Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - MaterialsMovement
Descripción general
Esta vista es una vista de informes para sistemas SAP que proporciona información detallada sobre documentos de material. Incluye datos de la tabla MATDOC y dimensiones adicionales de la tabla calendar_date_dim. La vista se puede utilizar para analizar movimientos de material, niveles de existencias y otros aspectos de la gestión de inventario.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
matdoc | La tabla MATDOC contiene los datos de cabecera para documentos de material. Incluye información como el número de documento, número de material, tipo de movimiento y fecha de contabilización. |
CalendarDateDim_BUDAT | La tabla CalendarDateDim_BUDAT es una tabla de dimensión que proporciona dimensiones adicionales relacionadas con la fecha, como año, mes, semana y trimestre. |
Casos de uso clave
- Esta vista se puede utilizar para analizar movimientos de material por período, planta, ubicación de almacenamiento y otras dimensiones.
- También se puede utilizar para rastrear niveles de existencias e identificar tendencias en la gestión de inventario.
- La vista se puede utilizar para respaldar una variedad de escenarios comerciales, como planificación de inventario, análisis de costos e informes financieros.
Lógica de consulta
La lógica de la consulta es relativamente sencilla. Une la tabla MATDOC con la tabla CalendarDateDim_BUDAT en el campo BUDAT. Esto permite que la vista incluya dimensiones adicionales relacionadas con la fecha en los resultados.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
MB51 | Lista de documentos de material |
MB52 | Visualización de documento de material |
MB5B | Descripción general de stock de material |
MMBE | Maestro de materiales |
MIGO | Entrada de mercancías |
MIRO | Verificación de facturas |
VL01N | Crear entrega |
VL02N | Cambiar entrega |
VL03N | Mostrar entrega |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
NumberOfMaterialDocument_MBLNR | Number of Material Document | |
MaterialDocumentYear_MJAHR | Material Document Year | |
ItemInMaterialDocument_ZEILE | Item in Material Document | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
StorageLocation_LGORT | Storage Location | |
MovementType_BWART | Movement Type | |
StockType_INSMK | Stock Type | |
Debit_CreditIndicator_SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | |
Quantity_MENGE | Quantity | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
PurchaseOrderNumber_EBELN | Purchase Order Number | |
VendorsAccountNumber_LIFNR | Vendor's Account Number | |
SalesOrderNumber_KDAUF | Sales Order Number | |
AccountNumberOfCustomer_KUNNR | Account Number of Customer | |
Receiving_IssuingMaterial_UMMAT | Receiving/Issuing Material | |
Receiving_Issuing_Batch_UMCHA | Receiving/Issuing Batch | |
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument_EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | |
DocumentNumberOfAReferenceDocument_LFBNR | Document Number of a Reference Document | |
ItemOfAReferenceDocument_LFPOS | Item of a Reference Document | |
OrderNumber_AUFNR | Order Number | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
ReceivingPlant_UMWRK | Receiving Plant | |
Receiving_IssuingStorageLocation_UMLGO | Receiving/Issuing Storage Location | |
WarehouseNumber_LGNUM | Warehouse Number | |
MovementTypeForWarehouseManagement_BWLVS | Movement Type for Warehouse Management | |
Indicator_PostingInWarehouseManagementSystem_XBLVS | Indicator: Posting in Warehouse Management System | |
