Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - CustomersMD
Descripción general
Esta vista proporciona un conjunto de datos completo de informes para sistemas SAP, diseñado específicamente para información relacionada con el cliente. Combina datos de las tablas KNA1 y ADRC para ofrecer una vista holística de los detalles del cliente, direcciones y otros atributos relevantes.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
KNA1 | Tabla Maestra de Clientes |
ADRC | Tabla de Direcciones |
Casos de uso clave
- Gestión de Relaciones con los Clientes (CRM)
- Ventas y Distribución (SD)
- Contabilidad Financiera (FI)
- Controlling (CO)
- Gestión de Materiales (MM)
Lógica de consulta
La vista une las tablas KNA1 y ADRC utilizando el campo ADRNR, asegurando que los datos del cliente estén vinculados a sus respectivas direcciones. La condición de unión también filtra cualquier dirección inactiva u obsoleta seleccionando registros donde el campo DATE_TO en ADRC está establecido en '9999-12-31'. El conjunto de datos resultante proporciona una vista consolidada de la información actual y relevante del cliente.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
XD01 | Crear Cliente |
XD02 | Cambiar Cliente |
XD03 | Mostrar Cliente |
FBL5N | Partidas de Cliente |
VA01 | Crear Pedido de Venta |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client number | |
CustomerNumber_KUNNR | Customer number | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country key | |
Name1_NAME1 | Name 1 | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name 2 | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal code | |
CustomerRegion_REGIO | Customer region | |
SortField_SORTL | Sort field | |
StreetAndNumber_STRAS | Street and number | |
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 | First telephone number | |
FaxNumber_TELFX | Fax number | |
OneTimeAccount_XCPDK | One-time account | |
Address_ADRNR | Address number | |
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD1 | Matchcode search 1 | |
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD2 | Matchcode search 2 | |
MatchcodeSearch_MCOD3 | Matchcode search 3 | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
CentralOrderBlockForCustomer_AUFSD | Central order block for customer | |
ExpressTrainStation_BAHNE | Express train station | |
TrainStation_BAHNS | Train station | |
InternationalLocationNumber_BBBNR | International location number | |
InternationalLocationNumber_BBSNR | International location number | |
AuthorizationGroup_BEGRU | Authorization group | |
IndustryKey_BRSCH | Industry key | |
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_BUBKZ | Check digit for the international location number | |
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT | Data communication line no | |
DateCreated_ERDAT | Date created | |
CreatedBy_ERNAM | Created by | |
UnloadingPointsExist_EXABL | Unloading points exist | |
CentralBillingBlock_FAKSD | Central billing block | |
AccountNumberFiscalAddress_FISKN | Account number fiscal address | |
WorkingTimeCalendar_KNAZK | Working time calendar | |
AlternativePayer_KNRZA | Alternative payer | |
GroupKey_KONZS | Group key | |
CustomerAccountGroup_KTOKD | Customer account group | |
CustomerClassification_KUKLA | Customer classification | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account number of vendor or creditor | |
CentralDeliveryBlockForTheCustomer_LIFSD | Central delivery block for the customer | |
CityCoordinates_LOCCO | City coordinates | |
CentralDeletionFlagForMasterRecord_LOEVM | Central deletion flag for master record | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name 3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name 4 | |
NielsenId_NIELS | Nielsen ID | |
District_ORT02 | District | |
PoBox_PFACH | PO box | |
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 | PO box postal code | |
CountyCode_COUNC | County code | |
CityCode_CITYC | City code | |
RegionalMarket_RPMKR | Regional market | |
CentralPostingBlock_SPERR | Central posting block | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language key | |
TaxNumber1_STCD1 | Tax number 1 | |
TaxNumber2_STCD2 | Tax number 2 | |
SubjectToEqualizationTax_STKZA | Subject to equalization tax | |
LiableForVat_STKZU | Liable for VAT | |
TeleboxNumber_TELBX | Telebox number | |
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 | Second telephone number | |
TeletexNumber_TELTX | Teletex number | |
TelexNumber_TELX1 | Telex number | |
