Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - VendorsMD
Descripción general
Esta vista de informes combina datos de las tablas LFA1 y ADRC en el sistema SAP ERP para proporcionar una vista completa de la información de proveedores y acreedores. Incluye detalles clave como números de cuenta, direcciones, información de contacto, datos relacionados con impuestos y otros atributos relevantes.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
LFA1 | Tabla maestra de datos de proveedores |
ADRC | Tabla de datos de direcciones |
Casos de uso clave
- Gestión y mantenimiento de proveedores
- Análisis e informes de datos de proveedores
- Integración con otros módulos de SAP, como compras y cuentas por pagar
- Migración y consolidación de datos
Lógica de consulta
La vista une las tablas LFA1 y ADRC en el campo ADRNR, que representa el número de dirección. Esto asegura que los datos del proveedor de LFA1 estén vinculados a la información de dirección correspondiente en ADRC. La consulta recupera todos los campos relevantes de ambas tablas, proporcionando una vista consolidada de los datos relacionados con el proveedor.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
FK01 | Crear Proveedor |
FK02 | Cambiar Proveedor |
FK03 | Mostrar Proveedor |
FBL1N | Mostrar partidas individuales: Proveedor |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
NAME1 | Name 1 | |
NAME2 | Name 2 | |
NAME3 | Name 3 | |
NAME4 | Name 4 | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
District_ORT02 | District | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
Region__REGIO | Region | |
SortField_SORTL | Sort Field | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street and House Number | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD1 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 1 | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD2 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 2 | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeSearch_MCOD3 | Search Term for Matchcode Search 3 | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
TrainStation_BAHNS | Train Station | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part1___BBBNR | International Location Number (part 1) | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part2___BBSNR | International Location Number (part 2) | |
AuthorizationGroup_BEGRU | Authorization Group | |
IndustryKey_BRSCH | Industry Key | |
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_BUBKZ | Check Digit for the International Location Number | |
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT | Data Communication Line No | |
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAMS | Report Key for Data Medium Exchange | |
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange_DTAWS | Instruction Key for Data Medium Exchange | |
DateOnWhichTheRecordWasCreated_ERDAT | Date on Which the Record Was Created | |
NameOfPersonWhoCreatedTheObject_ERNAM | Name of Person Who Created the Object | |
PorSubscriberNumber_ESRNR | Por Subscriber Number | |
GroupKey_KONZS | Group Key | |
VendorAccountGroup_KTOKK | Vendor Account Group | |
CustomerNumber_KUNNR | Customer Number | |
AccountNumberOfTheAlternativePayee_LNRZA | Account Number of the Alternative Payee | |
CentralDeletionFlagForMasterRecord_LOEVM | Central Deletion Flag for Master Record | |
CentralPostingBlock_SPERR | Central Posting Block | |
CentrallyImposedPurchasingBlock_SPERM | Centrally Imposed Purchasing Block | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language Key | |
TaxNumber1_STCD1 | Tax Number 1 | |
TaxNumber2_STCD2 | Tax Number 2 | |
Indicator_BusinessPartnerSubjectToEqualizationTax_STKZA | Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax | |
LiableForVat_STKZU | Liable for Vat | |
TeleboxNumber_TELBX | Telebox Number | |
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 | First Telephone Number | |
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 | Second Telephone Number | |
FaxNumber_TELFX | Fax Number | |
TeletexNumber_TELTX | Teletex Number | |
TelexNumber_TELX1 | Telex Number | |
Indicator_IsTheAccountAOneTimeAccount_XCPDK | Indicator: Is the Account a One-Time Account | |
Indicator_AlternativePayeeInDocumentAllowed_XZEMP | Indicator: Alternative Payee in Document Allowed | |
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner_VBUND | Company Id of Trading Partner | |