StockCategoryInTheWarehouseManagementSystem_BESTQ | Stock Category in the Warehouse Management System | |
SpecialStockIndicator_SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | |
MovementIndicator_KZBEW | Movement Indicator | |
ReasonForMovement_GRUND | Reason for Movement | |
GoodsReceipt_Non_Valuated_WEUNB | Goods Receipt Non-Valuated | |
StorageType_LGTYP | Storage Type | |
EquipmentNumber_EQUNR | Equipment Number | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
WorkBreakdownStructureElement_PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element | |
GLAccountNumber_SAKTO | GL Account Number | |
Debit_CreditIndicatorInRevaluation_SHKUM | Debit/Credit Indicator in Revaluation | |
ValuationType_BWTAR | Valuation Type | |
ReceiptIndicator_KZZUG | Receipt Indicator | |
PostingDateInTheDocument_BUDAT | Posting Date in the Document | |
StockCharacteristics_BSTAUS_SG | Stock Characteristics | |
YearOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Year of Posting Date | |
MonthOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Month of Posting Date | |
WeekOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Week of Posting Date | |
QuarterOfPostingDate_BUDAT | Quarter of Posting Date | |
WeekEndDateOfPostingDate_BUDAT_MKPF | Week End Date of Posting Date | |
ExchangeRate_UKURS | Exchange Rate | |
TargetCurrency_TCURR | Target Currency | |
Conversion_date | Conversion Date | |
AmountInTargetCurrency_DMBTR | Amount in Target Currency | |
Split_GUID_Part1_KEY1 | Split GUID Part 1 | |
Split_GUID_Part2_KEY2 | Split GUID Part 2 | |
Split_GUID_Part3_KEY3 | Split GUID Part 3 | |
Split_GUID_Part4_KEY4 | Split GUID Part 4 | |
Split_GUID_Part5_KEY5 | Split GUID Part 5 | |
Split_GUID_Part6_KEY6 | Split GUID Part 6 | |
RecordType_RECORD_TYPE | Record Type | |
MaterialDocumentCounter_HEADER_COUNTER | Material Document Counter | |
MaterialInRespectOfWhichStockIsManaged_MATBF | Material in Respect of Which Stock is Managed | |
StorageLocation_StockIdentifier_LGORT_SID | Storage Location Stock Identifier | |
BatchNumber_StockIdentifier_CHARG_SID | Batch Number Stock Identifier | |
SupplierForSpecialStock_LIFNR_SID | Supplier for Special Stock | |
SalesOrderNumberOfValuatedSalesOrderStock_MAT_KDAUF | Sales Order Number of Valuated Sales Order Stock | |
SalesOrderItemOfValuatedSalesOrderStock_MAT_KDPOS | Sales Order Item of Valuated Sales Order Stock | |
ValuatedSalesOrderStock_WBS_Element_MAT_PSPNR | Valuated Sales Order Stock WBS Element | |
CustomerForSpecialStock_KUNNR_SID | Customer for Special Stock | |
StockTypeOfGoodsMovement_StockIdentifier_LBBSA_SID | Stock Type of Goods Movement Stock Identifier | |
AdditionalSupplierForSpecialStock_DISUB_OWNER_SID | Additional Supplier for Special Stock | |
ResourceName_StockIdentifier_RESOURCENAME_SID | Resource Name Stock Identifier | |
BatchNumberOfWarehouseStock_StockIdentifier_CHARG_WHS_SG | Batch Number of Warehouse Stock Stock Identifier | |
QuantityUpdatingInMaterialMasterRecord_MENGU | Quantity Updating in Material Master Record | |
ValueUpdatingInMaterialMasterRecord_WERTU | Value Updating in Material Master Record | |
SDDocumentObject_VBOBJ_SG | SD Document Object | |
ValuationOfSpecialStock_KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | |
StockCategory_BSTTYP_SG | Stock Category | |
CostEstimateNumber_ProductCosting_KALNR | Cost Estimate Number Product Costing | |
MRPArea_BERID | MRP Area | |
DeliveryCostsInLocalCurrency_BNBTR | Delivery Costs in Local Currency | |
AmountPostedInAlternativePriceControl_BUALT | Amount Posted in Alternative Price Control | |