TransportationZone_LZONE | Transportation zone | |
AlternativePayerAllowed_XZEMP | Alternative payer allowed | |
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner_VBUND | Company ID of trading partner | |
VatRegistrationNumber_STCEG | VAT registration number | |
Competitor_DEAR1 | Competitor | |
SalesPartner_DEAR2 | Sales partner | |
SalesProspect_DEAR3 | Sales prospect | |
CustomerType4_DEAR4 | Customer type 4 | |
IdForDefaultSoldToParty_DEAR5 | ID for default sold-to party | |
LegalStatus_GFORM | Legal status | |
IndustryCode1_BRAN1 | Industry code 1 | |
IndustryCode2_BRAN2 | Industry code 2 | |
IndustryCode3_BRAN3 | Industry code 3 | |
IndustryCode4_BRAN4 | Industry code 4 | |
IndustryCode5_BRAN5 | Industry code 5 | |
InitialContact_EKONT | Initial contact | |
AnnualSales_UMSAT | Annual sales | |
YearForWhichSalesAreGiven_UMJAH | Year for which sales are given | |
CurrencyOfSalesFigure_UWAER | Currency of sales figure | |
YearlyNumberOfEmployees_JMZAH | Yearly number of employees | |
YearForWhichTheNumberOfEmployeesIsGiven_JMJAH | Year for which the number of employees is given | |
Attribute1_KATR1 | Attribute 1 | |
Attribute2_KATR2 | Attribute 2 | |
Attribute3_KATR3 | Attribute 3 | |
Attribute4_KATR4 | Attribute 4 | |
Attribute5_KATR5 | Attribute 5 | |
Attribute6_KATR6 | Attribute 6 | |
Attribute7_KATR7 | Attribute 7 | |
Attribute8_KATR8 | Attribute 8 | |
Attribute9_KATR9 | Attribute 9 | |
Attribute10_KATR10 | Attribute 10 | |
NaturalPerson_STKZN | Natural person | |
AnnualSales_UMSA1 | Annual sales | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax jurisdiction | |
FiscalYearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal year variant | |
UsageIndicator_ABRVW | Usage indicator | |
InspectionCarriedOutByCustomer_INSPBYDEBI | Inspection carried out by customer | |
InspectionForADeliveryNote_INSPATDEBI | Inspection for a delivery note | |
ReferenceAccountGroup_KTOCD | Reference account group | |
PoBoxCity_PFORT | PO box city | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAMS | Report key for data medium exchange | |
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAWS | Instruction key for data medium exchange | |
StatusOfDataTransferIntoSubsequentRelease_DUEFL | Status of data transfer into subsequent release | |
AssignmentToHierarchy_HZUOR | Assignment to hierarchy | |
PaymentBlock_SPERZ | Payment block | |
RLabeling_CustomerplantGroup_ETIKG | R labeling - customer plant group | |
IdNonMilitaryUse_CIVVE | ID non-military use | |
IdForMilitaryUse_MILVE | ID for military use | |
ConditionGroup1_KDKG1 | Condition group 1 | |
ConditionGroup2_KDKG2 | Condition group 2 | |
ConditionGroup3_KDKG3 | Condition group 3 | |
ConditionGroup4_KDKG4 | Condition group 4 | |
ConditionGroup5_KDKG5 | Condition group 5 | |
AlternativePayerUsingAccountNumber_XKNZA | Alternative payer using account number | |
TaxType_FITYP | Tax type | |
TaxNumberType_STCDT | Tax number type | |
TaxNumber3_STCD3 | Tax number 3 | |
TaxNumber4_STCD4 | Tax number 4 | |
TaxNumber5_STCD5 | Tax number 5 | |
CustomerIsIcmsExempt_XICMS | Customer is ICMS exempt | |
CustomerIsIpiExempt_XXIPI | Customer is IPI exempt | |
CustomerGroupForSubstituicaoTributariaCalculation_XSUBT | Customer group for substituicao tributaria calculation | |
CustomerCfopCategory_CFOPC | Customer CFOP category | |
TaxLaw_Icms_TXLW1 | Tax law - ICMS | |
TaxLaw_Ipi_TXLW2 | Tax law - IPI | |
IndicatorForBiochemicalWarfare_CCC01 | Indicator for biochemical warfare | |
IndicatorForNuclearNonproliferation_CCC02 | Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation | |
IndicatorForNationalSecurity_CCC03 | Indicator for national security | |
IndicatorForMissileTechnology_CCC04 | Indicator for missile technology | |
CentralSalesBlock_CASSD | Central sales block | |
UniformResourceLocator_KNURL | Uniform resource locator | |
NameOfRepresentative_J_1KFREPRE | Name of representative | |
TypeOfBusiness_J_1KFTBUS | Type of business | |
TypeOfIndustry_J_1KFTIND | Type of industry | |
StatusOfChangeAuthorization_CONFS | Status of change authorization | |
DateOnWhichTheChangesWereConfirmed_UPDAT | Date on which the changes were confirmed | |
TimeOfLastChangeConfirmation_UPTIM | Time of last change confirmation | |
CentralDeletionBlockForMasterRecord_NODEL | Central deletion block for master record | |
Indicator_Consumer_DEAR6 | Indicator - consumer | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_CVP_XBLCK | Business purpose completed flag | |
SuframaCode_SUFRAMA | Suframa code | |
RgNumber_RG | RG number | |
