Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - VendorsMD
Descripción general
Esta vista combina datos de las tablas LFA1 y ADRC en el sistema SAP ECC para proporcionar una vista completa de la información del proveedor y el acreedor, incluidos los datos de dirección y contacto.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
LFA1 | Tabla de datos maestros del proveedor |
ADRC | Tabla de datos de dirección |
Casos de uso clave
- Gestión de proveedores
- Gestión de acreedores
- Gestión de información de dirección y contacto
- Informes y análisis
Lógica de consulta
La vista une las tablas LFA1 y ADRC en el campo ADRNR, que representa el número de dirección. Esto asegura que la información del proveedor y el acreedor esté vinculada a los datos de dirección correspondientes.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
FK01 | Crear proveedor |
FK02 | Cambiar proveedor |
FK03 | Mostrar proveedor |
FD01 | Crear cliente |
FD02 | Cambiar cliente |
FD03 | Mostrar cliente |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
NAME1 | Name 1 | |
NAME2 | Name 2 | |
NAME3 | Name 3 | |
NAME4 | Name 4 | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
District_ORT02 | District | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
Region__REGIO | Region | |
SortField_SORTL | Sort Field | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street and House Number | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD1 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 1 | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD2 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 2 | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD3 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 3 | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
TrainStation_BAHNS | Train Station | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part1___BBBNR | International Location Number (part 1) | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part2___BBSNR | International Location Number (part 2) | |
AuthorizationGroup_BEGRU | Authorization Group | |
IndustryKey_BRSCH | Industry Key | |
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_BUBKZ | Check Digit for the International Location Number | |
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT | Data Communication Line No | |
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAMS | Report Key for Data Medium Exchange | |
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAWS | Instruction Key for Data Medium Exchange | |
DateOnWhichTheRecordWasCreated_ERDAT | Date on which the record was created | |
NameOfPersonWhoCreatedTheObject_ERNAM | Name of person who created the object | |
PorSubscriberNumber_ESRNR | Por Subscriber Number | |
GroupKey_KONZS | Group Key | |
VendorAccountGroup_KTOKK | Vendor Account Group | |
CustomerNumber_KUNNR | Customer Number | |
AccountNumberOfTheAlternativePayee_LNRZA | Account Number of the Alternative Payee | |
CentralDeletionFlagForMasterRecord_LOEVM | Central Deletion Flag for Master Record | |
CentralPostingBlock_SPERR | Central Posting Block | |
CentrallyImposedPurchasingBlock_SPERM | Centrally Imposed Purchasing Block | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language Key | |
TaxNumber1_STCD1 | Tax Number 1 | |
TaxNumber2_STCD2 | Tax Number 2 | |
Indicator_BusinessPartnerSubjectToEqualizationTax_STKZA | Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax | |
LiableForVat_STKZU | Liable for Vat | |
TeleboxNumber_TELBX | Telebox Number | |
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 | First Telephone Number | |
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 | Second Telephone Number | |
FaxNumber_TELFX | Fax Number | |
TeletexNumber_TELTX | Teletex Number | |
TelexNumber_TELX1 | Telex Number | |
Indicator_IsTheAccountAOneTimeAccount_XCPDK | Indicator: Is the Account a One-Time Account | |
Indicator_AlternativePayeeInDocumentAllowed_XZEMP | Indicator: Alternative Payee in Document Allowed | |
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner_VBUND | Company Id of Trading Partner | |
AccountNumberOfTheMasterRecordWithFiscalAddress_FISKN | Account Number of the Master Record with Fiscal Address | |
VatRegistrationNumber_STCEG | Vat Registration Number | |
NaturalPerson_STKZN | Natural Person | |