RevaluationAmountOnBack_PostingToAPreviousPeriod_DMBUM | Revaluation Amount on Back Posting to a Previous Period | |
ExternallyEnteredPostingAmountInLocalCurrency_EXBWR | Externally Entered Posting Amount in Local Currency | |
ValueAtSalesPricesIncludingValue_AddedTax_VKWRT | Value at Sales Prices Including Value Added Tax | |
ExternallyEnteredSalesValueInLocalCurrency_EXVKW | Externally Entered Sales Value in Local Currency | |
ValueAtSalesPricesExcludingValueAddedTax_VKWRA | Value at Sales Prices Excluding Value Added Tax | |
AlternateBaseAmountInDocumentCurrency_J_1BEXBASE | Alternate Base Amount in Document Currency | |
ValueAtSalesPricesIncludingValue_AddedTax_STOCK_VKWRT | Value at Sales Prices Including Value Added Tax | |
AmountInLocalCurrencyWithSignOfStockQuantity_DMBTR_STOCK | Amount in Local Currency with Sign of Stock Quantity | |
AmountInLocalCurrencyWithSignOfConsumptionQuantity_DMBTR_CONS | Amount in Local Currency with Sign of Consumption Quantity | |
TotalValuatedStockBeforeThePosting_LBKUM | Total Valuated Stock Before the Posting | |
StockQuantity_STOCK_QTY | Stock Quantity | |
ConsumptionQuantity_CONSUMPTION_QTY | Consumption Quantity | |
UnitOfEntry_ERFME | Unit of Entry | |
QuantityInUnitOfEntry_ERFMG | Quantity in Unit of Entry | |
OrderPriceUnit_Purchasing_BPRME | Order Price Unit Purchasing | |
QuantityInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit_BPMNG | Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit | |
PurchaseOrderUnitOfMeasure_BSTME | Purchase Order Unit of Measure | |
GoodsReceiptQuantityInOrderUnit_BSTMG | Goods Receipt Quantity in Order Unit | |
UnitOfMeasureFromDeliveryNote_LSMEH | Unit of Measure from Delivery Note | |
QuantityInUnitOfMeasureFromDeliveryNote_LSMNG | Quantity in Unit of Measure from Delivery Note | |
Quantity_PBAMG | Quantity | |
AnalyticalCurrencyOfWarehouseStock_NotUsed_CURRENCY_A1 | Analytical Currency of Warehouse Stock Not Used | |
AnalyticalPriceOfOneBaseUnitOfMeasure_NotUsed_PRICE_A1 | Analytical Price of One Base Unit of Measure Not Used | |
IndicatorForAnalyticalValueOfPriceSource_NotUsed_PRICE_SOURCE_A1 | Indicator for Analytical Value of Price Source Not Used | |
AnalyticalValueOfWarehouseStock_NotUsed_STOCK_VALUE_A1 | Analytical Value of Warehouse Stock Not Used | |
AnalyticalValueOfConsumptionQuantity_NotUsed_CONS_VALUE_A1 | Analytical Value of Consumption Quantity Not Used | |
QuantityInParallelUnitOfMeasure_CWM_MENGE | Quantity in Parallel Unit of Measure | |
ParallelUnitOfMeasure_CWM_MEINS | Parallel Unit of Measure | |
QuantityInParallelUnitOfEntry_CWM_ERFMG | Quantity in Parallel Unit of Entry | |
PUoMEntryUnitOfMeasure_CWM_ERFME | PUoM Entry Unit of Measure | |
StockQuantityInPUoM_CWM_STOCK_QTY | Stock Quantity in PUoM | |
ConsumptionQuantityInPUoM_CWM_CONSUMPTION_QTY | Consumption Quantity in PUoM | |
ParallelUnitOfMeasure_StockIdentifier_CWM_MEINS_SID | Parallel Unit of Measure Stock Identifier | |
Receiving_IssuingMaterial_UMMAB_CID | Receiving/Issuing Material | |
Plant_UMWRK_CID | Plant | |
StorageLocation_StockIdentifier_LGORT_CID | Storage Location Stock Identifier | |
BatchNumber_StockIdentifier_CHARG_CID | Batch Number Stock Identifier | |
SupplierForSpecialStock_LIFNR_CID | Supplier for Special Stock | |
SalesAndDistributionDocumentNumber_StockIdentifier_MAT_KDAUF_CID | Sales and Distribution Document Number Stock Identifier | |
ItemNumberOfTheSDDocument_StockIdentifier_MAT_KDPOS_CID | Item Number of the SD Document Stock Identifier | |
WorkBreakdownStructureElement_StockIdentifier_MAT_PSPNR_CID | Work Breakdown Structure Element Stock Identifier | |
