Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - Stock_PerPlant
Descripción general
Esta vista combina datos de las tablas MARC y MARA en el sistema SAP ERP para proporcionar una vista integral de informes de datos maestros de materiales. Incluye información sobre propiedades de materiales, datos específicos de planta y ajustes de gestión de compras e inventario.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
MARC | Maestro de materiales: Datos de planta |
MARA | Maestro de materiales: Datos generales |
T001W | Planta: Datos de dirección |
Casos de uso clave
- Planificación y previsión de materiales
- Gestión y optimización de inventario
- Gestión de compras y proveedores
- Planificación de producción y fabricación
- Control e inspección de calidad
Lógica de consulta
La vista une las tablas MARC y MARA en los campos Client_MANDT y MaterialNumber_MATNR, y las tablas MARC y T001W en los campos Client_MANDT, Plant_WERKS y Language_SPRAS. Esto asegura que los datos de las tres tablas estén alineados y puedan analizarse juntos.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
MM01 | Crear maestro de materiales |
MM02 | Cambiar maestro de materiales |
MM03 | Mostrar maestro de materiales |
MD04 | Visión general de stock de materiales |
MB51 | Lista de documentos de materiales |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
MaterialText_MAKTX | Material Text | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
ProductHierarchy_PRDHA | Product Hierarchy | |
BaseUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | |
MaterialType_MTART | Material Type | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
Plant_Name | Plant Name | |
Plant_Region | Plant Region | |
Plant_Country | Plant Country | |
MaintenanceStatus_PSTAT | Maintenance Status | |
FlagMaterialForDeletionAtPlantLevel_LVORM | Flag Material For Deletion At Plant Level | |
ValuationCategory_BWTTY | Valuation Category | |
BatchManagementIndicator__internal___XCHAR | Batch Management Indicator (internal) | |
PlantSpecificMaterialStatus_MMSTA | Plant Specific Material Status | |
DateFromWhichThePlantSpecificMaterialStatusIsValid_MMSTD | Date From Which The Plant Specific Material Status Is Valid | |
AbcIndicator_MAABC | Abc Indicator | |
Indicator_CriticalPart_KZKRI | Indicator Critical Part | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
UnitOfIssue_AUSME | Unit Of Issue | |
Material_MrpProfile_DISPR | Material Mrp Profile | |
MrpType_DISMM | Mrp Type | |
MrpController_DISPO | Mrp Controller | |
Indicator_MrpControllerIsBuyer__deactivated___KZDIE | Indicator Mrp Controller Is Buyer (deactivated) | |
PlannedDeliveryTimeInDays_PLIFZ | Planned Delivery Time In Days | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeInDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time In Days | |
PeriodIndicator_PERKZ | Period Indicator | |
AssemblyScrapInPercent_AUSSS | Assembly Scrap In Percent | |
LotSize__materialsPlanning___DISLS | Lot Size (materials Planning) | |
ProcurementType_BESKZ | Procurement Type | |
SpecialProcurementType_SOBSL | Special Procurement Type | |
ReorderPoint_MINBE | Reorder Point | |
SafetyStock_EISBE | Safety Stock | |
MinimumLotSize_BSTMI | Minimum Lot Size | |
MaximumLotSize_BSTMA | Maximum Lot Size | |
FixedLotSize_BSTFE | Fixed Lot Size | |
RoundingValueForPurchaseOrderQuantity_BSTRF | Rounding Value For Purchase Order Quantity | |
MaximumStockLevel_MABST | Maximum Stock Level | |
OrderingCosts_LOSFX | Ordering Costs | |
DependentRequirementsIndForIndividualAndCollReqmts_SBDKZ | Dependent Requirements Ind For Individual And Coll Reqmts | |
StorageCostsIndicator_LAGPR | Storage Costs Indicator | |
MethodForSelectingAlternativeBillsOfMaterial_ALTSL | Method For Selecting Alternative Bills Of Material | |