AccountNumberOfTheMasterRecordWithFiscalAddress_FISKN | Account Number of the Master Record with Fiscal Address | |
VatRegistrationNumber_STCEG | Vat Registration Number | |
NaturalPerson_STKZN | Natural Person | |
FunctionThatWillBeBlocked_SPERQ | Function That Will Be Blocked | |
PlaceOfBirthOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_GBORT | Place of Birth of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
DateOfBirthOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_GBDAT | Date of Birth of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
KeyForTheSexOfThePersonSubjectToWithholdingTax_SEXKZ | Key for the Sex of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax | |
CreditInformationNumber_KRAUS | Credit Information Number | |
LastReview__external___REVDB | Last Review (external) | |
VendorsQmSystem_QSSYS | Vendors Qm System | |
ReferenceAccountGroupForOneTimeAccount_vendor_KTOCK | Reference Account Group for One-Time Account (vendor) | |
PoBoxCity_PFORT | Po Box City | |
Plant__ownOrExternal___WERKS | Plant (own or external) | |
Indicator_VendorSubRangeRelevant_LTSNA | Indicator: Vendor Sub-Range Relevant | |
Indicator_PlantLevelRelevant_WERKR | Indicator: Plant Level Relevant | |
FactoryCalendarKey_PLKAL | Factory Calendar Key | |
StatusOfDataTransferIntoSubsequentRelease_DUEFL | Status of Data Transfer into Subsequent Release | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
PaymentBlock_SPERZ | Payment Block | |
StandardCarrierAccessCode_SCACD | Standard Carrier Access Code | |
ForwardingAgentFreightGroup_SFRGR | Forwarding Agent Freight Group | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_LZONE | Transportation Zone to or from Which the Goods Are Delivered | |
Indicator_AlternativePayeeUsingAccountNumber_XLFZA | Indicator: Alternative Payee Using Account Number | |
ServiceAgentProcedureGroup_DLGRP | Service Agent Procedure Group | |
TaxType_FITYP | Tax Type | |
TaxNumberType_STCDT | Tax Number Type | |
RegisteredForSocialInsurance_REGSS | Registered for Social Insurance | |
ActivityCodeForSocialInsurance_ACTSS | Activity Code for Social Insurance | |
TaxNumber3_STCD3 | Tax Number 3 | |
TaxNumber4_STCD4 | Tax Number 4 | |
TaxNumber5_STCD5 | Tax Number 5 | |
TaxSplit_IPISP | Tax Split | |
TaxBaseInPercentage_TAXBS | Tax Base in Percentage | |
Profession_PROFS | Profession | |
Shipment_StatisticsGroupTransportationServiceAgent_STGDL | Shipment: Statistics Group Transportation Service Agent | |
ExternalManufacturerCodeNameOrNumber_EMNFR | External Manufacturer Code Name or Number | |
UniformResourceLocator_LFURL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
NameOfRepresentative_J_1KFREPRE | Name of Representative | |
TypeOfBusiness_J_1KFTBUS | Type of Business | |
TypeOfIndustry_J_1KFTIND | Type of Industry | |
StatusOfChangeAuthorization__central___CONFS | Status of Change Authorization (central) | |
DateOnWhichTheChangesWereConfirmed_UPDAT | Date on Which the Changes Were Confirmed | |
TimeOfLastChangeConfirmation_UPTIM | Time of Last Change Confirmation | |
CentralDeletionBlockForMasterRecord_NODEL | Central Deletion Block for Master Record | |
ValidityDateOfCertification_QSSYSDAT | Validity Date of Certification | |
VendorIndicatorRelevantForProofOfDelivery_PODKZB | Vendor Indicator Relevant for Proof of Delivery | |
AccountNumberOfMasterRecordOfTaxOfficeResponsible_FISKU | Account Number of Master Record of Tax Office Responsible | |
TaxNumberAtResponsibleTaxAuthority_STENR | Tax Number at Responsible Tax Authority | |
CarrierConfirmationIsExpected_CARRIER_CONF | Carrier Confirmation Is Expected | |
MicroCompanyIndicator_MIN_COMP | Micro Company Indicator | |
TermsOfLiability_TERM_LI | Terms of Liability | |
CrcNumber_CRC_NUM | Crc Number | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_CVP_XBLCK | Business Purpose Completed Flag | |
RgNumber_RG | Rg Number | |
IssuedBy_EXP | Issued By | |
State_UF | State | |
RgIssuingDate_RGDATE | Rg Issuing Date | |
RicNumber_RIC | Ric Number | |
ForeignNationalRegistration_RNE | Foreign National Registration | |
RneIssuingDate_RNEDATE | Rne Issuing Date | |
Cnae_CNAE | Cnae | |
LegalNature_LEGALNAT | Legal Nature | |
CrtNumber_CRTN | Crt Number | |
IcmsTaxpayer_ICMSTAXPAY | Icms Taxpayer | |
IndustryMainType_INDTYP | Industry Main Type | |
