcurementType_BESKZ | Procurement Type | |
SpecialProcurementType_SOBSL | Special Procurement Type | |
ReorderPoint_MINBE | Reorder Point | |
SafetyStock_EISBE | Safety Stock | |
MinimumLotSize_BSTMI | Minimum Lot Size | |
MaximumLotSize_BSTMA | Maximum Lot Size | |
FixedLotSize_BSTFE | Fixed Lot Size | |
RoundingValueForPurchaseOrderQuantity_BSTRF | Rounding Value For Purchase Order Quantity | |
MaximumStockLevel_MABST | Maximum Stock Level | |
OrderingCosts_LOSFX | Ordering Costs | |
DependentRequirementsIndForIndividualAndCollReqmts_SBDKZ | Dependent Requirements Ind For Individual And Coll Reqmts | |
StorageCostsIndicator_LAGPR | Storage Costs Indicator | |
MethodForSelectingAlternativeBillsOfMaterial_ALTSL | Method For Selecting Alternative Bills Of Material | |
DiscontinuationIndicator_KZAUS | Discontinuation Indicator | |
EffectiveOutDate_AUSDT | Effective Out Date | |
FollowUpMaterial_NFMAT | Follow Up Material | |
IndicatorForRequirementsGrouping_KZBED | Indicator For Requirements Grouping | |
MixedMrpIndicator_MISKZ | Mixed Mrp Indicator | |
SchedulingMarginKeyForFloats_FHORI | Scheduling Margin Key For Floats | |
Indicator_AutomaticFixingOfPlannedOrders_PFREI | Indicator Automatic Fixing Of Planned Orders | |
ReleaseIndicatorForProductionOrders_FFREI | Release Indicator For Production Orders | |
Indicator_Backflush_RGEKZ | Indicator Backflush | |
ProductionSupervisor_FEVOR | Production Supervisor | |
ProcessingTime_BEARZ | Processing Time | |
SetupAndTeardownTime_RUEZT | Setup And Teardown Time | |
InteroperationTime_TRANZ | Interoperation Time | |
BaseQuantity_BASMG | Base Quantity | |
InHouseProductionTime_DZEIT | In House Production Time | |
MaximumStoragePeriod_MAXLZ | Maximum Storage Period | |
UnitForMaximumStoragePeriod_LZEIH | Unit For Maximum Storage Period | |
Indicator_WithdrawalOfStockFromProductionBin_KZPRO | Indicator Withdrawal Of Stock From Production Bin | |
Indicator_MaterialIncludedInRoughCutPlanning_GPMKZ | Indicator Material Included In Rough Cut Planning | |
OverdeliveryToleranceLimit_UEETO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
Indicator_UnlimitedOverdeliveryAllowed_UEETK | Indicator Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed | |
UnderdeliveryToleranceLimit_UNETO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
TotalReplenishmentLeadTime__inWorkdays___WZEIT | Total Replenishment Lead Time (in Workdays) | |
ReplacementPart_ATPKZ | Replacement Part | |
SurchargeFactorForCostInPercent_VZUSL | Surcharge Factor For Cost In Percent | |
StateOfManufacture_HERBL | State Of Manufacture | |
PostToInspectionStock_INSMK | Post To Inspection Stock | |
SampleForQualityInspection__inpct_deactivatedSPROZ | Sample For Quality Inspection (inpct) (deactivated) | |
QuarantinePeriod__deactivated___QUAZT | Quarantine Period (deactivated) | |
ControlKeyForQualityManagementInProcurement_SSQSS | Control Key For Quality Management In Procurement | |
MeanInspectionDuration__deactivated___MPDAU | Mean Inspection Duration (deactivated) | |
IndicatorForInspectionPlan__deactivated___KZPPV | Indicator For Inspection Plan (deactivated) | |
DocumentationRequiredIndicator_KZDKZ | Documentation Required Indicator | |
