Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - CostCentersMD
Visão geral
Esta visão de relatório fornece uma visão geral abrangente dos dados mestres do centro de custo nos sistemas SAP. Ele combina dados das tabelas CSKS e CSKT para fornecer uma única fonte de verdade para informações do centro de custo.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
CSKS | Tabela de Dados Mestres do Centro de Custo |
CSKT | Tabela de Textos do Centro de Custo |
Casos de Uso
- Relatórios e análises de centros de custo
- Orçamento e planejamento
- Alocação de custos e preços de transferência
- Integração com outros módulos SAP, como FI e CO
Lógica da Query
A visão filtra os dados das tabelas CSKS e CSKT com base na data atual para garantir que apenas os centros de custo ativos sejam incluídos. Ele também une as tabelas nos campos MANDT, KOKRS e KOSTL para garantir que os textos do centro de custo sejam corretamente associados aos dados mestres do centro de custo.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
KS01 | Criar Centro de Custo |
KS02 | Alterar Centro de Custo |
KS03 | Exibir Centro de Custo |
KS04 | Bloquear Centro de Custo |
KS05 | Desbloquear Centro de Custo |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
ControllingArea_KOKRS | Controlling Area | |
CostCenter_KOSTL | Cost Center | |
ValidTo_DATBI | Valid To | |
ValidFromDate_DATAB | Valid From Date | |
LockIndicatorForActualPrimaryPostings_BKZKP | Lock Indicator For Actual Primary Postings | |
LockIndicatorForPlanPrimaryCosts_PKZKP | Lock Indicator For Plan Primary Costs | |
CompanyCode_BUKRS | Company Code | |
BusinessArea_GSBER | Business Area | |
CostCenterCategory_KOSAR | Cost Center Category | |
PersonResponsible_VERAK | Person Responsible | |
UserResponsible_VERAK_USER | User Responsible | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
CostingSheet_KALSM | Costing Sheet | |
TaxJurisdiction_TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | |
ProfitCenter_PRCTR | Profit Center | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
LogicalSystem_LOGSYSTEM | Logical System | |
CreatedOn_ERSDA | Created On | |
EnteredBy_USNAM | Entered By | |
LockIndicatorForActualSecondaryCosts_BKZKS | Lock Indicator For Actual Secondary Costs | |
LockIndicatorForActualRevenuePostings_BKZER | Lock Indicator For Actual Revenue Postings | |
LockIndicatorForCommitmentUpdate_BKZOB | Lock Indicator For Commitment Update | |
LockIndicatorForPlanSecondaryCosts_PKZKS | Lock Indicator For Plan Secondary Costs | |
LockIndicatorForPlanningRevenues_PKZER | Lock Indicator For Planning Revenues | |
IndicatorForAllowedAllocationMethods_VMETH | Indicator For Allowed Allocation Methods | |
IndicatorForRecordingConsumptionQuantities_MGEFL | Indicator For Recording Consumption Quantities | |
Department_ABTEI | Department | |
SubsequentCostCenter_NKOST | Subsequent Cost Center | |
UsageOfTheConditionTable_KVEWE | Usage Of The Condition Table | |
Application_KAPPL | Application | |
CoCcaOverheadKey_KOSZSCHL | CoCca Overhead Key | |
CountryKey_LAND1 | Country Key | |
Title_ANRED | Title | |
Name1_NAME1 | Name1 | |
Name2_NAME2 | Name2 | |
Name3_NAME3 | Name3 | |
Name4_NAME4 | Name4 | |
City_ORT01 | City | |
District_ORT02 | District | |
StreetAndHouseNumber_STRAS | Street And House Number | |
PoBox_PFACH | Po Box | |
PostalCode_PSTLZ | Postal Code | |
POBoxPostalCode_PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code | |
Region_REGIO | Region | |
LanguageKey_SPRAS | Language Key | |
TeleboxNumber_TELBX | Telebox Number | |
FirstTelephoneNumber_TELF1 | First Telephone Number | |
SecondTelephoneNumber_TELF2 | Second Telephone Number | |
FaxNumber_TELFX | Fax Number | |
TeletexNumber_TELTX | Teletex Number | |
TelexNumber_TELX1 | Telex Number | |
DataCommunicationLineNo_DATLT | Data Communication Line No | |
PrinterDestinationForCctrReport_DRNAM | Printer Destination For Cctr Report | |
StandardHierarchyArea_KHINR | Standard Hierarchy Area | |
CostCollectorKey_CCKEY | Cost Collector Key | |
CompletionFlagForTheCostCenterMasterRecord_KOMPL | Completion Flag For The Cost Center Master Record | |
IndicatorObjectIsStatistical_STAKZ | Indicator Object Is Statistical | |
ObjectNumber_OBJNR | Object Number | |
FunctionOfCostCenter_FUNKT | Function Of Cost Center | |
AlternativeFunctionOfCostCenter_AFUNK | Alternative Function Of Cost Center | |
TemplateForActivityIndependentFormulaPlanning_CPI_TEMPL | Template For Activity Independent Formula Planning | |
TemplateForActivityDependentFormulaPlanning_CPD_TEMPL | Template For Activity Dependent Formula Planning | |
FunctionalArea_FUNC_AREA | Functional Area | |
Template_ActivityIndependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCI_TEMPL | Template Activity Independent Allocation To Cost Center | |
Template_ActivityDependentAllocationToCostCenter_SCD_TEMPL | Template Activity Dependent Allocation To Cost Center | |
Template_ActualStatisticalKeyFigureOnCostCenter_SKI_TEMPL | Template Actual Statistical Key Figure On Cost Center | |
Template_ActStatKeyFigureCostCenteractivityType_SKD_TEMPL | Template Act Stat Key Figure Cost Centeractivity Type | |
JointVenture_VNAME | Joint Venture | |
RecoveryIndicator_RECID | Recovery Indicator | |
EquityType_ETYPE | Equity Type | |
JointVentureObjectType_JV_OTYPE | Joint Venture Object Type | |
JibjibeClass_JV_JIBCL | Jibjibe Class | |
JibjibeSubclassA_JV_JIBSA | Jibjibe Subclass A | |
RegulatoryIndicator_FERC_IND | Regulatory Indicator | |
Language_SPRAS | Language | |
GeneralName_KTEXT | General Name | |
Description_LTEXT | Description | |
SearchTermForMatchcodeUse_MCTXT | Search Term For Matchcode Use |