Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - BillOfMaterialsMD
Visão geral
Esta visão fornece uma visão geral abrangente dos dados da Lista de Materiais (BOM) do sistema SAP. Ele combina informações de várias tabelas, incluindo MAST, STKO, STAS e STPO, para fornecer uma visão detalhada das BOMs, seus componentes e seus relacionamentos.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
MAST | Dados de cabeçalho para BOMs, incluindo informações gerais como cliente, número do material, fábrica e uso da BOM. |
STKO | Dados do cabeçalho da BOM, incluindo informações como categoria da BOM, contador interno, data válida a partir de e indicador de exclusão. |
STAS | Dados do item da BOM, incluindo informações como número do nó do item da BOM, contador interno e status técnico. |
STPO | Dados do componente BOM, incluindo informações como ID do componente, fábrica emissora, categoria do item, quantidade do componente e unidade de medida. |
Casos de Uso
- Analisar estruturas de BOM e detalhes de componentes.
- Identificar BOMs alternativas e suas probabilidades de uso.
- Rastrear alterações nas BOMs ao longo do tempo, incluindo turnos de data e números de alteração.
- Extrair dados para fins de relatório e análise.
Lógica da Query
A visão combina dados das tabelas MAST, STKO, STAS e STPO usando junções internas. As condições de junção garantem que os dados de cada tabela sejam alinhados e relacionados adequadamente às outras tabelas.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
CS01 | Criar BOM |
CS02 | Alterar BOM |
CS03 | Exibir BOM |
MD02 | Alterar Master de Material |
MD03 | Exibir Master de Material |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
BomUsage_STLAN | Bom Usage | |
BillOfMaterial_STLNR | Bill Of Material | |
AlternativeBom_STLAL | Alternative Bom | |
FromLotSize_LOSVN | From Lot Size | |
ToLotSize_LOSBS | To Lot Size | |
Indicator_ConfiguredMaterial__materialVariant___CSLTY | Indicator Configured Material / material Variant | |
BomCategory_STLTY | Bom Category | |
InternalCounter_STKOZ | Internal Counter | |
ValidFromDate_DATUV | Valid From Date | |
TechnicalStatusFrom_TECHV | Technical Status From | |
ChangeNumber_AENNR | Change Number | |
DeletionIndicator_LKENZ | Deletion Indicator | |
DeletionFlagForBoms_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag For Boms | |
PreviousHeaderCounter_VGKZL | Previous Header Counter | |
BaseUnitOfMeasureForBom_BMEIN | Base Unit Of Measure For Bom | |
BaseQuantity_BMENG | Base Quantity | |
CadIndicator_CADKZ | Cad Indicator | |
LaboratorydesignOffice_LABOR | Laboratorydesign Office | |
LongTextLanguage_ForCreationOfAChangeDocument_LTXSP | Long Text Language For Creation Of A Change Document | |
AlternativeBomText_STKTX | Alternative Bom Text | |
BomStatus_STLST | Bom Status | |
PlantWhereBomOrAlternativevariantCreated_WRKAN | Plant Where Bom Or Alternativevariant Created | |
DateOfLastDateShift_DVDAT | Date Of Last Date Shift | |
NameOfTheUserWhoCarriedOutTheDateShift_DVNAM | Name Of The User Who Carried Out The Date Shift | |
DateShiftHierarchyIndicator_AEHLP | Date Shift Hierarchy Indicator | |
AleIndicator_ALEKZ | Ale Indicator | |
GlobalIdentificationOfABomHeaderChangeStatus_GUIDX | Global Identification Of A Bom Header Change Status | |
ValidToDate_VALID_TO | Valid To Date | |
ChangeNumberTo_ECN_TO | Change Number To | |
BomItemNodeNumber_STLKN | Bom Item Node Number | |
InternalCounter_STASZ | Internal Counter | |
SortKeyWithinALogicalItem_LPSRT | Sort Key Within A Logical Item | |
InternalCounter_STPOZ | Internal Counter | |
PredecessorNode_VGKNT | Predecessor Node | |
PreviousItemCounter_VGPZL | Previous Item Counter | |
BomComponent_IDNRK | Bom Component | |
