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Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - BillOfMaterialsMD

Descripción general

Esta vista proporciona una descripción general completa de los datos de la lista de materiales (BOM) del sistema SAP, combinando información de múltiples tablas para ofrecer una perspectiva holística de los componentes de la BOM, sus relaciones y sus atributos.

Fuentes de datos

Tabla/vista de origen Descripción
MAST Datos de cabecera para las BOM, incluyendo información general como cliente, número de material, planta y uso de la BOM.
STKO Datos de cabecera de la BOM, que contienen detalles sobre la categoría de la BOM, contadores internos, rango de fechas válido y estado del cambio.
STAS Datos del artículo de la BOM, que proporcionan información sobre artículos individuales dentro de una BOM, incluyendo el número de artículo, el contador interno y el estado técnico.
STPO Datos del componente de la BOM, que capturan detalles sobre cada componente utilizado en una BOM, como el número de material, la cantidad y la unidad de medida.

Casos de uso clave

  • Analizar estructuras de BOM y relaciones de componentes.
  • Identificar y gestionar cambios en las BOM.
  • Realizar la planificación de inventarios y materiales basándose en los datos de la BOM.
  • Apoyar los procesos de producción y fabricación proporcionando información detallada sobre los componentes de la BOM.

Lógica de consulta

La vista combina datos de las tablas MAST, STKO, STAS y STPO utilizando uniones internas para establecer relaciones entre cabeceras, artículos y componentes de la BOM. La consulta recupera una amplia gama de atributos para cada componente de la BOM, incluyendo datos técnicos, información de cantidad y detalles de adquisición.

Posible relación con SAP Transactions

Codigo de transacción Descripción de la transacción
CS01 Crear BOM
CS02 Cambiar BOM
CS03 Mostrar BOM
MD02 Cambiar maestro de materiales
MD03 Mostrar maestro de materiales
MM01 Crear maestro de materiales
MM02 Cambiar maestro de materiales
MM03 Mostrar maestro de materiales