DiscontinuationIndicator_KZAUS | Discontinuation Indicator | |
EffectiveOutDate_AUSDT | Effective Out Date | |
FollowUpMaterial_NFMAT | Follow Up Material | |
IndicatorForRequirementsGrouping_KZBED | Indicator For Requirements Grouping | |
MixedMrpIndicator_MISKZ | Mixed Mrp Indicator | |
SchedulingMarginKeyForFloats_FHORI | Scheduling Margin Key For Floats | |
Indicator_AutomaticFixingOfPlannedOrders_PFREI | Indicator Automatic Fixing Of Planned Orders | |
ReleaseIndicatorForProductionOrders_FFREI | Release Indicator For Production Orders | |
Indicator_Backflush_RGEKZ | Indicator Backflush | |
ProductionSupervisor_FEVOR | Production Supervisor | |
ProcessingTime_BEARZ | Processing Time | |
SetupAndTeardownTime_RUEZT | Setup And Teardown Time | |
InteroperationTime_TRANZ | Interoperation Time | |
BaseQuantity_BASMG | Base Quantity | |
InHouseProductionTime_DZEIT | In House Production Time | |
MaximumStoragePeriod_MAXLZ | Maximum Storage Period | |
UnitForMaximumStoragePeriod_LZEIH | Unit For Maximum Storage Period | |
Indicator_WithdrawalOfStockFromProductionBin_KZPRO | Indicator Withdrawal Of Stock From Production Bin | |
Indicator_MaterialIncludedInRoughCutPlanning_GPMKZ | Indicator Material Included In Rough Cut Planning | |
OverdeliveryToleranceLimit_UEETO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
Indicator_UnlimitedOverdeliveryAllowed_UEETK | Indicator Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed | |
UnderdeliveryToleranceLimit_UNETO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | |
TotalReplenishmentLeadTime__inWorkdays___WZEIT | Total Replenishment Lead Time (in Workdays) | |
ReplacementPart_ATPKZ | Replacement Part | |
SurchargeFactorForCostInPercent_VZUSL | Surcharge Factor For Cost In Percent | |
StateOfManufacture_HERBL | State Of Manufacture | |
PostToInspectionStock_INSMK | Post To Inspection Stock | |
SampleForQualityInspection__inpct_deactivatedSPROZ | Sample For Quality Inspection (inpct) (deactivated) | |
QuarantinePeriod__deactivated___QUAZT | Quarantine Period (deactivated) | |
ControlKeyForQualityManagementInProcurement_SSQSS | Control Key For Quality Management In Procurement | |
MeanInspectionDuration__deactivated___MPDAU | Mean Inspection Duration (deactivated) | |
IndicatorForInspectionPlan__deactivated___KZPPV | Indicator For Inspection Plan (deactivated) | |
DocumentationRequiredIndicator_KZDKZ | Documentation Required Indicator | |
ActiveSubstanceContent__deactivated___WSTGH | Active Substance Content (deactivated) | |
IntervalUntilNextRecurringInspection_PRFRQ | Interval Until Next Recurring Inspection | |
DateAccordingToCheckSamplingInspection__deactivated___NKMPR | Date According To Check Sampling Inspection (deactivated) | |
StockInTransfer__plantToPlant___UMLMC | Stock In Transfer (plant To Plant) | |
LoadingGroup_LADGR | Loading Group | |
BatchManagementRequirementIndicator_XCHPF | Batch Management Requirement Indicator | |
QuotaArrangementUsage_USEQU | Quota Arrangement Usage | |
ServiceLevel_LGRAD | Service Level | |
SplittingIndicator_AUFTL | Splitting Indicator | |
PlanVersion_PLVAR | Plan Version | |
ObjectType_OTYPE | Object Type | |
ObjectId_OBJID | Object Id | |
CheckingGroupForAvailabilityCheck_MTVFP | Checking Group For Availability Check | |
FiscalYearVariant_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant | |
Indicator_TakeCorrectionFactorsIntoAccount_KZKFK | Indicator Take Correction Factors Into Account | |
ShippingSetupTime_VRVEZ | Shipping Setup Time | |
BaseQuantityForCapacityPlanningInShipping_VBAMG | Base Quantity For Capacity Planning In Shipping | |
ShippingProcessingTime_VBEAZ | Shipping Processing Time | |
Deactivated_LIZYK | Deactivated | |
SourceOfSupply_BWSCL | Source Of Supply | |
Indicator_automaticPurchaseOrderAllowed_KAUTB | Indicator automatic Purchase Order Allowed | |