ActiveSubstanceContent__deactivated___WSTGH | Active Substance Content (deactivated) | |
IntervalUntilNextRecurringInspection_PRFRQ | Interval Until Next Recurring Inspection | |
DateAccordingToCheckSamplingInspection__deactivated___NKMPR | Date According To Check Sampling Inspection (deactivated) | |
StockInTransfer__plantToPlant___UMLMC | Stock In Transfer (plant To Plant) | |
LoadingGroup_LADGR | Loading Group | |
BatchManagementRequirementIndicator_XCHPF | Batch Management Requirement Indicator | |
QuotaArrangementUsage_USEQU | Quota Arrangement Usage | |
ServiceLevel_LGRAD | Service Level | |
SplittingIndicator_AUFTL | Splitting Indicator | |
PlanVersion_PLVAR | Plan Version | |
ObjectType_OTYPE | Object Type | |
ObjectId_OBJID | Object Id | |
CheckingGroupForAvailabilityCheck_MTVFP | Checking Group For Availability Check | |
FiscalYearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant | |
Indicator_TakeCorrectionFactorsIntoAccount_KZKFK | Indicator Take Correction Factors Into Account | |
ShippingSetupTime_VRVEZ | Shipping Setup Time | |
BaseQuantityForCapacityPlanningInShipping_VBAMG | Base Quantity For Capacity Planning In Shipping | |
ShippingProcessingTime_VBEAZ | Shipping Processing Time | |
Deactivated_LIZYK | Deactivated | |
SourceOfSupply_BWSCL | Source Of Supply | |
Indicator_automaticPurchaseOrderAllowed_KAUTB | Indicator automatic Purchase Order Allowed | |
Indicator_SourceListRequirement_KORDB | Indicator Source List Requirement | |
CommodityCodeimportCodeNumberForForeignTrade_STAWN | Commodity Codeimport Code Number For Foreign Trade | |
CountryOfOriginOfMaterial__nonPreferentialOrigin___HERKL | Country Of Origin Of Material (non Preferential Origin) | |
RegionOfOriginOfMaterial__nonPreferentialOrigin___HERKR | Region Of Origin Of Material (non Preferential Origin) | |
UnitOfMeasureForCommodityCode__foreignTrade___EXPME | Unit Of Measure For Commodity Code (foreign Trade) | |
MaterialGroupExportForForeignTrade_MTVER | Material Group Export For Foreign Trade | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
StockInTransit_TRAME | Stock In Transit | |
PpcPlanningCalendar_MRPPP | Ppc Planning Calendar | |
Ind_RepetitiveMfgAllowed_SAUFT | Ind Repetitive Mfg Allowed | |
PlanningTimeFence_FXHOR | Planning Time Fence | |
ConsumptionMode_VRMOD | Consumption Mode | |
ConsumptionPeriod_Backward_VINT1 | Consumption Period Backward | |
ConsumptionPeriod_Forward_VINT2 | Consumption Period Forward | |
VersionIndicator_VERKZ | Version Indicator | |
AlternativeBom_STLAL | Alternative Bom | |
BomUsage_STLAN | Bom Usage | |
KeyForTaskListGroup_PLNNR | Key For Task List Group | |
GroupCounter_APLAL | Group Counter | |
LotSizeForProductCosting_LOSGR | Lot Size For Product Costing | |
SpecialProcurementTypeForCosting_SOBSK | Special Procurement Type For Costing | |
ProductionUnit_FRTME | Production Unit | |
IssueStorageLocation_LGPRO | Issue Storage Location | |
MrpGroup_DISGR | Mrp Group | |
ComponentScrapInPercent_KAUSF | Component Scrap In Percent | |
CertificateType_QZGTP | Certificate Type | |
InspectionSetupExistsForMaterialplant_QMATV | Inspection Setup Exists For Materialplant | |
TaktTime_TAKZT | Takt Time | |