IssuingPlant_PSWRK | Issuing Plant | |
ItemCategory__billOfMaterial___POSTP | Item Category (bill Of Material) | |
BomItemNumber_POSNR | Bom Item Number | |
SortString_SORTF | Sort String | |
ComponentUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Component Unit Of Measure | |
ComponentQuantity_MENGE | Component Quantity | |
FixedQty_FMENG | Fixed Qty | |
ComponentScrapInPercent_AUSCH | Component Scrap In Percent | |
OperationScrap_AVOAU | Operation Scrap | |
Indicator_NetScrap_NETAU | Indicator Net Scrap | |
Indicator_BulkMaterial_SCHGT | Indicator Bulk Material | |
MaterialProvisionIndicator_BEIKZ | Material Provision Indicator | |
Indicator_SparePart_ERSKZ | Indicator Spare Part | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToSales_RVREL | Indicator Item Relevant To Sales | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToProduction_SANFE | Indicator Item Relevant To Production | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToPlantMaintenance_SANIN | Indicator Item Relevant To Plant Maintenance | |
IndicatorForRelevancyToCosting_SANKA | Indicator For Relevancy To Costing | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToEngineering_SANKO | Indicator Item Relevant To Engineering | |
Indicator_HighLevelConfiguration_SANVS | Indicator High Level Configuration | |
PmAssemblyIndicator_STKKZ | Pm Assembly Indicator | |
Indicator_BomIsRecursive_REKRI | Indicator Bom Is Recursive | |
Indicator_RecursivenessAllowed_REKRS | Indicator Recursiveness Allowed | |
CadIndicator_CADPO | Cad Indicator | |
FollowUpMaterialInBomItemNotInUse_NFMAT | Follow Up Material In Bom Item Not In Use | |
LeadTimeOffset_NLFZT | Lead Time Offset | |
DistributionKeyForComponentConsumption_VERTI | Distribution Key For Component Consumption | |
Indicator_AlternativeItem_ALPOS | Indicator Alternative Item | |
UsageProbabilityInpct__alternativeItem___EWAHR | Usage Probability Inpct (alternative Item) | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
DeliveryTimeInDays_LIFZT | Delivery Time In Days | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account Number Of Vendor Or Creditor | |
Price_PREIS | Price | |
PriceUnit_PEINH | Price Unit | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
CostElement_SAKTO | Cost Element | |
NumberOfVariableSizeItems_ROANZ | Number Of Variable Size Items | |
Size1_ROMS1 | Size1 | |
Size2_ROMS2 | Size2 | |
Size3_ROMS3 | Size3 | |
UnitOfMeasureForSizes1To3_ROMEI | Unit Of Measure For Sizes1 To3 | |
QuantityOfVariableSizeItem_ROMEN | Quantity Of Variable Size Item | |
FormulaKey_RFORM | Formula Key | |
Indicator_SubItemsExist_UPSKZ | Indicator Sub Items Exist | |
Indicator_ItemInMoreThanOneAlternative_VALKZ | Indicator Item In More Than One Alternative | |
BomItemText__line1___POTX1 | Bom Item Text (line1) | |
BomItemText__line2___POTX2 | Bom Item Text (line2) | |
ObjectType__bomItem___OBJTY | Object Type (bom Item) | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeInDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time In Days | |
DocumentType_DOKAR | Document Type | |
DocumentNumber_DOKNR | Document Number | |
DocumentVersion_DOKVR | Document Version | |
DocumentPart_DOKTL | Document Part | |
AverageMaterialPurityInpct_CSSTR | Average Material Purity Inpct | |
ClassNumber_CLASS | Class Number | |
ClassType_KLART | Class Type | |
ResultingItemCategory_POTPR | Resulting Item Category | |
SelectionIndicatorForConfigurableBoms_AWAKZ | Selection Indicator For Configurable Boms | |