Indicator_SourceListRequirement_KORDB | Indicator Source List Requirement | |
CommodityCodeimportCodeNumberForForeignTrade_STAWN | Commodity Codeimport Code Number For Foreign Trade | |
CountryOfOriginOfMaterial__nonPreferentialOrigin___HERKL | Country Of Origin Of Material (non Preferential Origin) | |
RegionOfOriginOfMaterial__nonPreferentialOrigin___HERKR | Region Of Origin Of Material (non Preferential Origin) | |
UnitOfMeasureForCommodityCode__foreignTrade___EXPME | Unit Of Measure For Commodity Code (foreign Trade) | |
MaterialGroupExportForForeignTrade_MTVER | Material Group Export For Foreign Trade | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
StockInTransit_TRAME | Stock In Transit | |
PpcPlanningCalendar_MRPPP | Ppc Planning Calendar | |
Ind_RepetitiveMfgAllowed_SAUFT | Ind Repetitive Mfg Allowed | |
PlanningTimeFence_FXHOR | Planning Time Fence | |
ConsumptionMode_VRMOD | Consumption Mode | |
ConsumptionPeriod_Backward_VINT1 | Consumption Period Backward | |
ConsumptionPeriod_Forward_VINT2 | Consumption Period Forward | |
VersionIndicator_VERKZ | Version Indicator | |
AlternativeBom_STLAL | Alternative Bom | |
BomUsage_STLAN | Bom Usage | |
KeyForTaskListGroup_PLNNR | Key For Task List Group | |
GroupCounter_APLAL | Group Counter | |
LotSizeForProductCosting_LOSGR | Lot Size For Product Costing | |
SpecialProcurementTypeForCosting_SOBSK | Special Procurement Type For Costing | |
ProductionUnit_FRTME | Production Unit | |
IssueStorageLocation_LGPRO | Issue Storage Location | |
MrpGroup_DISGR | Mrp Group | |
ComponentScrapInPercent_KAUSF | Component Scrap In Percent | |
CertificateType_QZGTP | Certificate Type | |
InspectionSetupExistsForMaterialplant_QMATV | Inspection Setup Exists For Materialplant | |
TaktTime_TAKZT | Takt Time | |
RangeOfCoverageProfile_RWPRO | Range Of Coverage Profile | |
LocalFieldNameForCopaLinkToSop_COPAM | Local Field Name For Copa Link To Sop | |
PhysicalInventoryIndicatorForCycleCounting_ABCIN | Physical Inventory Indicator For Cycle Counting | |
VarianceKey_AWSLS | Variance Key | |
SerialNumberProfile_SERNP | Serial Number Profile | |
InternalObjectNumber_CUOBJ | Internal Object Number | |
ConfigurableMaterial_STDPD | Configurable Material | |
RepetitiveManufacturingProfile_SFEPR | Repetitive Manufacturing Profile | |
NegativeStocksAllowedInPlant_XMCNG | Negative Stocks Allowed In Plant | |
RequiredQmSystemForVendor_QSSYS | Required Qm System For Vendor | |
PlanningCycle_LFRHY | Planning Cycle | |
RoundingProfile_RDPRF | Rounding Profile | |
ReferenceMaterialForConsumption_VRBMT | Reference Material For Consumption | |
ReferencePlantForConsumption_VRBWK | Reference Plant For Consumption | |
ToDateOfTheMaterialToBeCopiedForConsumption_VRBDT | To Date Of The Material To Be Copied For Consumption | |
MultiplierForReferenceMaterialForConsumption_VRBFK | Multiplier For Reference Material For Consumption | |
ResetForecastModelAutomatically_AUTRU | Reset Forecast Model Automatically | |
PreferenceIndicatorInExportimport_PREFE | Preference Indicator In Exportimport | |
ExemptionCertificate_IndicatorForLegalControl_PRENC | Exemption Certificate Indicator For Legal Control | |
ExemptionCertificateNumberForLegalControl_PRENO | Exemption Certificate Number For Legal Control | |
ExemptionCertificate_IssueDateOfExemptionCertificate_PREND | Exemption Certificate Issue Date Of Exemption Certificate | |
Indicator_VendorDeclarationExists_PRENE | Indicator Vendor Declaration Exists | |
ValidityDateOfVendorDeclaration_PRENG | Validity Date Of Vendor Declaration | |
Indicator_MilitaryGoods_ITARK | Indicator Military Goods | |
IsRServiceLevel_SERVG | Is R Service Level | |
Indicator_MaterialCanBeCoProduct_KZKUP | Indicator Material Can Be Co Product | |