RangeOfCoverageProfile_RWPRO | Range Of Coverage Profile | |
LocalFieldNameForCopaLinkToSop_COPAM | Local Field Name For Copa Link To Sop | |
PhysicalInventoryIndicatorForCycleCounting_ABCIN | Physical Inventory Indicator For Cycle Counting | |
VarianceKey_AWSLS | Variance Key | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERNP | Serial Number Profile | |
InternalObjectNumber_CUOBJ | Internal Object Number | |
ConfigurableMaterial_STDPD | Configurable Material | |
RepetitiveManufacturingProfile_SFEPR | Repetitive Manufacturing Profile | |
NegativeStocksAllowedInPlant_XMCNG | Negative Stocks Allowed In Plant | |
RequiredQmSystemForVendor_QSSYS | Required Qm System For Vendor | |
PlanningCycle_LFRHY | Planning Cycle | |
RoundingProfile_RDPRF | Rounding Profile | |
ReferenceMaterialForConsumption_VRBMT | Reference Material For Consumption | |
ReferencePlantForConsumption_VRBWK | Reference Plant For Consumption | |
ToDateOfTheMaterialToBeCopiedForConsumption_VRBDT | To Date Of The Material To Be Copied For Consumption | |
MultiplierForReferenceMaterialForConsumption_VRBFK | Multiplier For Reference Material For Consumption | |
ResetForecastModelAutomatically_AUTRU | Reset Forecast Model Automatically | |
PreferenceIndicatorInExportimport_PREFE | Preference Indicator In Exportimport | |
ExemptionCertificate_IndicatorForLegalControl_PRENC | Exemption Certificate Indicator For Legal Control | |
ExemptionCertificateNumberForLegalControl_PRENO | Exemption Certificate Number For Legal Control | |
ExemptionCertificate_IssueDateOfExemptionCertificate_PREND | Exemption Certificate Issue Date Of Exemption Certificate | |
Indicator_VendorDeclarationExists_PRENE | Indicator Vendor Declaration Exists | |
ValidityDateOfVendorDeclaration_PRENG | Validity Date Of Vendor Declaration | |
Indicator_MilitaryGoods_ITARK | Indicator Military Goods | |
IsRServiceLevel_SERVG | Is R Service Level | |
Indicator_MaterialCanBeCoProduct_KZKUP | Indicator Material Can Be Co Product | |
PlanningStrategyGroup_STRGR | Planning Strategy Group | |
InternalObjectNumberOfConfigurableMaterialForPlanning_CUOBV | Internal Object Number Of Configurable Material For Planning | |
DefaultStorageLocationForExternalProcurement_LGFSB | Default Storage Location For External Procurement | |
Indicator_BulkMaterial_SCHGT | Indicator Bulk Material | |
CcIndicatorIsFixed_CCFIX | Cc Indicator Is Fixed | |
StockDeterminationGroup_EPRIO | Stock Determination Group | |
MaterialAuthorizationGroupForActivitiesInQm_QMATA | Material Authorization Group For Activities In Qm | |
PeriodOfAdjustmentForPlannedIndependentRequirements_RESVP | Period Of Adjustment For Planned Independent Requirements | |
TaskListType_PLNTY | Task List Type | |
UnitOfMearsureGroup__oil_NaturalGas____UOMGR | Unit Of Mearsure Group (oil Natural Gas) | |
ConversionGroup__oil_NaturalGas____UMRSL | Conversion Group (oil Natural Gas) | |
AirBouyancyFactor_ABFAC | Air Bouyancy Factor | |
ProductionSchedulingProfile_SFCPF | Production Scheduling Profile | |
SafetyTimeIndicator__withOrWithoutSafetyTime___SHFLG | Safety Time Indicator (with Or Without Safety Time) | |
SafetyTime__inWorkdays___SHZET | Safety Time (in Workdays) | |
