Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (ecc) - POSchedule
Visão geral
Esta visão de relatório fornece informações detalhadas sobre linhas de programação em documentos de compra SAP. Ele combina dados da tabela EKET com dimensões adicionais da tabela calendar_date_dim, fornecendo insights sobre o tempo e o status das linhas de programação.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
eket | Tabela SAP contendo dados de linha de programação para documentos de compra |
Casos de Uso
- Analisar o cronograma de entrega dos documentos de compra
- Monitorar o andamento dos recebimentos e entregas de mercadorias
- Identificar possíveis atrasos ou problemas na cadeia de suprimentos
- Relatar sobre o desempenho e a eficiência das compras
Lógica da Query
A consulta une a tabela EKET com a tabela calendar_date_dim nos campos EINDT e BEDAT para adicionar dimensões temporais aos dados da linha de programação. Ele também inclui campos adicionais para informações de orçamento, detalhes de transferência e mensagens de lembrete.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
ME23N | Exibir ordem de compra |
ME22N | Alterar ordem de compra |
ME21N | Criar ordem de compra |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
PurchasingDocumentNumber_EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | |
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument_EBELP | Item Number Of Purchasing Document | |
DeliveryScheduleLineCounter_ETENR | Delivery Schedule Line Counter | |
ItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Item Delivery Date | |
StatisticsRelevantDeliveryDate_SLFDT | Statistics Relevant Delivery Date | |
CategoryOfDeliveryDate_LPEIN | Category Of Delivery Date | |
ScheduledQuantity_MENGE | Scheduled Quantity | |
PreviousQuantity__deliveryScheduleLines___AMENG | Previous Quantity (delivery Schedule Lines) | |
QuantityOfGoodsReceived_WEMNG | Quantity Of Goods Received | |
IssuedQuantity_WAMNG | Issued Quantity | |
DeliveryDateTimeSpot_UZEIT | Delivery Date Time Spot | |
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN | Purchase Requisition Number | |
ItemNumberOfPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO | Item Number Of Purchase Requisition | |
CreationIndicator__purchaseRequisitionscheduleLines___ESTKZ | Creation Indicator (purchase Requisition schedule Lines) | |
NumberOfQuotaArrangement_QUNUM | Number Of Quota Arrangement | |
QuotaArrangementItem_QUPOS | Quota Arrangement Item | |
NoOfRemindersexpeditersForScheduleLine_MAHNZ | No Of Reminders/expediters For Schedule Line | |
OrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
NumberOfReservationdependentRequirements_RSNUM | Number Of Reservation-dependent Requirements | |
BomExplosionNumber_SERNR | Bom Explosion Number | |
ScheduleLineIsfixed_FIXKZ | Schedule Line Isfixed | |
QuantityDelivered__stockTransfer___GLMNG | Quantity Delivered (stock Transfer) | |
QuantityReduced__mrp___DABMG | Quantity Reduced (mrp) | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
VendorBatchNumber_LICHA | Vendor Batch Number | |
Components_CHKOM | Components | |
ProductionVersion_VERID | Production Version | |
SchedulingAgreementReleaseType_ABART | Scheduling Agreement Release Type | |
CommittedQuantity_MNG02 | Committed Quantity | |
CommittedDate_DAT01 | Committed Date | |
PreviousDeliveryDate_ALTDT | Previous Delivery Date | |
RouteSchedule_AULWE | Route Schedule | |
MaterialAvailabilityDate_MBDAT | Material Availability Date | |
MaterialStagingTime_MBUHR | Material Staging Time | |
LoadingDate_LDDAT | Loading Date | |
LoadingTime__localTimeRelatingToAShippingPoint___LDUHR | Loading Time (local Time Relating To A Shipping Point) | |
TransportationPlanningDate_TDDAT | Transportation Planning Date | |
TranspPlanningTime__local_TDUHR | Transp Planning Time (local) | |
GoodsIssueDate_WADAT | Goods Issue Date | |
TimeOfGoodsIssue__local_RelatingToAPlant___WAUHR | Time Of Goods Issue (local Relating To A Plant) | |
GoodsReceiptEndDate_ELDAT | Goods Receipt End Date | |
GoodsReceiptEndTime__local__ELUHR | Goods Receipt End Time (local) | |
NumberOfSerialNumbers_ANZSN | Number Of Serial Numbers | |
Ind_ReservNotApplicableToMrpPurcReqNotCreated_NODISP | Ind Reserv Not Applicable To Mrp Purc Req Not Created | |
DescriptionOfAGeographicalRoute_GEO_ROUTE | Description Of A Geographical Route | |
RouteCodeForSapGlobalTradeServices_ROUTE_GTS | Route Code For Sap Global Trade Services | |
GoodsTrafficType_GTS_IND | Goods Traffic Type | |
ForwardingAgent_TSP | Forwarding Agent | |
LocationNumberInApo_CD_LOCNO | Location Number In Apo | |
ApoLocationType_CD_LOCTYPE | Apo Location Type | |
HandoverDateAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERDATE | Handover Date At The Handover Location | |
HandoverTimeAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERTIME | Handover Time At The Handover Location | |
ArunRequirementAllocatedQuantity_FSH_RALLOC_QTY | Arun Requirement Allocated Quantity | |
AllocatedStockQuantity_FSH_SALLOC_QTY | Allocated Stock Quantity | |
OrderSchedulingGroupId_FSH_OS_ID | Order Scheduling Group Id | |
UniqueNumberOfBudget_KEY_ID | Unique Number Of Budget | |
RequiredBudget_OTB_VALUE | Required Budget | |
OtbCurrency_OTB_CURR | Otb Currency | |
ReservedBudgetForOtbRelevantPurchasingDocument_OTB_RES_VALUE | Reserved Budget For Otb Relevant Purchasing Document | |
SpecialReleaseBudget_OTB_SPEC_VALUE | Special Release Budget | |
ReasonProfileForOtbSpecialRelease_SPR_RSN_PROFILE | Reason Profile For Otb Special Release | |
BudgetType_BUDG_TYPE | BudgetType | |
OtbCheckStatus_OTB_STATUS | Otb Check Status | |
ReasonIndicatorForOtbCheckStatus_OTB_REASON | Reason Indicator For Otb Check Status | |
TypeOfOtbCheck_CHECK_TYPE | Type Of Otb Check | |
DatelineId__guid___DL_ID | Dateline Id (guid) | |
TransferDate_HANDOVER_DATE | Transfer Date | |
PurchaseOrderNotTransferredToScem_NO_SCEM | Purchase Order Not Transferred To Scem | |
CreationDateOfReminderMessageRecord_DNG_DATE | Creation Date Of Reminder Message Record | |
CreationTimeOfReminderMessageRecord_DNG_TIME | Creation Time Of Reminder Message Record | |
CancellationThreatMade_CNCL_ANCMNT_DONE | Cancellation Threat Made | |
NumberOfCurrentDateShifts_DATESHIFT_NUMBER | Number Of Current Date Shifts | |
YearOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Year Of Item Delivery Date | |
MonthOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Month Of Item Delivery Date | |
WeekOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Week Of Item Delivery Date | |
QuarterOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Quarter Of Item Delivery Date | |
YearOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Year Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
MonthOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Month Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
WeekOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Week Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
QuarterOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Quarter Of Order Date Of Schedule Line |