CustomerForSpecialStock_KUNNR_CID | Customer for Special Stock | |
SpecialStockIndicator_UMSOK_CID | Special Stock Indicator | |
StockTypeOfGoodsMovement_StockIdentifier_LBBSA_CID | Stock Type of Goods Movement Stock Identifier | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_DISUB_OWNER_CID | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | |
ResourceName_StockIdentifierComplement_RESOURCENAME_CID | Resource Name Stock Identifier Complement | |
CompanyCode_UMBUK_CG | Company Code | |
BatchNumberOfWarehouseStock_StockIdentifier_CHARG_WHS_CG | Batch Number of Warehouse Stock Stock Identifier | |
QuantityUpdatingInMaterialMasterRecord_UMMEN_CG | Quantity Updating in Material Master Record | |
ValueUpdatingInMaterialMasterRecord_UMWER_CG | Value Updating in Material Master Record | |
SD_DocumentObject_VBOBJ_CG | SD Document Object | |
ValuationOfSpecialStock_UMKZBWS_CG | Valuation of Special Stock | |
StockCharacteristics_BSTAUS_CG | Stock Characteristics | |
StockCategory_BSTTYP_CG | Stock Category | |
ComplementCostEstimateNumber_ProductCosting_KALNR_CG | Complement Cost Estimate Number Product Costing | |
DayOnWhichAccountingDocumentWasEntered_CPUDT | Day on Which Accounting Document was Entered | |
TimeOfEntry_CPUTM | Time of Entry | |
Year_Day_Combination_YEARDAY_BUDAT | Year Day Combination | |
Year_Week_Combination_YEARWEEK_BUDAT | Year Week Combination | |
Year_Month_Combination_YEARMONTH_BUDAT | Year Month Combination | |
Year_Quarter_Combination_YEARQUARTER_BUDAT | Year Quarter Combination | |
Year_YEAR_BUDAT | Year | |
Quarter_1_4_QUARTER_BUDAT | Quarter 1-4 | |
Month_1_12_MONTH_BUDAT | Month 1-12 | |
CalendarWeek_1_53_WEEK_BUDAT | Calendar Week 1-53 | |
DayOfYear_1_366_DAY_BUDAT | Day of Year 1-366 | |
WeekDay_WEEKDAY_BUDAT | Week Day | |
DocumentDateInDocument_BLDAT | Document Date in Document | |
DateOfLastChange_AEDAT | Date of Last Change | |
TimeOfGoodsIssue_Local_RelatingToAPlant_SPE_BUDAT_UHR | Time of Goods Issue Local Relating to a Plant | |
TimeZone_SPE_BUDAT_ZONE | Time Zone | |
FiscalYearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant | |
FiscalYear_GJAHR | Fiscal Year | |
Period_Year_GJPER | Period Year | |
Period_Year_GJPER_CURR_PER | Period Year | |
ShelfLifeExpirationOrBest_BeforeDate_VFDAT | Shelf Life Expiration or Best Before Date | |
ReferenceDateForSettlement_DABRBZ | Reference Date for Settlement | |
ReferenceDateForSettlement_DABRZ | Reference Date for Settlement | |
DateOfManufacture_HSDAT | Date of Manufacture | |
UniqueIdentificationOfDocumentLine_LINE_ID | Unique Identification of Document Line | |
IdentifierOfImmediatelySuperiorLine_PARENT_ID | Identifier of Immediately Superior Line | |
HierarchyLevelOfLineInDocument_LINE_DEPTH | Hierarchy Level of Line in Document | |
OriginalLineForAccountAssignmentItemInMaterialDocument_MAA_URZEI | Original Line for Account Assignment Item in Material Document | |
ItemNumberInSalesOrder_KDPOS | Item Number in Sales Order | |
DeliveryScheduleForSalesOrder_KDEIN | Delivery Schedule for Sales Order | |
FiscalYearOfAReferenceDocument_LFBJA | Fiscal Year of a Reference Document | |
MaterialDocumentYear_SJAHR | Material Document Year | |
NumberOfMaterialDocument_SMBLN | Number of Material Document | |
ItemInMaterialDocument_SMBLP | Item in Material Document | |
MainAssetNumber_ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | |
AssetSubnumber_ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | |
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELNR | Accounting Document Number | |
NumberOfLineItemWithinAccountingDocument_BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | |
AccountingDocumentNumber_BELUM | Accounting Document Number | |
NumberOfLineItemWithinAccountingDocument_BUZUM | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | |
NumberOfReservation_DependentRequirements_RSNUM | Number of Reservation Dependent Requirements | |
ItemNumberOfReservation_DependentRequirements_RSPOS | Item Number of Reservation Dependent Requirements | |
TransferRequirementNumber_TBNUM | Transfer Requirement Number | |
TransferRequirementItem_TBPOS | Transfer Requirement Item | |
PostingChangeNumber_UBNUM | Posting Change Number | |
TransferOrderNumber_TANUM | Transfer Order Number | |
OriginalLineInMaterialDocument_URZEI | Original Line in Material Document | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber_XBLNR | Reference Document Number | |
Delivery_VBELN_IM | Delivery | |
DeliveryItem_VBELP_IM | Delivery Item | |
Delivery_LE_VBELN | Delivery | |
LogicalSystemOfEWMMaterialDocument_SPE_LOGSYS | Logical System of EWM Material Document | |
NumberOfMaterialDocumentInEWM_SPE_MDNUM_EWM | Number of Material Document in EWM | |
ItemHasBeenCancelled_CANCELLED | Item has been Cancelled | |
RelevanceForAnalytics_CANCELLATION_TYPE | Relevance for Analytics | |
ReversalMovementType_REVERSAL_MOVEMENT | Reversal Movement Type | |
ServiceDocumentType_SERVICE_DOC_TYPE | Service Document Type | |
ServiceDocumentID_SERVICE_DOC_ID | Service Document ID | |
ServiceDocumentItemID_SERVICE_DOC_ITEM_ID | Service Document Item ID | |
WarehouseNumber_WarehouseComplex_EWM_LGNUM | Warehouse Number Warehouse Complex | |
WarehouseDocumentForGoodsMovement_EWM_GMDOC | Warehouse Document for Goods Movement | |
BatchStatusKey_ZUSCH | Batch Status Key | |
BatchInRestricted_UseStock_ZUSTD | Batch in Restricted Use Stock | |
DistributionOfDifferences_PLPLA | Distribution of Differences | |
DeliveryCompleted_Indicator_ELIKZ | Delivery Completed Indicator | |
ItemText_SGTXT | Item Text | |
GoodsRecipient_WEMPF | Goods Recipient | |
UnloadingPoint_ABLAD | Unloading Point | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
TradingPartners_BusinessArea_PARGB | Trading Partners Business Area | |
ClearingCompanyCode_PARBU | Clearing Company Code | |
Old_ProjectNumber_NoLongerUsed_PS_POSNR_PROJN | Old Project Number No Longer Used | |
Indicator_StatisticalPostingToCostCenter_XSKST | Indicator Statistical Posting to Cost Center | |
Indicator_PostingToOrderIsStatistical_XSAUF | Indicator Posting to Order is Statistical | |
Indicator_PostingToProjectIsStatistical_XSPRO | Indicator Posting to Project is Statistical | |
Indicator_PostingToProfitabilityAnalysisIsStatistical_XSERG | Indicator Posting to Profitability Analysis is Statistical | |
AllowPostingToPreviousPeriod_Backposting_XRUEM | Allow Posting to Previous Period Backposting | |
Indicator_PostToPreviousYear_XRUEJ | Indicator Post to Previous Year | |
FinalIssueForThisReservation_KZEAR | Final Issue for This Reservation | |
Transaction_EventIsRelevantToStatistics_KZSTR | Transaction Event is Relevant to Statistics | |
Receiving_IssuinMaterial_UMMAT | Receiving Issuin Material | |
StatusOfTransferBatch_UMZST | Status of Transfer Batch | |
StatusKeyOfTransferBatch_UMZUS | Status Key of Transfer Batch | |
ConsumptionPosting_KZVBR | Consumption Posting | |
WMS_NumberOfPallets_PALAN | WMS Number of Pallets | |
StorageBin_LGPLA | Storage Bin | |
Ind_InterimStoragePostingForSourceStor_TypeAndBin_VSCHN | Ind Interim Storage Posting for Source Stor Type and Bin | |
Ind_InterimStoragePostingForDest_Stor_TypeAndBin_NSCHN | Ind Interim Storage Posting for Dest Stor Type and Bin | |