FunctionThatWillBeBlocked_SPERQ | Function that will be Blocked | |
PlaceOfBirthOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_GBORT | Place of Birth of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
DateOfBirthOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_GBDAT | Date of Birth of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
KeyForTheSexOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_SEXKZ | Key for the Sex of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
CreditInformationNumber_KRAUS | Credit Information Number | |
LastReview__external___REVDB | Last Review (external) | |
VendorsQmSystem_QSSYS | Vendors Qm System | |
ReferenceAccountGroupForOneTimeAccount_vendor_KTOCK | Reference Account Group for One-Time Account (vendor) | |
PoBoxCity_PFORT | Po Box City | |
Plant__ownOrExternal___WERKS | Plant (own or external) | |
Indicator_VendorSubRangeRelevant_LTSNA | Indicator: Vendor Sub-Range Relevant | |
Indicator_PlantLevelRelevant_WERKR | Indicator: Plant Level Relevant | |
FactoryCalendarKey_PLKAL | Factory Calendar Key | |
StatusOfDataTransferIntoSubsequentRelease_DUEFL | Status of Data Transfer into Subsequent Release | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
PaymentBlock_SPERZ | Payment Block | |
StandardCarrierAccessCode_SCACD | Standard Carrier Access Code | |
ForwardingAgentFreightGroup_SFRGR | Forwarding Agent Freight Group | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_LZONE | Transportation Zone to or from which the Goods are Delivered | |
Indicator_AlternativePayeeUsingAccountNumber_XLFZA | Indicator: Alternative Payee Using Account Number | |
ServiceAgentProcedureGroup_DLGRP | Service Agent Procedure Group | |
TaxType_FITYP | Tax Type | |
TaxNumberType_STCDT | Tax Number Type | |
RegisteredForSocialInsurance_REGSS | Registered for Social Insurance | |
ActivityCodeForSocialInsurance_ACTSS | Activity Code for Social Insurance | |
TaxNumber3_STCD3 | Tax Number 3 | |
TaxNumber4_STCD4 | Tax Number 4 | |
TaxNumber5_STCD5 | Tax Number 5 | |
TaxSplit_IPISP | Tax Split | |
TaxBaseInPercentage_TAXBS | Tax Base in Percentage | |
Profession_PROFS | Profession | |
Shipment_StatisticsGroupTransportationServiceAgent_STGDL | Shipment: Statistics Group Transportation Service Agent | |
ExternalManufacturerCodeNameOrNumber_EMNFR | External Manufacturer Code Name or Number | |
UniformResourceLocator_LFURL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
NameOfRepresentative_J_1KFREPRE | Name of Representative | |
TypeOfBusiness_J_1KFTBUS | Type of Business | |
TypeOfIndustry_J_1KFTIND | Type of Industry | |
StatusOfChangeAuthorization__central___CONFS | Status of Change Authorization (central) | |
DateOnWhichTheChangesWereConfirmed_UPDAT | Date on which the changes were confirmed | |
TimeOfLastChangeConfirmation_UPTIM | Time of Last Change Confirmation | |
CentralDeletionBlockForMasterRecord_NODEL | Central Deletion Block for Master Record | |
ValidityDateOfCertification_QSSYSDAT | Validity Date of Certification | |
VendorIndicatorRelevantForProofOfDelivery_PODKZB | Vendor Indicator Relevant for Proof of Delivery | |
AccountNumberOfMasterRecordOfTaxOfficeResponsible_FISKU | Account Number of Master Record of Tax Office Responsible | |
TaxNumberAtResponsibleTaxAuthority_STENR | Tax Number at Responsible Tax Authority | |
CarrierConfirmationIsExpected_CARRIER_CONF | Carrier Confirmation is Expected | |
MicroCompanyIndicator_MIN_COMP | Micro Company Indicator | |
TermsOfLiability_TERM_LI | Terms of Liability | |
CrcNumber_CRC_NUM | Crc Number | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_CVP_XBLCK | Business Purpose Completed Flag | |
RgNumber_RG | Rg Number | |
IssuedBy_EXP | Issued By | |
State_UF | State | |
RgIssuingDate_RGDATE | Rg Issuing Date | |
RicNumber_RIC | Ric Number | |
ForeignNationalRegistration_RNE | Foreign National Registration | |
RneIssuingDate_RNEDATE | Rne Issuing Date | |
Cnae_CNAE | Cnae | |
LegalNature_LEGALNAT | Legal Nature | |
CrtNumber_CRTN | Crt Number | |
IcmsTaxpayer_ICMSTAXPAY | Icms Taxpayer | |
IndustryMainType_INDTYP | Industry Main Type | |
TaxDeclarationType_TDT | Tax Declaration Type | |
CompanySize_COMSIZE | Company Size | |
DeclarationRegimenForPiscofins_DECREGPC | Declaration Regimen for Piscofins | |