Linaje de datos

Em desarollo

Campos de tabla/vista

Campo Descripción del campo Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve)
Client_MANDT Client
MaterialNumber_MATNR Material Number
Plant_WERKS Plant
BomUsage_STLAN Bom Usage
BillOfMaterial_STLNR Bill Of Material
AlternativeBom_STLAL Alternative Bom
FromLotSize_LOSVN From Lot Size
ToLotSize_LOSBS To Lot Size
Indicator_ConfiguredMaterial__materialVariant___CSLTY Indicator Configured Material / material Variant
BomCategory_STLTY Bom Category
InternalCounter_STKOZ Internal Counter
ValidFromDate_DATUV Valid From Date
TechnicalStatusFrom_TECHV Technical Status From
ChangeNumber_AENNR Change Number
DeletionIndicator_LKENZ Deletion Indicator
DeletionFlagForBoms_LOEKZ Deletion Flag For Boms
PreviousHeaderCounter_VGKZL Previous Header Counter
BaseUnitOfMeasureForBom_BMEIN Base Unit Of Measure For Bom
BaseQuantity_BMENG Base Quantity
CadIndicator_CADKZ Cad Indicator
LaboratorydesignOffice_LABOR Laboratory/design Office
LongTextLanguage_ForCreationOfAChangeDocument_LTXSP Long Text Language For Creation Of A Change Document
AlternativeBomText_STKTX Alternative Bom Text
BomStatus_STLST Bom Status
PlantWhereBomOrAlternativevariantCreated_WRKAN Plant Where Bom Or Alternativevariant Created
DateOfLastDateShift_DVDAT Date Of Last Date Shift
NameOfTheUserWhoCarriedOutTheDateShift_DVNAM Name Of The User Who Carried Out The Date Shift
DateShiftHierarchyIndicator_AEHLP Date Shift Hierarchy Indicator
AleIndicator_ALEKZ Ale Indicator
GlobalIdentificationOfABomHeaderChangeStatus_GUIDX Global Identification Of A Bom Header Change Status
ValidToDate_VALID_TO Valid To Date
ChangeNumberTo_ECN_TO Change Number To
BomItemNodeNumber_STLKN Bom Item Node Number
InternalCounter_STASZ Internal Counter
SortKeyWithinALogicalItem_LPSRT Sort Key Within A Logical Item
InternalCounter_STPOZ Internal Counter
PredecessorNode_VGKNT Predecessor Node
PreviousItemCounter_VGPZL Previous Item Counter
BomComponent_IDNRK Bom Component
IssuingPlant_PSWRK Issuing Plant
ItemCategory__billOfMaterial___POSTP Item Category (bill Of Material)
BomItemNumber_POSNR Bom Item Number
SortString_SORTF Sort String
ComponentUnitOfMeasure_MEINS Component Unit Of Measure
ComponentQuantity_MENGE Component Quantity
FixedQty_FMENG Fixed Qty
ComponentScrapInPercent_AUSCH Component Scrap In Percent
OperationScrap_AVOAU Operation Scrap
Indicator_NetScrap_NETAU Indicator Net Scrap
Indicator_BulkMaterial_SCHGT Indicator Bulk Material
MaterialProvisionIndicator_BEIKZ Material Provision Indicator
Indicator_SparePart_ERSKZ Indicator Spare Part
Indicator_ItemRelevantToSales_RVREL Indicator Item Relevant To Sales
Indicator_ItemRelevantToProduction_SANFE Indicator Item Relevant To Production
Indicator_ItemRelevantToPlantMaintenance_SANIN Indicator Item Relevant To Plant Maintenance
IndicatorForRelevancyToCosting_SANKA Indicator For Relevancy To Costing
Indicator_ItemRelevantToEngineering_SANKO Indicator Item Relevant To Engineering
Indicator_HighLevelConfiguration_SANVS Indicator High Level Configuration
PmAssemblyIndicator_STKKZ Pm Assembly Indicator
Indicator_BomIsRecursive_REKRI Indicator Bom Is Recursive
Indicator_RecursivenessAllowed_REKRS Indicator Recursiveness Allowed
CadIndicator_CADPO Cad Indicator
FollowUpMaterialInBomItemNotInUse_NFMAT Follow Up Material In Bom Item Not In Use
LeadTimeOffset_NLFZT Lead Time Offset
DistributionKeyForComponentConsumption_VERTI Distribution Key For Component Consumption
Indicator_AlternativeItem_ALPOS Indicator Alternative Item
UsageProbabilityInpct__alternativeItem___EWAHR Usage Probability Inpct (alternative Item)
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP Purchasing Group
DeliveryTimeInDays_LIFZT Delivery Time In Days
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR Account Number Of Vendor Or Creditor
Price_PREIS Price
PriceUnit_PEINH Price Unit
CurrencyKey_WAERS Currency Key
CostElement_SAKTO Cost Element
NumberOfVariableSizeItems_ROANZ Number Of Variable Size Items
Size1_ROMS1 Size1
Size2_ROMS2 Size2
Size3_ROMS3 Size3
UnitOfMeasureForSizes1To3_ROMEI Unit Of Measure For Sizes1 To3
QuantityOfVariableSizeItem_ROMEN Quantity Of Variable Size Item
FormulaKey_RFORM Formula Key
Indicator_SubItemsExist_UPSKZ Indicator Sub Items Exist