Indicator_DynamicStorageBin_DYPLA | Indicator Dynamic Storage Bin | |
TransferPriority_TBPRI | Transfer Priority | |
NumberOfGR_GISlipsToBePrinted_WEANZ | Number of GR GISlips to be Printed | |
ShippingInstructions_EVERS | Shipping Instructions | |
ComplianceWithShippingInstructions_EVERE | Compliance with Shipping Instructions | |
InternalKeyForRealEstateObject_IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | |
CostObject_KSTRG | Cost Object | |
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber_PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number | |
NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment_NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | |
RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder_AUFPL | Routing Number of Operations in the Order | |
InternalCounter_APLZL | Internal Counter | |
OrderItemNumber_AUFPS | Order Item Number | |
PartnerAccountNumber_VPTNR | Partner Account Number | |
CommitmentItem_FIPOS | Commitment Item | |
ReversalOfGR_AllowedForGR_Based_IV_DespiteInvoice_XWSBR | Reversal of GR Allowed for GR Based IV Despite Invoice | |
SupplierToBeSupplied_WhoIsToReceiveDelivery_EMLIF | Supplier to be Supplied Who is to Receive Delivery | |
Promotion_AKTNR | Promotion | |
SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment_ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | |
InternalObjectNumberOfTheBatchClassification_CUOBJ_CH | Internal Object Number of the Batch Classification | |
PartnerProfitCenter_PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | |
RecordType_RSART | Record Type | |
Fund_GEBER | Fund | |
FundsCenter_FISTL | Funds Center | |
PostingStringForQuantities_BUSTM | Posting String for Quantities | |
PostingStringForValues_BUSTW | Posting String for Values | |
PriceControlIndicator_VPRSV | Price Control Indicator | |
FunctionalArea_FKBER | Functional Area | |
PurchaseOrderCreatedAtTimeOfGoodsReceipt_XBEAU | Purchase Order Created at Time of Goods Receipt | |
StatusOfGoodsReceiptInspection_QINSPST | Status of Goods Receipt Inspection | |
TaxOnSales_PurchasesCode_MWSKZ | Tax on Sales Purchases Code | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
MaterialNumberCorrespondingToManufacturerPartNumber_EMATN | Material Number Corresponding to Manufacturer Part Number | |
GoodsIssueRevaluationPerformed_J_1AGIRUPD | Goods Issue Revaluation Performed | |
TaxOnSales_PurchasesCode_VKMWS | Tax on Sales Purchases Code | |
MaterialStagingIndicatorForProductionSupply_BERKZ | Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply | |
CalculationOfVal_Open_XWOFF | Calculation of Val Open | |
AccountingIndicator_BEMOT | Accounting Indicator | |
BusinessProcess_PRZNR | Business Process | |
GoodsSupplier_LLIEF | Goods Supplier | |
ActivityType_LSTAR | Activity Type | |
VendorStockValuationIndicator_XOBEW | Vendor Stock Valuation Indicator | |
Grant_GRANT_NBR | Grant | |
StockTypeModification_ZUSTD_T156M | Stock Type Modification | |
GTSStockType_SPE_GTS_STOCK_TY | GTS Stock Type | |
DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds_KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | |
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem_KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds Document Item | |
MultipleAccountAssignment_XMACC | Multiple Account Assignment | |
Receiving_IssuingMaterial_UMMAB | Receiving Issuing Material | |
ValuationTypeOfTransferBatch_UMBAR | Valuation Type of Transfer Batch | |
SpecialStockIndicator_UMSOK | Special Stock Indicator | |
StockSegment_SGT_SCAT | Stock Segment | |
Receiving_IssuingStockSegment_SGT_UMSCAT | Receiving Issuing Stock Segment | |