PlanningStrategyGroup_STRGR | Planning Strategy Group | |
InternalObjectNumberOfConfigurableMaterialForPlanning_CUOBV | Internal Object Number Of Configurable Material For Planning | |
DefaultStorageLocationForExternalProcurement_LGFSB | Default Storage Location For External Procurement | |
Indicator_BulkMaterial_SCHGT | Indicator Bulk Material | |
CcIndicatorIsFixed_CCFIX | Cc Indicator Is Fixed | |
StockDeterminationGroup_EPRIO | Stock Determination Group | |
MaterialAuthorizationGroupForActivitiesInQm_QMATA | Material Authorization Group For Activities In Qm | |
PeriodOfAdjustmentForPlannedIndependentRequirements_RESVP | Period Of Adjustment For Planned Independent Requirements | |
TaskListType_PLNTY | Task List Type | |
UnitOfMearsureGroup__oil_NaturalGas____UOMGR | Unit Of Mearsure Group (oil Natural Gas) | |
ConversionGroup__oil_NaturalGas____UMRSL | Conversion Group (oil Natural Gas) | |
AirBouyancyFactor_ABFAC | Air Bouyancy Factor | |
ProductionSchedulingProfile_SFCPF | Production Scheduling Profile | |
SafetyTimeIndicator__withOrWithoutSafetyTime___SHFLG | Safety Time Indicator (with Or Without Safety Time) | |
SafetyTime__inWorkdays___SHZET | Safety Time (in Workdays) | |
ActionControl_PlannedOrderProcessing_MDACH | Action Control Planned Order Processing | |
DeterminationOfBatchEntryInTheProductionprocessOrder_KZECH | Determination Of Batch Entry In The Productionprocess Order | |
UnitOfMeasureGroup_MEGRU | Unit Of Measure Group | |
MaterialFreightGroup_MFRGR | Material Freight Group | |
StockTransferSalesValue__plantToPlant__ForVoMaterial_VKUMC | Stock Transfer Sales Value (plant To Plant) For Vo Material | |
TransitValueAtSalesPriceForValueOnlyMaterial_VKTRW | Transit Value At Sales Price For Value Only Material | |
Indicator_SmoothPromotionConsumption_KZAGL | Indicator Smooth Promotion Consumption | |
ProductionVersionToBeCosted_FVIDK | Production Version To Be Costed | |
FixedPriceCoProduct_FXPRU | Fixed Price Co Product | |
LogisticsHandlingGroupForWorkloadCalculation_LOGGR | Logistics Handling Group For Workload Calculation | |
DistributionProfileOfMaterialInPlant_FPRFM | Distribution Profile Of Material In Plant | |
TiedEmptiesStock_GLGMG | Tied Empties Stock | |
SalesValueOfTiedEmptiesStock_VKGLG | Sales Value Of Tied Empties Stock | |
MaterialCfopCategory_INDUS | Material Cfop Category | |
Cap_NumberOfCapProductsList_MOWNR | Cap Number Of Cap Products List | |
CommonAgriculturalPolicy_CapProductsGroupForeignTrade_MOGRU | Common Agricultural Policy Cap Products Group Foreign Trade | |
CasNumberForPharmaceuticalProductsInForeignTrade_CASNR | Cas Number For Pharmaceutical Products In Foreign Trade | |
ProductionStatistics_ProdcomNumberForForeignTrade_GPNUM | Production Statistics Prodcom Number For Foreign Trade | |
ControlCodeForConsumptionTaxesInForeignTrade_STEUC | Control Code For Consumption Taxes In Foreign Trade | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToJitDeliverySchedules_FABKZ | Indicator Item Relevant To Jit Delivery Schedules | |
GroupOfMaterialsForTransitionMatrix_MATGR | Group Of Materials For Transition Matrix | |
ProposedSupplyAreaInMaterialMasterRecord_VSPVB | Proposed Supply Area In Material Master Record | |
FairShareRule_DPLFS | Fair Share Rule | |
Indicator_PushDistribution_DPLPU | Indicator Push Distribution | |
DeploymentHorizonInDays_DPLHO | Deployment Horizon In Days | |
MinimumLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_MINLS | Minimum Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
MaximumLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_MAXLS | Maximum Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
FixedLotSizeForSupplyDemandMatch_FIXLS | Fixed Lot Size For Supply Demand Match | |
LotSizeIncrementForSupplyDemandMatch_LTINC | Lot Size Increment For Supply Demand Match | |