InstanceIndicator_INSKZ | Instance Indicator | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInConfigurationEditor_VCEKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Configuration Editor | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInSingleLevelConfiguration_VSTKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Single Level Configuration | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInAutomaticConfiguration_VACKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Automatic Configuration | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
RequiredComponent_CLOBK | Required Component | |
MultipleSelectionAllowed_CLMUL | Multiple Selection Allowed | |
AlternativeDisplayFormat_CLALT | Alternative Display Format | |
OrganizationalArea_CVIEW | Organizational Area | |
NumberOfObjectWithAssignedDependencies_KNOBJ | Number Of Object With Assigned Dependencies | |
IssueLocationForProductionOrder_LGORT | Issue Location For Production Order | |
Indicator_CoProduct_KZKUP | Indicator Co Product | |
IntraMaterial_INTRM | Intra Material | |
Indicator_RestrictionsExist_TPEKZ | Indicator Restrictions Exist | |
InheritedNodeNumberOfBomItem_STVKN | Inherited Node Number Of Bom Item | |
ExplosionType_DSPST | Explosion Type | |
AlternativeItem_Strategy_ALPST | Alternative Item Strategy | |
AlternativeItem_RankingOrder_ALPRF | Alternative Item Ranking Order | |
AlternativeItem_Group_ALPGR | Alternative Item Group | |
Indicator_FollowUpItem_KZNFP | Indicator Follow Up Item | |
FollowUpGroup_NFGRP | Follow Up Group | |
DiscontinuationGroup_NFEAG | Discontinuation Group | |
Indicator_ManualChangeToSalesOrderBom_KNDVB | Indicator Manual Change To Sales Order Bom | |
Indicator_BomItemChangedselectedViaObjDependencies_KNDBZ | Indicator Bom Item Changedselected Via Obj Dependencies | |
BomCategoryOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTTY | Bom Category Of Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
BillOfMaterialForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTNR | Bill Of Material For Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
NodeNumberOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTKN | Node Number Of Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
CounterForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTPZ | Counter For Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
ClassificationNumber_CLSZU | Classification Number | |
Indicator_ClassificationAsSelectionCondition_KZCLB | Indicator Classification As Selection Condition | |
ProductionSupplyArea_PRVBE | Production Supply Area | |
LeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFZV | Lead Time Offset For Operation | |
UnitForLeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFMV | Unit For Lead Time Offset For Operation | |
ItemGroup_IDPOS | Item Group | |
HistoryCounter_IDHIS | History Counter | |
ComponentVariant_IDVAR | Component Variant | |
ExternalIdentificationOfAnItem_ITMID | External Identification Of An Item | |
TemporarilyNotUsed_GUID | Temporarily Not Used | |
SpecialProcurementTypeForBomItem_ITSOB | Special Procurement Type For Bom Item | |
ReferencePointForBomTransfer_RFPNT | Reference Point For Bom Transfer | |
SegmentationMaintainedForBomComponents_SGT_CMKZ | Segmentation Maintained For Bom Components | |
SegmentationValue_SGT_CATV | Segmentation Value | |
DeviationValuesMaintainedForComponentAtVariantLevel_FSH_VMKZ | Deviation Values Maintained For Component At Variant Level | |
QuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQR | Quantity Distribution Profile | |
ReferenceToQuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQRRF | Reference To Quantity Distribution Profile | |
CriticalComponentIndicator_FSH_CRITICAL_COMP | Critical Component Indicator | |
CrticalLevelOfAComponentInBom_FSH_CRITICAL_LEVEL | Crtical Level Of A Component In Bom | |
FunctionIdentifier_FUNCID | Function Identifier |