ActionControl_PlannedOrderProcessing_MDACH | Action Control Planned Order Processing | |
DeterminationOfBatchEntryInTheProductionprocessOrder_KZECH | Determination Of Batch Entry In The Productionprocess Order | |
UnitOfMeasureGroup_MEGRU | Unit Of Measure Group | |
MaterialFreightGroup_MFRGR | Material Freight Group | |
StockTransferSalesValue__plantToPlant__ForVoMaterial_VKUMC | Stock Transfer Sales Value (plant To Plant) For Vo Material | |
TransitValueAtSalesPriceForValueOnlyMaterial_VKTRW | Transit Value At Sales Price For Value Only Material | |
Indicator_SmoothPromotionConsumption_KZAGL | Indicator Smooth Promotion Consumption | |
ProductionVersionToBeCosted_FVIDK | Production Version To Be Costed | |
FixedPriceCoProduct_FXPRU | Fixed Price Co Product | |
LogisticsHandlingGroupForWorkloadCalculation_LOGGR | Logistics Handling Group For Workload Calculation | |
DistributionProfileOfMaterialInPlant_FPRFM | Distribution Profile Of Material In Plant | |
TiedEmptiesStock_GLGMG | Tied Empties Stock | |
SalesValueOfTiedEmptiesStock_VKGLG | Sales Value Of Tied Empties Stock | |
MaterialCfopCategory_INDUS | Material Cfop Category | |
Cap_NumberOfCapProductsList_MOWNR | Cap Number Of Cap Products List | |
CommonAgriculturalPolicy_CapProductsGroupForeignTrade_MOGRU | Common Agricultural Policy Cap Products Group Foreign Trade | |
CasNumberForPharmaceuticalProductsInForeignTrade_CASNR | Cas Number For Pharmaceutical Products In Foreign Trade | |
ProductionStatistics_ProdcomNumberForForeignTrade_GPNUM | Production Statistics Prodcom Number For Foreign Trade | |
ControlCodeForConsumptionTaxesInForeignTrade_STEUC | Control Code For Consumption Taxes In Foreign Trade | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToJitDeliverySchedules_FABKZ | Indicator Item Relevant To Jit Delivery Schedules | |
GroupOfMaterialsForTransitionMatrix_MATGR | Group Of Materials For Transition Matrix | |
ProposedSupplyAreaInMaterialMasterRecord_VSPVB | Proposed Supply Area In Material Master Record | |
FairShareRule_DPLFS | Fair Share Rule | |
Indicator_PushDistribution_DPLPU | Indicator Push Distribution | |
DeploymentHorizonInDays_DPLHO | Deployment Horizon In Days | |
MinimumLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_MINLS | Minimum Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
MaximumLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_MAXLS | Maximum Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
FixedLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_FIXLS | Fixed Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
LotSizeIncrementForSupplyDemandMatch_LTINC | Lot Size Increment For Supply Demand Match | |
ThisFieldIsNoLongerUsed_COMPL | This Field Is No Longer Used | |
ConversionTypesForProductionFigures_CONVT | Conversion Types For Production Figures | |
PeriodProfileForSafetyTime_SHPRO | Period Profile For Safety Time | |
MrpRelevancyForDependentRequirements_AHDIS | Mrp Relevancy For Dependent Requirements | |
Indicator_MrpAreaExists_DIBER | Indicator Mrp Area Exists | |
IndicatorForCrossProjectMaterial_KZPSP | Indicator For Cross Project Material | |
OverallProfileForOrderChangeManagement_OCMPF | Overall Profile For Order Change Management | |