CapitalAmount_J_SC_CAPITAL | Capital Amount | |
Currency_J_SC_CURRENCY | Currency | |
AgencyLocationCode_ALC | Agency Location Code | |
PaymentOffice_PMT_OFFICE | Payment Office | |
VendorIsPpaRelevant_PPA_RELEVANT | Vendor is Ppa Relevant | |
ProcessorGroup_PSOFG | Processor Group | |
SubledgerAcctPreprocessingProcedure_PSOIS | Subledger Acct Preprocessing Procedure | |
Name1_PSON1 | Name 1 | |
Name2_PSON2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_PSON3 | Name 3 | |
FirstName_PSOVN | First Name | |
Title_PSOTL | Title | |
TransportationChain_TRANSPORT_CHAIN | Transportation Chain | |
StagingTimeInDays_STAGING_TIME | Staging Time in Days | |
SchedulingProcedure_SCHEDULING_TYPE | Scheduling Procedure | |
CrossDocking_RelevantForCollectiveNumbering_SUBMI_RELEVANT | Cross Docking: Relevant for Collective Numbering | |
ValidFromDate_DATE_FROM | Valid From Date | |
VersionIdForInternationalAddresses_NATION | Version Id for International Addresses | |
ValidToDate_DATE_TO | Valid To Date | |
FormOfAddressKey_TITLE | Form of Address Key | |
Addr_NAME1 | Address Name 1 | |
Addr_NAME2 | Address Name 2 | |
Addr_NAME3 | Address Name 3 | |
Addr_NAME4 | Address Name 4 | |
Addr_CITY1 | Address City 1 | |
Addr_District_CITY2 | Address District City 2 | |
CityCode_CITY_CODE | City Code | |
DistrictCode_CITYP_CODE | District Code | |
City_HOME_CITY | City Home City | |
DifferentCityForCitystreetFile_CITYH_CODE | Different City for Citystreet File | |
RegionalStructureGrouping_REGIOGROUP | Regional Structure Grouping | |
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 | City Postal Code 1 | |
PoBoxPostalCode_POST_CODE2 | Po Box Postal Code 2 | |
CompanyPostalCode_POST_CODE3 | Company Postal Code 3 | |
PoBox_PO_BOX | Po Box | |
PoBoxAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_P | Po Box Address Undeliverable Flag | |
Flag_PoBoxWithoutNumber_PO_BOX_NUM | Flag: Po Box Without Number | |
PoBoxCity_PO_BOX_LOC | Po Box City | |
CityPoBoxCode__cityFile___CITY_CODE2 | City Po Box Code (cityFile) | |
RegionForPoBox_PO_BOX_REG | Region for Po Box | |
PoBoxCountry_PO_BOX_CTY | Po Box Country | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_TRANSPZONE | Transportation Zone to or from which the Goods are Delivered | |
Street_STREET | Street | |
StreetAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_S | Street Address Undeliverable Flag | |
StreetNumberForCitystreetFile_STREETCODE | Street Number for Citystreet File | |
HouseNumber_HOUSE_NUM1 | House Number 1 | |
HouseNumberSupplement_HOUSE_NUM2 | House Number Supplement 2 | |
Street2_STR_SUPPL1 | Street 2 | |
Street3_STR_SUPPL2 | Street 3 | |
Street4_STR_SUPPL3 | Street 4 | |
Street5_LOCATION | Street 5 | |
Building__numberOrCode___BUILDING | Building (number or code) | |
FloorInBuilding_FLOOR | Floor in Building | |
RoomOrAppartmentNumber_ROOMNUMBER | Room or Appartment Number | |
Country_COUNTRY | Country | |
Language_LANGU | Language | |
Region_Addr_REGION | Region Address Region | |
AddressGroup__key_businessAddressServices___ADDR_GROUP | Address Group (key: businessAddressServices) | |
Flag_ThereAreMoreAddressGroupAssignments_FLAGGROUPS | Flag: There are more Address Group Assignments | |
Flag_ThisIsAPersonalAddress_PERS_ADDR | Flag: This is a Personal Address | |
SearchTerm1_SORT1 | Search Term 1 | |
SearchTerm2_SORT2 | Search Term 2 | |
CommunicationMethod__key_businessAddressServices_DEFLT_COMM | Communication Method (key: businessAddressServices) | |
FirstTelephoneNo_DiallingCodenumber_TEL_NUMBER | First Telephone No. Dialling Codenumber | |
FirstTelephoneNo_Extension_TEL_EXTENS | First Telephone No. Extension | |
FirstFaxNo_DiallingCodenumber_FAX_NUMBER | First Fax No. Dialling Codenumber | |
FirstFaxNo_Extension_FAX_EXTENS | First Fax No. Extension | |
CountyCodeForCounty_COUNTY_CODE | County Code for County | |
County_Addr_COUNTY | County Address County | |
TownshipCodeForTownship_TOWNSHIP_CODE | Township Code for Township | |
Township_TOWNSHIP | Township | |
CountyNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_COUNTY | County Name in Upper Case for Search Help | |
TownshipNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_TOWNSHIP | Township Name in Upper Case for Search Help | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_XPCPT | Business Purpose Completed Flag |