TaxDeclarationType_TDT | Tax Declaration Type | |
CompanySize_COMSIZE | Company Size | |
DeclarationRegimenForPiscofins_DECREGPC | Declaration Regimen for Piscofins | |
CapitalAmount_J_SC_CAPITAL | Capital Amount | |
Currency_J_SC_CURRENCY | Currency | |
AgencyLocationCode_ALC | Agency Location Code | |
PaymentOffice_PMT_OFFICE | Payment Office | |
VendorIsPpaRelevant_PPA_RELEVANT | Vendor Is Ppa Relevant | |
ProcessorGroup_PSOFG | Processor Group | |
SubledgerAcctPreprocessingProcedure_PSOIS | Subledger Acct Preprocessing Procedure | |
Name1_PSON1 | Name 1 | |
Name2_PSON2 | Name 2 | |
Name3_PSON3 | Name 3 | |
FirstName_PSOVN | First Name | |
Title_PSOTL | Title | |
TransportationChain_TRANSPORT_CHAIN | Transportation Chain | |
StagingTimeInDays_STAGING_TIME | Staging Time in Days | |
SchedulingProcedure_SCHEDULING_TYPE | Scheduling Procedure | |
CrossDocking_RelevantForCollectiveNumbering_SUBMI_RELEVANT | Cross Docking: Relevant for Collective Numbering | |
ValidFromDate_DATE_FROM | Valid From Date | |
VersionIdForInternationalAddresses_NATION | Version Id for International Addresses | |
ValidToDate_DATE_TO | Valid To Date | |
FormOfAddressKey_TITLE | Form of Address Key | |
Addr_NAME1 | Address Name 1 | |
Addr_NAME2 | Address Name 2 | |
Addr_NAME3 | Address Name 3 | |
Addr_NAME4 | Address Name 4 | |
Addr_CITY1 | Address City 1 | |
Addr_District_CITY2 | Address District City 2 | |
CityCode_CITY_CODE | City Code | |
DistrictCode_CITYP_CODE | District Code | |
City_HOME_CITY | City Home City | |
DifferentCityForCitystreetFile_CITYH_CODE | Different City for Citystreet File | |
RegionalStructureGrouping_REGIOGROUP | Regional Structure Grouping | |
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 | City Postal Code 1 | |
PoBoxPostalCode_POST_CODE2 | Po Box Postal Code 2 | |
CompanyPostalCode_POST_CODE3 | Company Postal Code 3 | |
PoBox_PO_BOX | Po Box | |
PoBoxAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_P | Po Box Address Undeliverable Flag | |
Flag_PoBoxWithoutNumber_PO_BOX_NUM | Flag: Po Box Without Number | |
PoBoxCity_PO_BOX_LOC | Po Box City | |
CityPoBoxCode__cityFile___CITY_CODE2 | City Po Box Code (cityFile) | |
RegionForPoBox_PO_BOX_REG | Region for Po Box | |
PoBoxCountry_PO_BOX_CTY | Po Box Country | |
TransportationZoneToOrFromWhichTheGoodsAreDelivered_TRANSPZONE | Transportation Zone to or from Which the Goods Are Delivered | |
Street_STREET | Street | |
StreetAddressUndeliverableFlag_DONT_USE_S | Street Address Undeliverable Flag | |
StreetNumberForCitystreetFile_STREETCODE | Street Number for Citystreet File | |
HouseNumber_HOUSE_NUM1 | House Number 1 | |
HouseNumberSupplement_HOUSE_NUM2 | House Number Supplement 2 | |
Street2_STR_SUPPL1 | Street 2 | |
Street3_STR_SUPPL2 | Street 3 | |
Street4_STR_SUPPL3 | Street 4 | |
Street5_LOCATION | Street 5 | |
Building__numberOrCode___BUILDING | Building (number or code) | |
FloorInBuilding_FLOOR | Floor in Building | |
RoomOrAppartmentNumber_ROOMNUMBER | Room or Appartment Number | |
Country_COUNTRY | Country | |
Language_LANGU | Language | |
Region_Addr_REGION | Region Address Region | |
AddressGroup__key_businessAddressServices___ADDR_GROUP | Address Group (key: businessAddressServices) | |
Flag_ThereAreMoreAddressGroupAssignments_FLAGGROUPS | Flag: There Are More Address Group Assignments | |
Flag_ThisIsAPersonalAddress_PERS_ADDR | Flag: This Is a Personal Address | |
SearchTerm1_SORT1 | Search Term 1 | |
SearchTerm2_SORT2 | Search Term 2 | |
CommunicationMethod__key_businessAddressServices_DEFLT_COMM | Communication Method (key: businessAddressServices) | |
FirstTelephoneNo_DiallingCodenumber_TEL_NUMBER | First Telephone No. Dialling Codenumber | |
FirstTelephoneNo_Extension_TEL_EXTENS | First Telephone No. Extension | |
FirstFaxNo_DiallingCodenumber_FAX_NUMBER | First Fax No. Dialling Codenumber | |
FirstFaxNo_Extension_FAX_EXTENS | First Fax No. Extension | |
CountyCodeForCounty_COUNTY_CODE | County Code for County | |
County_Addr_COUNTY | County Address County | |
TownshipCodeForTownship_TOWNSHIP_CODE | Township Code for Township | |
Township_TOWNSHIP | Township | |
CountyNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_COUNTY | County Name in Upper Case for Search Help | |
TownshipNameInUpperCaseForSearchHelp_MC_TOWNSHIP | Township Name in Upper Case for Search Help | |
BusinessPurposeCompletedFlag_XPCPT | Business Purpose Completed Flag |