Indicator_IsMaterialRelevantForApo_APOKZ | Indicator Is Material Relevant For Apo | |
MardhRecAlreadyExistsForPerBeforeLastOfMardPer_MCRUE | Mardh Rec Already Exists For Per Before Last Of Mard Per | |
CurrentPeriod__postingPeriod___LFMON | Current Period (posting Period) | |
FiscalYearOfCurrentPeriod_LFGJA | Fiscal Year Of Current Period | |
MinimumSafetyStock_EISLO | Minimum Safety Stock | |
DoNotCost_NCOST | Do Not Cost | |
StrategyForPutawayAndStockRemoval_ROTATION_DATE | Strategy For Putaway And Stock Removal | |
IndicatorForOriginalBatchManagement_UCHKZ | Indicator For Original Batch Management | |
ReferenceMaterialForOriginalBatches_UCMAT | Reference Material For Original Batches | |
ValuatedGoodsReceiptBlockedStock_BWESB | Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock | |
SegmentationStrategy_SGT_COVS | Segmentation Strategy | |
SegmentationStatus_SGT_STATC | Segmentation Status | |
SegmentationStrategyScope_SGT_SCOPE | Segmentation Strategy Scope | |
SortStockBasedOnSegment_SGT_MRPSI | Sort Stock Based On Segment | |
ConsumptionPriority_SGT_PRCM | Consumption Priority | |
DiscreteBatchNumber_SGT_CHINT | Discrete Batch Number | |
StockProtectionIndicator_SGT_STK_PRT | Stock Protection Indicator | |
DefaultStockSegmentValue_SGT_DEFSC | Default Stock Segment Value | |
AtpmrpStatusForMaterialAndSegment_SGT_MRP_ATP_STATUS | Atpmrp Status For Material And Segment | |
DateFromWhichThePlantSpecificMaterialStatusIsValid_SGT_MMSTD | Date From Which The Plant Specific Material Status Is Valid | |
OrderAllocationRun_FSH_MG_ARUN_REQ | Order Allocation Run | |
Indicator_SeasonActiveInInventoryManagement_FSH_SEAIM | Indicator Season Active In Inventory Management | |
VariantGroup_FSH_VAR_GROUP | Variant Group | |
Indicator_BatchAssignmentDuringTrToToConversion_FSH_KZECH | Indicator Batch Assignment During Tr To To Conversion | |
CalendarGroup_FSH_CALENDAR_GROUP | Calendar Group | |
AdvancedPlanning_PPSKZ | Advanced Planning | |
PercentageTolerancePlus_SAPMP_TOLPRPL | Percentage Tolerance Plus | |
PercentageToleranceMinus_SAPMP_TOLPRMI | Percentage Tolerance Minus | |
PackingGroupOfTheMaterial__vso___VSO_R_PKGRP | Packing Group Of The Material (vso) | |
LineWithinTheAutomaticPickingZone__vso___VSO_R_LANE_NUM | Line Within The Automatic Picking Zone (vso) | |
MaterialNoOfThePackagingMaterialOfTheVendor__vso___VSO_R_PAL_VEND | Material No Of The Packaging Material Of The Vendor (vso) | |
PickPackagingMaterialsOnlyLengthwise__vso___VSO_R_FORK_DIR | Pick Packaging Materials Only Lengthwise (vso) | |
IuidRelevant_IUID_RELEVANT | Iuid Relevant | |
StructureTypeOfUii_IUID_TYPE | Structure Type Of Uii | |
ExternalAllocationOfUii_UID_IEA | External Allocation Of Uii | |
ConsignmentControl_CONS_PROCG | Consignment Control | |
GoodsIssueProcessingTimeInDays_GI_PR_TIME | Goods Issue Processing Time In Days | |
PurchasingAcrossPurchasingGroup_MULTIPLE_EKGRP | Purchasing Across Purchasing Group | |
ReferenceDeterminationSchema_REF_SCHEMA | Reference Determination Schema | |
MinimumTargetRangeOfCoverage_MIN_TROC | Minimum Target Range Of Coverage | |
MaximumTargetRangeOfCoverage_MAX_TROC | Maximum Target Range Of Coverage | |
TargetStock_TARGET_STOCK | Target Stock |