ThisFieldIsNoLongerUsed_COMPL | This Field Is No Longer Used | |
ConversionTypesForProductionFigures_CONVT | Conversion Types For Production Figures | |
PeriodProfileForSafetyTime_SHPRO | Period Profile For Safety Time | |
MrpRelevancyForDependentRequirements_AHDIS | Mrp Relevancy For Dependent Requirements | |
Indicator_MrpAreaExists_DIBER | Indicator Mrp Area Exists | |
IndicatorForCrossProjectMaterial_KZPSP | Indicator For Cross Project Material | |
OverallProfileForOrderChangeManagement_OCMPF | Overall Profile For Order Change Management | |
Indicator_IsMaterialRelevantForApo_APOKZ | Indicator Is Material Relevant For Apo | |
MardhRecAlreadyExistsForPerBeforeLastOfMardPer_MCRUE | Mardh Rec Already Exists For Per Before Last Of Mard Per | |
CurrentPeriod__postingPeriod___LFMON | Current Period (posting Period) | |
FiscalYearOfCurrentPeriod_LFGJA | Fiscal Year Of Current Period | |
MinimumSafetyStock_EISLO | Minimum Safety Stock | |
DoNotCost_NCOST | Do Not Cost | |
StrategyForPutawayAndStockRemoval_ROTATION_DATE | Strategy For Putaway And Stock Removal | |
IndicatorForOriginalBatchManagement_UCHKZ | Indicator For Original Batch Management | |
ReferenceMaterialForOriginalBatches_UCMAT | Reference Material For Original Batches | |
ValuatedGoodsReceiptBlockedStock_BWESB | Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock | |
SegmentationStrategy_SGT_COVS | Segmentation Strategy | |
SegmentationStatus_SGT_STATC | Segmentation Status | |
SegmentationStrategyScope_SGT_SCOPE | Segmentation Strategy Scope | |
SortStockBasedOnSegment_SGT_MRPSI | Sort Stock Based On Segment | |
ConsumptionPriority_SGT_PRCM | Consumption Priority | |
DiscreteBatchNumber_SGT_CHINT | Discrete Batch Number | |
StockProtectionIndicator_SGT_STK_PRT | Stock Protection Indicator | |
DefaultStockSegmentValue_SGT_DEFSC | Default Stock Segment Value | |
AtpmrpStatusForMaterialAndSegment_SGT_MRP_ATP_STATUS | Atpmrp Status For Material And Segment | |
DateFromWhichThePlantSpecificMaterialStatusIsValid_SGT_MMSTD | Date From Which The Plant Specific Material Status Is Valid | |
OrderAllocationRun_FSH_MG_ARUN_REQ | Order Allocation Run | |
Indicator_SeasonActiveInInventoryManagement_FSH_SEAIM | Indicator Season Active In Inventory Management | |
VariantGroup_FSH_VAR_GROUP | Variant Group | |
Indicator_BatchAssignmentDuringTrToToConversion_FSH_KZECH | Indicator Batch Assignment During Tr To To Conversion | |
CalendarGroup_FSH_CALENDAR_GROUP | Calendar Group | |
AdvancedPlanning_PPSKZ | Advanced Planning | |
PercentageTolerancePlus_SAPMP_TOLPRPL | Percentage Tolerance Plus | |
PercentageToleranceMinus_SAPMP_TOLPRMI | Percentage Tolerance Minus | |
PackingGroupOfTheMaterial__vso___VSO_R_PKGRP | Packing Group Of The Material (vso) | |
LineWithinTheAutomaticPickingZone__vso___VSO_R_LANE_NUM | Line Within The Automatic Picking Zone (vso) | |
MaterialNoOfThePackagingMaterialOfTheVendor__vso___VSO_R_PAL_VEND | Material No Of The Packaging Material Of The Vendor (vso) | |
PickPackagingMaterialsOnlyLengthwise__vso___VSO_R_FORK_DIR | Pick Packaging Materials Only Lengthwise (vso) | |
IuidRelevant_IUID_RELEVANT | Iuid Relevant | |
StructureTypeOfUii_IUID_TYPE | Structure Type Of Uii | |
ExternalAllocationOfUii_UID_IEA | External Allocation Of Uii | |
ConsignmentControl_CONS_PROCG | Consignment Control | |
GoodsIssueProcessingTimeInDays_GI_PR_TIME | Goods Issue Processing Time In Days | |
PurchasingAcrossPurchasingGroup_MULTIPLE_EKGRP | Purchasing Across Purchasing Group | |
ReferenceDeterminationSchema_REF_SCHEMA | Reference Determination Schema | |
MinimumTargetRangeOfCoverage_MIN_TROC | Minimum Target Range Of Coverage | |
MaximumTargetRangeOfCoverage_MAX_TROC | Maximum Target Range Of Coverage | |
TargetStock_TARGET_STOCK | Target Stock |