Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - BusinessPartnersMD
Visão geral
Esta visão fornece um conjunto de dados abrangente para relatórios de parceiros de negócios SAP, combinando dados das tabelas BUT000 e BUT020. Ela oferece uma ampla gama de atributos relacionados à identificação de parceiros de negócios, informações de contato, estrutura organizacional e situação legal.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
BUT000 | Dados mestres do parceiro de negócios SAP |
BUT020 | Dados de endereço do parceiro de negócios SAP |
AddressesMD | Dados mestres SAP para endereços |
Casos de Uso
- Recupere informações detalhadas sobre parceiros de negócios para fins de relatório e análise.
- Identifique parceiros de negócios com base em vários critérios, como nome, endereço ou setor da indústria.
- Analise os relacionamentos dos parceiros de negócios e as estruturas organizacionais.
- Monitore as alterações nos dados dos parceiros de negócios ao longo do tempo.
Lógica da Query
A visão combina dados das tabelas BUT000 e BUT020 usando um INNER JOIN nos campos PARTNER e CLIENT. Ela também inclui um JOIN com a tabela AddressesMD para enriquecer as informações relacionadas ao endereço. A consulta recupera um conjunto abrangente de atributos para cada parceiro de negócios, incluindo detalhes de identificação, informações de contato, dados organizacionais e situação legal.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
BP | Parceiro de negócios: Exibir |
FBL5N | Exibir itens de linha: Itens de linha de cliente/fornecedor |
FD03 | Exibir dados mestres do cliente |
OBD3 | Manter parceiro de negócios |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_CLIENT | Client number | |
BusinessPartnerNumber_PARTNER | Business partner number | |
BusinessPartnerCategory_TYPE | Business partner category | |
BusinessPartnerType_BPKIND | Business partner type | |
BusinessPartnerGrouping_BU_GROUP | Business partner grouping | |
BusinessPartnerNumberInExternalSystem_BPEXT | Business partner number in external system | |
SearchTerm1ForBusinessPartner_BU_SORT1 | Search term 1 for business partner | |
SearchTerm2ForBusinessPartner_BU_SORT2 | Search term 2 for business partner | |
DataOriginTypes_SOURCE | Data origin types | |
FormOfAddress_TITLE | Form of address | |
CentralArchivingFlag_XDELE | Central archiving flag | |
CentralBlockForBusinessPartner_XBLCK | Central block for business partner | |
AuthorizationGroup_AUGRP | Authorization group | |
Salutation_TITLE_LET | Salutation | |
LogicalSystem_BU_LOGSYS | Logical system | |
BusinessPartner_ContactPermission_CONTACT | Business partner contact permission | |
Indicator_NotReleased_NOT_RELEASED | Indicator not released | |
Indicator_NotLegallyCompetent_NOT_LG_COMPETENT | Indicator not legally competent | |
BusinessPartnerPrintFormat_PRINT_MODE | Business partner print format | |
DummyFunctionInLength1_BP_EEW_DUMMY | Dummy function in length 1 | |
Bp_LegalFormOfOrganization_LEGAL_ENTY | Legal form of organization | |
IndustrySector_IND_SECTOR | Industry sector | |
LegalEntityOfOrganization_LEGAL_ORG | Legal entity of organization | |
DateOrganizationFounded_FOUND_DAT | Date organization founded | |
LiquidationDateOfOrganization_LIQUID_DAT | Liquidation date of organization | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part1___LOCATION_1 | International location number (part 1) | |
InternationalLocationNumber__part2___LOCATION_2 | International location number (part 2) | |
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_LOCATION_3 | Check digit for the international location number | |
LastNameOfBusinessPartner__person___NAME_LAST | Last name of business partner (person) | |
FirstNameOfBusinessPartner__person___NAME_FIRST | First name of business partner (person) | |
OtherLastNameOfAPerson_NAME_LST2 | Other last name of a person | |
NameAtBirthOfBusinessPartner_NAME_LAST2 | Name at birth of business partner | |
MiddleNameOrSecondForenameOfAPerson_NAMEMIDDLE | Middle name or second forename of a person | |
AcademicTitle_Key_TITLE_ACA1 | Academic title key | |