Indicator_ItemInMoreThanOneAlternative_VALKZ Indicator Item In More Than One Alternative
BomItemText__line1___POTX1 Bom Item Text (line1)
BomItemText__line2___POTX2 Bom Item Text (line2)
ObjectType__bomItem___OBJTY Object Type (bom Item)
MaterialGroup_MATKL Material Group
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeInDays_WEBAZ Goods Receipt Processing Time In Days
DocumentType_DOKAR Document Type
DocumentNumber_DOKNR Document Number
DocumentVersion_DOKVR Document Version
DocumentPart_DOKTL Document Part
AverageMaterialPurityInpct_CSSTR Average Material Purity Inpct
ClassNumber_CLASS Class Number
ClassType_KLART Class Type
ResultingItemCategory_POTPR Resulting Item Category
SelectionIndicatorForConfigurableBoms_AWAKZ Selection Indicator For Configurable Boms
InstanceIndicator_INSKZ Instance Indicator
Indicator_NotDisplayedInConfigurationEditor_VCEKZ Indicator Not Displayed In Configuration Editor
Indicator_NotDisplayedInSingleLevelConfiguration_VSTKZ Indicator Not Displayed In Single Level Configuration
Indicator_NotDisplayedInAutomaticConfiguration_VACKZ Indicator Not Displayed In Automatic Configuration
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG Purchasing Organization
RequiredComponent_CLOBK Required Component
MultipleSelectionAllowed_CLMUL Multiple Selection Allowed
AlternativeDisplayFormat_CLALT Alternative Display Format
OrganizationalArea_CVIEW Organizational Area
NumberOfObjectWithAssignedDependencies_KNOBJ Number Of Object With Assigned Dependencies
IssueLocationForProductionOrder_LGORT Issue Location For Production Order
Indicator_CoProduct_KZKUP Indicator Co Product
IntraMaterial_INTRM Intra Material
Indicator_RestrictionsExist_TPEKZ Indicator Restrictions Exist
InheritedNodeNumberOfBomItem_STVKN Inherited Node Number Of Bom Item
ExplosionType_DSPST Explosion Type
AlternativeItem_Strategy_ALPST Alternative Item Strategy
AlternativeItem_RankingOrder_ALPRF Alternative Item Ranking Order
AlternativeItem_Group_ALPGR Alternative Item Group
Indicator_FollowUpItem_KZNFP Indicator Follow Up Item
FollowUpGroup_NFGRP Follow Up Group
DiscontinuationGroup_NFEAG Discontinuation Group
Indicator_ManualChangeToSalesOrderBom_KNDVB Indicator Manual Change To Sales Order Bom
Indicator_BomItemChangedselectedViaObjDependencies_KNDBZ Indicator Bom Item Changedselected Via Obj Dependencies
BomCategoryOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTTY Bom Category Of Original Sales Order Bom Item
BillOfMaterialForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTNR Bill Of Material For Original Sales Order Bom Item
NodeNumberOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTKN Node Number Of Original Sales Order Bom Item
CounterForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTPZ Counter For Original Sales Order Bom Item
ClassificationNumber_CLSZU Classification Number
Indicator_ClassificationAsSelectionCondition_KZCLB Indicator Classification As Selection Condition
ProductionSupplyArea_PRVBE Production Supply Area
LeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFZV Lead Time Offset For Operation
UnitForLeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFMV Unit For Lead Time Offset For Operation
ItemGroup_IDPOS Item Group
HistoryCounter_IDHIS History Counter
ComponentVariant_IDVAR Component Variant
ExternalIdentificationOfAnItem_ITMID External Identification Of An Item
TemporarilyNotUsed_GUID Temporarily Not Used
SpecialProcurementTypeForBomItem_ITSOB Special Procurement Type For Bom Item
ReferencePointForBomTransfer_RFPNT Reference Point For Bom Transfer
SegmentationMaintainedForBomComponents_SGT_CMKZ Segmentation Maintained For Bom Components
SegmentationValue_SGT_CATV Segmentation Value
DeviationValuesMaintainedForComponentAtVariantLevel_FSH_VMKZ Deviation Values Maintained For Component At Variant Level
QuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQR Quantity Distribution Profile
ReferenceToQuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQRRF Reference To Quantity Distribution Profile
CriticalComponentIndicator_FSH_CRITICAL_COMP Critical Component Indicator
CrticalLevelOfAComponentInBom_FSH_CRITICAL_LEVEL Crtical Level Of A Component In Bom
FunctionIdentifier_FUNCID Function Identifier