RequirementSegment_SGT_RCAT | Requirement Segment | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_DISUB_OWNER | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | |
CompletedIndicator_COMPL_MARK | Completed Indicator | |
DoNotAdjustCumulativeReceivedQuantity_FZGLS_MARK | Do Not Adjust Cumulative Received Quantity | |
AdjustOpenQuantityInSchedulingAgreementItem_ETANP_MARK | Adjust Open Quantity in Scheduling Agreement Item | |
DisplayDialogBox_POPUP_MARK | Display Dialog Box | |
CreateSerialNumberAutomatically_XSAUT | Create Serial Number Automatically | |
ServicePerformer_SERVICEPERFORMER | Service Performer | |
PersonnelNumber_PERNR | Personnel Number | |
AccountAssignmentCategory_KNTTP_GR | Account Assignment Category | |
WorkItemID_WORK_ITEM_ID | Work Item ID | |
DateOnWhichServicesAreRendered_FBUDA | Date on Which Services are Rendered | |
CustomFields_DummyForUseInExtensionIncludes_DUMMY_INCL_EEW_COBL | Custom Fields Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | |
SeasonYear_FSH_SEASON_YEAR | Season Year | |
Season_FSH_SEASON | Season | |
FashionCollection_FSH_COLLECTION | Fashion Collection | |
FashionTheme_FSH_THEME | Fashion Theme | |
CharacteristicValue1_WRF_CHARSTC1 | Characteristic Value 1 | |
CharacteristicValue2_WRF_CHARSTC2 | Characteristic Value 2 | |
CharacteristicValue3_WRF_CHARSTC3 | Characteristic Value 3 | |
Non_DeductibleInputTax_OINAVNW | Non Deductible Input Tax | |
JointVentureIndicator_ConditionKey_OICONDCOD | Joint Venture Indicator Condition Key | |
JointVentureIndicatorConditionKey_CONDI | Joint Venture Indicator Condition Key | |
AssignedOperative_WBS_Element_ASS_PSPNR | Assigned Operative WBS Element | |
DocumentType_BLART | Document Type | |
DocumentTypeOfRevaluationDocument_BLAUM | Document Type of Revaluation Document | |
UndefinedRange_CanBeUsedForPatchLevels_TCODE | Undefined Range Can Be Used for Patch Levels | |
DocumentHeaderText_BKTXT | Document Header Text | |
UnplannedDeliveryCosts_FRATH | Unplanned Delivery Costs | |
NumberOfBillOfLadingAtTimeOfGoodsReceipt_FRBNR | Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt | |
VersionForPrintingGR_GISlip_WEVER | Version for Printing GR GISlip | |
GoodsReceipt_IssueSlipNumber_XABLN | Goods Receipt Issue Slip Number | |
LogicalSystem_AWSYS | Logical System | |
DocumentTypeForAdditionalDocumentInPurchaseAccountManagement_BLA2D | Document Type for Additional Document in Purchase Account Management | |
ControlPostingForExternal_WMS_BFWMS | Control Posting for External WMS | |
Transaction_EventType_VGART | Transaction EventType | |
UserName_USNAM | User Name | |
TransactionCode_TCODE2 | Transaction Code | |
NumberOfForeignTradeDataInMM_AndSD_Documents_EXNUM | Number of Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents | |
CustomsReferenceNumberForScrapping_GTS_CUSREF_NO | Customs Reference Number for Scrapping | |
StoreReturnWithInboundAndOutboundDelivery_FLS_RSTO | Store Return with Inbound and Outbound Delivery | |
AdvancedReturnsManagementActive_MSR_ACTIVE | Advanced Returns Management Active | |
Single_CharacterFlag_XCOMPL | Single Character Flag | |
NumberOfTheDocumentCondition_KNUMV | Number of the Document Condition | |
DataFilterValueForDataAging_DATAAGING | Data Filter Value for Data Aging | |
PrintViaOutputControl_XPRINT | Print Via Output Control | |
Under_Overdelivery_LMBMV | Under Overdelivery | |
PercentageVarianceInOrderPriceUnit_PABPM | Percentage Variance in Order Price Unit | |
MaterialIsAMissingPart_XFMAT | Material is a Missing Part | |
PrintKanbanCard_KNBDR | Print Kanban Card |