SecondAcademicTitle_TITLE_ACA2 | Second academic title | |
NameSupplement_TITLE_ROYL | Name supplement | |
NamePrefix__key___PREFIX1 | Name prefix (key) | |
Name2Prefix__key___PREFIX2 | Name 2 prefix (key) | |
FullName_NAME1_TEXT | Full name | |
NicknameOfBusinessPartner__person___NICKNAME | Nickname of business partner (person) | |
middleInitial_INITIALS | Middle initial | |
NameFormat_NAMEFORMAT | Name format | |
CountryForNameFormatRule_NAMCOUNTRY | Country for name format rule | |
BusinessPartner_CorrespondenceLanguage_LANGU_CORR | Business partner correspondence language | |
Selection_BusinessPartnerIsMale_XSEXM | Selection business partner is male | |
Selection_BusinessPartnerIsFemale_XSEXF | Selection business partner is female | |
BirthplaceOfBusinessPartner_BIRTHPL | Birthplace of business partner | |
MaritalStatusOfBusinessPartner_MARST | Marital status of business partner | |
NameOfEmployerOfANaturalPerson_EMPLO | Name of employer of a natural person | |
Occupationgroup_JOBGR | Occupation group | |
Nationality_NATIO | Nationality | |
ObsoleteField_CNTAX | Obsolete field | |
CtryOfOrigin_NonResCompanies_CNDSC | Country of origin (non-res companies) | |
Selection_SexOfBusinessPartnerIsNotKnown_XSEXU | Selection sex of business partner is not known | |
ObsoleteField_XUBNAME | Obsolete field | |
BusinessPartner_Language_BU_LANGU | Business partner language | |
DateOfBirthOfBusinessPartner_BIRTHDT | Date of birth of business partner | |
DateOfDeathOfBusinessPartner_DEATHDT | Date of death of business partner | |
PersonnelNumber_PERNO | Personnel number | |
ObsoleteField_CHILDREN | Obsolete field | |
ObsoleteField_MEM_HOUSE | Obsolete field | |
GroupType_PARTGRPTYP | Group type | |
Name1__group___NAME_GRP1 | Name 1 (group) | |
Name2__group___NAME_GRP2 | Name 2 (group) | |
SearchHelpField1__name1lastName___MC_NAME1 | Search help field 1 (name1lastName) | |
SearchHelpField2__name2firstName___MC_NAME2 | Search help field 2 (name2firstName) | |
UserWhoCreatedTheObject_CRUSR | User who created the object | |
DateOnWhichTheObjectWasCreated_CRDAT | Date on which the object was created | |
TimeAtWhichTheObjectWasCreated_CRTIM | Time at which the object was created | |
LastUserToChangeObject_CHUSR | Last user to change object | |
DateWhenObjectWasLastChanged_CHDAT | Date when object was last changed | |
TimeAtWhichObjectWasLastChanged_CHTIM | Time at which object was last changed | |
BusinessPartnerGuid_PARTNER_GUID | Business partner GUID | |
AddressNumber_ADDRCOMM | Address number | |
PlannedChangeDocumentsForPartnerWereConverted_TD_SWITCH | Planned change documents for partner were converted | |
Indicator_BusinessPartnerIsAlsoAnOrganizationalCenter_IS_ORG_CENTRE | Indicator business partner is also an organizational center | |
UuidInXForm__binary___DB_KEY | UUID in XForm (binary) | |
ValidityStartBut000BpData_VALID_FROM | Validity start but000bpdata | |
ValidityEndBut000BpData_VALID_TO | Validity end but000bpdata | |
BusinessPartnerIsANaturalPersonUnderTheTaxLaws_NATPERS | Business partner is a natural person under the tax laws | |
BusinessPartnerReleased_PAR_REL | Business partner released | |
SortField_BP_SORT | Sort field | |
BankCountryKey_KBANKS | Bank country key | |
BankKeys_KBANKL | Bank keys | |
BPAddressNumber_ADDRNUMBER | BP address number | |
Indicator_AddressIsStandardAddress_XDFADR | Indicator address is standard address | |
AddressNumberInExternalSystem_ADEXT | Address number in external system | |
UuidInCharacterForm_GUID | UUID in character form | |
NumberOfMoveTargetAddressForAddressMoves_MOVE_ADDR | Number of move target address for address moves | |
DateObsolete_DATE_FROM | Date obsolete | |
GuidOfABusinessPartnerAddress_ADDRESS_GUID | GUID of a business partner address | |
ValidityStartOfABusinessPartnerAddress_ADDR_VALID_FROM | Validity start of a business partner address | |
ValidityEnd_ADDR_VALID_TO | Validity end | |
DateOfMoveForAddressMoves_ADDR_MOVE_DATE | Date of move for address moves | |
Region_REGION | Region | |
CountryKey_COUNTRY | Country key | |
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 | City postal code |