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Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - CostCentersMD

Descripción general

Esta vista es una vista de informes para sistemas SAP que proporciona información sobre los centros de coste.

Fuentes de datos

Tabla/vista de origen Descripción
CSKS Datos maestros del centro de coste
CSKT Textos del centro de coste

Casos de uso clave

  • Se puede utilizar para recuperar información del centro de coste para un intervalo de fechas específico.
  • Se puede utilizar para recuperar información del centro de coste para un idioma específico.
  • Se puede utilizar para recuperar información del centro de coste para un área de controlling específica.

Lógica de consulta

La consulta primero une las tablas CSKS y CSKT en los campos MANDT, KOKRS y KOSTL. A continuación, filtra los resultados para incluir solo los centros de coste válidos para el intervalo de fechas actual. Por último, ordena los resultados por el campo Área de controlling (KOKRS).

Posible relación con SAP Transactions

Codigo de transacción Descripción de la transacción
KS01 Crear centro de coste
KS02 Modificar centro de coste
KS03 Visualizar centro de coste

Linaje de datos

Em desarollo

Campos de tabla/vista

Campo Descripción del campo Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve)
Client_MANDT Client
ControllingArea_KOKRS Controlling Area
CostCenter_KOSTL Cost Center
ValidTo_DATBI Valid To
ValidFromDate_DATAB Valid From Date
LockIndicatorForActualPrimaryPostings_BKZKP Lock Indicator For Actual Primary Postings
LockIndicatorForPlanPrimaryCosts_PKZKP Lock Indicator For Plan Primary Costs
CompanyCode_BUKRS Company Code
BusinessArea_GSBER Business Area
CostCenterCategory_KOSAR Cost Center Category
PersonResponsible_VERAK Person Responsible
UserResponsible_VERAK_USER User Responsible
CurrencyKey_WAERS Currency Key
CostingSheet_KALSM Costing Sheet
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction
ProfitCenter_PRCTR Profit Center
Plant_WERKS Plant
LogicalSystem_LOGSYSTEM Logical System
CreatedOn_ERSDA Created On
EnteredBy_USNAM Entered By
LockIndicatorForActualSecondaryCosts_BKZKS Lock Indicator For Actual Secondary Costs
LockIndicatorForActualRevenuePostings_BKZER Lock Indicator For Actual Revenue Postings
LockIndicatorForCommitmentUpdate_BKZOB Lock Indicator For Commitment Update
LockIndicatorForPlanSecondaryCosts_PKZKS Lock Indicator For Plan Secondary Costs
LockIndicatorForPlanningRevenues_PKZER Lock Indicator For Planning Revenues
IndicatorForAllowedAllocationMethods_VMETH Indicator For Allowed Allocation Methods
IndicatorForRecordingConsumptionQuantities_MGEFL Indicator For Recording Consumption Quantities
Department_ABTEI Department
SubsequentCostCenter_NKOST Subsequent Cost Center
UsageOfTheConditionTable_KVEWE Usage Of The Condition Table
Application_KAPPL Application
CoCcaOverheadKey_KOSZSCHL CoCca Overhead Key
CountryKey_LAND1 Country Key
Title_ANRED Title
Name1_NAME1 Name1
Name2_NAME2 Name2
Name3_NAME3 Name3
Name4_NAME4 Name4
City_ORT01 City
District_ORT02 District
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS Street And House Number
PoBox_PFACH Po Box
PostalCode_PSTLZ Postal Code
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 PO Box Postal Code
Region_REGIO Region
LanguageKey_SPRAS Language Key
TeleboxNumber_TELBX Telebox Number
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 First Telephone Number
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 Second Telephone Number
FaxNumber_TELFX Fax Number
TeletexNumber_TELTX Teletex Number
TelexNumber_TELX1 Telex Number
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT Data Communication Line No
PrinterDestinationForCctrReport_DRNAM Printer Destination For Cctr Report
StandardHierarchyArea_KHINR Standard Hierarchy Area
CostCollectorKey_CCKEY Cost Collector Key
CompletionFlagForTheCostCenterMasterRecord_KOMPL Completion Flag For The Cost Center Master Record
IndicatorObjectIsStatistical_STAKZ Indicator Object Is Statistical
ObjectNumber_OBJNR Object Number
FunctionOfCostCenter_FUNKT Function Of Cost Center
AlternativeFunctionOfCostCenter_AFUNK Alternative Function Of Cost Center
TemplateForActivityIndependentFormulaPlanning_CPI_TEMPL Template For Activity Independent Formula Planning
TemplateForActivityDependentFormulaPlanning_CPD_TEMPL Template For Activity Dependent Formula Planning
FunctionalArea_FUNC_AREA Functional Area
Template_ActivityIndependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCI_TEMPL Template Activity Independent Allocation To Cost Center
Template_ActivityDependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCD_TEMPL Template Activity Dependent Allocation To Cost Center
Template_ActualStatisticalKeyFigureOnCostCenter_SKI_TEMPL Template Actual Statistical Key Figure On Cost Center
Template_ActStatKeyFigureCostCenteractivityType_SKD_TEMPL Template Act Stat Key Figure Cost Centeractivity Type
JointVenture_VNAME Joint Venture
RecoveryIndicator_RECID Recovery Indicator
EquityType_ETYPE Equity Type
JointVentureObjectType_JV_OTYPE Joint Venture Object Type
JibjibeClass_JV_JIBCL Jibjibe Class
JibjibeSubclassA_JV_JIBSA Jibjibe Subclass A
RegulatoryIndicator_FERC_IND Regulatory Indicator
Language_SPRAS Language
GeneralName_KTEXT General Name
Description_LTEXT Description
SearchTermForMatchcodeUse_MCTXT Search Term For Matchcode Use
