Archivo SQL de origen: Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - currency_conversion
Descripción general
Esta vista de informes proporciona tipos de cambio para sistemas SAP. Calcula el tipo de cambio basándose en los parámetros de entrada y los tipos de cambio históricos almacenados en la tabla de origen.
Fuentes de datos
Tabla/vista de origen | Descripción |
tcurr | Una tabla que almacena tipos de cambio históricos. |
Casos de uso clave
- Conversión de moneda para propósitos de informes
- Análisis de fluctuaciones históricas de moneda
Lógica de consulta
La consulta primero selecciona el tipo de cambio histórico basándose en los parámetros de entrada y el rango de fechas. Luego aplica el tipo de cambio al monto de entrada para calcular el monto convertido.
Posible relación con SAP Transactions
Codigo de transacción | Descripción de la transacción |
Linaje de datos
Em desarollo
Campos de tabla/vista
Campo | Descripción del campo | Descripción del Diccionario SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
Name_NAME1 | Name | |
ValuationArea_BWKEY | Valuation Area | |
CustomerNumberOfPlant_KUNNR | Customer Number Of Plant | |
VendorNumberOfPlant_LIFNR | Vendor Number Of Plant | |
FactoryCalendarKey_FABKL | Factory Calendar Key | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name2 | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street And House Number | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
SalesOrganizationForIntercompanyBilling_VKORG | Sales Organization For Intercompany Billing | |
Indicator_BatchStatusManagementActive_CHAZV | Indicator Batch Status Management Active | |
Indicator_ConditionsAtPlantLevel_KKOWK | Indicator Conditions At Plant Level | |
Indicator_SourceListRequirement_KORDB | Indicator Source List Requirement | |
ActivatingRequirementsPlanning_BEDPL | Activating Requirements Planning | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
Region_County__REGIO | Region County | |
CountyCode_COUNC | County Code | |
CityCode_CITYC | City Code | |
Address_ADRNR | Address | |
MaintenancePlanningPlant_IWERK | Maintenance Planning Plant | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
DistributionChannelForIntercompanyBilling_VTWEG | Distribution Channel For Intercompany Billing | |
DivisionForIntercompanyBilling_SPART | Division For Intercompany Billing | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
SopPlant_WKSOP | Sop Plant | |
VarianceKey_AWSLS | Variance Key | |
Indicator_BatchStatusManagementActive_CHAZV_OLD | Indicator Batch Status Management Active Old | |
PlantCategory_VLFKZ | Plant Category | |
SalesDistrict_BZIRK | Sales District | |
SupplyRegion__regionSupplied___ZONE1 | Supply Region | |
TaxIndicator_Plant__purchasing___TAXIW | Tax Indicator Plant Purchasing | |
TakeRegularVendorIntoAccount_BZQHL | Take Regular Vendor Into Account | |
NumberOfDaysForFirstReminderexpediter_LET01 | Number Of Days For First Reminderexpediter | |
NumberOfDaysForSecondReminderexpediter_LET02 | Number Of Days For Second Reminderexpediter | |
NumberOfDaysForThirdReminderexpediter_LET03 | Number Of Days For Third Reminderexpediter | |
TextNameOf1stDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA1 | Text Name Of 1st Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
TextNameOfThe2ndDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA2 | Text Name Of The 2nd Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
TextNameOf3rdDunningOfVendorDeclarations_TXNAM_MA3 | Text Name Of 3rd Dunning Of Vendor Declarations | |
NumberOfDaysForPoToleranceCompressInfoRecordsSu_BETOL | Number Of Days For Po Tolerance Compress Info Records Su | |
BusinessPlace_J_1BBRANCH | Business Place | |
RuleForDeterminingTheSalesAreaForStockTransfers_VTBFI | Rule For Determining The Sales Area For Stock Transfers | |
DistributionProfileAtPlantLevel_FPRFW | Distribution Profile At Plant Level | |
CentralArchivingMarkerForMasterRecord_ACHVM | Central Archiving Marker For Master Record | |
BatchRecord_TypeOfDmsUsed_DVSART | Batch Record Type Of Dms Used | |
NodeType_SupplyChainNetwork_NODETYPE | Node Type Supply Chain Network | |
StructureForNameFormation_NSCHEMA | Structure For Name Formation | |
CostObjectControllingLinkingActive_PKOSA | Cost Object Controlling Linking Active | |
UpdatingIsActiveForMixedCosting_MISCH | Updating Is Active For Mixed Costing | |
UpdatingIsActiveInActualCosting_MGVUPD | Updating Is Active In Actual Costing | |
ShippingPointreceivingPoint_VSTEL | Shipping Pointreceiving Point | |
UpdateOfActivityConsumptionInTheQuantityStructure_MGVLAUPD | Update Of Activity Consumption In The Quantity Structure | |
ControlOfCreditOfCostCenters_MGVLAREVAL | Control Of Credit Of Cost Centers | |
InvokeAddedFunctionSourceDeterminationViaAtp_SOURCING | Invoke Added Function Source Determination Via Atp | |
StoreCategoryToDifferentiateStoreShop_STORETYPE | Store Category To Differentiate Store Shop | |
SuperiorDepartmentStore_DEP_STORE | Superior Department Store |