IssuedBy_EXP | Issued by | |
State_UF | State | |
RgIssuingDate_RGDATE | RG issuing date | |
RicNumber_RIC | RIC number | |
ForeignNationalRegistration_RNE | Foreign national registration | |
RneIssuingDate_RNEDATE | RNE issuing date | |
Cnae_CNAE | CNAE | |
LegalNature_LEGALNAT | Legal nature | |
CrtNumber_CRTN | CRT number | |
IcmsTaxpayer_ICMSTAXPAY | ICMS taxpayer | |
IndustryMainType_INDTYP | Industry main type | |
TaxDeclarationType_TDT | Tax declaration type | |
CompanySize_COMSIZE | Company size | |
DeclarationRegimenForPiscofins_DECREGPC | Declaration regimen for piscofins | |
AgencyLocationCode_ALC | Agency location code | |
PaymentOffice_PMT_OFFICE | Payment office | |
FeeSchedule_FEE_SCHEDULE | Fee schedule | |
DunsNumber_DUNS | DUNS number | |
Duns4_DUNS4 | DUNS4 | |
ProcessorGroup_PSOFG | Processor group | |
SubledgerAcctPreprocessingProcedure_PSOIS | Subledger acct preprocessing procedure | |
Name1_PSON1 | Name 1 | |
Name2_PSON2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_PSON3 | Name 3 | |
FirstName_PSOVN | First name | |
Title_PSOTL | Title | |
Description_PSOO1 | Description 1 | |
Description_PSOO2 | Description 2 | |
Description_PSOO3 | Description 3 | |
Description_PSOO4 | Description 4 | |
Description_PSOO5 | Description 5 | |
ValidFromDate_DATE_FROM | Valid from date | |
VersionIdForInternationalAddresses_NATION | Version ID for international addresses | |
ValidToDate_DATE_TO | Valid to date | |
FormOfAddressKey_TITLE | Form of address key | |
Addr_NAME1 | Address name 1 | |
Addr_NAME2 | Address name 2 | |
Addr_NAME3 | Address name 3 | |
Addr_NAME4 | Address name 4 | |
City_CITY1 | City 1 | |
District_CITY2 | District 2 | |
CityCodeForCitystreetFile_CITY_CODE | City code for citystreet file | |
DistrictCodeForCityAndStreetFile_CITYP_CODE | District code for city and street file | |
City_HOME_CITY | City home city | |
DifferentCityForCitystreetFile_CITYH_CODE | Different city for citystreet file | |
RegionalStructureGrouping_REGIOGROUP | Regional structure grouping | |
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 | City postal code 1 | |
PoBoxPostalCode_POST_CODE2 | PO box postal code 2 | |
CompanyPostalCode_POST_CODE3 | Company postal code 3 | |
PoBox_PO_BOX | PO box | |
PoBoxAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_P | PO box address undeliverable flag | |
Flag_PoBoxWithoutNumber_PO_BOX_NUM | Flag - PO box without number | |
PoBoxCity_PO_BOX_LOC | PO box city | |
CityPoBoxCode_CityFile_CITY_CODE2 | City PO box code - city file | |
RegionForPoBox_PO_BOX_REG | Region for PO box | |
PoBoxCountry_PO_BOX_CTY | PO box country | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_TRANSPZONE | Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered | |
Street_STREET | Street | |
StreetAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_S | Street address undeliverable flag | |
StreetNumberForCitystreetFile_STREETCODE | Street number for citystreet file | |
HouseNumber_HOUSE_NUM1 | House number 1 | |
HouseNumberSupplement_HOUSE_NUM2 | House number supplement | |
Street2_STR_SUPPL1 | Street 2 | |
Street3_STR_SUPPL2 | Street 3 | |
Street4_STR_SUPPL3 | Street 4 | |
Street5_LOCATION | Street 5 | |
Building_NumberOrCode_BUILDING | Building - number or code | |
FloorInBuilding_FLOOR | Floor in building | |
RoomOrAppartmentNumber_ROOMNUMBER | Room or appartment number | |
CountryKey_COUNTRY | Country key | |
Language_LANGU | Language | |
Region__REGION | Region | |
AddressGroup_Key_BusinessAddressServices_ADDR_GROUP | Address group - key - business address services | |
Flag_ThereAreMoreAddressGroupAssignments_FLAGGROUPS | Flag - there are more address group assignments | |
Flag_ThisIsAPersonalAddress_PERS_ADDR | Flag - this is a personal address | |
SearchTerm1_SORT1 | Search term 1 | |
SearchTerm2_SORT2 | Search term 2 | |
FirstTelephoneNo_DiallingCodenumber_TEL_NUMBER | First telephone no - dialling codenumber | |
FirstTelephoneNo_Extension_TEL_EXTENS | First telephone no - extension | |
CountyCodeForCounty_COUNTY_CODE | County code for county | |
County_COUNTY | County | |
TownshipCodeForTownship_TOWNSHIP_CODE | Township code for township | |
Township_TOWNSHIP | Township | |
CountyNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_COUNTY | County name in upper case for search help | |
TownshipNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_TOWNSHIP | Township name in upper case for search help | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_XPCPT | Business purpose completed flag |